998 resultados para Grupo de Trabalho
Os transtornos mentais acometem uma porcentagem importante da população, sobretudo a de baixo nível socioeconômico, que geralmente encontra-se mais exposta à violência em suas comunidades. Sendo assim, a maioria desses indivíduos busca auxílio no serviço de atenção básica, já que esse representa geralmente o primeiro contato com os serviços de saúde. Por outro lado, as equipes da atenção primária muitas vezes não se encontram capacitadas para atuarem na área da saúde mental, comprometendo o desfecho desses casos. Este trabalho teve por objetivo a elaboração de um projeto de intervenção, voltado para a implantação de psicoterapia em grupo direcionada aos usuários que apresentam transtornos psiquiátricos adscritos a equipe Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) Turmalina III, do bairro Turmalina, no município de Governador Valadares - MG. Realizou-se um estudo de revisão bibliográfica nas bases de dados PUBMED, LILACS e SCIELO usando os descritores psiquiatria, transtornos mentais e psicoterapia. Elaborou-se um diagnóstico situacional utilizando o método do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional (PES), identificando-se e priorizando-se os problemas a serem enfrentados, justificando assim, a abordagem ao tema. Concluiu-se que o apoio matricial possibilita a capacitação da equipe para um melhor atendimento aos pacientes com demanda na saúde mental ampliando-se a abordagem ao problema e a implantação de um grupo psicoterapêutico pode contribuir para a redução do agravamento desses transtornos, evitar sobrecarga da atenção secundária e melhorar a funcionalidade desses indivíduos
Os hábitos de vida modernos, aliados ao sedentarismo, têm contribuído para o aumento da prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade. É conhecido que o excesso de peso aumenta o risco de desenvolver diversos agravos que, em conjunto, aumentam o risco cardiovascular e comprometem a qualidade de vida. Desta forma, no território do Programa Saúde da Família Casarão, no município de Passos-MG, o excesso de peso tem alta prevalência e poucas ações direcionadas a esse grupo populacional. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar um projeto de intervenção que melhorasse a assistência ás pessoas com sobrepeso e obesidade. Para isso, foi feita uma revisão de literatura, visando identificar as consequências desta condição e as melhores maneiras de enfrentá-la. Por meio desta revisão, definimos que a melhor estratégia de enfrentamento do problema seria a criação de um grupo operativo multidisciplinar, a fim de discutir temas sobre alimentação saudável e importância da prática de atividades físicas, além de problemas cotidianos. Para alcançar este objetivo foram elaboradas 3 projetos: Viver Melhor, Conhecimento é Saúde e Comunicar é Cuidar. No desenvolvimento deste trabalho, foi possível perceber a capacidade que uma ação conjunta entre os profissionais de saúde e a comunidade tem, em promover melhorias nos hábitos e na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos.
A proposta baseia-se na necessidade de realizar uma intervenção para reduzir um dos problemas prioritários de saúde no território da Equipe de Saúde da Família Olavo Costa, em Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. O Planejamento Estratégico Situacional é a metodologia escolhida. Definidos os problemas e selecionado o problema prioritário "restruturação do grupo de direitos reprodutivos para diminuir índices de gravidez não planejada", optou-se por quatro causas intermediárias, ou nós críticos: 1. Falta de ações em Educação Permanente, com a equipe de saúde, para aumentar o conhecimento no tema central gravidez não planejada; 2. Falta de ações de Educação em Saúde e Educação Popular, com a comunidade, tomando como foco o planejamento familiar; 3. Baixa adesão da comunidade ao grupo de direitos sexuais e reprodutivos; 4. Necessidade de reorganização do processo de atenção à saúde dos adolescentes. Para cada nó crítico são descritos: projeto, operações, resultados e produtos esperados, pessoas responsáveis, recursos necessários, cronograma e sistema de acompanhamento e avaliação. Em nosso município não há nenhum protocolo para esse problema prioritário espera-se que ações nesses quatro pontos básicos possam melhorar a adesão da comunidade e o processo de atenção básica em saúde
One of the main referring subjects to the solar energy is how to compare it economically with other sources of energy, as much alternatives as with conventionals (like the electric grid). The purpose of this work was to develop a software which congregates the technical and economic main data to identify, through methods of microeconomic analysis, the commercial viability in the sizing of photovoltaic systems, besides considering the benefits proceeding from the proper energy generation. Considering the period of useful life of the components of the generation system of photovoltaic electricity, the costs of the energy proceeding from the conventional grid had been identified. For the comparison of the conventional sources, electric grid and diesel generation, three scenes of costs of photovoltaic panels and two for the factor of availability of diesel generation had been used. The results have shown that if the cost of the panels is low and the place of installation is more distant of the electric grid, the photovoltaic system becomes the best option.
This survey aimed at describing the interactions of floral visitors and Davilla kunthii A. St.-Hil. as well as characteristics of its reproductive biology in Itacoatiara, state of Amazonas, Brazil. Tests of the breeding system were performed. The guild of visitors was described according to richness, abundance, relative frequency and constancy. The breeding system tests indicated that D. kunthii is self-compatible. The pollination system was characterized as generalist, with 39 visitor species, from three different orders. Bees were the main group of pollinators, thus some behavioural aspects were described. Th e period of highest foraging activity was between 7 and 10 am. Some species presented agonistic and monopolistic behaviour. Given the behaviour and destructive potential, the Curculionidae seem to have a greater impact as seed predators than pollinators.
This article presents a characterization of the lexical competence (vocabulary knowledge and use) of students learning to read in EFL in a public university in São Paulo state. Although vocabulary has been consistently cited as one of the EFL reader´s main source of difficulty, there is no data in the literature which shows the extent of the difficulties. The data for this study is part of a previous research, which investigates, from the perspective of an interactive model of reading, the relationship between lexical competence and EFL reading comprehension. Quantitative as well as qualitative data was considered. For this study, the quantitative data is the product of vocabulary tests of 49 subjects while the qualitative data comprises pause protocols of three subjects, with levels of reading ability ranging from good to poor, selected upon their performance in the quantitative study. A rich concept of vocabulary knowledge was adapted and used for the development of vocabulary tests and analysis of protocols. The results on both studies show, with a few exceptions, the lexical competence of the group to be vague and imprecise in two dimensions: quantitative (number of known words or vocabulary size) and qualitative (depth or width of this knowledge). Implications for the teaching of reading in a foreign context are discussed.
The aim of this study was to compare two methods of surface roughness analysis, perfilometry and spectrophotometry, applied to the surface of ionomeric materials (Chelon Fil, Vitremer and Dyract), submitted to different surface finishing treatments. For the perfilometric analysis, sixty specimens of each material were made and randomly separated into three experimental groups. The average surface roughness (Ra, mm) was measured on each specimen by a surface perfilometer (Mitutoyo Surftest 211). The spectrophotometric analysis consisted in quantifying the dye impregnated in the samples. The dyes used were 0.5% fuchsin and 0.5% erythrosin. Data were submitted to variance analysis (ANOVA) and t-Student test at a 0.05 significance level. There was no linear correlation between average roughness and superficial deposition of dye. Perfilometric analysis revealed that 12- and 30-bladed carbide burs caused the roughest surface of Chelon Fil, followed by Sof-Lex discs and mylar band. There were no significant differences between the specimens submitted to finishing and polishing with Sof-Lex discs and the control group (mylar band) for Vitremer, nevertheless, the highest Ra values were obtained when 12- and 30-bladed burs were used. For Dyract, there was no significant difference between the three treatments. The mean values of superficial deposition of dye for Chelon Fil, Vitremer and Dyract were: 1.7261, 1.4759, 1.3318, respectively. There were no significant differences between the restorative materials when different finishing and polishing systems were used.
The present work evaluated the effect of low doses of X-irradiation on the repairing process of sutured and nonsutured skin wounds in rats. For that, rats underwent a surgical proceedure, in which a 20 x 5-millimeter rectangular wound approximately 2-millimeter-deep was made in the dorsal region of each animal, and were divided in four groups: nonirradiated nonsutured; irradiated nonsutured ; nonirradiated sutured and irradiated sutured. The animals under irradiation were protected, during exposure, with a 2-millimeter-thick lead apron in such a way that only the incision was irradiated. Each animal was submitted to 18 seconds of exposure, undergoing a total of 7.4 rads. The evaluation of the effects of X-rays on the repairing process was carried out through microscopic observation by means of hematoxylin-eosin staining for morphological evaluation, and silver impregnation under polarized light for the observation of collagen synthesis. The results have shown that X-irradiation has caused delay in the repairing process, but it did not stop its development. The irradiated nonsutured group was considered to show the greater delay when compared with the other groups.
The Y-chromosome-located SRY gene encodes a small testis-specific protein containing a DNA-binding motif known as the HMG (high mobility group) box. However, mutations in SRY are not frequent especially in cases of 46,XY partial gonadal dysgenesis. Several sex-determining genes direct the fate of the bipotential gonad to either testis or ovary. In addition, heterozygous small deletions in 9p can cause complete and partial XY gonadal dysgenesis without other symptoms. Human DMRT1 gene, which is located at 9p24.3, is expressed in testis and ovary and has been considered, among others, a candidate autosomal gene responsible for gonadal dysgenesis. In this report we describe a nucleotide insertion in DMRT1 3'UTR in a patient of XY partial gonadal dygenesis. The 3'UTR+11insT is located within a conserved motif important for mRNA stabilization.
PURPOSE: To describe the main success attitudes of young ophthalmologists in the first decade of their career. METHODS: This descriptive study comprised subjects selected from a sample of ophthalmologists who were participating in a congress, using a semi-structured questionnaire. The inclusion criteria were as follows: ophthalmologists under the age of 40 years, within 5-10 years from ophthalmology residency conclusion. The subjects were asked about the three main success attitudes in their personal experience during the first years of ophthalmology practice. After the initial results, the 10 most frequently mentioned attitudes were listed and volunteers were again interviewed to choose, within the latter list, the three main attitudes. RESULTS: Forty-eight ophthalmologists were interviewed, 24 (50%) were male; the mean age was 37 years (SD: 2 years, range: 33-40 years) and the mean time from ophthalmology residency conclusion was 8 years (SD: 1 year, range: 5-10 years). The frequency of such mentioned success attitudes were as follows: to invest in professional updating (22.9%), to have a good relationship with patients and professional partners (18.8%), to prioritize individual and family happiness (12.5%), initially to work in an established group (11.1%), to work in public service (9.7%), to have their own business with a homogeneous group (7.6%), to save money (7.6%), to be ready to resume work (4.2%), to get business administration skills (4.2%), and to have professional insurance (0.7%). CONCLUSIONS: The three main success attitudes consisted in investing in professional updating (22.9%), maintaining a good relationship with patients and professional partners (18.8%), and prioritizing individual and family happiness (12.5%). Although these results should not be generalized, they are helpful not only for those ophthalmologists at the beginning of a career but also those who want to reflect on what to prioritize in their professional practice.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física