967 resultados para Hydrogen-bonds


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A wide variety of chiral succinimides have been prepared in high yields and enantioselectivities by asymmetric conjugate addition of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds to maleimides under very mild reaction conditions using a bifunctional benzimidazole-derived organocatalyst. Computational and NMR studies support the hydrogen-bonding activation role of the catalyst and the origin of the stereoselectivity of the process.


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Conformational changes of a humic acid (HA) and a fulvic acid (FA) induced by iron complexation were followed by high-performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) with both UV–vis and refractive index (RI) detectors. Molecular size distribution was reduced for HA and increased for FA with progressive iron complexation. Since interactions of Fe with humic components are electrostatic, it is likely that the triple-charged Fe ions formed stronger complexes with the more acidic hydrophilic and hydrated FA than with the less acidic and more hydrophobic HA. The large content of ionized carboxyl groups in FA, thus favored the formation of intra- or intermolecular bridges between the negatively charged fulvic acid molecules, and led to more compact and larger size network than for HA. Conversely, iron complexation with HA disrupted the humic conformational arrangements stabilized by only weak hydrophobic bonds into smaller-size aggregates of greater conformational stability due to formation of strong metal complexes. These results confirmed that humic molecules in solution were organized in supramolecular associations of relatively small molecules loosely bound together by dispersive interactions and hydrogen bonds, and they specifically responded to chemical changes brought about by metal additions. The present study revealed the molecular changes occurring in superstructures of natural organic matter when in metal complexes and contributed to understand and predict the environmental behavior in waters and soil of metal complexes with natural organic matter.


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SFTI-1 is a bicyclic 14 amino acid peptide that was originally isolated from the seeds of the sunflower Helianthus annuus. It is a potent inhibitor of trypsin, with a sub-nanomolar K, value and is homologous to the active site region of the well-known family of serine protease inhibitors known as the Bowman-Birk trypsin inhibitors. It has a cyclic backbone that is cross-braced by a single disulfide bridge and a network of hydrogen bonds that result in a well-defined structure. SFTI-1 is amenable to chemical synthesis, allowing for the creation of synthetic variants. Alterations to the structure such as linearising the backbone or removing the disulfide bridge do not reduce the potency of SFTI-1 significantly, and minimising the peptide to as few as nine residues results in only a small decrease in reactivity. The creation of linear variants of SFTI-1 also provides a tool for investigating putative linear precursor peptides. The mechanism of biosynthesis of SFTI-1 is not yet known but it seems likely that it is a gene-coded product that has arisen from a precursor protein that may be evolutionarily related to classic Bowman-Birk inhibitors.


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sThe structure of a two-chain peptide formed by the treatment of the potent antimicrobial peptide microcin J25 (MccJ25) with thermolysin has been characterized by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The native peptide is 21 amino acids in size and has the remarkable structural feature of a ring formed by linkage of the side chain of Glu8 to the N-terminus that is threaded by the C-terminal tail of the peptide. Thermolysin cleaves the peptide at the Phe10-Val11 amide bond, but the threading of the C-terminus through the N-terminal ring is so tight that the resultant two chains remain associated both in the solution and in the gas phases. The three-dimensional structure of the thermolysin-cleaved peptide derived using NMR spectroscopy and simulated annealing calculations has a well-defined core that comprises the N-terminal ring and the threading C-terminal tail. In contrast to the well-defined core, the newly formed termini at residues Phe10 and Val11 are disordered in solution. The C-terminal tail is associated to the ring both by hydrogen bonds stabilizing a short beta-sheet and by hydrophobic interactions. Moreover, unthreading of the tail through the ring is prevented by the bulky side chains of Phe19 and Tyr20, which flank the octapeptide ring. This noncovalent two-peptide complex that has a remarkable stability in solution and in highly denaturing conditions and that survives in the gas phase is the first example of such a two-chain peptide lacking disulfide or interchain covalent bonds.


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Differential scanning calorimetry was used to investigate the effect of mixtures of glucose and fructose, and five types of honeys on starch gelatinisation. At a 1:1 starch:water ratio, glucose generally increased the enthalpy (DeltaH(gel)) and temperatures (T-onset, T-peak and T-end) of gelatinisation more than fructose. Upon mixing, DeltaH(gel) of the low-temperature endotherm decreased in comparison to the sole sugars, but was fairly constant (7.7 +/- 0.33 J/g dry starch). DeltaH(gel) of the high-temperature endotherm increased with the fructose content. For both endotherms, the gelatinisation temperatures were unchanged (CV less than or equal to 3%) for the mixtures. With the honeys (moisture, 14.9-18.0%; fructose, 37.2-44.0%; glucose, 28.3-31.9%) added at 1.1-4.4 g per g dry starch, the enthalpy and temperatures of gelatinisation did not vary significantly (CV less than or equal to 6%). Typical thermograms are presented, and the results are interpreted in the light of the various proposed mechanisms for starch gelatinisation in sugar-water systems, total sugar content and possible sugar-sugar interactions. The thermograms were broader in the presence of the sugars and honeys, and a biphasic character was consistently exhibited. The application of an exponential equation to the gelatinisation temperatures of the starch-honey mixtures revealed an opposing influence of fructose and glucose during gelatinisation. The mechanism of starch gelatinisation may be better understood if techniques could be perfected to quantify breakage and formation of hydrogen bonds in the starch granules, and suggested techniques are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The use of modulated temperature differential scanning calorimetry (MTDSC) has provided further insight into the gelatinisation process since it allows the detection of glass transition during gelatinisation process. It was found in this work that the glass transition overlapped with the gelatinisation peak temperature for all maize starch formulations studied. Systematic investigation on maize starch gelatinisation over a range of water-glycerol concentrations with MTDSC revealed that the addition of glycerol increased the gelatinisation onset temperature with an extent that depended on the water content in the system. Furthermore, the addition of glycerol promoted starch gelatinisation at low water content (0.4 g water/g dry starch) and the enthalpy of gelatinisation varied with glycerol concentration (0.73-19.61 J/g dry starch) depending on the water content and starch type. The validities of published gelatinisation models were explored. These models failed to explain the glass transition phenomena observed during the course of gelatinisation and failed to describe the gelatinisation behaviour observed over the water-glycerol concentrations range investigated. A hypothesis for the mechanisms involved during gelatinisation was proposed based on the side chain liquid crystalline polymer model for starch structure and the concept that the order-disorder transition in starch requires that the hydrogen bonds (the major structural element in the granule packing) to be broken before the collapse of order (helix-coil transition) can take place. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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n-Octyl-beta-D-glueopyranoside (OG) is a non-ionic glycolipid, which is used widely in biotechnical and biochemical applications. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations from two different initial coordinates and velocities in explicit solvent have been performed to characterize the structural behaviour of an OG aggregate at equilibrium conditions. Geometric packing properties determined from the simulations and small angle neutron scattering experiment state that OG micelles are more likely to exist in a non-spherical shape, even at the concentration range near to the critical micelle concentration (0.025 M). Despite few large deviations in the principal moment of inertia ratios, the average micelle shape calculated from both simulations is a prolate ellipsoid. The deviations at these time scales are presumably the temporary shape change of a micelle. However, the size of the micelle and the accessible surface areas were constant during the simulations with the micelle surface being rough and partially elongated. Radial distribution functions computed for the hydroxyl oxygen atoms of an OG show sharper peaks at a minimum van der Waals contact distance than the acetal oxygen, ring oxygen, and anomeric carbon atoms. This result indicates that these atoms are pointed outwards at the hydrophilic/hydrophobic interface, form hydrogen bonds with the water molecules, and thus hydrate the micelle surface effectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The effect of the box shape on the dynamic behavior of proteins simulated under periodic boundary conditions is evaluated. In particular, the influence of simulation boxes defined by the near-densest lattice packing (NDLP) in conjunction with rotational constraints is compared to that of standard box types without these constraints. Three different proteins of varying size, shape, and secondary structure content were examined in the study. The statistical significance of differences in RMSD, radius of gyration, solvent-accessible surface, number of hydrogen bonds, and secondary structure content between proteins, box types, and the application or not of rotational constraints has been assessed. Furthermore, the differences in the collective modes for each protein between different boxes and the application or not of rotational constraints have been examined. In total 105 simulations were performed, and the results compared using a three-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) for properties derived from the trajectories and a three-way univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) for collective modes. It is shown that application of roto-translational constraints does not have a statistically significant effect on the results obtained from the different simulations. However, the choice of simulation box was found to have a small (5-10%), but statistically significant effect on the behavior of two of the three proteins included in the study. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Molecular interactions between microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and water were investigated by attenuated total reflection infrared (ATR/IR) spectroscopy. Moisture-content-dependent IR spectra during a drying process of wet MCC were measured. In order to distinguish overlapping O–H stretching bands arising from both cellulose and water, principal component analysis (PCA) and, generalized two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2DCOS) and second derivative analysis were applied to the obtained spectra. Four typical drying stages were clearly separated by PCA, and spectral variations in each stage were analyzed by 2DCOS. In the drying time range of 0–41 min, a decrease in the broad band around 3390 cm−1 was observed, indicating that bulk water was evaporated. In the drying time range of 49–195 min, decreases in the bands at 3412, 3344 and 3286 cm−1 assigned to the O6H6cdots, three dots, centeredO3′ interchain hydrogen bonds (H-bonds), the O3H3cdots, three dots, centeredO5 intrachain H-bonds and the H-bonds in Iβ phase in MCC, respectively, were observed. The result of the second derivative analysis suggests that water molecules mainly interact with the O6H6cdots, three dots, centeredO3′ interchain H-bonds. Thus, the H-bonding network in MCC is stabilized by H-bonds between OH groups constructing O6H6cdots, three dots, centeredO3′ interchain H-bonds and water, and the removal of the water molecules induces changes in the H-bonding network in MCC.


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Three British bituminous coals, (Gedling, Cresswell, and Cortonwood Silkstone) were selected for study. Procedures were developed, using phase transfer catalysts (PTC's), to degrade the solvent insoluble fractions of the coals. PTC's are of interest because they have the potential to bring about selective high conversion reactions, under mild conditions, (often in the past, severe reaction conditions have had to be used to degrade the coals, this in turn resulted in the loss of much of the structural information). We have applied a variety of physical and chemical techniques to maximise the amount of structural information, these include, elemental analysis, 1H-NMR, 13C-CPMAS-NMR, GPC, GC-MS, FTIR spectroscopy, DRIFT spectroscopy, and gas adsorption measurements. The main conclusions from the work are listed below:- ( 1 ) PTC O-methylation; This reaction removes hydrogen bonds within the coal matrix by 'capping' the phenolic groups. It was found that the polymer-like matrix could be made more flexible, but not significantly more soluble, by O-methylation. I.E. the trapped or 'mobile' phase of the coals could be removed at a faster rate after this reaction had been carried out. ( 2 ) PTC Reductive and Acidic Ether Cleavage; The three coals were found to contain insignificant amounts of dialkyl and alkyl aryl ethers. The number of diaryl ethers could not be estimated, by reductive ether cleavage, (even though a high proportion of all three coals was solublised). The majority of the ethers present in the coals were inert to both cleavage methods, and are therefore assumed to be heterocyclic ethers. ( 3 ) Trif!uoroperacetic Acid Oxidation; This oxidant was used to study the aliphatic portions of the polymer-like macromolecular matrix of the coals. Normally this reagent will only solublise low rank coals, we however have developed a method whereby trifluoroperacetic acid can be used to degrade high rank bituminous coals. ( 4 ) PTC/Permanganate Oxidation; This reagent has been found to be much more selective than the traditional alkaline permanganate oxidation, with a lot more structural information being retained within the various fractions. This degradative method therefore has the potential of yielding new information about the molecular structure of coals.


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The antitumour imidazotetrazinones are believed to act as prodrugs for the triazene series of alkylating agents, showing a marked pteference for the alkylation of the middle guanine residue in a run of three or more contiguous guanines. However, the. exact nature of the interactions of imidazotetrazinones within the micro~environment of DNA are; as yet unknown. In order to examine such interactions a three pronged approach involving molecular modelling, synthetic chemistry and biological analysis has been undertaken during the course of this project. . Molecular modelling studies have shown that for the 8-carboxamido substituted imidazotetrazinones antitumour activity is dependent upon the. presence of a free NH group which can be involved in the formation of both intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonds, and the presence of a non-bulky substituent with a small negative potential . volume. Modelling studies involving the docking of .mitozolomide into the major groove of DNA in the region of a triguanine sequence has shown that a number of hydrogen bonding interactions are feasible. A series of 8-substituted carboxamide derivatives of mitozolomide have been synthesised via the 8-acid chloride and 8-carboxylic acid derivatives including a number of peptide analogues. The peptide derivatives were based upon the key structural features of the helix-turn-helix motif of DNA-binding proteins with a view to developing agents that are capable of binding to DNA with greater selectivity. An examination of the importance of intramolecular hydrogen bonding in influencing the antitumour activity:of :the imidazotetrazinones has led to the synthesis of the novel pyrimido[4',5' :4,3]pyrazolo[5,1-d]-1,2,3,5-tetrazine ring system. In general, in vitro cytotoxicity assays showed that the new derivatives were less active against the TLX5 lymphoma cell line. than the parent compound mitozolomide despite an increased potential for hydrogen bonding interactions. Due to the high reactivity of the: tetrazinone ring system it is difficult to study the interactions between the imidazotetrazinones and DNA. Consequently a number of structural analogues that are stable under physiological conditions have been. prepared based upon the 1,2,3 triazin-4(3H)-one ring system fused with both benzene and pyrazole rings. Although the 3-methylbenzotriazinones failed to antagonise the cytotoxic activity of temozolomide encouraging results with a 3-methylpyrazolotriazinone may suggest the existence of an imidazotetrazinone receptor site within DNA. The potential of guanine rich sequences to promote the alkylating selectivity of imidazotetrazinones by acting as a catalyst for ring cleavage and thereby generation of the alkylating agent was examined. Experiments involving the monitoring: of the rate of breakdown of mitozolomide incubated in the presence of synthetic oIigonucleotides did not reveal any catalytic effect resulting from the DNA. However, it was noted that the breakdown of mitozolomide was dependent upon the type of buffer used in the incubations and this may indeed mask any catalysis by the oligonucleotides.


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This thesis comprises two main objectives. The first objective involved the stereochemical studies of chiral 4,6-diamino-1-aryl-1,2-dihydro-s-triazines and an investigation on how the different conformations of these stereoisomers may affect their binding affinity to the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). The ortho-substituted 1-aryl-1,2-dihydro-s-triazines were synthesised by the three component method. An ortho-substitution at the C6' position was observed when meta-azidocycloguanil was decomposed in acid. The ortho-substituent restricts free rotation and this gives rise to atropisomerism. Ortho-substituted 4,6-diamino-1-aryl-2-ethyl-1,2-dihydro-2-methyl-s-triazine contains two elements of chirality and therefore exists as four stereoisomers: (S,aR), (R,aS), (R,aR) and (S,aS). The energy barriers to rotation of these compounds were calculated by a semi-empirical molecular orbital program called MOPAC and they were found to be in excess of 23 kcal/mol. The diastereoisomers were resolved and enriched by C18 reversed phase h.p.l.c. Nuclear overhauser effect experiments revealed that (S,aR) and (R,aS) were the more stable pair of stereoisomers and therefore existed as the major component. The minor diastereoisomers showed greater binding affinity for the rat liver DHFR in in vitro assay. The second objective entailed the investigation into the possibility of retaining DHFR inhibitory activity by replacing the classical diamino heterocyclic moiety with an amidinyl group. 4-Benzylamino-3-nitro-N,N-dimethyl-phenylamidine was synthesised in two steps. One of the two phenylamidines indicated weak inhibition against the rat liver DHFR. This weak activity may be due to the failure of the inhibitor molecule to form strong hydrogen bonds with residue Glu-30 at the active site of the enzyme.


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Salt formation has extensively been studied as a strategy to improve drug solubility but it has not been explored as a strategy to improve mechanical properties. A better understanding of which factors of the solid state can have an influence in the mechanical properties of pharmaceutical powders can help to optimise and reduce cost of tablet manufacturing. The aim of this study was to form different series of amine salts of flurbiprofen, gemfibrozil and diclofenac and to establish predictive relationships between architectural characteristics and physicochemical and mechanical properties of the salts. For this purpose, three different carboxylic acid drugs were selected: flurbiprofen, gemfibrozil and diclofenac, similar in size but varying in flexibility and shape and three different series of counterions were also chosen: one with increasing bulk and no hydroxyl groups to limit the hydrogen bonding potential; a second one with increasing number of hydroxyl groups and finally a third series, related to the latter in number of hydroxyl groups but with different molecular shape and flexibility. Physico-chemical characterization was performed (DSC, TGA, solubility, intrinsic dissolution rate, particle size, true density) and mechanical properties measured using a compaction replicator. Strained molecular conformations produce weaker compacts as they have higher energy than preferred conformations that usually lie close to energy minimums and oppose plastic deformation. It was observed that slip planes, which correspond to regions of weakest interaction between the planes, were associated with improved plasticity and stronger compacts. Apart from hydrogen bonds, profuse van der Waals forces can result in ineffective slip planes. Salts displaying two-dimensional densely hydrogen bonded layers produced stronger compacts than salts showing one-dimensional networks of non-bonded columns, probably by reducing the attachment energy between layers. When hydrogen bonds are created intramolecularly, it is possible that the mechanical properties are compromised as they do not contribute so much to create twodimensional densely bonded layers and they can force molecules into strained conformations. Some types of hydrogen bonding network may be associated with improved mechanical properties, such as type II, or R (10) 3 4 using graph-set notation, versus type III, or R (12) 4 8 , columns. This work clearly demonstrates the potential of investigating crystal structure-mechanical property relationship in pharmaceutical materials.


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Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we explore the structural and dynamical properties of siRNA within the intercalated environment of a Mg:Al 2:1 Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) nanoparticle. An ab initio force field (Condensed-phase Optimized Molecular Potentials for Atomistic Simulation Studies: COMPASS) is used for the MD simulations of the hybrid organic-inorganic systems. The structure, arrangement, mobility, close contacts and hydrogen bonds associated with the intercalated RNA are examined and contrasted with those of the isolated RNA. Computed powder X-ray diffraction patterns are also compared with related LDH-DNA experiments. As a method of probing whether the intercalated environment approximates the crystalline or rather the aqueous state, we explore the stability of the principle parameters (e.g., the major groove width) that differentiate both A- and A'- crystalline forms of siRNA and contrast this with recent findings for the same siRNA simulated in water. We find the crystalline forms remain structurally distinct when intercalated, whereas this is not the case in water. Implications for the stability of hybrid LDH-RNA systems are discussed.


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Purine and pyrimidine triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs), as potential antibacterial agents, were designed to bind by Hoogsteen and reverse Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds in a sequence specific manner in the major groove of genomic DNA at specific polypurine sites within the gyrA gene of E. coli and S. pneumoniae. Sequences were prepared by automated synthesis, with purification and characterisation determined by high performance liquid chromatograpy, capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Triplex stability was assessed using melting curves where the binding of the third strand to the duplex target, was assessed over a temperature range of 0-80°C, and at pH 6.4 and 7.2. The most successful of the unmodified TFOs (6) showed a Tm value of 26 °C at both pH values with binding via reverse Hoogsteen bonds. Binding to genomic DNA was also demonstrated by spectrofluorimetry, using fluorescein-labelled TFOs, from which dissociation constants were determined. Modifications in the form of 5mC, 5' acridine attachment, phosphorothioation, 2'-0-methylation and phosphoramidation, were made in order to. increase Tm values. Phosphoramidate modification was the most with increased Tm values of 42°C. However, the final purity of these sequences was poor due to their difficult syntheses. FACS (fluorescent activated cell sorting) analysis was used to determine the potential uptake of a fluorescently labelled analogue of 6 via passive, coJd shock mediated, and anionic liposome aided, uptake. This was established at 20°C and 37°C. At both temperatures anionic lipid-mediated uptake produced unrivalled fluorescence, equivalent to 20 and 43% at 20 and 37°C respectively. Antibacterial activity of each oligonucleotide was assessed by viable count anaJysis relying on passive uptake, cold shocking techniques, chlorpromazine-mediated uptake, and, cationic and anionic lipid-aided uptake. All oligonucleotides were assessed for their ability to enhance uptake, which is a major barrier to the effectiveness of these agents. Compound 6 under cold shocking conditions produced the greatest consistent decline in colony forming units per ml. Results for this compound were sometimes variable indicating inconsistent uptake by this particular assay method.