973 resultados para Geologie


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The paleo-oceanography of the southeastern North Atlantic Ocean during the last 150,000 yr has been studied using biogenous and terrigenous components of hemipelagic sediments sampled close to the northwest African continental margin. Variations of oxygen isotope ratios in shells of benthic calcareous foraminifers in two cores allow the assignment of absolute ages to these cores (in the best case at 1000 yr increments). The uncorrected bulk sedimentation rates of the longest core range from 3.4 to 7.6 cm/ 1000 yr during Interglacial conditions, and from 6.5 to 9.9 cm/1000 yr during Glacial conditions; all other cores have given results of the same order of magnitude, but with generally increasing values towards the continental edge. The distribution of sediment components allow us to make inferences about paleo-oceanographic changes in this region. Frequencies of biogenic components from benthic organisms, oxygen isotope ratios measured in benthic calcareous foraminiferal shells, the total carbonate contents of the sediment and distributions of biogenic components from planktonic organisms often fluctuate in concert. However, all fluctuations which can be attributed to changes of the bottom water masses (North Atlantic Deep Water) seem to precede by several thousand years those which can be linked to changes of the surface water mass distributions or to changes of the climate over the neighboring land masses. Late Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal assemblages in the cores from the northwest African continental margin can be defined satisfactorily in the way that distributions of assemblages found in sediment surface samples from the northeast Atlantic Ocean have been explained. The distributions of assemblages in the northwest African cores can also be used to estimate past sea surface temperatures and salinities. The downcore record of these estimates reveals two warm periods during the last 150,000 yr, the lower one corresponding to the oxygen isotope stage 5 e (equivalent to the Eemian proper in Europe), the upper one to the younger half of the Holocene. Winter surface water temperatures during oxygen isotope stages 6, 4, 3, and 2 are remarkably constant in most cores, while summer sea surface temperatures during stage 3 reach values comparable to those of the warm periods during the Late Holocene and Eemian. Estimated winter sea surface temperatures range from > 16 °C to < 11°C, the summer sea surface temperatures from > 22 °C to < 15 °C during the last 150,000 yr. Estimates of the winter sea surface salinities fluctuate between 36.6? and 35.5?, the higher values being restricted to the warm periods since the penultimate Glacial. Estimates for sea surface temperatures and salinities for two cores from the center of today's coastal upwelling region show less pronounced fluctuations than the record of the open ocean cores in the case of the station 12379 off Cape Barbas, more pronounced in the case of station 12328 off Cape Blanc. Seasonal differences between winter and summer sea surface temperatures derived from the estimated temperatures are today more pronounced in the boundary region of the ocean to the continent than further away from the continent. The differences are generally higher during warm climatic periods of the last 150,000 yr than during cooler ones. The abundance of terrigenous grains in the coarse fractions generally decreases with increasing distance from the continental edge, and also from south to north. The dominant portion of the terrigenous detritus is carried out into the ocean during the relatively cool climatic periods (stage 6, 4, later part of stage 3, stage 2 and oldest part of stage 1). The enhanced precision of dating combined with the stratigraphic resolution of these high deposition rate cores make it clear that the peaks of the terrigenous input off this part of the northwest African continental margin occur simultaneously with times of rapid sea level fluctuations resulting from large volume changes of the large Glacial ice sheets.


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C. W. Gümbel received nodules from J. Murray which were collected at a depth of 2740 fathoms, between Japan and the Sandwich Islands, by the "Challenger" Expedition. They were either round or long in shape, with a dull, dirty-brown coloured surface, and enclosed fragments of pumice-stone, and more rarely teeth of sharks or fragments of mussels. They were analysed by A. Schwager.


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Cuttings of Lower and Middle Keuper sediments of the INFLUINS-drilling in the central Thuringian Syncline were geochemically analysed. Indications about shifting depositional environments are interpreted from ratios of whole-rock element contents. For the middle part of sandstone cycle S 2 high heavy metal contents imply precipitation of sufidic ores during a short marine interval. Element contents are compared with potential source rocks in the southern part of the Baltic Shield, in the Lausitz Anticline Zone, in the Erzgebirge, in the moldanubian part, in the broad sense, of the Bohemian Massif, in the Münchberg Gneiss Massif and the Fichtelgebirge. The geochemical coincidence of investigated Keuper sediments is highest with grantioid and gabbroic rocks of southern Scandinavia. Granodiorite rocks of the Lausitz are also possible sources, whereas granites of the Fichtelgebirge and the Bohemian Massif are less probable.


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Instead of the isotopes Jo, Th, and Pa the radioactive daughter products Rn, Tn, and An were measured. It was possible to date four cores and to calculate the sedimentation rates. A rough estimation of the sedimentation in the northern part of the Indian Ocean can be given. In the middle part, the sedimentation rate is s = 0.32 cm/10**3 years, and near Africa and near India this rate increases to values of about2 cm/10**3 years.


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A rapid procedure for Io (Th230) dating of sediments with accumulation rates in the range of several cm/1000 years is described. Studying of large sample populations with very small Io-excess activity is possible as the counting time (around 1500 min/sample) are 2 to 5 times shorter than with the standard Io-excess method. Improved sensitivity of the Io-excess measurement is achieved by: 1) extraction ( ~90 %) of the authigenic Io-excess with EDTA, with minor leaching ( ~30 %) of the allogenic Th232 and Io-supported, 2) processing samples as large as 10 g or more. The procedure was applied to sediments from the Caribbean (V 12-122) and from the Ionian Sea (M22_48 and M17_17). In the case of the standard core V 12-122 our results are in good agreement with previous time-consuming Io determinations. The resulting average accumulation rates of 2.0 ± 0.3 cm/1000 years for the Ionian Sea cores are close to the average derived from magnetic reversal studies of a nearby core.


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1. ATP in deep-sea sediments can be determined after it is adsorbed on a mixture of the sediment and calcium carbonate by measuring the luminescence of the reaction of the mixture and luciferin-luciferase. 2. ATP contents of the toplayer of northeastern Atlantic sediments (Josephine Bank and northern Canary Basin) decrease with increasing depths of 252, 408, 1445, 1769, 2149, 4897, 5510m: 0.96, 0.61, 0.13, 0.10, 0.21, 0.05, 0.07 µg ATP/ml wet sediment. The decreasing values are in accordance with the decrease of macrobenthos and meiobenthos biomass in the deep-sea. 3. The ATP content of deep-sea nematodes is about 1 ? of their wet weight. 4. At the two deepest stations, less than 50% of the ATP measured in the sediment is represented by nematodes, copepods, other "hard" meiofauna groups and bacteria.