961 resultados para Germany. Heer. XIII. (Königlich Württembergisches) Armeekorps.
A study of maar-diatreme volcanoes has been perfomed by inversion of gravity and magnetic data. The geophysical inverse problem has been solved by means of the damped nonlinear least-squares method. To ensure stability and convergence of the solution of the inverse problem, a mathematical tool, consisting in data weighting and model scaling, has been worked out. Theoretical gravity and magnetic modeling of maar-diatreme volcanoes has been conducted in order to get information, which is used for a simple rough qualitative and/or quantitative interpretation. The information also serves as a priori information to design models for the inversion and/or to assist the interpretation of inversion results. The results of theoretical modeling have been used to roughly estimate the heights and the dip angles of the walls of eight Eifel maar-diatremes — each taken as a whole. Inversemodeling has been conducted for the Schönfeld Maar (magnetics) and the Hausten-Morswiesen Maar (gravity and magnetics). The geometrical parameters of these maars, as well as the density and magnetic properties of the rocks filling them, have been estimated. For a reliable interpretation of the inversion results, beside the knowledge from theoretical modeling, it was resorted to other tools such like field transformations and spectral analysis for complementary information. Geologic models, based on thesynthesis of the respective interpretation results, are presented for the two maars mentioned above. The results gave more insight into the genesis, physics and posteruptive development of the maar-diatreme volcanoes. A classification of the maar-diatreme volcanoes into three main types has been elaborated. Relatively high magnetic anomalies are indicative of scoria cones embeded within maar-diatremes if they are not caused by a strong remanent component of the magnetization. Smaller (weaker) secondary gravity and magnetic anomalies on the background of the main anomaly of a maar-diatreme — especially in the boundary areas — are indicative for subsidence processes, which probably occurred in the late sedimentation phase of the posteruptive development. Contrary to postulates referring to kimberlite pipes, there exists no generalized systematics between diameter and height nor between geophysical anomaly and the dimensions of the maar-diatreme volcanoes. Although both maar-diatreme volcanoes and kimberlite pipes are products of phreatomagmatism, they probably formed in different thermodynamic and hydrogeological environments. In the case of kimberlite pipes, large amounts of magma and groundwater, certainly supplied by deep and large reservoirs, interacted under high pressure and temperature conditions. This led to a long period phreatomagmatic process and hence to the formation of large structures. Concerning the maar-diatreme and tuff-ring-diatreme volcanoes, the phreatomagmatic process takes place due to an interaction between magma from small and shallow magma chambers (probably segregated magmas) and small amounts of near-surface groundwater under low pressure and temperature conditions. This leads to shorter time eruptions and consequently to structures of smaller size in comparison with kimberlite pipes. Nevertheless, the results show that the diameter to height ratio for 50% of the studied maar-diatremes is around 1, whereby the dip angle of the diatreme walls is similar to that of the kimberlite pipes and lies between 70 and 85°. Note that these numerical characteristics, especially the dip angle, hold for the maars the diatremes of which — estimated by modeling — have the shape of a truncated cone. This indicates that the diatreme can not be completely resolved by inversion.
Il progetto di ricerca ha come oggetto di studio cinque monasteri ravennati (urbani e suburbani, maschili e femminili) di cui si volevano conoscere le strutture monastiche, le dotazioni patrimoniali (di cui è stata effettuata la mappatura) e le forme di economia sviluppate, utilizzando le fonti scritte provenienti dagli archivi monastici e i dati archeologici disponibili. Nello specifico, i monasteri selezionati (da intendersi come sede di monaci organizzati secondo una Regola) sono: Sant’Apollinare in Classe, San Severo, Santa Maria in cereseo, San Martino post ecclesiam maiorem, Sant’Andrea maggiore. L’arco cronologico preso in esame è compreso tra il secolo VIII e il XIII. Dall’elaborazione dei dati si è tentato di ricostruire la storia della comunità monastica così come è deducibile dalle fonti scritte, di conoscere le strutture dei monasteri e delle loro dipendenze, in base alle informazioni desumibili dalle fonti scritte, dagli scavi archeologici quando disponibili e dalle fonti iconografiche, di comprendere la formazione dei patrimoni monastici, la loro gestione e il ruolo svolto dai monasteri nel territorio in cui si concentravano i beni e di ricostruire il contesto naturale e le forme insediative in cui tali beni erano inseriti.
In 1936, the African-American intellectual W.E.B. Du Bois visited Nazi Germany for a period of five months. Two years later, the eleven-year-long American exile of the German philosopher Theodor W. Adorno began. From the latter’s perspective, the United States was the “home” of the Culture Industry. One intuitively assumes that these sojourns abroad must have amounted to “hell on earth” for both the civil rights activist W.E.B. Du Bois and the subtle intellectual Adorno. But was this really the case? Or did they perhaps arrive at totally different conclusions? This thesis deals with these questions and attempts to make sense of the experiences of both men. By way of a systematic and comparative analysis of published texts, hitherto unpublished documents and secondary literature, this dissertation first contextualizes Du Bois’s and Adorno’s transatlantic negotiations and then depicts them. The panoply of topics with which both men concerned themselves was diverse. In Du Bois’s case it encompassed Europe, science and technology, Wagner operas, the Olympics, industrial education, race relations, National Socialism and the German Africanist Diedrich Westermann. The opinion pieces which Du Bois wrote for the newspaper “Pittsburgh Courier” during his stay in Germany serve as a major source for this thesis. In his writings on America, Adorno concentrated on what he regarded as the universally victorious Enlightenment and the predominance of mass culture. This investigation also sheds light on the correspondences between the philosopher and Max Horkheimer, Thomas Mann, Walter Benjamin, Siegfried Kracauer and Oskar and Maria Wiesengrund. In these autobiographical texts, Adorno’s thoughts revolve around such diverse topics as the American landscape, his fears as German, Jew and Left-Hegelian as well as the loneliness of the refugee. This dissertation has to refute the intuitive assumption that Du Bois’s and Adorno’s experiences abroad were horrible events for them. Both men judged the foreign countries in which they were staying in an extremely differentiated and subtle manner. Du Bois, for example, was not racially discriminated against in Germany. He was also delighted by the country’s rich cultural offerings. Adorno, for his part, praised the U.S.’s humanity of everyday life and democratic spirit. In short: Although both men partly did have to deal with utterly negative experiences, the metaphor of “hell on earth” is simply untenable as an overall conclusion.
La presente ricerca di dottorato consiste in un’analisi di carattere politico ed istituzionale dei poteri signorili e territoriali, collegati a distretti castrensi, documentati nella Romagna nord-occidentale durante il pieno medioevo. L’indagine mira a ricostruire, principalmente attraverso fonti documentarie, alcune delle quali inedite, la geografia dei poteri in un’area sub-regionale, con particolare attenzione al fenomeno della signoria rurale, dei poteri comitali e dell’incastellamento. Partendo dallo studio di una realtà locale, la ricerca arriva a sviluppare argomentazioni di carattere generale, ricollegandosi al dibattito storiografico sui poteri signorili e l’incastellamento. La ricerca risulta incentrata sui soggetti politici, laici ed ecclesiastici, detentori dei castelli e dei poteri pubblici nella Bassa Romagna, in primo luogo gli arcivescovi di Ravenna, i vescovi e i conti di Imola, le famiglie comitali di Cunio, Bagnacavallo e Donigallia nei secoli XI-XIII. L'attenzione si concentra, in particolare, sulla fase del cosiddetto “secondo incastellamento” e sui decenni a cavaliere tra XII e XIII secolo, con il tentativo di espansione dei comuni nel contado e la formalizzazione dei poteri dei signori rurali da parte dei sovrani svevi. Proprio alla complessa interazione con il mondo cittadino e allo stretto rapporto dei Cunio e dei Malvicini con la corte di Federico II viene dato ampio spazio nei capitoli conclusivi del presente lavoro.
In order to obtain a better understanding about the influence of post-depositional diagenesis on speleothem 230Th/U-ages and paleoclimate variability during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 in northern Germany, four stalagmites from the Riesenberghöhle (RBH) were investigated by thin section analysis, 230Th/U-dating as well as stable oxygen and carbon isotope and laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) trace element analysis. The RBH is located in the Weser Hills and is one of the northernmost limestone caves in Germany.rnMulti collector (MC) ICPMS 230Th/U-ages and thin section analysis of the RBH stalagmites shows that some growth phases of the stalagmites were diagenetically altered after their deposition. The impact of post-depositional diagenesis (PDD) on the 230Th/U-ages is modeled, and potential processes leading to PDD are discussed. In this context, it is suggested that PDD may be induced by rapid climate change at the inception of the GIS.rnDespite of the dating uncertainties resulting from PDD, 230Th/U-dating shows that the RBH stalagmites grew during the Eemian and most of the Greenland Interstadials (GIS) during MIS 5. Thus, the growth phases of the RBH stalagmites might be related to a reorganization of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) and the trace element variability of the stalagmites reflects rapid changes of past temperature and precipitation on millennial and sub-millennial timescales. These past climate changes can be amplified by orbitally forced variations of the July solar insolation at 65°N.
L’oggetto della ricerca è stato il processo di creazione del distretto del Comune di Reggio Emilia tra il XII e l’inizio del XIII secolo, di cui sono stati analizzati diversi aspetti salienti, così come emergono in primo luogo dall’analisi del liber iurium reggiano, il Liber grossus antiquus. L’elaborato è suddiviso in due parti. Nella prima parte si è cercato di ricostruire le vicende, i legami e il patrimonio delle famiglie rurali reggiane nel corso del XII secolo in particolare e gli aspetti caratteristici del Comune cittadino nella sua fase iniziale. Nella seconda parte ci si è concentrati sull’analisi dei caratteri più rilevanti del processo di creazione del distretto comunale reggiano: il rapporto tra i signori del contado, i Comuni rurali e il Comune urbano; la difesa e l’incremento dei Communia cittadini; la fondazione di borghi franchi e nuovi. Il Comune di Reggio Emilia tentò di annettere l’intero territorio diocesano al distretto cittadino, non riuscendoci completamente e adottando una politica territoriale diversificata a seconda dei caratteri delle zone controllate.
In questo lavoro si è avuta la possibilità di studiare e confrontare i reperti ceramici provenienti da tre recenti scavi condotti nella zona della Romagna dall’Università di Bologna: il monastero di San Severo a Classe (RA), il castello di Rontana (Brisighella-RA) e la pieve di S. Reparata a Terra del Sole (FC). Si tratta di scavi ancora inediti differenti tra loro sia per connotazione distrettuale di appartenenza che per tipologia insediativa La cesura cronologica che si è preso in esame va dal XIII a XV secolo. Il XIII secolo corrisponde a un periodo in cui si assiste ad una riapertura dei trasporti a lunga distanza e si diffonde la tendenza al trasferimento dei saperi tecnici da Oriente verso Occidente, fenomeno che include l’introduzione di nuove tecnologie produttive in campo ceramico come l’ingobbio e la maiolica in diversi centri urbani. Si passa poi attraverso il XIV secolo, momento in cui alcune produzioni, come quella della maiolica, raggiungono la loro massima diffusione, con una diversificazione qualitativa dei prodotti, raggiungendo anche l’ambito rurale, e si assiste alla moltiplicazione dei centri di produzione. Si arriva così al XV secolo periodo in cui iniziano ad affermarsi dei veri e propri centri produttivi “industriali”, rappresentativi anche di una specializzazione regionale dei prodotti di qualità medio-alta. La possibilità di confrontare materiali di siti così differenti tra loro ha dato modo di sottolineare analogie e differenze anche tra città e campagna, in un territorio come quello romagnolo che ancora risente del peso della lunga tradizione antiquaria che ha caratterizzato gli studi fino al secolo scorso.
The article explores the developments in German-language anthropology in the past decades, focussing on the period after the 1970s. It argues that the recent history of German-language Ethnologie (social and cultural anthropology) is one of catching-up modernization. German-speaking anthropologists are increasingly involved in, and contribute to, broader theoretical debates, publish in English and in international journals, and are actively engaged in international academic networks. The paper discusses how and under what conditions of knowledge production these transformations have taken place. It analyses the changing institutional environment in which German anthropologists have worked and work today, as well as the theoretical impulses from within and outside the discipline that have given rise to the contemporary orientation of German-language anthropology as an anthropology of the 'present'. Finally, and beyond the focus on Germany, the article offers some ideas on the future of anthropology as a symmetrical social science, characterized by a continued strong reliance on field work and a high level of 'worldliness', a basic attitude of systematically shifting perspectives, the critical reflection of the social and political embeddedness of knowledge production, and an engagement with social theory across disciplinary boundaries.
Groundwater represents the most important raw material. Germany struggles to maintain the best water quality possible by providing advanced monitoring systems and legal measures to prevent further pollution. In areas involved in the intensive growing of plantations, one of the major contamination factors derives from nitrate. The aim of this master thesis is the characterisation of the Water Protection Area of Bremen (Germany). Denitrification is a natural process, representing the best means of natural reduction of the hazardous nitrate ion, which is dangerous both for human health and for the development of eutrophication. The study has been possible thanks to the collaboration with the University of Bremen, the Geological Service of Bremen (GDfB) and Peter Spiedt (Water Supply Company of Bremen). It will be defined whether nitrate amounts in the groundwater still overcome the threshold legally imposed, and state if the denitrification process takes place, thanks to new samples collected in 2015 and their integration with historical data. Gas samples have been gathered to test them with the “N2/Ar method”, which is able to estimate the denitrification rate quantitatively. Analyses stated the effective occurrence of the reaction, nevertheless showing that it only affects the chemical of the deep aquifers and not shallow ones. Temporal trends concentrations of nitrate have shown that no real improvement took place in the past years. It will be commented that despite the denitrification being responsible for an efficacious lowering in the nitrate ion, it needs reactive materials to take place. Since the latter are finite elements, it is not an endless process. It is thus believed that is clearly necessary to adopt a better attitude in order to maintain the best chemical qualities possible in such an important area, providing drinking water.
We have recently shown that FXIII activation peptide (AP-FXIII) can be measured in plasma. The objective of this pilot study was to investigate for the first time if AP-FXIII can be detected in plasma from patients with acute ischaemic stroke.
Severe factor XIII (FXIII) deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive coagulation disorder affecting one in two million individuals. The aim of the present study was to screen for and analyse F13B gene defects in the German population. A total of 150 patients presenting with suspected FXIII deficiency and one patient with severe (homozygous) FXIII deficiency were screened for mutations in F13A and F13B genes. Twenty-five individuals presented with detectable heterozygous mutations, 12 of them in the F13A gene and 13 of them in the F13B gene. We report on the genotype-phenotype correlations of the individuals showing defects in the F13B gene. Direct sequencing revealed 12 unique mutations including seven missense mutations (Cys5Arg, Ile81Asn, Leu116Phe, Val217Ile, Cys316Phe, Val401Glu, Pro428Ser), two splice site mutations (IVS2-1G>C, IVS3-1G>C), two insertions (c.1155_1158dupACTT, c.1959insT) and one in-frame deletion (c.471-473delATT). Two of the missense mutations (Cys5Arg, Cys316Phe) eliminated disulphide bonds (Cys5-Cys56, Cys316-Cys358). Another three missense mutations, (Leu116Phe, Val401Glu, Pro428Ser) were located proximal to other cysteine disulphide bonds, therefore indicating that the region in and around these disulphide bonds is prone to functionally relevant mutations in the FXIII-B subunit. The present study reports on a fairly common prevalence of F13B gene defects in the German population. The regions in and around the cysteine disulphide bonds in the FXIII-B protein may be regions prone to frequent mutations.
Severe hereditary coagulation factor XIII deficiency is a rare homozygous bleeding disorder affecting one person in every two million individuals. In contrast, heterozygous factor XIII deficiency is more common, but usually not associated with severe hemorrhage such as intracranial bleeding or hemarthrosis. In most cases, the disease is caused by F13A gene mutations. Causative mutations associated with the F13B gene are rarer.