997 resultados para Himnos religiosos s.XIII-XIV
OBJECTIVE: In sepsis, activation of coagulation and inhibition of fibrinolysis lead to microvascular thrombosis. Thus, clot stability might be a critical issue in the development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Activated FXIII (FXIIIa) forms stable fibrin clots by covalently cross-linking fibrin monomers. Therefore, we investigated the impact of FXIII antigen and activity levels on disease severity and fatality in sepsis patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: FXIII subunit A (FXIIIA) and FXIII cross-linking activity (FXIIICA) were measured in 151 controls, in 32 patients with severe sepsis and 8 with septic shock. In addition, FXIII subunit B (FXIIIB) was measured in the sepsis patients. Moreover, clotting parameters were determined. RESULTS: Patients suffering from sepsis (n=40) had significantly (p<0.005) lower FXIIIA levels (median [range]: 36.5% [8.8-127.4%]) and FXIIICA levels (76.5% [9.4-266%]) as compared to healthy controls (n=151, 119% [31.3-283.2] and 122.4% [40.6-485.3], respectively). No difference in FXIIIA, FXIIIB and FXIIICA levels between survivors and non-survivors, nor between patients with severe sepsis and septic shock was found. The specific activity of FXIII (FXIIICA/FXIIIA, SA(FXIII)) was significantly (p<0.001) higher in sepsis patients (2.0 [0.8-5.3]) as compared to healthy controls (1.0 [0.4-5.1]). SA(FXIII) significantly (p<0.05) increased with fatality (non-survivors [n=13] vs. survivors [n=27]: 3.3 [1.2-5.0] vs. 1.9 [0.8-5.3]) and disease severity (septic shock vs. severe sepsis: 3.4 [1.8-4.3] vs. 1.9 [0.8-5.3]). CONCLUSION: We show decreased FXIIICA and FXIIIA levels, but higher SA(FXIII) in sepsis as compared to controls. Increased SA(FXIII) correlates with disease severity and fatality in sepsis patients.
Inherited factor XIII (FXIII) deficiency is known as one of the most rare blood coagulation disorder in humans. In the present study, phenotype and genotype of eight FXIII deficient Polish patients from five unrelated families were compared. The patients presented with a severe phenotype demonstrated by a high incidence of intracerebral haemorrhages (seven of eight patients), haemarthrosis (six patients) and bleeding due to trauma (five patients). Introduction of regular substitution with FXIII concentrate prevented spontaneous bleeding in seven patients. In all patients, mutations within the F13A gene have been identified revealing four missense mutations (Arg77Cys, Arg260Cys, Ala378Pro, Gly420Ser), one nonsense mutation (Arg661X), one splice site mutation (IVS5-1 G>A) and one small deletion (c.499-512del). One homozygous large deletion involving exon 15 was detected by failure of PCR product. The corresponding mutations resulted in severely reduced FXIII activity and FXIII A-subunit antigen concentration, while FXIII B-subunit antigen remained normal or mildly decreased. Structural analysis demonstrated that the novel Ala378Pro mutation may cause a disruption of the FXIII catalytic triad leading to a non-functional protein which presumably undergoes premature degradation. In conclusion, the severe phenotype with high incidence of intracranial bleeding and haemarthrosis was in accordance with laboratory findings on FXIII and with severe molecular defects of the F13A gene.
FXIII deficiency is known as one of the rarest blood coagulation disorders. In this study, the phenotypic and in part genotypic data of 104 FXIII-deficient patients recorded from 1993 - 2005 are presented. The most common bleeding symptoms were subcutaneous bleeding (57%) followed by delayed umbilical cord bleeding (56%), muscle hematoma (49%), hemorrhage after surgery (40%), hemarthrosis (36%), and intracerebral bleeding (34%). Prophylactic treatment was initiated in about 70% of all patients. FXIII-B subunit-deficient patients had a milder phenotype than patients with FXIII-A subunit deficiency. The most frequent mutation affecting the F13A gene was a splice site mutation in intron 5 (IVS5-1G>A). This mutation was found in eight (17%) of 46 analyzed families. The haplotype analysis of patients carrying the IVS5-1A allele was consistent with a founder effect. The international registry (http://www.f13-database.de) will provide clinicians and scientists working on FXIII deficiency with a helpful tool to improve patient care and direct future studies towards better understanding and treatment of the disease.
The first step of coagulation factor XIII (FXIII) activation involves cleavage of the FXIII activation peptide (FXIII-AP) by thrombin. However, it is not known whether the FXIII-AP is released into plasma upon cleavage or remains attached to activated FXIII. The aim of the present work was to study the structure of free FXIII-AP, develop an assay for FXIII-AP determination in human plasma, and to answer the question whether FXIII-AP is released into plasma. We used ab-initio modeling and molecular dynamics simulations to study the structure of free FXIII-AP. We raised monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against FXIII-AP and developed a highly sensitive and specific ELISA method for direct detection of FXIII-AP in human plasma. Structural analysis showed a putative different conformation of the free FXIII-AP compared to FXIII-AP bound to the FXIII protein. We concluded that it might be feasible to develop specific antibodies against the free FXIII-AP. Using our new FXIII-AP ELISA, we found high levels of FXIII-AP in in-vitro activated plasma samples and serum. We showed for the first time that FXIIIAP is detached from activated FXIII and is released into plasma, where it can be directly measured. Our findings may be of major clinical interest in regard to a possible new marker in thrombotic disease.
To explore relevant changes in unexplained intraoperative bleeding, we evaluated elements of the final steps of the coagulation cascade in 226 consecutive patients undergoing elective surgery. Patients were stratified for the occurrence of unexplained intraoperative bleeding according to predefined criteria. Twenty patients (8.8%) developed unexplained bleeding. The median intraoperative blood loss was 1350 mL (bleeders) and 400 mL (nonbleeders) (P < 0.001). Fibrinogen and Factor XIII (F. XIII) were more rapidly consumed in bleeders (P < 0.001). Soluble fibrin formation (fibrin monomer) was increased in bleeders throughout surgery (P < or = 0.014). However, F. XIII availability per unit thrombin generated was significantly decreased in bleeders before, during, and after surgery (P < or = 0.051). Computerized thrombelastography showed a parallel, significant reduction in clot firmness. We suggest that mild preexisting coagulopathy is not rare in surgical patients and probably can result in clinically relevant intraoperative bleeding. This hemostatic disorder shows impaired clot firmness, probably secondary to decreased cross-linking (due to a loss of F. XIII, both in absolute measures and per unit thrombin generated). We suggest that the application of F. XIII might be worthwhile to test in a prospective clinical trial to increase clot firmness in patients at risk for this intraoperative coagulopathy.
Alcoholic extracts of 300 botanically identified plant materials from 287 plant species have been tested for various biological activities including chemotherapeutic and pharmacological screenings. Biological activities have been confirmed in 51 fractions of the extracts. Follow-up studies have been carried out in some plants with confirmed activity. The active principles and results of these studies are reported.
Alcoholic extracts of 300 botanically identified plant materials from 275 plant species have been tested for various biological activities including chemotherapeutic and pharmacological screenings. Biological activities have been observed in 111 extracts. Follow-up studies have been carried out in some plants with confirmed activity. The active principles and results of these studies are reported.
Confirmation of suspected congenital factor XIII (FXIII) deficiency still represents a diagnostic challenge in the field of rare bleeding disorders. Because of the lack of awareness and difficulties associated with timing of blood sampling, FXIII laboratory assays, and interpretation of laboratory results, diagnoses of FXIII deficiency are still missed all over the world with potentially fatal consequences from severe bleeding complications. Better knowledge of FXIII biochemical properties and function and understanding of the principles and limitations of FXIII laboratory assays can prevent missed diagnoses, and patients will benefit from better care. This review gives a detailed overview and update about congenital FXIII deficiency, its epidemiology, and molecular genetics. It highlights the importance of newer specific FXIII assays and their principles to avoid any missed diagnosis of FXIII deficiency. This review also gives an update on the therapeutic options for patients suffering from this rare but life-threatening disease.
Deficiency of coagulation factor XIII (FXIII) belongs to the rare bleeding disorders and its incidence is higher in populations with consanguineous marriages. The aims of this study were to characterize patients and relatives from seven families with suspected FXIII deficiency from Pakistan and to identify the underlying mutations. As a first indicator of FXIII deficiency, a 5M urea clot solubility test was used. Plasma FXIII A- and B-subunit antigen levels were determined by ELISA. FXIII activity was measured with an incorporation assay. Sequencing of all exons and intron/exon boundaries of F13A was performed, and a novel splice site defect was confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. Genetic analysis revealed six different mutations in the F13A gene. Two splice site mutations were detected, a novel c.1460+1G>A mutation in the first nucleotide of intron 11 and a previously reported c.2045G>A mutation in the last nucleotide of exon 14. Neither of them was expressed at protein level. A novel nonsense mutation in exon 4, c.567T>A, p.Cys188X, was identified, leading in homozygous form to severe FXIII deficiency. Two novel missense mutations were found in exons 8 and 9, c.1040C>A, p.Ala346Asp and c.1126T>C, p.Trp375Arg, and a previously reported missense mutation in exon 10, c.1241C>T, p.Ser413Leu. All patients homozygous for these missense mutations presented with severe FXIII deficiency. We have analysed a cohort of 27 individuals and reported four novel mutations leading to congenital FXIII deficiency.
S. 341 - 527 fehlen: werden nachgescannt 10.11.14
von Marcus Ehrenpreis