886 resultados para Glass bonding
The Youngest Toba Tuff (YTT, erupted ca. 74 ka ago) is a distinctive and widespread tephra marker across south and southeast Asia. The climatic, human and environmental consequences of the YTT eruption are widely debated. Although a considerable body of geochemical data is available for this unit, there has not been a systematic study of the variability of the ash geochemistry. Intrinsic (magmatic) and extrinsic (post-depositional) chemical variations bring fundamental information regarding the petrogenesis of the magma, the distribution of the tephra and the interaction between the ash and the receiving environment. Considering the importance of the geochemistry of the YTT for stratigraphic correlations and eruptive models, it is central to the YTT debate to quantify and interpret such variations. Here we collate all published geochemical data on the YTT glass, including analyses from 68 sites described in the literature and three new samples. Two principal sources of chemical variation are investigated: (i) compositional zonation of the magma reservoir, and (ii) post-depositional alteration. Post-depositional leaching is responsible for up to ca. 11% differences in Na2O/K2O and ca. 1% differences in SiO2/Al2O3 ratios in YTT glass from marine sites. Continental tephra are 2% higher in Na2O/K2O and 3% higher in SiO2/Al2O3 respect to the marine tephra. We interpret such post-depositional glass alteration as related to seawater induced alkali migration in marine environments, or to site-specific water pH. Crystal fractionation and consequential magmatic differentiation, which produced order-of-magnitude variations in trace element concentrations reported in the literature, also produced major element differences in the YTT glass. FeO/Al2O3 ratios vary by about 50 %, which is analytically significant. These variations represent magmatic fractionation involving Fe-bearing phases. We also compared major element concentrations in YTT and Oldest Toba Tuff (OTT) ash samples, to identify potential compositional differences that could constrain the stratigraphic identity of the Morgaon ash (Western India); no differences between the OTT and YTT samples were observed.
We present a study of the model spin-glass LiHo0.5Er0.5F4 using simultaneous ac susceptibility, magnetization, and magnetocaloric effect measurements along with small angle neutron scattering (SANS) at sub-Kelvin temperatures. All measured bulk quantities reveal hysteretic behavior when the field is applied along the crystallographic c axis. Furthermore, avalanchelike relaxation is observed in a static field after ramping from the zero-field-cooled state up to 200–300 Oe. SANS measurements are employed to track the microscopic spin reconfiguration throughout both the hysteresis loop and the related relaxation. Comparing the SANS data to inhomogeneous mean-field calculations performed on a box of one million unit cells provides a real-space picture of the spin configuration. We discover that the avalanche is being driven by released Zeeman energy, which heats the sample and creates positive feedback, continuing the avalanche. The combination of SANS and mean-field simulations reveal that the conventional distribution of cluster sizes is replaced by one with a depletion of intermediate cluster sizes for much of the hysteresis loop.
A retrospective evaluation of glass ionomer cement (GIC) in middle ear surgery with emphasis on short- and long-term safety was conducted at the tertiary referral center. GIC was applied between 1995 and 2006 in 444 patients in otologic surgery. Technical aspects, safety, benefits and complications due to GIC were analysed until 2011 (follow-up 5-16 years; mean 10 years). GIC was applied in stapes surgery (228 primary, 92 revisions), cochlear implants (108) and implantable hearing aids (7), ossiculoplasty (7), for coverage of opened mastoid air cells towards the external ear canal (1) and inner ear fistula closure (1). GIC turned out to be very handy in stapes surgery for optimal prosthesis fixation at the incus (260) and on the malleus handle (60) without complications. Results suggest that GIC may diminish the danger of incus necrosis in primary stapedotomy. In cochlear implants and implantable hearing aids, GIC was used for casing alone (74), casing and electrode fixation (27) and electrode alone fixation (14). Inflammatory reactions were observed in five cases (4.3 %), mostly after trauma. Broken cement fragments appeared to promote foreign body rejection. In seven cases an incudo-stapedial gap was repaired with GIC with excellent hearing gain; in three cases (43 %) revision surgery was needed due to cement breakage. In one case, GIC was applied for a watertight coverage of opened mastoid cells, and in the other for fistula closure of the lateral semi-circular canal over cartilage, covered with bone pathé; follow-up was uneventful. Targeted use of GIC in middle ear surgery rarely poses problems. GIC cannot be used in neuro-otosurgery in contact with cerebrospinal fluid because of possible aluminium encephalopathy.
The two crystalline donor-acceptor complexes showing hydrogen-bondings between bis(ethylenedithio) tetrathiofulvalene (BEDT-TTF) derivatives containing pyridine and pyrazine groups and 2,5-dichloro-3,6-dihydroxyl-1,4-benzoquinone (chloranilic acid) were prepared. X-ray structure analyses revealed that functional groups play an important role in constructing the unique crystal structures.
Purpose: To investigate the effect of airborne-particle abrasion or diamond bur preparation as pretreatment steps of non-carious cervical root dentin regarding substance loss and bond strength. Methods: 45 dentin specimens produced from crowns of extracted human incisors by grinding the labial surfaces with silicon carbide papers (control) were treated with one of three adhesive systems (Group 1A-C; A: OptiBond FL, B: Clearfil SE Bond, or C: Scotchbond Universal; n=15/adhesive system). Another 135 dentin specimens (n=15/group) produced from the labial, non-carious cervical root part of extracted human incisors were treated with one of the adhesive systems after either no pre-treatment (Group 2A-C), pre-treatment with airborne-particle abrasion (CoJet Prep and 50 µm aluminum oxide powder; Group 3A-C), or pre-treatment with diamond bur preparation (40 µm grit size; Group 4A-C). Substance loss caused by the pre-treatment was measured in Groups 3 and 4. After treatment with the adhesive systems, resin composite was applied and all specimens were stored (37°C, 100% humidity, 24 hours) until measurement of microshear bond strength (µSBS). Data were analyzed with a nonparametric ANOVA followed by Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon rank sum tests (level of significance: alpha=0.05). Results: Overall substance loss was significantly lower in Group 3 (median: 19 µm) than in Group 4 (median: 113 µm; p<0.0001). There were no significant differences in µSBS between the adhesive systems (A-C) in Group 1, Group 3, and Group 4 (p>=0.133). In Group 2, OptiBond FL (Group 2A) and Clearfil SE Bond (Group 2B) yielded significantly higher µSBS than Scotchbond Universal (Group 2C; p<=0.032). For OptiBond FL and Clearfil SE Bond, there were no significant differences in µSBS between the ground crown dentin and the non-carious cervical root dentin regardless of any pre-treatment of the latter (both p=0.661). For Scotchbond Universal, the µSBS to non-carious cervical root dentin without pre-treatment was significantly lower than to ground crown dentin and to non-carious cervical root dentin pre-treated with airborne-particle abrasion or diamond bur preparation p<=0.014).
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Certificate in Orthodontics, Dept. of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut Health Center, 1993
Mass accumulation rates (MAR) of different components of North Pacific deep-sea sediment provide detailed information about the timing of the onset of major Northern Hemisphere glaciation that occurred at 2.65 Ma. An increase in explosive volcanism in the Kamchatka-Kurile and Aleutian arcs occured at this same time, suggesting a link between volcanism and glaciation. Sediments recovered by piston-coring techniques during ODP Leg 145 provide a unique opportunity to undertake a detailed test of this possibility. Here we use volcanic glass as a proxy for explosive volcanism and ice-rafted debris (IRD) as a proxy for glaciation. The MAR of both glass and IRD increase markedly at 2.65 Ma. Further, the flux of the volcanic glass increased just prior the flix of ice-radted material, suggesting that the cooling resulting from explosive volcanic eruptions may have been the ultimate trigger for the mid-Pliocene glacial intensification.