980 resultados para Gobierno de representación
V. 1 : Informe; v. 2: Metodología para la evaluación del plan de acción del gobierno; v.3 : Una posible estrategia de desarrollo; v. 4: Actualización del diagnóstico estructural de los recursos naturales
Incluye bibliografía.
Incluye bibliografía.
Incluye bibliografía.
Reforma del Estado en pos del gobierno electrónico. Columna de opinión: coordinador temático para gestión pública. XI Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer analizará políticas de género para la Sociedad de la Información. Establecen nuevos indicadores regionales para medir el gobierno electrónico. Columna de ppinión: coordinadora del Grupo de Trabajo eLAC sobre gobierno-e. Red GEALC busca consolidar su apoyo político. Recomiendan nuevas funciones para gobiernos en foro de implantación de la CIGE. Formando funcionarios y actores sociales en gobierno-e. Plataforma de información social apoya planificación y transparencia en Guatemala. Lecciones de un intento fracasado de implementar el gob-e “desde abajo” en Nicaragua. Nueva Ley de TIC colombiana consolida trabajo hacia metas eLAC. Noticias breves del mundo de las TIC. Últimas publicaciones sobre las TIC en gestión pública.
La medición del gasto en protección ambiental permite evaluar el desempeño, la eficacia y el impacto de políticas, planes, programas e instrumentos económicos de gestión ambiental. Sin embargo, para medir los progresos y realizar ajustes a las políticas ambientales es necesario que estas mediciones sean sistemáticas, continuas y estandarizadas. En América Latina y el Caribe existen experiencias de cálculo del gasto en protección ambiental del sector público, aunque la mayoría no ha perdurado en el tiempo. Las mayores dificultades en la medición de este gasto se asocian con la falta de uniformidad de conceptos y clasificaciones, la doble contabilidad y los escasos registros administrativos existentes. Para abordar los retos mencionados es necesario un marco ordenador, basado en estándares internacionales, que permita fortalecer las capacidades técnicas de los países y calcular el gasto en protección ambiental de manera regular. Por ello, la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) y el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) de México han elaborado esta guía metodológica, con el fin de apoyar los esfuerzos de los países vinculados a la generación y difusión de estadísticas oficiales sobre el gasto en protección ambiental.
The most visible researchers in Knowledge Organization and Representation were identified, from the perspective of Brazilian researchers, based on cocitations from the papers presented in the last five meetings of the Encontros Nacionais de Pesquisa of the Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós- Graduação em Ciência da Informação (ENANCIBs) from 2003 to 2008. First, the total number of references was identified, a total of 134 articles. Second, a citation analysis was conducted, being considered the most cited authors those who received 12 citations or more, which resulted in 31 most cited authors. Third, the Pajek software was used for the construction of the co-citation network and, thereafter, some indicators were calculated with the Ucinet software, which describe the structure and cohesion of the generated network, and, particularly, its density, and its degree of centrality, betweenness and proximity. The high cohesion of the network and the compliance between the most co-cited authors and the calculated indicators were verified.
Social representations are values and ideas shared and transmitted by a group of individuals. This article aims to investigate how researchers’ social representations can influence their analysis of an interview. Data were collected from 28 students participating in a course on interview analysis. Students were divided into three groups. Each group received the same excerpt of a transcript, but with different characterizations of the interviewee: for Group 1, it was a young man who had studied in a public school; for Group 2, the subject had attended a special education school for people with intellectual disabilities; for Group 3, he had studied at a private school. The three groups were asked to analyze the interview and submit a written document describing their analysis. The data revealed that the students carried out interpretive synthesis, descriptive synthesis, and thematic analysis. Interpretations of content data indicated that participants in Groups 1 and 3 attributed negative representations to the interviewee and/or to public or private school. In contrast, participants in Group 2, which was told that the interviewee had intellectual disabilities, attributed positive representations to the interviewee and to the special education school. The conclusion indicates the urgency for theoretical and practical training of young researchers regarding analysis of interviews so that the representations do not lead to biased results. The comparison of the results with an earlier similar study points to a probable change in representations of people with intellectual disabilities.
The government of a megalopolis, such as São Paulo, shows singular challenges that do not exist in less complex urban contexts. Being a city of a country with a recent industrialized economy, with an income (functional and geographical) highly concentrated, that has resumed the democracy for only one quarter of a century, this megacity lives with its own political and organizational assignments, due to the contradictory character of the political behavior of its habitants/ voters and of the traditionalist nature of populism and patronage in the relationship between the rulers and the ruled and between the Executive and Legislative powers at the local level. In such context, the difficulties to prosecute the assignments of the metropolitan organization, the decentralization and the institutionalization of citizen participatory channels in the governance and administrative activities are huge. The centrifuge forces (of the decentralization of the local government, through subprefectures), the centripetal forces ( of the metropolitan organization process) and the diffuse forces (of the claiming popular participation) act simultaneously over the deciding processes, in São Paulo, receiving, still, state and national political influences, since the city is a very significant historically producer of political and electoral capital. The analysis of the recent experience of the creation of the subprefectures and the representative counsels (fixed in the Municipality Organic Law of 1990) and the attempt to implement the participatory budgeting, in two occasions (1989-1992 and 2001-2004), reveal some of the social and political reasons that make difficult the establishment of a solidly democratic governance and of a more efficient public administration in the metropolitan area of São Paulo.