892 resultados para Gordura abdominal


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Streamer tags are commonly used to study the ecology and population biology of the American lobster (Homarus americanus). Aquarium observations suggest that streamer tag loss, either through tag-induced mortality or tag shedding, is related to the molt stage of the lobster at the time of tagging, and the molting event itself. Tag-induced mortality, where lobsters did not molt, occurred within eleven and sixteen days following tagging for lobsters tagged in postmolt (4%) and late premolt (10%) stages, respectively; whereas no lobsters tagged in early premolt or intermolt stages died. Taginduced mortality at time of molting was observed for lobsters tagged in late premolt stage (11%), and tag shedding was observed for lobsters tagged both in early (25%) and late premolt (11%) stages, but was significantly higher (P=0.014) for lobsters tagged in early premolt stages. Autopsies revealed that lobsters died mainly of organ perforations (hepato-pancreas and pericardial sac) following the tagging process, and rupture of the dorsal thoraco-abdominal membrane during the molting process. The total tag loss was estimated at 4% for lobsters tagged after molting, and 27% and 31% for lobsters tagged in early and late premolt stages, respectively. There was no tag loss for lobsters tagged in the intermolt stage during four months of laboratory observations (July−October). To minimize streamer tag loss, lobsters should be tagged during the intermolt or postmolt stage. Based on field studies, recapture rates for lobsters tagged in premolt stage are always lower than those of lobsters tagged in postmolt stage. Furthermore, recapture rates during the second year, for lobsters that molt in the year following tagging, were drastically reduced, and no lobster was recaptured after four years at large. Finally, to account for tag loss during the first year at large, a minimal adjustment of 24.9% (SD 2.9%) and 4.4% (SD 1.6%) for the recapture rate of lobsters tagged immediately before and after the molting season, respectively, is recommended. Adjustments beyond one year at large are not recommended for the American lobster at this time.


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Portunus pelagicus was collected at regular intervals from two marine embayments and two estuaries on the lower west coast of Australia and from a large embayment located approximately 800 km farther north. The samples were used to obtain data on the reproductive biology of this species in three very different environments. Unlike females, the males show a loosening of the attachment of the abdominal flap to the cephalothorax at a prepubertal rather than a pubertal molt. Males become gonadally mature (spermatophores and seminal fluid present in the medial region of the vas deferentia) at a very similar carapace width (CW) to that at which they achieve morphometric maturity, as reflected by a change in the relative size of the largest cheliped. Logistic curves, derived from the prevalence of mature male P. pelagicus, generally had wider confidence limits with morphometric than with gonadal data. This presumably reflects the fact that the morphometric (allometric) method of classifying a male P. pelagicus as mature employs probabilities and is thus indirect, whereas gonadal structure allows a mature male to be readily identified. However, the very close correspondence between the CW50’s derived for P. pelagicus by the two methods implies that either method can be used for management purposes. Portunus pelagicus attained maturity at a significantly greater size in the large embayment than in the four more southern bodies of water, where water temperatures were lower and the densities of crabs and fishing pressure were greater. As a result of the emigration of mature female P. pelagicus from estuaries, the CW50’s derived by using the prevalence of mature females in estuaries represent overestimates for those populations as a whole. Estimates of the number of egg batches produced in a spawning season ranged from one in small crabs to three in large crabs. These data, together with the batch fecundities of different size crabs, indicate that the estimated number of eggs produced by P. pelagicus during the spawning season ranges from about 78,000 in small crabs (CW=80 mm) to about 1,000,000 in large crabs (CW=180 mm).


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Studies on genetic improvement of penaeid prawns for the character higher tail weight using methods of selective breeding were undertaken. Prior to the actual breeding experiments it was necessary to find out the quantum of available variability in the character tail weight amongst the natural populations of Penaeus merguiensis from the Indian waters. Thirteen morphometric variables were measured and various statistical analyses were carried out. The tail weight showed almost double values of coefficient of variation in the females than the males (C.V. 20.37 and 11.08 respectively). The combination of the characters viz. sixth segment length (SSL), sixth segment depth (SSD) and posterior abdominal circumference (PAC) gave the highest R super(2) values. These variables were easy to measure and gave maximum variation in the character tail weight without sacrificing the breeders in the brood stock. The quantitative character tail weight was influenced by both genetic and environmental factors was statistically ascertained by applying 2-Factor analysis.


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Benni (Barbus sharpeyi) is valuable fish that Khuzastan fisheries office propagated it artificially in Susangerd Fish Propagation Center every year. Pituitary gland is used for this aim but female fish lost their fertilization power after 2-3 years, so in present research, new hormone, that is called Ghrelin. The aims of this research are histology, hormonal, zygote and larval generation studies and comparing the results with each other. Ghrelin is a multifunctional peptidyl hormone which increases GTH-II in fish, amphibian, and birds and mammalian so its effect on Benni sexual maturation was studied. Human Ghrelin (hGRL) was obtained from ANASPEC, Canada, with 28 amino acids. In the present study, three levels of ghrelin including 0 (sham treatments), 0.10 (treatment 1) and 0.15 μg/g (treatment 2) body wt and one level of pituitary gland 4000 μg/g (pituitary treatment) with two replications were used. 56 specimens were injected intraperitonealy and their ghrelin level was evaluated immediately after injection and after 24 h. Control fish(n=16) were just injected by physiological saline. For hormonal studies sham and experimental fish(n=40) were anesthetized with MS-222 at a concentration of 250 mg l-1, and blood samples were collected and kept at 4ْC, then spun to collect serum. Serum samples were stores at -20ْC until the RIA for CTH-II. For histology studies immediately after injection a piece of ovary was collected from control fish (Sham zero) after being anesthetized. The sampled ovaries were fixed in Buin solution and embedded in paraffin, and stained to Sections of 5–6 μm using haematoxylin and eosin. The ovarian samples were performed with a compound microscope. Histology and micrometry studies had done. The mature oocytes had given from mature fish, then weighted and the working fecundity were counted. The mature oocytes fertilized, the eggs were incubated and the percentage of fertilization was calculated. After 72h the eggs hatched and the percentage of hatch was counted. The percentage of hindrance was calculated after 6 days. Hormonal results indicate that ghrelin and pituitary increase significantly the GTH-II level in comparison to sham. Macroscopic observations (before taking ovary) showed that ovaries with green colored have couple oval structure located in the abdominal cavity. Microscopic studies of dissected ovaries indicated simultaneous growth of 127 oocytes with 6 stages. The type of the ovary is asynchronous. The results indicated that both of the ghrelin treatment increased the percentage of mature follicles followed by decrease of immature follicles. There were significant differences (P<0.05) between the number of mature and immature follicles. Average diameter of follicle in both of the ghrelin treatment was significantly (P<0.05) declined in the stages of the vitellogenesis when the result compared to the other treatment. Just treatment 1 and pituitary treatment can give mature oocytes. The fecundity of pituitary treatment significantly increase in comparision to ghrelin treatment (P<0.05). In food-restricted fish where endogenous ghrelin levels are known to be increased, a chronic administration of ghrelin induces overt negative effect in releasing mature oocytes. The percentage of fertilization was significantly increase (P<0.05) in ghrelin t. in comparison to pituitary t. and the percentage of hatch was significantly increase (P<0.05) in pituitary t. in comparison to ghrelin t. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in terms of percentage of hindrance between treatments. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that ghrelin has positive effect on the level of GTH-II, oocyte maturation, ovarian vitellogenesis and the number of mature follicles of Barbus sharpeyi ovary. Increasing of the mature follicles number reduces their average diameter, indicating stimulating effect of ghrelin in sexual maturation of Barbus sharpeyi.The ghrelin and pituitary treatment have equal chance in the post-stage of spawning.


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To determine the best time for egg stripping after ovulation and over-ripened oocyte in the Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius), the eggs were retained in the parental abdominal cavity for 40 days post-ovulation (DPO) at 7±0.6°C. Eggs were stripped every 10-day interval in 4 treatment and were fertilized with a pool of semen obtained from 8 males. Also, the physiology and biochemistry of the eggs and ovarian fluids were studied. Results showed that the level of eyed eggs and hatched alevins declined with over-ripening time: that is, the expected amounts (90.65 ± 6.28% for eyeing and 86.33 ± 6.82% for hatching) in newly ovulated eggs (0–10 DPO) decreased to 0.67 ± 1.34% and 0.49 ± 0.98%, respectively, in over-ripened eggs (30–40 DPO). However, larval abnormalities remained constant for 30-days after ovulation. During the course of oocyte over-ripening, the pH of the ovarian fluid significantly decreased and the concentration of glucose, protein, calcium, iron, and aspartate aminotransferase activity significantly increased. Moreover, the concentration of protein, triglycerides, and aspartate aminotransferase activity in the eggs also changed. In the newly ovulated egg, the yolk consisted of homogenous tissue and its perivitelline space diameter had no considerable differences. With over-ripening, the yolk became heterogeneous, while chorion diameter and micropyle did not change. The perivitelline space diameter varied among different areas. The present study demonstrated that the best time to take Caspian brown trout eggs after ovulation at 7± 0.6°C was up to 10 DPO. Among the studied parameters of the egg and ovarian fluid, egg quality was related to both ovarian fluid parameters (e.g., pH, protein, aspartate aminotransferase, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, calcium, iron) and egg parameters (e.g., cholesterol, triglycerides, iron, aspartate aminotransferase). Thus, these parameters can be used as a egg quality markers in this species.


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The paper reports on the statistical analysis of growth pattern and meristic studies of body parts of the spotted estuarine prawn, Macrobrachium equidens (Dana) of Vembanad Lake, Kerala State. The results showed that the growth pattern of carapace length, telson length, ischium length and dactylus length in relation to total length were significantly different between the sexes at slope itself (at 1% level) and growth pattern of abdominal length, merus length, carpus length, propodus length and palm length were significant at elevations (5%, 1% levels). The average sizes of all these characters were greater in males than in females. Regression equations have been calculated for the characters and presented in the text. Among the characters of the carapace, rostrum length, post-orbital length showed significant difference between sexes at 1% level (slope value) and width of carapace at 1% level (elevations). The average sizes of all these characters were higher in males. Among the meristic characters studied, the species exhibited sexual dimorphism with regard to dorsal teeth, post-orbital teeth and ventral teeth. The fundamental data generated is essential for establishing the species status as well as it is useful for making comparison with other species.


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无棘溪蟾(Torrentophryne aspinia)分布于云南西部海拔1800—2200m、森林茂密的山区溪流附近,溪水常清,流速约0.3m/s。其繁殖季节始于中秋,持续约1个月,为短期密集的爆发性繁殖类型。此间,雄蟾为抱对而具有明显的求偶行为和强烈的争雌、排斥同类的行为。抱对方式为腋胸式即雄蟾前肢穿过雌蟾的腋下,其婚垫紧贴雌蟾胸部中央的两侧。抱对约2—4天后,产卵于水流较缓的回水凼中,卵被包于胶质管状带中。产卵时间在白天或夜间,水温11—16℃,约持续3—6h;产卵数 1500—3000粒,一次性产完,其间雌蟾一般不走动,故卵带只一端固定,其余大部松散地漂浮于水中,产完卵后不久,雌雄蟾均上岸而去,并再难发现。若遇猝冷,抱对体将自行拆散并停止繁殖。 腹吸盘(abdominal sucker)的发生是溪蟾类个体发育和系统演化的一个独特而重要的方面,它是蝌蚪藉以在溪流中生存的必须器官,同时也是溪蟾类与其它蟾蜍类在系统演化上的分歧所在。所有蟾蜍类蝌蚪在尾芽期前是被包在卵胶带中的,并且都具有附着器(adhesive or-gan),该附着器在溪蟾类将继续发育成腹吸盘,而在其他蟾蜍类则不再发育成腹吸盘。溪蟾类由于...


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The first description of the male and a redescription of the female of the nematode Philometra clavaeceps Dogiel and Akhmerov, 1959, a parasite of east Asian cyprinids, are presented on the basis of specimens collected from Culter erythropterus Basilewsky and Culler dabryi Bleeker from Liangzi Lake (the Yangtze River basin), Hubei Province, central China. Gravid females from the fish abdominal cavity, penetrating often into ovaries, occurred in May-June, whereas conspecific males and young mature females on the swimbladder were recorded in January. Philometra clavaeceps seems to have a pronounced annual maturation cycle in the locality. The finding of P. clavaeceps in C. dabryi represents a new host record.


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Fenneropenaeus chinensis distributed in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea of China and the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. Different geographical populations represent potentially different genetic resources. To learn further the characteristics of different geographical population, crosses among two wild and three farmed populations were produced. The two wild populations were from the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea (WYP), and the west coast of the Korean Peninsula and coast (WKN). The three farmed populations included the offspring of first generation of wild shrimp from coast in Korea (FKN), the Huang Hai (the Yellow Sea in Chinese) No.1 (HH1), and JK98. The phenotypes growth and survival rates of these populations were compared to confirm the feasibility for crossbreeding. The body length (BL), carapace length (CL), carapace width (CW), height of the second and third abdominal segment (HST), width of the second and third abdominal segment (WST), length of the first abdominal segment (LF), length of the last abdominal segment (LL), live body weight (BW), and survival rate were measured. Different combinations were statistically performed with ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results show that the survival rate of JK98(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),) was the highest, followed by WYP(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),), FKN(a (TM) Euro)xWYP(a (TM),), FKN(a (TM) Euro)xHH1(a (TM),) and WYP(a (TM) Euro)xFKN(a (TM),); the body weight of FKN(a (TM) Euro)sxHH1(a (TM),) was the highest, followed by FKN(a (TM) Euro)xWYP(a (TM),), WYP(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),), WYP(a (TM) Euro)xFKN(a (TM),) and JK98(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),); the total length had the same ranking as the body weight. All growth traits in hybrids JK98(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),) were the lowest among all combinations. F1 hybrids had significant difference (P < 0.05) in BL, CL, HST, LL, and BW; and insignificant difference (P > 0.05) in other growth traits and survival rate. The results of Duncan's Multiple Range Test are that BL and CL of JK98(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),) were significantly different from the other combinations; HST different from the combination of FKN(a (TM) Euro)xWYP(a (TM),), FKN(a (TM) Euro)xHH1(a (TM),) and WYP(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),); and BW different from FKN(a (TM) Euro)xWYP(a (TM),) and FKN(a (TM) Euro)xHH1(a (TM),). As a whole, the results indicate that the FKN(a (TM) Euro)xHH1(a (TM),) was the best combination in all growth traits. Therefore, hybridization can introduce the variation to base populations. The systematic selection program based on additive genetic performance may be more effective than crossbreeding.


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A carne bovina tem seu consumo restrito por recomendação de médicos e nutricionistas em função do seu teor de gordura saturada. Todavia, essa recomendação deveria ser revista em função de falhas na hipótese lipídica e a descoberta de características específicas de ácidos graxos presentes na carne. O consumo restrito de carne, em função da tentativa de reduzir o consumo de gordura saturada, pode estar fazendo com que quantidades subótimas de nutrientes, os quais a carne seja importante fonte (exemplos: ácidos graxos poliinsaturados de cadeia longa, vitamina B12, zinco, ferro e outros) estejam sendo consumidas. Além disso, os alimentos utilizados em sua substituição, ricos em carboidratos simples e gordura vegetal hidrogenada, podem ser responsáveis pelo aumento da ocorrência de várias doenças crônicas associadas com o consumo de excesso de gordura. Procurou-se mostrar, fundamentado em dados científicos recentes, que a carne bovina deve fazer parte de uma dieta diversificada e bem balanceada para o aumento da qualidade de vida da população.


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The p16 tumor suppressor gene is inactivated by promoter region hypermethylation in many types of tumor. Recent studies showed that aberrant methylation of the p16 gene is an early event in many tumors, especially in lung cancer, and may constitute a new biomarker for early detection and monitoring of prevention trials. We detected tumor-associated aberrant hypermethylation of the p16 gene in plasma and tissue DNA from 153 specimens using a modified semi-nested methylation-specific PCR (MSP) combining plastic microchip electrophoresis or slab gel electrophoresis, respectively. Specimens were from 79 lung cancer patients, 15 abdominal tumor patients, 30 positive controls and 30 negative controls. The results showed that the positive rate obtained by microchip electrophoresis was more than 26.6% higher and the same speciticity was kept when compared with slab gel electrophoresis. The microchip electrophoresis can rapidly and accurately analyze the PCR products of methylated DNA and obviously improve the positive rate of diagnosis of cancer patients when compared with gel electrophoresis. This method with the high assay sensitivity might be used for detection of methylation of p16 gene and even to facilitate early diagnosis of cancer patients. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Biodiesel é definido como o produto da reação de gordura animal ou vegetal com álcool (ou transesterificação). Tecnicamente podemos dizer que dos triglicerídeos presentes nessas matérias graxas (óleos vegetais ou animais), ésteres monoalquílicos (como os ésteres de etila e de metila) são produzidos pela reação com um álcool primário (etanol ou metanol) em meio preferencialmente alcalino. Esses ésteres também podem ser obtidos a partir de ácidos graxos livres, mas, nesse caso, a reação é de esterificação, e sua condução deve ser em meio preferencialmente ácido. As principais matérias-primas para a produção nacional do biodiesel são: soja, milho, girassol, amendoim, algodão, canola, mamona, babaçu, palma (dendê) e macaúba, entre outras oleaginosas existentes no país. O combustível também pode ser obtido a partir de óleos residuais e de gorduras animais. Além de ser uma tecnologia limpa, o emprego do biodiesel no óleo diesel de petróleo polui menos o meio ambiente, pode reduzir a dependência brasileira das importações de petróleo e trazer vantagens econômicas, pois sua produção e o cultivo das matérias-primas podem criar milhares de novos empregos, inclusive na agricultura familiar, principalmente nas regiões mais pobres do Brasil.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas