875 resultados para Heikkinen, Sakari


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top Row: Norman Nickerson, Edward Frutig, Dan Smick, Thomas Hutton, James Lincoln, Charles Shaw, Harold Floersch, Paul Nielsen, Roland Savilla, Fred Jahnke, William Smith, Kenneth Steen, John Nicholson, Archie Kodros, Arthur Valpey, Elmer Gedeon, Louis Levine, Robert Curren, Norman Purucker

Middle Row: Robert Cooper, John Kinsey, Horace Tinker, Clarence VandeWater, Vincent Valek, James Bilbie, Don Siegel, David Gates, Earle Luby, Douglas Farmer, captain Joe Rinaldi, Dennis Kuhn, Solomon Sobsey, Forrest Jordan, John Brennan, Melvin Kramer, Paul Penvenne, Fred Olds

Front Row: Derwood Laskey, Harry Mulholland, Jerome Belsky, Milo Sukup, Fred Trosko, Herman Ulevitch, Robert Piotrowski, Robert Campbell, William Barclay, George Marzonie, Wallace Hook, Fred Ziem, Hercules Renda, Ralph Heikkinen, Ernest Pederson, Stark Ritchie, Wesley Warren


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Aim: Concepts about patterns and rates of post-glacial tree population migration are changing as a result of the increasing amount of palaeobotanical information being provided by macroscopic plant remains. Here we combine macrofossil, pollen and stomata records from five sites in north-eastern European Russia and summarize the results for the late-glacial-early Holocene transition. The late-glacial-early Holocene transition encompasses the first indications of trees (tree-type Betula, Picea abies, Abies sibirica and Larix sibirica) and subsequent forest development. Considerable time-lags between the first macrobotanical and/or stomata finds of spruce (Picea abies) and the establishment of a closed forest are reconsidered. Location: Pechora basin, north-eastern European Russia. Methods: We used plant macrofossil, stomata, pollen and radiocarbon analyses to reconstruct late-glacial and early Holocene tree establishment and forest development. The data were derived from lake sediment and peat archives. Results: Palaeobotanical data reveal an early Holocene presence (11,500-10,000 cal. yr bp) of arboreal taxa at all five sites. One site presently located in the northernmost taiga zone, shows the presence of spruce and reproducing tree birch during the late-glacial. Given the current view of post-glacial population dynamics and migration rates, it seems likely that the source area of these early tree populations in north-eastern European Russia was not located in southern Europe but that these populations had local origins. Results thus support the emerging view that the first post-glacial population expansions in non-glaciated regions at high latitudes do not reflect migration from the south but were a result of an increase in the size and density of small persisting outlying tree populations. Main conclusions: Results suggest that the area east of the margin of the Scandinavian ice sheet to the Ural Mountains had isolated patches of trees during the late-glacial and early Holocene and that these small populations acted as initial nuclei for population expansion and forest development in the early Holocene.


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Reindeer herding is an emblematic livelihood for Northern Finland, culturally important for local people and valuable in tourism marketing. We examine the livelihood resilience of Finnish reindeer herding by narrowing the focus of general resilience on social-ecological systems (SESs) to a specific livelihood while also acknowledging wider contexts in which reindeer herding is embedded. The questions for specified resilience can be combined with the applied DPSIR approach (Drivers; Pressures: resilience to what; State: resilience of what; Impacts: resilience for whom; Responses: resilience by whom and how). This paper is based on a synthesis of the authors’ extensive anthropological fieldwork on reindeer herding and other land uses in Northern Finland. Our objective is to synthesize various opportunities and challenges that underpin the resilience of reindeer herding as a viable livelihood. The DPSIR approach, applied here as a three step procedure, helps focus the analysis on different components of SES and their dynamic interactions. First, various land use-related DPSIR factors and their relations (synergies and trade-offs) to reindeer herding are mapped. Second, detailed DPSIR factors underpinning the resilience of reindeer herding are identified. Third, examples of interrelations between DPSIR factors are explored, revealing the key dynamics between Pressures, State, Impacts, and Responses related to the livelihood resilience of reindeer herding. In the Discussion section, we recommend that future applications of the DPSIR approach in examining livelihood resilience should (1) address cumulative pressures, (2) consider the state dimension as more tuned toward the social side of SES, (3) assess both the negative and positive impacts of environmental change on the examined livelihood by a combination of science led top-down and participatory bottom-up approaches, and (4) examine and propose governance solutions as well as local adaptations by reindeer herders as equally relevant responses to enhance livelihood resilience.


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Tutkielmani tarkoituksena on selvittää voimassa olevan oikeuden perusteella, millaiseksi vierasvelkapantinsaajan asema muodostuu velallisen ja pantinantajan konkurssissa. Panttausta koskevaa yleistä lainsäädäntöä on melko vähän, mutta vierasvelkapanttauksen osalta keskeisimmät säännökset ovat kodifioitu lakiin takauksesta ja vierasvelkapanttauksesta. Takauksesta ja vierasvelkapanttauksesta annettu laki ei kuitenkaan sääntele esimerkiksi tehokkaan panttioikeuden perustamista eikä pantin realisointiin liittyviä tilanteita. Soveltamisohjeita näihin tilanteisiin tulee hakea panttausta koskevasta muusta, varsin hajanaisesta lainsäädännöstä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena onkin selvittää tämän pohjaltaan hajanaisen lainsäädännön, lainvalmistelutöiden sekä oikeuskirjallisuuden perusteella, minkälaista suojaa vierasvelkapantinsaaja saa konkurssissa ja millä edellytyksin. Selvitän tutkielman alussa vierasvelkapanttauksen tehokkaalle perustamiselle asetettuja edellytyksiä sekä niiden merkitystä konkurssitilanteessa. Tämän jälkeen tutkin panttioikeuden voimassapysymistä konkurssissa sekä pantinsaajalle tähän liittyen asetettuja velvoitteita. Lisäksi tutkin pantinsaajalla olevia realisointioikeuksia ja niiden rajoituksia sekä pantinsaajan mahdollisuuksia suojautua konkurssitakaisinsaannilta. Tutkielmani kannalta tärkeimpiä lähdeteoksia ovat Erkki Havansi: Esinevakuusoikeudet 1992; Risto Koulu: Konkurssioikeus 2009; Jarno Tepora – Janne Kaisto – Esa Hakkola: Esinevakuudet 2009; Sakari Wuolijoki – Mika Hemmo: Pankkioikeus 2013; Jarmo Tuomisto: Saatavan panttaus 2015 sekä Vierasvelkavakuus ja velallisen insolvenssista johtuva takaisinsaantiriski oikeuskäytännön valossa 2004. Vierasvelkapantinsaajalla on edelleen vahva asema sekä päävelallisen että pantinantajan konkurssissa. Vahvan suojan saaminen edellyttää kuitenkin, että panttioikeus on tehokkaasti perustettu noudattaen muun muassa julkivarmistukselle asetettuja vaatimuksia. Lisäksi nykyiset luotonantajan tiedonantovelvollisuutta koskevat säännökset asettavat luotoantajalle velvollisuuksia, joiden laiminlyöminen tarkoittaa luotonantajan saaman panttihyödyn vähenemistä. Edes vuoden 2004 konkurssilakiin otetuilla säännöksillä, joilla heikennettiin pantinsaajan etuoikeuksia entisestä, ei ole ollut merkittäviä negatiivisia vaikutuksia pantinsaajan oikeuksiin konkurssissa. Pantinsaajan tärkeimpiä taloudellisia etuoikeuksia ei ole tarkoituksenmukaista kaventaa. Lähinnä vain menettelyllisiin etuoikeuksiin voidaan lainsäädännöllä puuttua.


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Augmented Reality (AR) applications often require knowledge of the user’s position in some global coordinate system in order to draw the augmented content to its correct position on the screen. The most common method for coarse positioning is the Global Positioning System (GPS). One of the advantages of GPS is that GPS receivers can be found in almost every modern mobile device. This research was conducted in order to determine the accuracies of different GPS receivers. The tests included seven consumer-grade tablets, three external GPS modules and one professional-grade GPS receiver. All of the devices were tested with both static and mobile measurements. It was concluded that even the cheaper external GPS receivers were notably more accurate than the GPS receivers of the tested tablets. The absolute accuracy of the tablets is difficult to determine from the test results, since the results vary by a large margin between different measurements. The accuracy of the tested tablets in static measurements were between 0.30 meters and 13.75 meters.