944 resultados para Genetic programming (Computer science)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Esta pesquisa trata de uma experiência vivida com os alunos do curso de Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Pará - CEFET sobre o aprendizado de algoritmos e programação. O presente estudo justifica-se pela relevância em se discutir a prática do profissional da área de informática que atua na educação profissional superior com o ensino de algoritmos. Embora haja concepções acerca dos obstáculos relacionados ao tema, há a necessidade de se investigar as dificuldades e fatores que contribuem com a aprendizagem de algoritmos e consequentemente de programação. Assim este trabalho se propõe a responder a seguinte questão? É possível melhorar o processo ensino-aprendizagem de algoritmos através da pedagogia de projetos? Com base nas observações levantadas, propomos e colocamos em prática um modelo de ensino baseado nesta pedagogia, com o objetivo de potencializar a compreensão de algoritmos. A metodologia adotada utilizou a pesquisa-ação no sentido de investigação colaborativa de observação na ação. Os fundamentos teóricos basearam-se na teoria de aprendizagem significativa de David Ausubel, nas propostas facilitadoras dessa aprendizagem por Postman e Weingartner, Marco Antônio Moreira e no Construcionismo de Papert. De um modo geral foram constatadas boas impressões com desenvolvimento do projeto especialmente por termos observado nos alunos maior motivação com a atividade de programação percebida pela autonomia e reflexão nas etapas de desenvolvimento do projeto.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Connectivity is the basic factor for the proper operation of any wireless network. In a mobile wireless sensor network it is a challenge for applications and protocols to deal with connectivity problems, as links might get up and down frequently. In these scenarios, having knowledge of the node remaining connectivity time could both improve the performance of the protocols (e.g. handoff mechanisms) and save possible scarce nodes resources (CPU, bandwidth, and energy) by preventing unfruitful transmissions. The current paper provides a solution called Genetic Machine Learning Algorithm (GMLA) to forecast the remainder connectivity time in mobile environments. It consists in combining Classifier Systems with a Markov chain model of the RF link quality. The main advantage of using an evolutionary approach is that the Markov model parameters can be discovered on-the-fly, making it possible to cope with unknown environments and mobility patterns. Simulation results show that the proposal is a very suitable solution, as it overcomes the performance obtained by similar approaches.


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Research on the micro-structural characterization of metal-matrix composites uses X-ray computed tomography to collect information about the interior features of the samples, in order to elucidate their exhibited properties. The tomographic raw data needs several steps of computational processing in order to eliminate noise and interference. Our experience with a program (Tritom) that handles these questions has shown that in some cases the processing steps take a very long time and that it is not easy for a Materials Science specialist to interact with Tritom in order to define the most adequate parameter values and the proper sequence of the available processing steps. For easing the use of Tritom, a system was built which addresses the aspects described before and that is based on the OpenDX visualization system. OpenDX visualization facilities constitute a great benefit to Tritom. The visual programming environment of OpenDX allows an easy definition of a sequence of processing steps thus fulfilling the requirement of an easy use by non-specialists on Computer Science. Also the possibility of incorporating external modules in a visual OpenDX program allows the researchers to tackle the aspect of reducing the long execution time of some processing steps. The longer processing steps of Tritom have been parallelized in two different types of hardware architectures (message-passing and shared-memory); the corresponding parallel programs can be easily incorporated in a sequence of processing steps defined in an OpenDX program. The benefits of our system are illustrated through an example where the tool is applied in the study of the sensitivity to crushing – and the implications thereof – of the reinforcements used in a functionally graded syntactic metallic foam.


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Mashups are becoming increasingly popular as end users are able to easily access, manipulate, and compose data from several web sources. To support end users, communities are forming around mashup development environments that facilitate sharing code and knowledge. We have observed, however, that end user mashups tend to suffer from several deficiencies, such as inoperable components or references to invalid data sources, and that those deficiencies are often propagated through the rampant reuse in these end user communities. In this work, we identify and specify ten code smells indicative of deficiencies we observed in a sample of 8,051 pipe-like web mashups developed by thousands of end users in the popular Yahoo! Pipes environment. We show through an empirical study that end users generally prefer pipes that lack those smells, and then present eleven specialized refactorings that we designed to target and remove the smells. Our refactorings reduce the complexity of pipes, increase their abstraction, update broken sources of data and dated components, and standardize pipes to fit the community development patterns. Our assessment on the sample of mashups shows that smells are present in 81% of the pipes, and that the proposed refactorings can reduce that number to 16%, illustrating the potential of refactoring to support thousands of end users developing pipe-like mashups.


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The design of a network is a solution to several engineering and science problems. Several network design problems are known to be NP-hard, and population-based metaheuristics like evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been largely investigated for such problems. Such optimization methods simultaneously generate a large number of potential solutions to investigate the search space in breadth and, consequently, to avoid local optima. Obtaining a potential solution usually involves the construction and maintenance of several spanning trees, or more generally, spanning forests. To efficiently explore the search space, special data structures have been developed to provide operations that manipulate a set of spanning trees (population). For a tree with n nodes, the most efficient data structures available in the literature require time O(n) to generate a new spanning tree that modifies an existing one and to store the new solution. We propose a new data structure, called node-depth-degree representation (NDDR), and we demonstrate that using this encoding, generating a new spanning forest requires average time O(root n). Experiments with an EA based on NDDR applied to large-scale instances of the degree-constrained minimum spanning tree problem have shown that the implementation adds small constants and lower order terms to the theoretical bound.


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In this work we introduce a relaxed version of the constant positive linear dependence constraint qualification (CPLD) that we call RCPLD. This development is inspired by a recent generalization of the constant rank constraint qualification by Minchenko and Stakhovski that was called RCRCQ. We show that RCPLD is enough to ensure the convergence of an augmented Lagrangian algorithm and that it asserts the validity of an error bound. We also provide proofs and counter-examples that show the relations of RCRCQ and RCPLD with other known constraint qualifications. In particular, RCPLD is strictly weaker than CPLD and RCRCQ, while still stronger than Abadie's constraint qualification. We also verify that the second order necessary optimality condition holds under RCRCQ.


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This paper presents a survey of evolutionary algorithms that are designed for decision-tree induction. In this context, most of the paper focuses on approaches that evolve decision trees as an alternate heuristics to the traditional top-down divide-and-conquer approach. Additionally, we present some alternative methods that make use of evolutionary algorithms to improve particular components of decision-tree classifiers. The paper's original contributions are the following. First, it provides an up-to-date overview that is fully focused on evolutionary algorithms and decision trees and does not concentrate on any specific evolutionary approach. Second, it provides a taxonomy, which addresses works that evolve decision trees and works that design decision-tree components by the use of evolutionary algorithms. Finally, a number of references are provided that describe applications of evolutionary algorithms for decision-tree induction in different domains. At the end of this paper, we address some important issues and open questions that can be the subject of future research.


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This article describes a real-world production planning and scheduling problem occurring at an integrated pulp and paper mill (P&P) which manufactures paper for cardboard out of produced pulp. During the cooking of wood chips in the digester, two by-products are produced: the pulp itself (virgin fibers) and the waste stream known as black liquor. The former is then mixed with recycled fibers and processed in a paper machine. Here, due to significant sequence-dependent setups in paper type changeovers, sizing and sequencing of lots have to be made simultaneously in order to efficiently use capacity. The latter is converted into electrical energy using a set of evaporators, recovery boilers and counter-pressure turbines. The planning challenge is then to synchronize the material flow as it moves through the pulp and paper mills, and energy plant, maximizing customer demand (as backlogging is allowed), and minimizing operation costs. Due to the intensive capital feature of P&P, the output of the digester must be maximized. As the production bottleneck is not fixed, to tackle this problem we propose a new model that integrates the critical production units associated to the pulp and paper mills, and energy plant for the first time. Simple stochastic mixed integer programming based local search heuristics are developed to obtain good feasible solutions for the problem. The benefits of integrating the three stages are discussed. The proposed approaches are tested on real-world data. Our work may help P&P companies to increase their competitiveness and reactiveness in dealing with demand pattern oscillations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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According to recent research carried out in the foundry sector, one of the most important concerns of the industries is to improve their production planning. A foundry production plan involves two dependent stages: (1) determining the alloys to be merged and (2) determining the lots that will be produced. The purpose of this study is to draw up plans of minimum production cost for the lot-sizing problem for small foundries. As suggested in the literature, the proposed heuristic addresses the problem stages in a hierarchical way. Firstly, the alloys are determined and, subsequently, the items that are produced from them. In this study, a knapsack problem as a tool to determine the items to be produced from furnace loading was proposed. Moreover, we proposed a genetic algorithm to explore some possible sets of alloys and to determine the production planning for a small foundry. Our method attempts to overcome the difficulties in finding good production planning presented by the method proposed in the literature. The computational experiments show that the proposed methods presented better results than the literature. Furthermore, the proposed methods do not need commercial software, which is favorable for small foundries. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have achieved very good performance on different learning problems. However, the success of SVMs depends on the adequate choice of the values of a number of parameters (e.g., the kernel and regularization parameters). In the current work, we propose the combination of meta-learning and search algorithms to deal with the problem of SVM parameter selection. In this combination, given a new problem to be solved, meta-learning is employed to recommend SVM parameter values based on parameter configurations that have been successfully adopted in previous similar problems. The parameter values returned by meta-learning are then used as initial search points by a search technique, which will further explore the parameter space. In this proposal, we envisioned that the initial solutions provided by meta-learning are located in good regions of the search space (i.e. they are closer to optimum solutions). Hence, the search algorithm would need to evaluate a lower number of candidate solutions when looking for an adequate solution. In this work, we investigate the combination of meta-learning with two search algorithms: Particle Swarm Optimization and Tabu Search. The implemented hybrid algorithms were used to select the values of two SVM parameters in the regression domain. These combinations were compared with the use of the search algorithms without meta-learning. The experimental results on a set of 40 regression problems showed that, on average, the proposed hybrid methods obtained lower error rates when compared to their components applied in isolation.


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We propose simple heuristics for the assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem. This problem typically occurs in assembly lines in sheltered work centers for the disabled. Different from the well-known simple assembly line balancing problem, the task execution times vary according to the assigned worker. We develop a constructive heuristic framework based on task and worker priority rules defining the order in which the tasks and workers should be assigned to the workstations. We present a number of such rules and compare their performance across three possible uses: as a stand-alone method, as an initial solution generator for meta-heuristics, and as a decoder for a hybrid genetic algorithm. Our results show that the heuristics are fast, they obtain good results as a stand-alone method and are efficient when used as a initial solution generator or as a solution decoder within more elaborate approaches.


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Current SoC design trends are characterized by the integration of larger amount of IPs targeting a wide range of application fields. Such multi-application systems are constrained by a set of requirements. In such scenario network-on-chips (NoC) are becoming more important as the on-chip communication structure. Designing an optimal NoC for satisfying the requirements of each individual application requires the specification of a large set of configuration parameters leading to a wide solution space. It has been shown that IP mapping is one of the most critical parameters in NoC design, strongly influencing the SoC performance. IP mapping has been solved for single application systems using single and multi-objective optimization algorithms. In this paper we propose the use of a multi-objective adaptive immune algorithm (M(2)AIA), an evolutionary approach to solve the multi-application NoC mapping problem. Latency and power consumption were adopted as the target multi-objective functions. To compare the efficiency of our approach, our results are compared with those of the genetic and branch and bound multi-objective mapping algorithms. We tested 11 well-known benchmarks, including random and real applications, and combines up to 8 applications at the same SoC. The experimental results showed that the M(2)AIA decreases in average the power consumption and the latency 27.3 and 42.1 % compared to the branch and bound approach and 29.3 and 36.1 % over the genetic approach.


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This paper addresses the m-machine no-wait flow shop problem where the set-up time of a job is separated from its processing time. The performance measure considered is the total flowtime. A new hybrid metaheuristic Genetic Algorithm-Cluster Search is proposed to solve the scheduling problem. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated and the results are compared with the best method reported in the literature. Experimental tests show superiority of the new method for the test problems set, regarding the solution quality. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.