905 resultados para Head and neck neoplasms


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The threshold current densities and voltage tensions (body voltages) between the head and tail for bringing about distinct reactions in Salmo irideus, Cyprinus Carpio, Tinea tinca, Gasterosteus aculeatus and Salmo fario were studied. In C. carpio and T. tinca, absolute current densities required decreased with increase in length of fish. Threshold current densities for different reactions of fish increased with rise in water temperature and conductivity of surrounding medium except in case of T. tinca where low current densities were sufficient in higher conductivity of water. Impulse D.C. was superior to continuous D.C. Better effect was noticed in fishes in lower current densities when their bodies were parallel to the lines of current conduction.


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The reactions of marine fishes in interrupted A. C. off uniform electrical field and constant current density have been studied in order to determine the optimum effective periods of shock: for narcosis and fixation. Higher effective periods were required with gradual decrease in potential difference between head and tail, which in turn depended on the length of fish and its position in electrical field. The body voltage of fish varied directly with the length and inversely with the rise of angle between their body axis and field lines. The fish subjected to higher effective period took longer time for recovery from narcosis. The effect of impulse current was manifested by increased rate of gill movements in Platax tefora, Haetodon ollaris, Crysophus burda, Siganus vermiculatus and Scolopsis leucotaenia, and lowered rate of movements in others when subjected to different effective periods inspective of length.


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A method has been described for the preparation of protein extract from prawn waste. The process consists of extracting the protein from minced fresh prawn head and shell waste by treatment with mild alkali and neutralisation and concentration of the filtrate into a semisolid consistency. The yield of the final product is about 20% of the weight of fresh prawn waste.


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Twin trawling; a new concept in shrimp trawling is described in this paper. It essentially involves towing of two trawls of equal size connected in sequence at the inner head and foot rope legs and using a pair of outer otter boards and central neutral door or dummy door with triple bridles and single tow warp. A comparative study with conventional stern trawling using a standard 13.7 m four seam shrimp trawl and two 6 8 m standard four seam trawls as twin-rig has shown considerable reduction in the utilization of power (20 %) with better efficiency in shrimp fishing.


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A new species of the genus Glyptothorax, Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus sp. nov. is described from the Xiaohei River, a tributary of the Nanting River, Salween drainage, in southwestern Yunnan province, China. This new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characteristics: unculiferous ridges of the thoracic adhesive apparatus extending anteriorly onto the gular region; body with irregular dark blotches scattered along lateral surface (blotches mostly oblique); skin smooth on head and body; dorsal spine smooth without serrations on its posterior margin; lips smooth; posterior margin of pectoral spine with 7-8 serrations; dorsal-fin base 11.0-13.2% SL; pectoral-fin length 15.6-19.6% SL; depth of caudal peduncle 8.6-9.8% SL; head width 19.1-24.0% SL; nasal barbel length 23.3-33.3% HL.


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A mesostructured cellular foam (MCF) with three-dimensional (313) disordered strutlike structure is prepared by using triblock copolymer (poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene), SBS, M-W = 140K) as template under strong acid conditions. It is the first report to use triblock copolymer with both hydrophobic head and tail groups instead of hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail copolymers to synthesize siliceous mesostructured cellular foams. The resulted materials have high pore volume (0.92 cm(3)/g) and relatively narrow pore size distributions with a large pore size of 7.9 nm, which will allow for the fixation of large active complexes, reduce diffusional restriction of reactants and enable reactions involving bulky molecules to take place, especially.


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轮式移动宜人机器人项目研究的主要目的是开发自主式仿人机器人样机 ,探索先进的机器人理论和技术。轮式移动宜人机器人由正交轮式移动平台、腰部、躯干及头部和双臂组成 ,共 2 1个自由度。整体结构包括 :电源系统、机械系统、控制系统和传感系统。电源系统采用车载电池供电。机械系统包括变刚度结构 ,提高了机器人与人交互作业的安全性。控制系统分为中央协调层和执行层结构。传感系统主要实现关节位置检测、姿态检测、力检测和视觉。文章讨论了此机器人的研究进展。


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Aiming at solving the seismic imaging difficulty in complex area, the static correction methods and the migration imaging techniques taking the anisotropy into account are studied in this dissertation. To solve the static correction problems, a new tomography inversion approach is presented which takes use of the apparent slowness and apparent velocity and inverts both head and diving waves over the complete offset ranges. This approach is also taken practice to the practical seismic data processing of south areas of China and gets ideal effects. There are obvious differences between the actual statics and the statics based on the surface consistency hypothesis. In this dissertation, the exact differences formula is derived. The wave-eqation datuming method based on a single shot gather and the hybrid zero-offset wave-equation datuming algorithm based on f-x domain and f-k domain are presented at the same time. Further more, some forward modelings are made and tested. These methods are also put into practical seismic data processing and good results are made. In this dissertation, the true amplitude Kirchhoff pre-stack time migration fomula in VTI media is presented. The high-dense bispectral scanning technique based on the anelliptical time-shifted hyperbola and the geostatistical filtering are adopted to extract the anellipticity parameter. Simultaneously, combined with the practical seismic data imaging, the anisotropic pre-stack time migration flow is proposed and good processing results are made.


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This research, mainly by using perceptual experiment and relating its results to the acoustic correlates, investigated the acoustic correlates of mandarin prominences of prosodic word、prosodic phrase、sentence and their mutual influences. The results are as follow: (1) for the prominence of prosodic word, according the order of the extents to which these acoustic correlates contribute to the perception of the prominence, its acoustic correlates are duration、pitch、spectral tilt、energy and pitch-change, the results also have showed that the perception of the prominence is influenced by some non-acoustic factors; (2) for the prominence of prosodic phrase, baseing on the experimental results, the existing of prosodic phrase prominence in mandarian has been proposed, and the experiments proved that the prosodic phrase prominence fall on the semantic focus of the phrase typically; (3) for the prominence of sentence, the experimental results show that, the lengthening of duration, similar with the pitch-change, mainly localised on the prosodic head of the domain on which the sentence prominence emphisize, and this lengthening would, in different levels, spread on other syllables in the phonetic constituents which contain the prosodic head, and this pattern of lengthening of duration does not vary with changing of domain of sentence prominence, that means, in mandarin sentence, there is generally no acoustic cues which can been used in the perception of the domain of sentnece prominence; (4) for the acoustic cues of mutual influences of the prominences of different levels, the experiment have proved that, not only the pitch-change but also the lengthening of duration are subjective to melodic grid law. In the last part of the dissertation, I have tried to given an explantion about the above experimental results from psylogical view point.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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This paper describes a self-organizing neural network that rapidly learns a body-centered representation of 3-D target positions. This representation remains invariant under head and eye movements, and is a key component of sensory-motor systems for producing motor equivalent reaches to targets (Bullock, Grossberg, and Guenther, 1993).


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On-board image guidance, such as cone-beam CT (CBCT) and kV/MV 2D imaging, is essential in many radiation therapy procedures, such as intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). These imaging techniques provide predominantly anatomical information for treatment planning and target localization. Recently, studies have shown that treatment planning based on functional and molecular information about the tumor and surrounding tissue could potentially improve the effectiveness of radiation therapy. However, current on-board imaging systems are limited in their functional and molecular imaging capability. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) is a candidate to achieve on-board functional and molecular imaging. Traditional SPECT systems typically take 20 minutes or more for a scan, which is too long for on-board imaging. A robotic multi-pinhole SPECT system was proposed in this dissertation to provide shorter imaging time by using a robotic arm to maneuver the multi-pinhole SPECT system around the patient in position for radiation therapy.

A 49-pinhole collimated SPECT detector and its shielding were designed and simulated in this work using the computer-aided design (CAD) software. The trajectories of robotic arm about the patient, treatment table and gantry in the radiation therapy room and several detector assemblies such as parallel holes, single pinhole and 49 pinholes collimated detector were investigated. The rail mounted system was designed to enable a full range of detector positions and orientations to various crucial treatment sites including head and torso, while avoiding collision with linear accelerator (LINAC), patient table and patient.

An alignment method was developed in this work to calibrate the on-board robotic SPECT to the LINAC coordinate frame and to the coordinate frames of other on-board imaging systems such as CBCT. This alignment method utilizes line sources and one pinhole projection of these line sources. The model consists of multiple alignment parameters which maps line sources in 3-dimensional (3D) space to their 2-dimensional (2D) projections on the SPECT detector. Computer-simulation studies and experimental evaluations were performed as a function of number of line sources, Radon transform accuracy, finite line-source width, intrinsic camera resolution, Poisson noise and acquisition geometry. In computer-simulation studies, when there was no error in determining angles (α) and offsets (ρ) of the measured projections, the six alignment parameters (3 translational and 3 rotational) were estimated perfectly using three line sources. When angles (α) and offsets (ρ) were provided by Radon transform, the estimation accuracy was reduced. The estimation error was associated with rounding errors of Radon transform, finite line-source width, Poisson noise, number of line sources, intrinsic camera resolution and detector acquisition geometry. The estimation accuracy was significantly improved by using 4 line sources rather than 3 and also by using thinner line-source projections (obtained by better intrinsic detector resolution). With 5 line sources, median errors were 0.2 mm for the detector translations, 0.7 mm for the detector radius of rotation, and less than 0.5° for detector rotation, tilt and twist. In experimental evaluations, average errors relative to a different, independent registration technique were about 1.8 mm for detector translations, 1.1 mm for the detector radius of rotation (ROR), 0.5° and 0.4° for detector rotation and tilt, respectively, and 1.2° for detector twist.

Simulation studies were performed to investigate the improvement of imaging sensitivity and accuracy of hot sphere localization for breast imaging of patients in prone position. A 3D XCAT phantom was simulated in the prone position with nine hot spheres of 10 mm diameter added in the left breast. A no-treatment-table case and two commercial prone breast boards, 7 and 24 cm thick, were simulated. Different pinhole focal lengths were assessed for root-mean-square-error (RMSE). The pinhole focal lengths resulting in the lowest RMSE values were 12 cm, 18 cm and 21 cm for no table, thin board, and thick board, respectively. In both no table and thin board cases, all 9 hot spheres were easily visualized above background with 4-minute scans utilizing the 49-pinhole SPECT system while seven of nine hot spheres were visible with the thick board. In comparison with parallel-hole system, our 49-pinhole system shows reduction in noise and bias under these simulation cases. These results correspond to smaller radii of rotation for no-table case and thinner prone board. Similarly, localization accuracy with the 49-pinhole system was significantly better than with the parallel-hole system for both the thin and thick prone boards. Median localization errors for the 49-pinhole system with the thin board were less than 3 mm for 5 of 9 hot spheres, and less than 6 mm for the other 4 hot spheres. Median localization errors of 49-pinhole system with the thick board were less than 4 mm for 5 of 9 hot spheres, and less than 8 mm for the other 4 hot spheres.

Besides prone breast imaging, respiratory-gated region-of-interest (ROI) imaging of lung tumor was also investigated. A simulation study was conducted on the potential of multi-pinhole, region-of-interest (ROI) SPECT to alleviate noise effects associated with respiratory-gated SPECT imaging of the thorax. Two 4D XCAT digital phantoms were constructed, with either a 10 mm or 20 mm diameter tumor added in the right lung. The maximum diaphragm motion was 2 cm (for 10 mm tumor) or 4 cm (for 20 mm tumor) in superior-inferior direction and 1.2 cm in anterior-posterior direction. Projections were simulated with a 4-minute acquisition time (40 seconds per each of 6 gates) using either the ROI SPECT system (49-pinhole) or reference single and dual conventional broad cross-section, parallel-hole collimated SPECT. The SPECT images were reconstructed using OSEM with up to 6 iterations. Images were evaluated as a function of gate by profiles, noise versus bias curves, and a numerical observer performing a forced-choice localization task. Even for the 20 mm tumor, the 49-pinhole imaging ROI was found sufficient to encompass fully usual clinical ranges of diaphragm motion. Averaged over the 6 gates, noise at iteration 6 of 49-pinhole ROI imaging (10.9 µCi/ml) was approximately comparable to noise at iteration 2 of the two dual and single parallel-hole, broad cross-section systems (12.4 µCi/ml and 13.8 µCi/ml, respectively). Corresponding biases were much lower for the 49-pinhole ROI system (3.8 µCi/ml), versus 6.2 µCi/ml and 6.5 µCi/ml for the dual and single parallel-hole systems, respectively. Median localization errors averaged over 6 gates, for the 10 mm and 20 mm tumors respectively, were 1.6 mm and 0.5 mm using the ROI imaging system and 6.6 mm and 2.3 mm using the dual parallel-hole, broad cross-section system. The results demonstrate substantially improved imaging via ROI methods. One important application may be gated imaging of patients in position for radiation therapy.

A robotic SPECT imaging system was constructed utilizing a gamma camera detector (Digirad 2020tc) and a robot (KUKA KR150-L110 robot). An imaging study was performed with a phantom (PET CT PhantomTM), which includes 5 spheres of 10, 13, 17, 22 and 28 mm in diameter. The phantom was placed on a flat-top couch. SPECT projections were acquired with a parallel-hole collimator and a single-pinhole collimator both without background in the phantom, and with background at 1/10th the sphere activity concentration. The imaging trajectories of parallel-hole and pinhole collimated detectors spanned 180 degrees and 228 degrees respectively. The pinhole detector viewed a 14.7 cm-diameter common volume which encompassed the 28 mm and 22 mm spheres. The common volume for parallel-hole was a 20.8-cm-diameter cylinder which encompassed all five spheres in the phantom. The maneuverability of the robotic system was tested by navigating the detector to trace the flat-top table while avoiding collision with the table and maintaining the closest possible proximity to the common volume. For image reconstruction, detector trajectories were described by radius-of-rotation and detector rotation angle θ. These reconstruction parameters were obtained from the robot base and tool coordinates. The robotic SPECT system was able to maneuver the parallel-hole and pinhole collimated SPECT detectors in close proximity to the phantom, minimizing impact of the flat-top couch on detector to center-of-rotation (COR) distance. In no background case, all five spheres were visible in the reconstructed parallel-hole and pinhole images. In with background case, three spheres of 17, 22 and 28 mm diameter were readily observed with the parallel-hole imaging, and the targeted spheres (22 and 28 mm diameter) were readily observed in the pinhole ROI imaging.

In conclusion, the proposed on-board robotic SPECT can be aligned to LINAC/CBCT with a single pinhole projection of the line-source phantom. Alignment parameters can be estimated using one pinhole projection of line sources. This alignment method may be important for multi-pinhole SPECT, where relative pinhole alignment may vary during rotation. For single pinhole and multi-pinhole SPECT imaging onboard radiation therapy machines, the method could provide alignment of SPECT coordinates with those of CBCT and the LINAC. In simulation studies of prone breast imaging and respiratory-gated lung imaging, the 49-pinhole detector showed better tumor contrast recovery and localization in a 4-minute scan compared to parallel-hole detector. On-board SPECT could be achieved by a robot maneuvering a SPECT detector about patients in position for radiation therapy on a flat-top couch. The robot inherent coordinate frames could be an effective means to estimate detector pose for use in SPECT image reconstruction.


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CONCLUSION Radiation dose reduction, while saving image quality could be easily implemented with this approach. Furthermore, the availability of a dosimetric data archive provides immediate feedbacks, related to the implemented optimization strategies. Background JCI Standards and European Legislation (EURATOM 59/2013) require the implementation of patient radiation protection programs in diagnostic radiology. Aim of this study is to demonstrate the possibility to reduce patients radiation exposure without decreasing image quality, through a multidisciplinary team (MT), which analyzes dosimetric data of diagnostic examinations. Evaluation Data from CT examinations performed with two different scanners (Siemens DefinitionTM and GE LightSpeed UltraTM) between November and December 2013 are considered. CT scanners are configured to automatically send images to DoseWatch© software, which is able to store output parameters (e.g. kVp, mAs, pitch ) and exposure data (e.g. CTDIvol, DLP, SSDE). Data are analyzed and discussed by a MT composed by Medical Physicists and Radiologists, to identify protocols which show critical dosimetric values, then suggest possible improvement actions to be implemented. Furthermore, the large amount of data available allows to monitor diagnostic protocols currently in use and to identify different statistic populations for each of them. Discussion We identified critical values of average CTDIvol for head and facial bones examinations (respectively 61.8 mGy, 151 scans; 61.6 mGy, 72 scans), performed with the GE LightSpeed CTTM. Statistic analysis allowed us to identify the presence of two different populations for head scan, one of which was only 10% of the total number of scans and corresponded to lower exposure values. The MT adopted this protocol as standard. Moreover, the constant output parameters monitoring allowed us to identify unusual values in facial bones exams, due to changes during maintenance service, which the team promptly suggested to correct. This resulted in a substantial dose saving in CTDIvol average values of approximately 15% and 50% for head and facial bones exams, respectively. Diagnostic image quality was deemed suitable for clinical use by radiologists.


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Introduction: Shoulder impingement is one of the most common presentations of shoulder joint problems 1. It appears to be caused by a reduction in the sub-acromial space as the humerus abducts between 60o -120o – the 'painful arc'. Structures between the humeral head and the acromion are thus pinched causing pain and further pathology 2. Shoulder muscle activity can influence this joint space but it is unclear whether this is a cause or effect in impingement patients. This study aimed to observe muscle activation patterns in normal and impingement shoulder patients and determine if there were any significant differences. Method: 19 adult subjects were asked to perform shoulder abduction in their symptomatic arm and non-symptomatic. 10 of these subjects (age 47.9 ± 11.2) were screened for shoulder impingement, and 9 subjects (age 38.9 ± 14.3) had no history of shoulder pathology. Surface EMG was used to collect data for 6 shoulder muscles (Upper, middle and lower trapezius, serratus anterior, infraspinatus, middle deltoids) which was then filtered and fully rectified. Subjects performed 3 smooth unilateral abduction movements at a cadence of 16 beats of a metronome set at 60bpm, and the mean of their results was recorded. T-tests were used to indicate any statistical significance in the data sets. Significance was set at P<0.05. Results: There was a significant difference in muscle activation with serratus anterior in particular showing a very low level of activation throughout the range when compared to normal shoulder activation patterns (<30%). Middle deltoid recruitment was significantly reduced between 60-90o in the impingement group (30:58%).Trends were noted in other muscles with upper trapezius and infraspinatus activating more rapidly and erratically (63:25%; 60:27% respectively), and lower trapezius with less recruitment (13:30%) in the patient group, although these did not quite reach significance. Conclusion: There appears to be some interesting alterations in muscle recruitment patterns in impingement shoulder patients when compared against their own unaffected shoulders and the control group. In particular changes in scapula control (serratus anterior and trapezius) and lateral rotation (infraspinatus), which have direct influence on the sub-acromial space, should be noted. It is still not clear whether these alterations are causative or reactionary, but this finding gives a clear indication to the importance of addressing muscle reeducation as part of a rehabilitation programme in shoulder impingement patients.