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In the first part of my thesis I studied the mechanism of initiation of the innate response to HSV-1. Innate immune response is the first line of defense set up by the cell to counteract pathogens infection and it is elicited by the activation of a number of membrane or intracellular receptors and sensors, collectively indicated as PRRs, Patter Recognition Receptors. We reported that the HSV pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP) that activate Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and lead to the initiation of innate response are the virion glycoproteins gH/gL and gB, which constitute the conserved fusion core apparatus across the Herpesvirus. Specifically gH/gL is sufficient to initiate a signaling cascade which leads to NF-κB activation. Then, by gain and loss-of-function approaches, we found that αvβ3-integrin is a sensor of and plays a crucial role in the innate defense against HSV-1. We showed that αvβ3-integrin signals through a pathway that concurs with TLR2, affects activation/induction of interferons type 1, NF-κB, and a polarized set of cytokines and receptors. Thus, we demonstrated that gH/gL is sufficient to induce IFN1 and NF-κB via this pathway. From these data, we proposed that αvβ3-integrin is considered a class of non-TLR pattern recognition receptors. In the second part of my thesis I studied the capacity of human mesenchymal stromal cells isolated by fetal membranes (FM-hMSCs) to be used as carrier cells for the delivery of retargeted R-LM249 virus. The use of systemically administrated carrier cells to deliver oncolytic viruses to tumoral targets is a promising strategy in oncolytic virotherapy. We observed that FM-hMSCs can be infected by R-LM249 and we optimized the infection condition; then we demonstrate that stromal cells sustain the replication of retargeted R-LM249 and spread it to target tumoral cells. From these preliminary data FM-hMSCs resulted suitable to be used as carrier cells


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Primary varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection during childhood leads to varicella commonly known as chickenpox. After primary infection has occurred VZV establishes latency in the host. During subsequent lifetime the virus can cause reactivated infection clinically known as herpes zoster or shingles. In immunodeficient patients’ dissemination of the virus can lead to life-threatening disease. Withdrawal of acyclovir drug prophylaxis puts allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) patients at increased risk for herpes zoster as long as VZV-specific cellular immunity is impaired. Although an efficient live attenuated VZV vaccine for zoster prophylaxis exists, it is not approved in immunocompromised patients due to safety reasons. Knowledge of immunogenic VZV proteins would allow designing a noninfectious nonhazardous subunit vaccine suitable for patients with immunodeficiencies. The objective of this study was to identify T cell defined virus proteins of a VZV-infected Vero cell extract that we have recently described as a reliable antigen format for interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISpot) assays (Distler et al. 2008). We first separated the VZV-infected/-uninfected Vero cell extracts by size filtration and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The collected fractions were screened for VZV reactivity with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of VZV-seropositive healthy individuals in the sensitive IFN-γ ELISpot assay. Using this strategy, we successfully identified bioactive fractions that contained immunogenic VZV material. VZV immune reactivity was mediated by CD4+ memory T lymphocytes (T cells) of VZV-seropositive healthy individuals as demonstrated in experiments with HLA blockade antibodies and T cell subpopulations already published by Distler et al. We next analyzed the bioactive fractions with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) techniques and identified the sequences of three VZV-derived proteins: glycoprotein E (gE); glycoprotein B (gB), and immediate early protein 62 (IE62). Complementary DNA of these identified proteins was used to generate in vitro transcribed RNA for effective expression in PBMCs by electroporation. We thereby established a reliable and convenient IFN-γ ELISPOT approach to screen PBMCs of healthy donors and HSCT patients for T cell reactivity to single full-length VZV proteins. Application in 10 VZV seropositive healthy donors demonstrated much stronger recognition of glycoproteins gE and gB compared to IE62. In addition, monitoring experiments with ex vivo PBMCs of 3 allo-HSCT patients detected strongly increased CD4+ T cell responses to gE and gB for several weeks to months after zoster onset, while IE62 reactivity remained moderate. Overall our results show for the first time that VZV glycoproteins gE and gB are major targets of the post-transplant anti-zoster CD4+ T cell response. The screening approach introduced herein may help to select VZV proteins recognized by memory CD4+ T cells for inclusion in a subunit vaccine, which can be safely used for zoster prophylaxis in immunocompromised HSCT patients.


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First both life stages of Leishmania major (L. major) FEBNI parasites, promastigotes as well as amastigotes, were characterized. We found that the virulence marker GP63 and cysteine peptidase b (Cpb) were higher expressed by axenic amastigotes as compared to promastigotes. In addition to the L. major FEBNI strain, we applied and successfully modified our novel in vitro method to generate axenic amastigotes of the L. major Friedlin and 5ASKH strains. Interestingly, these L. major strains needed another temperature to be transferred into amastigotes in the axenic culture system. Investigating apoptosis mechanisms in both parasite life stages of L. major FEBNI we found both ROS dependent and independent cell death mechanisms. Focusing on promastigote and amastigote interaction with pro-inflammatory (MF I) and anti-inflammatory (MF II) macrophages we found amastigotes to be more infective as compared to promastigotes. Moreover, we could demonstrate that pro-inflammatory MF I were less susceptible to infection than anti-inflammatory MF II. Finally we investigated parasite stage-specific responses of MF I + II and their defense mechanisms against L. major. Using knockdown techniques for primary human macrophages we identified a new mechanism enabling intracellular killing of promastigotes inside MF I. This mechanism depends on the antimicrobial molecule cathelicidin (LL-37).


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit fokussierten wir uns auf drei verschiedene Aspekte der Leishmanien-Infektion. Wir charakterisierten den Prozess des Zelltods „Apoptose“ bei Parasiten (1), untersuchten die Eignung von Makrophagen und dendritischen Zellen als Wirtszelle für die Entwicklung der Parasiten (2) und analysierten die Konsequenzen der Infektion für die Entstehung einer adaptiven Immunantwort im humanen System. Von zentraler Bedeutung für dieses Projekt war die Hypothese, dass apoptotische Leishmanien den Autophagie-Mechanismus ihrer Wirtszellen ausnutzen, um eine T-Zell-vermittelte Abtötung der Parasiten zu vermindern.rnWir definierten eine apoptotische Leishmanien-Population, welche durch eine rundliche Morphologie und die Expression von Phosphatidylserin auf der Parasitenoberfläche charakterisiert war. Die apoptotischen Parasiten befanden sich zudem in der SubG1-Phase und wiesen weniger und fragmentierte DNA auf, welche durch TUNEL-Assay nachgewiesen werden konnte. Bei der Interaktion der Parasiten mit humanen Makrophagen und dendritischen Zellen zeigte sich, dass die anti-inflammatorischen Makrophagen anfälliger für Infektionen waren als die pro-inflammatorischen Makrophagen oder die dendritischen Zellen. Interessanterweise wurde in den dendritischen Zellen jedoch die effektivste Umwandlung zur krankheitsauslösenden, amastigoten Lebensform beobachtet. Da sowohl Makrophagen als auch dendritische Zellen zu den antigenpräsentierenden Zellen gehören, könnte dies zur Aktivierung der T-Zellen des adaptiven Immunsystems führen. Tatsächlich konnte während der Leishmanien-Infektion die Proliferation von T-Zellen beobachtet werden. Dabei stellten wir fest, dass es sich bei den proliferierenden T-Zellen um CD3+CD4+ T-Zellen handelte, welche sich überraschenderweise als Leishmanien-spezifische CD45RO+ T-Gedächtniszellen herausstellten. Dies war unerwartet, da ein vorheriger Kontakt der Spender mit Leishmanien als unwahrscheinlich gilt. In Gegenwart von apoptotischen Parasiten konnte eine signifikant schwächere T-Zell-Proliferation in Makrophagen, jedoch nicht in dendritischen Zellen beobachtet werden. Da sich die T-Zell-Proliferation negativ auf das Überleben der Parasiten auswirkt, konnten die niedrigsten Überlebensraten in dendritischen Zellen vorgefunden werden. Innerhalb der Zellen befanden sich die Parasiten in beiden Zelltypen im Phagosom, welches allerdings nur in Makrophagen den Autophagie-Marker LC3 aufwies. Chemische Induktion von Autophagie führte, ebenso wie die Anwesenheit von apoptotischen Parasiten, zu einer stark reduzierten T-Zell-Proliferation und dementsprechend zu einem höheren Überleben der Parasiten.rnZusammenfassend lässt sich aus unseren Daten schließen, dass Apoptose in Einzellern vorkommt. Während der Infektion können sowohl Makrophagen, als auch dendritische Zellen mit Leishmanien infiziert und das adaptive Immunsystem aktivert werden. Die eingeleitete T-Zell-Proliferation nach Infektion von Makrophagen ist in Gegenwart von apoptotischen Parasiten reduziert, weshalb sie im Vergleich zu dendritischen Zellen die geeigneteren Wirtszellen für Leishmanien darstellen. Dafür missbrauchen die Parasiten den Autophagie-Mechanismus der Makrophagen als Fluchtstrategie um das adaptive Immunsystem zu umgehen und somit das Überleben der Gesamtpopulation zu sichern. Diese Ergebnisse erklären den Vorteil von Apoptose in Einzellern und verdeutlichen, dass der Autophagie-Mechanismus als potentielles therapeutisches Ziel für die Behandlung von Leishmaniose dienen kann.rn


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Curcumin exerts its anti-inflammatory activity via inhibition of nuclear factor κB. Oropharyngeal epithelia and residing bacteria closely interact in inflammation and infection. This in vitro model investigated the effects of curcumin on bacterial survival, adherence to, and invasion of upper respiratory tract epithelia, and studied its anti-inflammatory effect. We aimed to establish a model, which could offer insights into the host-pathogen interaction in cancer therapy induced mucositis.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in ventilator-associated pneumonia is a serious and often life-threatening complication in intensive care unit patients, and new treatment options are needed. We used B-cell-enriched peripheral blood lymphocytes from a volunteer immunized with a P. aeruginosa O-polysaccharide-toxin A conjugate vaccine to generate human hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies specific for individual P. aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide serotypes. The fully human monoclonal antibody secreted by one of these lines, KBPA101, is an IgM/kappa antibody that binds P. aeruginosa of International Antigenic Typing System (IATS) serotype O11 with high avidity (5.81 x 10(7) M(-1) +/- 2.8 x 10(7) M(-1)) without cross-reacting with other serotypes. KBPA101 specifically opsonized the P. aeruginosa of IATS O11 serotype and mediated complement-dependent phagocytosis in vitro by the human monocyte-like cell line HL-60 at a very low concentration (half-maximal phagocytosis at 0.16 ng/ml). In vivo evaluation of KBPA101 demonstrated a dose-response relationship for protection against systemic infections in a murine burn wound sepsis model, where 70 to 100% of animals were protected against lethal challenges with P. aeruginosa at doses as low as 5 microg/animal. Furthermore, a high efficacy of KBPA101 in protection from local respiratory infections in an acute lung infection model in mice was demonstrated. Preclinical toxicology evaluation on human tissue, in rabbits, and in mice did not indicate any toxicity of KBPA101. Based on these preclinical findings, the first human clinical trials have been initiated.


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Current guidelines suggest that primary prophylaxis for Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PcP) can be safely stopped in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients who are receiving combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) and who have a CD4 cell count >200 cells/microL. There are few data regarding the incidence of PcP or safety of stopping prophylaxis in virologically suppressed patients with CD4 cell counts of 101-200 cells/microL.


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Chronic liver disease in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients is mostly caused by hepatitis virus co-infection. Other reasons for chronic alanine aminotransferase (ALT) elevation are more difficult to diagnose.


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Human narcolepsy with cataplexy is a neurological disorder, which develops due to a deficiency in hypocretin producing neurons in the hypothalamus. There is a strong association with human leucocyte antigens HLA-DR2 and HLA-DQB1*0602. The disease typically starts in adolescence. Recent developments in narcolepsy research support the hypothesis of narcolepsy being an immune-mediated disease. Narcolepsy is associated with polymorphisms of the genes encoding T cell receptor alpha chain, tumour necrosis factor alpha and tumour necrosis factor receptor II. Moreover the rate of streptococcal infection is increased at onset of narcolepsy. The hallmarks of anti-self reactions in the tissue--namely upregulation of major histocompatibility antigens and lymphocyte infiltrates--are missing in the hypothalamus. These findings are questionable because they were obtained by analyses performed many years after onset of disease. In some patients with narcolepsy autoantibodies to Tribbles homolog 2, which is expressed by hypocretin neurons, have been detected recently. Immune-mediated destruction of hypocretin producing neurons may be mediated by microglia/macrophages that become activated either by autoantigen specific CD4(+) T cells or superantigen stimulated CD8(+) T cells, or independent of T cells by activation of DQB1*0602 signalling. Activation of microglia and macrophages may lead to the release of neurotoxic molecules such as quinolinic acid, which has been shown to cause selective destruction of hypocretin neurons in the hypothalamus.


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Neutrophils are terminally differentiated cells with a short life-span due to constitutive apoptosis. Because of these characteristics, genetic manipulation of neutrophils has been difficult, although it is highly desired given the importance of neutrophils in the immune system. Here we demonstrate that transduction of primary human mature neutrophils with enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP)-encoding lentiviral particles results in GFP-containing cells as previously reported. Yet, our data further show that GFP expression in neutrophils upon transduction is largely due to protein transfer, a process called lentiviral pseudotransduction, and not due to bona fide transduction. Thus, inhibition of viral genome integration by the reverse transcriptase inhibitor 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) or of protein biosynthesis by cycloheximide (CHX) did not abolish GFP levels in transduced neutrophils. Importantly, lentiviral pseudotransduction of the enzyme death-associated protein kinase 2 (DAPK2) into primary human mature neutrophils resulted in increased protein levels, but not enzymatic functionality. Based on our data and previous reports of unspecific viral effects on immune cells following lentiviral transduction, we discourage scientists to use lentiviral transduction methods to manipulate primary mature neutrophils.


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To determine the subcellular localization of the tegument proteins pp65, pp71, pp150, and pp28 as fusions to one of several fluorescent proteins. Since these tegument proteins play pivotal roles in several stages of the viral life cycle, knowledge of where and the mechanism of how these proteins localize upon release could result in a better understanding of their function during a lytic infection as well as assist in the development of an effective, novel antiviral treatment.


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Human systemic antibody responses to commensal microbiota are not well characterised during health and disease. Of particular interest is the analysis of their potential modulation caused by chronic HIV-1 infection which is associated with sustained enteropathy and systemic B cell disturbances reflected by impaired B cell responses and chronic B cell hyperactivity. The mechanisms underlying B cell hyperactivation and the specificities of the resulting hypergammaglobulinaemia are only poorly understood.


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Chronic lung infections by Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Although there is no clear evidence for a primary defect in the immune system of CF patients, the host is generally unable to clear P. aeruginosa from the airways. PTX3 is a soluble pattern recognition receptor that plays nonredundant roles in the innate immune response to fungi, bacteria, and viruses. In particular, PTX3 deficiency is associated with increased susceptibility to P. aeruginosa lung infection. To address the potential therapeutic effect of PTX3 in P. aeruginosa lung infection, we established persistent and progressive infections in mice with the RP73 clinical strain RP73 isolated from a CF patient and treated them with recombinant human PTX3. The results indicated that PTX3 has a potential therapeutic effect in P. aeruginosa chronic lung infection by reducing lung colonization, proinflammatory cytokine levels (CXCL1, CXCL2, CCL2, and IL-1β), and leukocyte recruitment in the airways. In models of acute infections and in in vitro assays, the prophagocytic effect of PTX3 was maintained in C1q-deficient mice and was lost in C3- and Fc common γ-chain-deficient mice, suggesting that facilitated recognition and phagocytosis of pathogens through the interplay between complement and FcγRs are involved in the therapeutic effect mediated by PTX3. These data suggested that PTX3 is a potential therapeutic tool in chronic P. aeruginosa lung infections, such as those seen in CF patients.


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The time passed since the infection of a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individual (the age of infection) is an important but often only poorly known quantity. We assessed whether the fraction of ambiguous nucleotides obtained from bulk sequencing as done for genotypic resistance testing can serve as a proxy of this parameter.


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Rhinoviruses are important triggers of pulmonary exacerbations and possible contributors to long-term respiratory morbidity in cystic fibrosis (CF), but mechanisms leading to rhinovirus-induced CF exacerbations are poorly understood. It is hypothesised that there is a deficient innate immune response of the airway epithelium towards rhinovirus infection in CF.