964 resultados para H-1 MAS NMR


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Previously, we showed that the addition of human erythrocyte glycosphingolipids (GSLs) to nonhuman CD4+ or GSL-depleted human CD4+ cells rendered those cells susceptible to HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein-mediated cell fusion. Individual components in the GSL mixture were isolated by fractionation on a silica-gel column and incorporated into the membranes of CD4+ cells. GSL-supplemented target cells were then examined for their ability to fuse with TF228 cells expressing HIV-1LAI envelope glycoprotein. We found that one GSL fraction, fraction 3, exhibited the highest recovery of fusion after incorporation into CD4+ nonhuman and GSL-depleted HeLa-CD4 cells and that fraction 3 contained a single GSL fraction. Fraction 3 was characterized by MS, NMR spectroscopy, enzymatic analysis, and immunostaining with an antiglobotriaosylceramide (Gb3) antibody and was found to be Gal(α1→4)Gal(β1→4)Glc-Cer (Gb3). The addition of fraction 3 or Gb3 to GSL-depleted HeLa-CD4 cells recovered fusion, but the addition of galactosylceramide, glucosylceramide, the monosialoganglioside, GM3, lactosylceramide, globoside, the disialoganglioside, GD3, or α-galactosidase A-digested fraction 3 had no effect. Our findings show that the neutral GSL, Gb3, is required for CD4/CXCR4-dependent HIV-1 fusion.


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The crystal and molecular structure of an RNA duplex corresponding to the high affinity Rev protein binding element (RBE) has been determined at 2.1-Å resolution. Four unique duplexes are present in the crystal, comprising two structural variants. In each duplex, the RNA double helix consists of an annealed 12-mer and 14-mer that form an asymmetric internal loop consisting of G-G and G-A noncanonical base pairs and a flipped-out uridine. The 12-mer strand has an A-form conformation, whereas the 14-mer strand is distorted to accommodate the bulges and noncanonical base pairing. In contrast to the NMR model of the unbound RBE, an asymmetric G-G pair with N2-N7 and N1-O6 hydrogen bonding, is formed in each helix. The G-A base pairing agrees with the NMR structure in one structural variant, but forms a novel water-mediated pair in the other. A backbone flip and reorientation of the G-G base pair is required to assume the RBE conformation present in the NMR model of the complex between the RBE and the Rev peptide.


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Reaction of the normal isomer of [B20H18]2− and the protected thiol anion, [SC(O)OC(CH3)3]−, produces an unexpected isomer of [B20H17SC(O)OC(CH3)3]4− directly and in good yield. The isomer produced under mild conditions is characterized by an apical–apical boron atom intercage connection as well as the location of the thiol substituent on an equatorial belt adjacent to the terminal boron apex. Although the formation of this isomer from nucleophilic attack of the normal isomer of [B20H18]2− has not been reported previously, the isomeric assignment has been unambiguously confirmed by one-dimensional and two-dimensional 11B NMR spectroscopy. Deprotection of the thiol substituent under acidic conditions produces a protonated intermediate, [B20H18SH]3−, which can be deprotonated with a suitable base to yield the desired product, [B20H17SH]4−. The sodium salt of the resulting [B20H17SH]4− ion has been encapsulated in small, unilamellar liposomes, which are capable of delivering their contents selectively to tumors in vivo, and investigated as a potential agent for boron neutron capture therapy. The biodistribution of boron was determined after intravenous injection of the liposomal suspension into BALB/c mice bearing EMT6 mammary adenocarcinoma. At low injected doses, the tumor boron concentration increased throughout the time-course experiment, resulting in a maximum observed boron concentration of 46.7 μg of B per g of tumor at 48 h and a tumor to blood boron ratio of 7.7. The boron concentration obtained in the tumor corresponds to 22.2% injected dose (i.d.) per g of tissue, a value analogous to the most promising polyhedral borane anions investigated for liposomal delivery and subsequent application in boron neutron capture therapy.


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The NMR structures of the recombinant 217-residue polypeptide chain of the mature bovine prion protein, bPrP(23–230), and a C-terminal fragment, bPrP(121–230), include a globular domain extending from residue 125 to residue 227, a short flexible chain end of residues 228–230, and an N-terminal flexibly disordered “tail” comprising 108 residues for the intact protein and 4 residues for bPrP(121–230), respectively. The globular domain contains three α-helices comprising the residues 144–154, 173–194, and 200–226, and a short antiparallel β-sheet comprising the residues 128–131 and 161–164. The best-defined parts of the globular domain are the central portions of the helices 2 and 3, which are linked by the only disulfide bond in bPrP. Significantly increased disorder and mobility is observed for helix 1, the loop 166–172 leading from the β-strand 2 to helix 2, the end of helix 2 and the following loop, and the last turn of helix 3. Although there are characteristic local differences relative to the conformations of the murine and Syrian hamster prion proteins, the bPrP structure is essentially identical to that of the human prion protein. On the other hand, there are differences between bovine and human PrP in the surface distribution of electrostatic charges, which then appears to be the principal structural feature of the “healthy” PrP form that might affect the stringency of the species barrier for transmission of prion diseases between humans and cattle.


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Familial amyloidosis–Finnish type (FAF) results from a single mutation at residue 187 (D187N or D187Y) within domain 2 of the actin-regulating protein gelsolin. The mutation somehow allows a masked cleavage site to be exposed, leading to the first step in the formation of an amyloidogenic fragment. We have performed NMR experiments investigating structural and dynamic changes between wild-type (WT) and D187N gelsolin domain 2 (D2). On mutation, no significant structural or dynamic changes occur at or near the cleavage site. Areas in conformational exchange are observed between β-strand 4 and α-helix 1 and within the loop region following β-strand 5. Chemical shift differences are noted along the face of α-helix 1 that packs onto the β-sheet, suggesting an altered conformation. Conformational changes within these areas can have an effect on actin binding and may explain why D187N gelsolin is inactive. {1H-15N} nuclear Overhauser effect and chemical shift data suggest that the C-terminal tail of D187N gelsolin D2 is less structured than WT by up to six residues. In the crystal structure of equine gelsolin, the C-terminal tail of D2 lies across a large cleft between domains 1 and 2 where the masked cleavage site sits. We propose that the D187N mutation destabilizes the C-terminal tail of D2 resulting in a more exposed cleavage site leading to the first proteolysis step in the formation of the amyloidogenic fragment.


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A fluorinated detergent, CF3(CF2)5C2H4-O-maltose, was reconstituted into a lipid bilayer model membrane system to demonstrate the feasibility of determining solvent accessibility and membrane immersion depth of each fluorinated group by 19F NMR. Apolar oxygen, which is known to partition with an increasing concentration gradient toward the hydrophobic membrane interior, exhibits a range of paramagnetic relaxation effects on 19F nuclei, depending on its depth in the membrane. This effect, which is predominately associated with spin-lattice relaxation rates (R1) and chemical shifts, can be amplified greatly with minimal line broadening by increasing the partial pressure of O2 at least 100-fold (i.e., PO2 greater than 20 bar). The differences of longitudinal relaxation rates at 20 bar of oxygen pressure to those under ambient pressure (R120bar − R10) are largest for those fluorine groups expected to be most deeply buried in the membrane bilayer. This result contrasts with the reverse trend, which is observed on addition of a membrane surface-associated paramagnetic species, 4-(N,N-dimethyl-N-hexadecyl) ammonium-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl iodide (CAT-16) at ambient pressures. Thus, differential relaxation rates may be observed in 19F-labeled membrane-associated molecules resulting from the addition of apolar oxygen under high pressure. The results demonstrate that the degree of solvent accessibility and membrane immersion depth of specific fluorinated species in membrane-associated macromolecules can be probed by 19F NMR.


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We have used 19F NMR to analyze the metal ion-induced folding of the hammerhead ribozyme by selective incorporation of 5fluorouridine. We have studied the chemical shift and linewidths of 19F resonances of 5-fluorouridine at the 4 and 7 positions in the ribozyme core as a function of added Mg2+. The data fit well to a simple two-state model whereby the formation of domain 1 is induced by the noncooperative binding of Mg2+ with an association constant in the range of 100 to 500 M−1, depending on the concentration of monovalent ions present. The results are in excellent agreement with data reporting on changes in the global shape of the ribozyme. However, the NMR experiments exploit reporters located in the center of the RNA sections undergoing the folding transitions, thereby allowing the assignment of specific nucleotides to the separate stages. The results define the folding pathway at high resolution and provide a time scale for the first transition in the millisecond range.


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The aim of the present study is to determine the chemical structure and conformation of DNA adducts formed by incubation of the bioactive form of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), N-acetoxy-PhIP, with a single-stranded 11mer oligodeoxyribonucleotide. Using conditions optimized to give the C8-dG-PhIP adduct as the major product, sufficient material was synthesized for NMR solution structure determination. The NMR data indicate that in duplex DNA this adduct exists in equilibrium between two different conformational states. In the main conformer, the covalently bound PhIP molecule intercalates in the helix, whilst in the minor conformation the PhIP ligand is probably solvent exposed. In addition to the C8-dG-PhIP adduct, at least eight polar adducts are found after reaction of N-acetoxy-PhIP with the oligonucleotide. Three of these were purified for further characterization and shown to exhibit lowest energy UV absorption bands in the range 342–347 nm, confirming the presence of PhIP or PhIP derivative. Accurate mass determination of two of the polar adducts by negative ion MALDI-TOF MS revealed ions consistent with a spirobisguanidino-PhIP derivative and a ring-opened adduct. The third adduct, which has the same mass as the C8-dG-PhIP oligonucleotide adduct, may contain PhIP bound to the N2 position of guanine.


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Delta 5-3-Ketosteroid isomerase (EC promotes an allylic rearrangement involving intramolecular proton transfer via a dienolic intermediate. This enzyme enhances the catalytic rate by a factor of 10(10). Two residues, Tyr-14, the general acid that polarizes the steroid 3-carbonyl group and facilitates enolization, and Asp-38 the general base that abstracts and transfers the 4 beta-proton to the 6 beta-position, contribute 10(4.7) and 10(5.6) to the rate increase, respectively. A major mechanistic enigma is the huge disparity between the pKa values of the catalytic groups and their targets. Upon binding of an analog of the dienolate intermediate to isomerase, proton NMR detects a highly deshielded resonance at 18.15 ppm in proximity to aromatic protons, and with a 3-fold preference for protium over deuterium (fractionation factor, phi = 0.34), consistent with formation of a short, strong (low-barrier) hydrogen bond to Tyr-14. The strength of this hydrogen bond is estimated to be at least 7.1 kcal/mol. This bond is relatively inaccessible to bulk solvent and is pH insensitive. Low-barrier hydrogen bonding of Tyr-14 to the intermediate, in conjunction with the previously demonstrated tunneling contribution to the proton transfer by Asp-38, provide a plausible and quantitative explanation for the high catalytic power of this isomerase.


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The Raf-1 protein kinase is the best-characterized downstream effector of activated Ras. Interaction with Ras leads to Raf-1 activation and results in transduction of cell growth and differentiation signals. The details of Raf-1 activation are unclear, but our characterization of a second Ras-binding site in the cysteine-rich domain (CRD) and the involvement of both Ras-binding sites in effective Raf-1-mediated transformation provides insight into the molecular aspects and consequences of Ras-Raf interactions. The Raf-1 CRD is a member of an emerging family of domains, many of which are found within signal transducing proteins. Several contain binding sites for diacylglycerol (or phorbol esters) and phosphatidylserine and are believed to play a role in membrane translocation and enzyme activation. The CRD from Raf-1 does not bind diacylglycerol but interacts with Ras and phosphatidylserine. To investigate the ligand-binding specificities associated with CRDs, we have determined the solution structure of the Raf-1 CRD using heteronuclear multidimensional NMR. We show that there are differences between this structure and the structures of two related domains from protein kinase C (PKC). The differences are confined to regions of the CRDs involved in binding phorbol ester in the PKC domains. Since phosphatidylserine is a common ligand, we expect its binding site to be located in regions where the structures of the Raf-1 and PKC domains are similar. The structure of the Raf-1 CRD represents an example of this family of domains that does not bind diacylglycerol and provides a framework for investigating its interactions with other molecules.


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NMR spectroscopy was used to test recent proposals that the additional energy required for brain activation is provided through nonoxidative glycolysis. Using localized NMR spectroscopic methods, the rate of C4-glutamate isotopic turnover from infused [1-(13)C]glucose was measured in the somatosensory cortex of rat brain both at rest and during forepaw stimulation. Analysis of the glutamate turnover data using a mathematical model of cerebral glucose metabolism showed that the tricarboxylic acid cycle flux [(V(TCA)] increased from 0.49 +/- 0.03 at rest to 1.48 +/- 0.82 micromol/g/min during stimulation (P < 0.01). The minimum fraction of C4-glutamate derived from C1-glucose was approximately 75%, and this fraction was found in both the resting and stimulated rats. Hence, the percentage increase in oxidative cerebral metabolic rate of glucose use (CMRglc) equals the percentage increases in V(TCA) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2). Comparison with previous work for the same rat model, which measured total CMRglc [Ueki, M., Linn, F. & Hossman, K. A. (1988) J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 8, 486-4941, indicates that oxidative CMRglc supplies the majority of energy during sustained brain activation.


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To examine the impact of insulin resistance on the insulin-dependent and insulin-independent portions of muscle glycogen synthesis during recovery from exercise, we studied eight young, lean, normoglycemic insulin-resistant (IR) offspring of individuals with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and eight age-weight matched control (CON) subjects after plantar flexion exercise that lowered muscle glycogen to approximately 25% of resting concentration. After approximately 20 min of exercise, intramuscular glucose 6-phosphate and glycogen were simultaneously monitored with 31P and 13C NMR spectroscopies. The postexercise rate of glycogen resynthesis was nonlinear. Glycogen synthesis rates during the initial insulin independent portion (0-1 hr of recovery) were similar in the two groups (IR, 15.5 +/- 1.3 mM/hr and CON, 15.8 +/- 1.7 mM/hr); however, over the next 4 hr, insulin-dependent glycogen synthesis was significantly reduced in the IR group [IR, 0.1 +/- 0.5 mM/hr and CON, 2.9 +/- 0.2 mM/hr; (P < or = 0.001)]. After exercise there was an initial rise in glucose 6-phosphate concentrations that returned to baseline after the first hour of recovery in both groups. In summary, we found that following muscle glycogen-depleting exercise, IR offspring of parents with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus had (i) normal rates of muscle glycogen synthesis during the insulin-independent phase of recovery from exercise and (ii) severely diminished rates of muscle glycogen synthesis during the subsequent recovery period (2-5 hr), which has previously been shown to be insulin-dependent in normal CON subjects. These data provide evidence that exercise and insulin stimulate muscle glycogen synthesis in humans by different mechanisms and that in the IR subjects the early response to stimulation by exercise is normal.


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This report presents evidence that a reduced pyrrolo[1,2-a]benzimidazole (PBI) cleaves DNA as a result of phosphate alkylation followed by hydrolysis of the resulting phosphate triester. The base-pair specificity of the phosphate alkylation results from Hoogsteen-type hydrogen bonding of the reduced PBI in the major groove at only A.T and G.C base pairs. Alkylated phosphates were detected by 31P NMR and the cleavage products were detected by 1H NMR and HPLC. Evidence is also presented that a reduced PBI interacts with DNA in the major groove rather than in the minor groove or by intercalation.


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Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR; EC contains five tryptophan residues that have been replaced with 6-19F-tryptophan. The 19F NMR assignments are known in the native, unliganded form and the unfolded form. We have used these assignments with stopped-flow 19F NMR spectroscopy to investigate the behavior of specific regions of the protein in real time during urea-induced unfolding. The NMR data show that within 1.5 sec most of the intensities of the native 19F resonances of the protein are lost but only a fraction (approximately 20%) of the intensities of the unfolded resonances appears. We postulate that the early disappearance of the native resonances indicates that most of the protein rapidly forms an intermediate in which the side chains have considerable mobility. Stopped-flow far-UV circular dichroism measurements indicate that this intermediate retains native-like secondary structure. Eighty percent of the intensities of the NMR resonances assigned to the individual tryptophans in the unfolded state appear with similar rate constants (k approximately 0.14 sec-1), consistent with the major phase of unfolding observed by stopped-flow circular dichroism (representing 80% of total amplitude). These data imply that after formation of the intermediate, which appears to represent an expanded structural form, all regions of the protein unfold at the same rate. Stopped-flow measurements of the fluorescence and circular dichroism changes associated with the urea-induced unfolding show a fast phase (half-time of about 1 sec) representing 20% of the total amplitude in addition to the slow phase mentioned above. The NMR data show that approximately 20% of the total intensity for each of the unfolded tryptophan resonances is present at 1.5 sec, indicating that these two phases may represent the complete unfolding of the two different populations of the native protein.


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The integrase protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is necessary for the stable integration of the viral genome into host DNA. Integrase catalyzes the 3' processing of the linear viral DNA and the subsequent DNA strand transfer reaction that inserts the viral DNA ends into host DNA. Although full-length integrase is required for 3' processing and DNA strand transfer activities in vitro, the central core domain of integrase is sufficient to catalyze an apparent reversal of the DNA strand transfer reaction, termed disintegration. This catalytic core domain, as well as the full-length integrase, has been refractory to structural studies by x-ray crystallography or NMR because of its low solubility and propensity to aggregate. In an attempt to improve protein solubility, we used site-directed mutagenesis to replace hydrophobic residues within the core domain with either alanine or lysine. The single substitution of lysine for phenylalanine at position 185 resulted in a core domain that was highly soluble, monodisperse in solution, and retained catalytic activity. This amino acid change has enabled the catalytic domain of integrase to be crystallized and the structure has been solved to 2.5-A resolution [Dyda, F., Hickman, A. B., Jenkins, T. M., Engelman, A., Craigie, R. & Davies, D. R. (1994) Science 266, 1981-1986]. Systematic replacement of hydrophobic residues may be a useful strategy to improve the solubility of other proteins to facilitate structural and biochemical studies.