932 resultados para Historic districts


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Groundwater constitutes a vital natural resource for sustaining India’s agricultural economy and meeting the country’s social, ecological and environmental goals. It is a unique resource, widely available, providing security against droughts and yet it is closely linked to surface-water resources and the hydrological cycle. Its availability depends on geo-hydrological conditions and characteristics of aquifers, from deep to alluvium, sediment crystalline rocks to basalt formations; and agro-climate from humid to subhumid and semi-arid to arid. Its reliable supply, uniform quality and temperature, relative turbidity, pollution-safe, minimal evaporation losses, and low cost of development are attributes making groundwater more attractive compared to other resources. It plays a key role in the provision of safe drinking water to rural populations. For example, already almost 80% of domestic water use in rural areas in India is groundwater-supplied, and much of it is being supplied to farms, villages and small towns. Inadequate control of the use of groundwater, indiscriminate application of agrochemicals and unrestrained pollution of the rural environment by other human activities make groundwater usage unsustainable, necessitating proper management in the face of the twin demand for water of good quality for domestic supply and adequate supply for irrigation, ensuring equity, efficiency and sustainability of the resource. Groundwater irrigation has overtaken surface irrigation in the early 1980s, supported by well energization. It is estimated that there are about 24 million energised wells and tube wells now and it is driven by demand rather than availability, evident through the greater occurrence of wells in districts with high population densities. Apart from aquifer characteristics, land fragmentation and landholding size are the factors that decide the density of wells. The ‘rise and fall’ of local economies dependent on groundwater can be summarized as: the green revolution of 1980s, groundwaterbased agrarian boom, early symptoms of groundwater overdraft, and decline of the groundwater socio-ecology. The social characteristics and policy interventions typical of each stage provide a fascinating insight into the human-resource dynamics. This book is a compilation of nine research papers discussing various aspects of groundwater management. It attempts to integrate knowledge about the physical system, the socio-economic system, the institutional set-up and the policy environment to come out with a more realistic analysis of the situation with regard to the nature, characteristics and intensity of resource use, the size of the economy the use generates, and the negative socioeconomic consequences. Complex variables addressed in this regard focusing on northern Gujarat are the stock of groundwater available in the region, its hydrodynamics, its net outflows against inflows, the economics of its intensive use (particularly irrigation in semi-arid and arid regions), its criticality in the regional hydroecological regime, ethical aspects and social aspects of its use. The first chapter by Dinesh Kumar and Singh, dwells on complex groundwater socio-ecology of India, while emphasizing the need for policy measures to address indiscriminate over-exploitation of dwindling resources. The chapter also explores the nature of groundwater economy and the role of electricity prices on it. The next chapter on groundwater issue in north Gujarat provides a description of groundwater resource characteristics followed by a detailed analysis of the groundwater depletion and quality deterioration problems in the region and their undesirable consequences on the economy, ecosystem health and the society. Considering water-buyers and wellowning farmers individually, a methodology for economic valuation of groundwater in regions where its primary usage is in agriculture, and as assessment of the groundwater economy based on case studies from north Gujarat is presented in the fourth chapter. The next chapter focuses on the extent of dependency of milk production on groundwater, which includes the water embedded in green and dry fodder and animal feed. The study made a realistic estimate of irrigation water productivity in terms of the physics and economics of milk production. The sixth chapter analyses the extent of reduction in water usage, increase in yield and overall increase in physical productivity of alfalfa with the use of the drip irrigation system. The chapter also provides a detailed synthesis of the costs and benefits associated with the use of drip irrigation systems. A linear programmingbased optimization model with the objective to minimize groundwater use taking into account the interaction between two distinct components – farming and dairying under the constraints of food security and income stability for different scenarios, including shift in cropping pattern, introduction of water-efficient crops, water- saving technologies in addition to the ‘business as usual’ scenario is presented in the seventh chapter. The results show that sustaining dairy production in the region with reduced groundwater draft requires crop shifts and adoption of water-saving technologies. The eighth chapter provides evidences to prove that the presence of adequate economic incentive would encourage farmers to adopt water-saving irrigation devices, based on the findings of market research with reference to the level of awareness among farmers of technologies and the factors that decide the adoption of water-saving technologies. However, now the marginal cost of using electricity for agricultural pumping is almost zero. The economic incentives are strong and visible only when the farmers are either water-buyers or have to manage irrigation with limited water from tube-well partnerships. The ninth chapter explores the socio-economic viability of increasing the power tariff and inducing groundwater rationing as a tool for managing energy and groundwater demand, considering the current estimate of the country’s annual economic loss of Rs 320 billion towards electricity subsidy in the farm sector. The tenth chapter suggests private tradable property rights and development of water markets as the institutional tool for achieving equity, efficiency and sustainability of groundwater use. It identifies the externalities for local groundwater management and emphasizes the need for managing groundwater by local user groups, supported by a thorough analysis of groundwater socio-ecology in India. An institutional framework for managing the resource based on participatory approach that is capable of internalizing the externalities, comprising implementation of institutional and technical alternatives for resource management is also presented. Major findings of the analyses and key arguments in each chapter are summarized in the concluding chapter. Case studies of the social and economic benefits of groundwater use, where that use could be described as unsustainable, are interesting. The benefits of groundwater use are outlined and described with examples of social and economic impacts of groundwater and the negative aspects of groundwater development with the compilation of environmental problems based on up-to-date research results. This publication with a well-edited compilation of case studies is informative and constitutes a useful publication for students and professionals.


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Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) is the joint management of natural resources by a community based on a community strategy, through a participatory mechanism involving all legitimate stakeholders. The approach is community-based in that the communities managing the resources have the legal rights, the local institutions and the economic incentives to take substantial responsibility for sustained use of these resources. This implies that the community plays an active role in the management of natural resources, not because it asserts sole ownership over them, but because it can claim participation in their management and benefits for practical and technical reasons1–4. This approach emerged as the dominant conservation concept in the late 1970s and early 1980s, of the disillusionment with the developmental state. Governments across South and South East Asia, Africa and Latin America have adopted and implemented CBNRM in various ways, viz. through sectoral programmes such as forestry, irrigation or wildlife management, multisectoral programmes such as watershed development and efforts towards political devolution. In India, the principle of decentralization through ‘gram swaraj’ was introduced by Mahatma Gandhi. The 73rd and 74th constitution amendments in 1992 gave impetus to the decentralized planning at panchayat levels through the creation of a statutory three-level local self-government structure5,6. The strength of this book is that it includes chapters by CBNRM advocates based on six seemingly innovative initiatives being implemented by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in ecologically vulnerable regions of South Asia: two in the Himalayas (watershed development programme in Lingmutechhu, Bhuthan and Thalisain tehsil, Paudi Grahwal District, Uttarakhand), three in semi-arid parts of western India (watershed development in Hivre Bazar, Maharashtra and Nathugadh village, Gujarat and water-harvesting structures in Gopalapura, Rajasthan) and one in the flood-plains of the Brahmaputra–Jamuna (Char land, Galibanda and Jamalpur districts, Bangladesh). Watersheds in semi-arid regions fall in the low-rainfall region (500–700 mm) and suffer the vagaries of drought 2–3 years in every five-year cycle. In all these locations, the major occupation is agriculture, most of which is rainfed or dry. The other two cases (in Uttarakhand) fall in the Himalayan region (temperate/sub-temperate climate), which has witnessed extensive deforestation in the last century and is now considered as one of the most vulnerable locations in South Asia. Terraced agriculture is being practised in these locations for a long time. The last case (Gono Chetona) falls in the Brahmaputra–Jamuna charlands which are the most ecologically vulnerable regions in the sub-continent with constantly changing landscape. Agriculture and livestock rearing are the main occupations, and there is substantial seasonal emigration for wage labour by the adult males. River erosion and floods force the people to adopt a semi-migratory lifestyle. The book attempts to analyse the potential as well as limitations of NGOdriven CBNRM endeavours across agroclimatic regions of South Asia with emphasis on four intrinsically linked normative concerns, namely sustainability, livelihood enhancement, equity and demographic decentralization in chapters 2–7. Comparative analysis of these case studies done in chapter 8, highlights the issues that require further research while portraying the strengths and limits of NGO-driven CBNRM. In Hivre Bazar, the post-watershed intervention scenario is such that farmers often grow three crops in a year – kharif bajra, rabi jowar and summer vegetable crops. Productivity has increased in the dry lands due to improvement in soil moisture levels. The revival of johads in Gopalpura has led to the proliferation of wheat and increased productivity. In Lingmuteychhu, productivity gains have also arisen, but more due to the introduction of both local and high-yielding, new varieties as opposed to increased water availability. In the case of Gono Chetona, improvements have come due to diversification of agriculture; for example, the promotion of vegetable gardens. CBNRM interventions in most cases have also led to new avenues of employment and income generation. The synthesis shows that CBNRM efforts have made significant contributions to livelihood enhancement and only limited gains in terms of collective action for sustainable and equitable access to benefits and continuing resource use, and in terms of democratic decentralization, contrary to the objectives of the programme. Livelihood benefits include improvements in availability of livelihood support resources (fuelwood, fodder, drinking water), increased productivity (including diversification of cropping pattern) in agriculture and allied activities, and new sources of livelihood. However, NGO-driven CBNRM has not met its goal of providing ‘alternative’ forms of ‘development’ due to impediments of state policy, short-sighted vision of implementers and confrontation with the socio-ecological reality of the region, which almost always are that of fragmented communities (or communities in flux) with unequal dependence and access to land and other natural resources along with great gender imbalances. Appalling, however, is the general absence of recognition of the importance of and the will to explore practical ways to bring about equitable resource transfer or benefit-sharing and the consequent innovations in this respect that are evident in the pioneering community initiatives such as pani panchayat, etc. Pertaining to the gains on the ecological sustainability front, Hivre Bazar and Thalisain initiatives through active participation of villagers have made significant regeneration of the water table within the village, and mechanisms such as ban on number of bore wells, the regulation of cropping pattern, restrictions on felling of trees and free grazing to ensure that in the future, the groundwater is neither over-exploited nor its recharge capability impaired. Nevertheless, the longterm sustainability of the interventions in the case of Ghoga and Gopalpura initiatives as the focus has been mostly on regeneration of resources, and less on regulating the use of regenerated resources. Further, in Lingmuteychhu and Gono Chetona, the interventions are mainly household-based and the focus has been less explicit on ecological components. The studies demonstrate the livelihood benefits to all of the interventions and significant variation in achievements with reference to sustainability, equity and democratic decentralization depending on the level and extent of community participation apart from the vision of implementers, strategy (or nature of intervention shaped by the question of community formation), the centrality of community formation and also the State policy. Case studies show that the influence of State policy is multi-faceted and often contradictory in nature. This necessitates NGOs to engage with the State in a much more purposeful way than in an ‘autonomous space’. Thus the role of NGOs in CBNRM is complementary, wherein they provide innovative experiments that the State can learn. This helps in achieving the goals of CBNRM through democratic decentralization. The book addresses the vital issues related to natural resource management and interests of the community. Key topics discussed throughout the book are still at the centre of the current debate. This compilation consists of well-written chapters based on rigorous synthesis of CBNRM case studies, which will serve as good references for students, researchers and practitioners in the years to come.


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The quality of tap water from water supplies from 14 districts of Kerala state, India was studied. Parameters like pH, water temperature, total dissolved solids, salinity, nitrates, chloride, hardness, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, fluoride, sulphate, phosphates, and coliform bacteria were enumerated. The results showed that all water samples were contaminated by coliform bacteria. About 20% of the tap water samples from Alappuzha and 15% samples from Palakkad district are above desirable limits prescribed by Bureau of Indian Standards. The contamination of the source water (due to lack of community hygiene) and insufficient treatment are the major cause for the coliform contamination in the state. Water samples from Alappuzha and Palakkad have high ionic and fluoride content which could be attributed to the geology of the region. Water supplied for drinking in rural areas are relatively free of any contamination than the water supplied in urban area by municipalities, which may be attributed higher chances of contamination in urban area due to mismanagement of solid and liquid wastes. The study highlights the need for regular bacteriological enumeration along with water quality in addition to setting up decentralised region specific improved treatment system.


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The influence of riparian land use on the diversity an~ distribution were investigated by sampling 113 localities covering 4 districts in south-western Karnataka. A total of 55 species in 12 families were recorded. Streams, rivers and lakes had higher diversity than marshes and sea coast. However, lakes had low endemism than streams and rivers. Streams flowing through evergreen forests had higher diversity and endemism. Human impacted riparian zones such as paddy fields had relatively lower species richness. However, streams flowing through forestry plantations had higher diversity than other natural riparian zones such as dry deciduous, moist deciduous and semi evergreen forests. Myristica swamps-a relict evergreen forest marsh had low diversity and high endemism. Odonate communities of lentic ecosystems, and human impacted streams and rivers were characterized by widespread generalist species. Endemics and habitat specialists were. restricted to streams and rivers with undisturbed riparian zone. The study documents possible odonate community change due to human impact: The influence of riparian 'Ianduse change on odonate community is also discussed.


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Energy systems should be consistent with environmental, economic and social sustainability in order to ensure regional sustainable development. This enhances both current and future potential to meet the human needs and aspirations. Sustainable development, a process of change, in which, the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments , the orientation of technological development and institutional change are in harmony. National energy programme should prioritize the development of renewable energy sources, which offer the potentially huge sources of primary energy. The path for sustainability in the next millennium is the low energy path through wise use of energy. Energy conservation and energy efficiency measures would certainly result in meeting the energy demand with as little as half the primary supply at current levels. This requires profound structural changes in socio-economic and institutional arrangements. Environmentally sound, technically and economically viable energy pathways will sustain human progress in the long term future giving a fair and equitable share of the underprivileged and poor of the developing countries. Renewable energy is considered by some as the only hope for the survival of planet yet by others it is viewed as a marginal resource with limited resource. All too often, however, the facts behind the role that renewable energy can, and will, play in the regional energy scene are disguised or ignored as rival camps distort the evidence to suit their own objectives. It was in the light of this confusion that the Energy Research Group at Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science undertook investigation in Kolar and Uttara Kannada Districts in Karnataka State, India to identify the potential contribution of several types of renewable energy sources: Solar, Wind, Hydro, Bioenergy, etc.


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The generation of renewable energy through photocatalysis is an attractive option to utilize the abundantly available solar radiation for a sustainable future. Photocatalysis refers to charge-carrier, i.e. electron and hole, mediated reactions occurring on a semiconductor surface in presence of ultraviolet or visible light radiation. Photocatalysis is a well established advanced oxidation technique for the decontamination of toxic organic pollutants to CO2 and H2O. However, the generation of energy in the form of hydrogen, hydrocarbon fuels and electricity via photocatalysis is an upcoming field with great many technical challenges towards practical implementation. This review will describe the fundamental reaction mechanism of (i) photocatalytic water splitting, (ii) photocatalytic H-2 generation in presence of different sacrificial agents, (iii) H-2 and electricity generation in a photofuel cell, (iv) photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons and useful chemicals, and (v) photocatalytic water-gas shift reaction. A historic and recent perspective of the above conversion techniques, especially with regard to the development of TiO2-based and non-TiO2 materials is provided. The activity of different materials for the above reactions based on quantifiers like reaction rate, quantum yield and incident-photon-to-current efficiency is compared, and key design considerations of the ``best'' photocatalyst or photoelectrode is outlined. An overall assessment of the research area indicates that the presently achieved quantum efficiencies for the above reactions are rather moderate in the visible region, and the goal is to develop a catalyst that absorbs visible radiation, provides good charge-carrier separation, and exhibits high stability for long periods of usage.


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Landslide hazards are a major natural disaster that affects most of the hilly regions around the world. In India, significant damages due to earthquake induced landslides have been reported in the Himalayan region and also in the Western Ghat region. Thus there is a requirement of a quantitative macro-level landslide hazard assessment within the Indian subcontinent in order to identify the regions with high hazard. In the present study, the seismic landslide hazard for the entire state of Karnataka, India was assessed using topographic slope map, derived from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data. The available ASTER DEM data, resampled to 50 m resolution, was used for deriving the slope map of the entire state. Considering linear source model, deterministic seismic hazard analysis was carried out to estimate peak horizontal acceleration (PHA) at bedrock, for each of the grid points having terrain angle 10A degrees and above. The surface level PHA was estimated using nonlinear site amplification technique, considering B-type NEHRP site class. Based on the surface level PHA and slope angle, the seismic landslide hazard for each grid point was estimated in terms of the static factor of safety required to resist landslide, using Newmark's analysis. The analysis was carried out at the district level and the landslide hazard map for all the districts in the Karnataka state was developed first. These were then merged together to obtain a quantitative seismic landslide hazard map of the entire state of Karnataka. Spatial variations in the landslide hazard for all districts as well as for the entire state Karnataka is presented in this paper. The present study shows that the Western Ghat region of the Karnataka state is found to have high landslide hazard where the static factor of safety required to resist landslide is very high.


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A variety of salicylaldehydes effected tandem nucleophilic addition onto ketene, leading to corresponding coumarins in good yields under mild conditions. This pseudocycloaddition represents a very mild variant of the historic Perkin synthesis of coumarin (which remains of key interest in both perfumery and several emerging areas).


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A Circular Economy (CE) values material, technical or biological, as nutrient. CE thinking seeks to accelerate the conversion of technical nutrient cycles along the lines of biological nutrient cycles by re-designing systems till the scale of the economy. Though the notion of products being technical nutrient exists, its situation as an outcome of design intent is not contextually made. One objective of this article is to situate design and nutrient cycles of the earth system as and within natural cycles. This situation emphasizes the mechanism by which design affects nutrient availability to vital earth systems and draws attention to the functions that nutrients afford and serve by default before being embodied in products by human intent. The first principle of CE seeks to eliminate waste and re-purpose nutrients with minimal energy. Towards this, the historic trend of perceiving waste is drawn and Gestalts identified to arrive at the concept of tenancy and inform design. Tenancy is defined as the duration for which the nutrient embodied serves some purpose. Identifying the 6R scenarios as nutrient re-purposing functions, corresponding design strategies are stated.


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Vulnerability of communities and natural ecosystems, to potential impacts of climate change in developing countries like India, and the need for adaptation are rapidly emerging as central issues in the debate around policy responses to climate change. The present study presents an approach to identify and prioritize the most vulnerable districts, villages and households in Karnataka State, through a multi-scale assessment of inherent vulnerability to current climate variability. It also identifies the drivers of inherent vulnerability, thereby providing a tool for developing and mainstreaming adaptation strategies, in ongoing developmental or dedicated adaptation programmes. The multi-scale assessment was made for all 30 districts at the state level in Karnataka, about 1220 villages in Chikballapur district, and at the household level for two villages - Gundlapalli and Saddapalli - in Bagepalli taluk of Chikballapur district. At the district, village and household levels, low levels of education and skills are the dominant factors contributing to vulnerability. At the village and household level, the lack of income diversification and livelihood support institutions are key drivers of vulnerability. The approach of multi-scale vulnerability assessment facilitates identification and prioritization of the drivers of vulnerability at different scales, to focus adaptation interventions to address these drivers.


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Resumen: En este artículo se explica cómo a partir del método trascendental de Lonergan surge una comprensión de la ética cómo ética existencial, la cual nos invita a dejar a un lado las categorías metafísicas-abstractas y reflexionar éticamente usando categorías que surjan de los actos de nuestra conciencia. La conciencia moral se presenta distintiva en cuanto a la decisión, inclusiva en cuanto que integra los niveles del entender y del juzgar y elevada en cuanto que está abierta a la posibilidad de una integración superior, puesto que la noción trascendental de valor puede ser enriquecida intrínsecamente con la experiencia religiosa de estar enamorado de un modo irrestricto.La explicitación de los fundamentos a partir del método trascendental permite tener en cuenta la realidad del hombre como ser histórico en devenir e integra la experiencia moral y religiosa a la comprensión del actuar ético. De este modo la reflexión ética surge a partir de la historia vividaen la cual se manifiesta el hacerse a sí mismo de los sujetos y la auto-constitución de lavida moral de una comunidad o de un pueblo.


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El presente estudio ofrece un panorama actualizado acerca del estado de la “Investigación sobre el Jesús histórico” en su última etapa conocida como “La Tercera Búsqueda” o “Third Quest”. Al respecto, se presentan el marco general de la Investigación sobre la vida de Jesús, “La Tercera Etapa”, las “imágenes” de Jesús de Nazaret, las Perspectivas y la relevancia de la “Tercera Búsqueda”. Sin una pretensión de exhaustividad, el autor plantea esta aproximación como parte de un plan más amplio que se propone el Grupo de Investigación “Judíos y cristianos en los procesos culturales del mundo helenístico-romano”: una mirada más abarcadora de las “Tres búsquedas”.


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Resumen: A raíz del descubrimiento de un testimonio desconocido perteneciente a la tradición de la Refundición del Sumario del Despensero, en ff. 238v-239v del manuscrito Biblioteca Nacional de España 15530 (BETA manid 4978), la ponencia se propone indagar el procedimiento fragmentario de construcción del objeto historiable en las obras historiográficas del siglo XV conocidas como sumarios de crónicas. Del mismo modo, vincula este fragmento con los hechos narrados en el “Magnicidio de Alfaro” (Crónica de Sancho IV) proponiendo su inclusión dentro del tópico “prendimiento de un grande”, el cual encuentra significativos ejemplos en la cronística medieval española.


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Resumen: Las pautas que regulan la competencia por el acceso al poder son aspectos centrales para abordar el funcionamiento del sistema político democrático, las cuales se multiplican en un sistema federal o multinivel. Tras la apertura democrática el sistema político argentino redefinió su funcionamiento frente a la mayor autoridad de las provincias en materia de implementación de políticas públicas, recursos fiscales e independencia electoral respecto de la esfera nacional. La territorialización de la política (o desnacionalización) en parte explica los cambios sufridos por el bipartidismo nacional (PJ-UCR), el surgimiento de nuevos partidos políticos y la construcción de nuevas identidades políticas. Hasta el 2011, Río Negro fue de los pocos distritos con partido predominante diferente al partido predominante a nivel nacional, y el único que gobernó la Unión Cívica Radical de forma ininterrumpida desde 1983. El presente trabajo busca explorar el funcionamiento del sistema político rionegrino en el contexto de desnacionalización a partir de los siguientes interrogantes. ¿Cuán congruente o incongruente es el sistema de partido rionegrino al nacional? ¿Qué niveles registra la competencia partidaria en ambos sistemas? ¿Qué efectos tuvieron las reformas electorales sobre el funcionamiento del sistema de partidos subnacional en Río Negro? Dando respuesta a estas preguntas, este artículo busca aportar al estudio de la interaccion del sistema de partidos nacional y un sistema de partidos subnacional, en el marco de los sistemas políticos federales o multinivel


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Resumen: El artículo se propone analizar la relación entre el magisterio y los teólogos desde la especificidad de los esquemas eclesiológicos. Esta formalidad eclesiológica es animada por la conjetura de que en los momentos de relaciones conflictivas entre el magisterio y la teología, confluyen dos esquemas eclesiológicos diversos en los que alguno de los interlocutores asume funciones no propias dejando al otro en un espacio eclesial no acorde a sus especificidades. Después de un desarrollo histórico se pasa a una elaboración especulativa desde el análisis lingüístico del discurso teológico.