990 resultados para HYPOTENTIAL ACCIDENTS


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A reconstrução cirúrgica do ligamento cruzado posterior (L.C.P.) do joelho ainda permanece como um grande desafio terapêutico. Neste trabalho avaliamos 30 pacientes submetidos à reconstrução cirúrgica do L.C.P. com a técnica de fixação do enxerto tendíneo no leito tibial por abordagem direta (INLAY). 28 pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 2 do feminino, com idade média de 31,10 anos. O tempo médio de lesão foi de 34,24 meses em 67% dos casos a lesão foi secundária a acidente motociclístico. As lesões condrais e do ligamento cruzado anterior (L.C.A.) do joelho estavam presentes em 67% e 33% dos casos, respectivamente. Os pacientes foram avaliados objetivamente (teste de gaveta posterior) e subjetivamente (Escala de Lysholm). O seguimento pós-operatório médio foi de 21,7 meses. Cerca de 66% dos casos foram classificados como bom e excelente na avaliação subjetiva e objetiva. A análise estatística apresentou comportamento semelhante para as duas avaliações.Os resultados clínicos pós-operatórios obtidos neste trabalho têm nos encorajado a seguir com esta técnica cirúrgica.


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Avaliamos 21 pacientes, sendo 16 pacientes do sexo masculino e 5 do feminino, com idade média de 30 anos, foram submetidos à tratamento cirúrgico da fratura-avulsão do LCP. em 57% dos casos a lesão foi secundária a acidente motociclístico e 19% a acidente automobilístico. em 72% dos casos foi identificada uma lesão na face anterior do joelho. O tratamento cirúrgico consistiu na abordagem posterior do joelho e fixação do fragmento ósseo com parafuso e arruela em 18 casos; e amarrilhas trans-ósseas em 3 casos, onde o fragmento ósseo era muito pequeno. em 91% dos casos, a cirurgia foi realizada dentro dos primeiros 15 dias apos a lesão. Os pacientes foram avaliados objetivamente (teste de gaveta posterior) e subjetivamente (Escala de Lysholm), apos um seguimento pós-operatório mínimo de 12 meses. A análise estatística não mostrou diferença significativa, ao nível de 5%, entre as avaliações objetiva e subjetiva. A ausência de lesão ligamentar periférica pode ter contribuído para que os resultados clínicos pós-operatórios tenham avaliação subjetiva satisfatória; entretanto, a presença de uma posteriorização tibial residual sugere que a fratura-avulsão do ligamento cruzado posterior deve ser abordada não como uma lesão óssea pura, mas sim, como uma lesão ósteo-ligamentar.


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O objetivo deste artigo é descrever, através de estratégias metodológicas quantitativas e qualitativas, os acidentes do trabalho ocorridos em três anos numa indústria metalúrgica do interior de São Paulo para compreender suas possíveis causas. Trata-se de um estudo de casos de uma indústria; foram estudados 336 acidentes em três anos, utilizando-se três procedimentos: análise dos registros dos acidentes, entrevistas (166 acidentados) e realização de grupos focais (111 trabalhadores). A proporção de incidência anual dos acidentes foi de 16,9%; 75 casos com afastamento superior a 15 dias; 51,2% ocorreram pela manhã, afetando caldeireiros (48,2%). Entre os entrevistados, escolaridade média de 8,8 anos e idade de 31 a 50 anos (55,4%); 64,5% já haviam sofrido outros acidentes e com maior ocorrência naqueles expostos ao ruído intenso (mais 90 dBA) (53%). Nos grupos focais, identificaram-se percepções e sentimentos dos trabalhadores a respeito dos acidentes que não apareceram nas etapas anteriores. Através dos grupos focais pode-se identificar melhor os fatores que contribuem para os acidentes, como: pressões, realização de horas extras, baixos salários, condições de trabalho precárias e organização do trabalho.


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Os autores estudaram 32 doentes picados por serpentes venenosas, sendo 16 picados por Bothrops spp. e 16 por Crotalus durissus terrificus. Trinta doentes eram do sexo masculino e dois do feminino com idades variando entre 8 e 63 anos (méda 33±15). A prova da retenção da bromosulfaleína apresentou-se aumentada na maioria dos doentes picados por serpentes Crotalus durissus terrificus. Houve correlação positiva entre a retenção da bromosulfaleína e os níveis séricos de alanina aminotransferase e entre alanina e aspartato aminotransferase apenas nos doentes do grupo Crotalus. Um dos doentes evoluiu para o óbito e apresentou no exame anatomopatológico do fígado degeneração hidrópica e lesões mitocondriais. Os autores concluem que as alterações hepáticas são causadas por pelo menos dois mecanismos a saber: lesão mitocondrial por efeito do veneno crotálico; efeito das citoquinas, especialmente a interleucina-6.


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The biochemical and functional characterization of wasp venom toxins is an important prerequisite for the development of new tools both for the therapy of the toxic reactions due to envenomation caused by multiple stinging accidents and also for the diagnosis and therapy of allergic reactions caused by this type of venom. PLA(1) was purified from the venom of the neotropical social wasp Polybia paulista by using molecular exclusion and cation exchange chromatographies; its amino acid sequence was determined by using automated Edman degradation and compared to the sequences of other vespid venom PLA(1)'s. The enzyme exists as a 33,961.40 da protein, which was identified as a lipase of the GX class, liprotein lipase superfamily, pancreatic lipases (ab20.3) homologous family and RP2 sub-group of phospholipase. P. paulista PLA(1) is 53-82% identical to the phospholipases from wasp species from Northern Hemisphere. The use restrained-based modeling permitted to describe the 3-D structure of the enzyme, revealing that its molecule presents 23% alpha-helix, 28% beta-sheet and 49% coil. The protein structure has the alpha/beta fold common to many lipases; the core consists of a tightly packed beta-sheet constituted of six-stranded parallel and one anti-parallel beta-strand, surrounded by four alpha-helices. P. paulista PLA(1) exhibits direct hemolytic action against washed red blood cells with activity similar to the Cobra cardiotoxin from Naja naja atra. In addition to this, PLA(1) was immunoreactive to specific IgE from the sera of P. paulista-sensitive patients. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Stingrays of the family Potamotrygonidae are widespread throughout river systems of South America that drain into the Atlantic Ocean. Some species are endemic to the most extreme freshwater environment of the Brazil and cause frequent accidents to humans. The envenomation causes immediate, local, and intense pain, soft tissue edema, and a variable extent of bleeding. The present study was carried out in order to describe the principal biological and some biochemical properties of the Brazilian Potamotrygon fish venoms (Potamotrygon cf. scobina and P. gr. orbignyi). Both stingray venoms induced significant edematogenic and nociceptive responses in mice. Edematogenic and nociceptive responses were reduced when the venom was incubated at 37 or 56 degrees C. The results showed striking augments of leukocytes rolling and adherent cells to the endothelium of cremaster mice induced by both venoms. The data also presented that injection of both venoms induced necrosis, low level of proteolytic activity, without inducing haemorrhage. But when the venoms of both stingray species were injected together with their mucus secretion, the necrotizing activity was more vigorous. The present study provided in vivo evidence of toxic effects for P. cf. scobina and P. gr. orbignyi venoms. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All fights reserved.


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Background and Objectives. A combination of epidural and general anesthesia has been widely used to attenuate the surgical stress response and to provide postoperative analgesia. This case report illustrates the use of this anesthetic technique. Analgesia was induced with local anesthetic in the immediate postoperative period using unintentional 19.1% potassium chloride (KCI) as diluent. Methods. An ASA I male patient was scheduled for surgical correction of idiopathic megaesophagus under continuous epidural anesthesia combined with general anesthesia. In the postoperative period, while preparing 10 mt 0.125% bupivacaine to be administered through the epidural catheter for pain control, 5 mt 19.1% KCI was unintentionally used as diluent, resulting in a 9.55% potassium solution concentration. Results. The patient developed warmness of the lower limbs, tachycardia, hypertension, intense pruritus on the chest, agitation, exacerbation of sensory and motor blocks, and respiratory failure secondary to pulmonary edema, requiring ventilatory support. Total recovery was observed after 24 hours. Conclusions. Epidurally injected potassium leads to severe clinical manifestations caused by autonomic dysfunction, spinal cord irritation, and possible release of histamine. Despite continuous recommendations, ampule misidentification still happens in hospitals, frequently leading to serious accidents.


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Cathorops spixii is one of the most abundant venomous fish of the southeastern coast of the State of São Paulo, and consequently causes a great part of the accidents seen there. The accidents affect mainly fishermen, swimmers and tourists and are characterized by punctiform or wide wounds, erythema, edema, pain, sudoresis, indisposition, fever, nausea, vomiting and secondary infection. The objective of this work was to characterize the inflammatory response induced in mice by both venoms (mucus and sting) of the catfish C spixii. Our results demonstrated that both venoms induced a great number of rolling and adherent leukocytes in the post-capillary venules of cremaster muscle of mice, and an increase in the vascular permeability in peritoneal cavity. Mucus induced the recruitment of neutrophils immediately after injection followed later by macrophage infiltration. In contrast, the cellular infiltration elicited by sting venom was rapidly resolved. The peritonitis reaction provoked by venoms was characterized by cytokine (IL-6), chemokines (MCP-1 and KC) or lipid mediator (LTB4) production in the peritoneal cavity. The macrophages from 7-day mucus venom-induced exudates upon in vitro mucus venom stimulation, expressed CD1 Ic x MHC class II and release bioactive IL-12p70. on the other hand, sting venom-elicited peritoneal macrophages lost the ability to differentiate into dendritic cells, following re-stimulation in vitro with sting venom, they do not express CD11c, nor do they exhibit sufficient levels of MHC class II. In conclusion, both types of venoms (mucus or sting) promote inflammatory reaction with different profiles, and the inflammatory reaction induced by the first was characterized by antigen persistence in peritoneal cavity that allowed the activation of phagocytic cells with capacity of antigenic presentation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Marine and freshwater stingrays are characterized by the presence of one to three mineralized serrated stingers on the tail, which are covered by epidermal cells secreting venom. When these animals are dorsally touched, the stinger can be introduced into the aggressor by a whip reflex mechanism of the tail, causing severe mechanical injuries and inoculating the venom. Accidents in humans are frequent causing intense local pain, oedema and erythema. Bacterial secondary infection is also common. In addition, injuries involving freshwater stingrays frequently cause a persistent cutaneous necrosis. The exact localization of the venom secretory epidermal cells in the stinger is controversial, but it is known that it is preferentially located in the ventrolateral grooves. A comparative morphological analysis of the stinger epidermal tissue of different marine and freshwater Brazilian stingray species was carried out. The results indicate that in freshwater species there is a larger number of protein secretory cells, of two different types, spread over the whole stinger epidermis, while in marine species the protein secretory cells are located only around or inside the stinger ventrolateral grooves. These differences between the stingers of the two groups can justify the more severe envenomation accidents with the freshwater species when compared with the marine species. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The risks of accidents, illness and early death are part of life on Earth, which touches all living creatures, including Mankind. Because of modern mass communication media, the emotional impact of current risks are greater than in the past. Many unnecessary risk can and should be avoided, and with respect to other they can be drastically reduced. In addition to this, some risks should be confronted in order to avoid greater ones. In any risk analysis, eventual benefits should be taken into consideration, the risks surrounding other activities and other factors. Some risks examples and their implications are presented and discussed, in general. Nuclear energy is specifically treated, but it also refers and comments that which surrounds other human activities (airplanes, automobiles, smog, gasoline, DDT, and coal energy). As in the history of aviation, nuclear industry has a history of greater successes than failures. Nonetheless, in both cases, serious accidents deserve deep thought, including the increment of security norms. The current fear of some people to nuclear energy is compared to the unfounded fear at the advent of gasoline last century. Risks, naturally, should not be exagerated, but they cannot be discarded. The main intention of the author is to discuss the complexity of the problem, and to see that risks are evaluated and accepted. In relation to nuclear energy, the author only mentions his point of view, defended in other publications, that it involves very high risks.


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This report describes the consequences and some aspects of the origin and development of victim blaming in accident analysis, and some methods for investigating such events, with particular emphasis on the situation in Brazil. In Brazil, the spread of this practice seems to have been helped by several factors. (1) the idea that occupational accidents are simple phenomena with a limited number of causal factors linked to unsafe actions and/or conditions. In the past, the theory of accident proneness had less influence than in other countries. (2) Government regulations that stipulate the hiring of health and safety officers, production of educational material, and preventive campaigns that emphasize the role of the victim's faulty behavior in the origin of an accident. (3) Mandatory implementation of standardized models for accident investigation directed toward searching for a single cause. Usually one conclusion, expressed in terms of unsafe acts or conditions, is formulated so that whoever performs an unsafe act is responsible for the accident. (4) Lack of knowledge, as shown in Brazilian publications on occupational accidents and in the evolution of studies on the nature of accident phenomena and of strategies adopted for their prevention.


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This study aimed at observing aspects of epidemiology in order to investigate the use of alcohol in patients older than 18 with severe and moderate traumatic brain injury, which were attended in the Clinics Hospital of the University of Uberlandia. Positive alcoholemy was found in 39.3% of the patients. of the 33 positive exams alcoholemy was found higher than 60 mg/dL in 28 (84.6%). There was not significant relation between alcoholemy levels and trauma severity. The major prevalence occurred on Saturdays nights. The most frequent types of external causes were transportation accidents (64.74) followed by accidental falls (17.27%) and physical aggression (16.55%). 93.9% of the patients with positive alcoholemy were men aged 20-29. 24.2% of the ones with positive alcoholemy died yet no significant difference was found in the study of the ones with negative alcoholemy (n=51) (p=0.93); RR= 0.9; IC95%=0.40-2.08.


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Background: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a respiratory disease characterized by the collapse of the extrathoracic airway and has important social implications related to accidents and cardiovascular risk. The main objective of the present study was to investigate whether the drop in expiratory flow and the volume expired in 0.2 s during the application of negative expiratory pressure (NEP) are associated with the presence and severity of OSA in a population of professional interstate bus drivers who travel medium and long distances.Methods/Design: An observational, analytic study will be carried out involving adult male subjects of an interstate bus company. Those who agree to participate will undergo a detailed patient history, physical examination involving determination of blood pressure, anthropometric data, circumference measurements (hips, waist and neck), tonsils and Mallampati index. Moreover, specific questionnaires addressing sleep apnea and excessive daytime sleepiness will be administered. Data acquisition will be completely anonymous. Following the medical examination, the participants will perform a spirometry, NEP test and standard overnight polysomnography. The NEP test is performed through the administration of negative pressure at the mouth during expiration. This is a practical test performed while awake and requires little cooperation from the subject. In the absence of expiratory flow limitation, the increase in the pressure gradient between the alveoli and open upper airway caused by NEP results in an increase in expiratory flow.Discussion: Despite the abundance of scientific evidence, OSA is still underdiagnosed in the general population. In addition, diagnostic procedures are expensive, and predictive criteria are still unsatisfactory. Because increased upper airway collapsibility is one of the main determinants of OSA, the response to the application of NEP could be a predictor of this disorder. With the enrollment of this study protocol, the expectation is to encounter predictive NEP values for different degrees of OSA in order to contribute toward an early diagnosis of this condition and reduce its impact and complications among commercial interstate bus drivers.


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The present work aimed to determine the oral microbiotic composition of snakes from Sao Jose do Rio Preto city, São Paulo State, Brazil. Ten snake species, comprising the families Boidae, Colubridae, Elapidae and Viperidae, were submitted to microbiological examination of their oral cavity, which indicated positivity for all buccal samples. Gram-negative bacilli, gram-negative cocci bacilli, gram-positive bacilli and gram-positive cocci were isolated from the snakes. Among isolated bacterium species, the occurrence of coagulase-negative staphylococci in the buccal cavity of Crotalus durissus (Viperiade), Eunectes murinus (Boidae), Mastigodryas bifossatus (Colubridae) and Bacillus subtilis, common to oral cavity of Bothrops alternatus (Viperidae) and Phalotris mertensi (Colubridae), was detected. It was observed higher diversity of isolated bacteria from the oral cavity of Micrurus frontalis (Elapidae) and Philodryas nattereri (Colubridae), as well as the prevalence of gram-positive baccillus and gram-positive cocci. The composition of the oral microbiota of the studied snakes, with or without inoculating fangs, is diverse and also related to the formation of abscesses at the bite site in the victims of the ophidian accidents, and to pathogenic processes in the snakes that host these microorganisms.


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The aim of this study was to gather data on trauma etiology and mandibular fracture localization in patients who presented at the General Hospital of Nova Iguacu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. From March 2007 to December 2008, 95 patients with mandibular fracture were registered in a medical form, at the Bucomax-illofacial Surgery Department of the General Hospital of Nova Iguacu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Concerning mandibular fracture etiology, 21.05% were caused by motorcycle accidents, followed by interpersonal violence without use of weapons (punches, kicks, bumps with the head, blows with the elbow, etc) (16.84%) and interpersonal violence with firearm (14.73%). It was found that 52.63% of the patients had a single fracture line. The most affected fracture area was the parasymphysis (26.02%), followed by the condyle (22.60%) and mandibular angle (18.49%). Concerning the injury area, 24.21% were directed to the mandibular symphysis, 22.17% of the patients did not remember the injury area, and 18.94% had multiple injuries. When the injury was directed to the symphysis, the result was more condyle fractures (11.64%), and injuries at the mandibular angle resulted in fractures at the angle itself (8.90%). The most common fracture cause was traffic accidents, mainly motorcycle accidents, and the most affected areas were the parasymphysis and the condyle. The mandible isolated fractures occurred in half of the cases. Motorcycle accidents resulted in more fractures in the parasymphysis area, and when the symphysis area is affected by injuries, the result is a higher percentage in condyle fractures.