886 resultados para Gallotti cage


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Investigou-se o efeito da adição de C18:2n6, por meio da inclusão de óleo de milho em dietas com dois níveis de proteína bruta, sobre o processo de maturação de gametas de pintado, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, mantidos em tanques-rede. Foram avaliados: taxa de sobrevivência, relação peso x comprimento, fator de condição (K) e índice gonadossomático (IGS). O experimento foi realizado entre março de 2004 e fevereiro de 2006, em 12 tanques-rede, distribuídos em seis viveiros-escavados de 600m² e densidade de estocagem de 20 peixes/tanque-rede. Utilizaram-se três tratamentos (T) com duas repetições/viveiro: T1 com 28% de PB; T2 com 28% de PB + 5% óleo de milho e T3 com 40% de PB. O crescimento foi ligeiramente mais alto nos peixes do T3. As taxas de sobrevivência foram acima de 77%. Pode-se inferir que as rações ofertadas não causaram alterações histomorfológicas durante o processo de maturação gonadal dessa espécie. O IGS e o K foram ligeiramente mais altos nos animais alimentados com a ração enriquecida com óleo de milho.


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The study aimed to find the better concentration of eugenol for anesthesia of silver catfish (Rhamdia voulezi) with different weights. Were used 240 catfish distributed in randomized blocks in factorial scheme (5x4) total 20 treatments, in others words, five different weights: 32,5; 75; 150; 300 e 450g and four eugenol concentrations: 50, 75, 100 e 125 mg.l(-1). For each treatment were used 12 fish randomly chosen and exposed individually for each concentration. After of anesthesia the fish were transferred for net-cage with 0,7m(3), being fed and observed by 96 hours for monitoring of mortality. The eugenol was efficient for anesthesia in silver catfish all concentrations and weights and after of 96 hours no mortality have been verified. At these experimental conditions the best concentration of eugenol for anesthetic inducing and recuperation of silver catfish with weight varying from 32,5 and 450 g is 50 mg.l(-1).


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The dams are limnic ecosystems of great importance for its multiple uses, among them, water supply for the public and to culture of artisanal fish are most relevant. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the physical-chemical characteristics and the phytoplankton community in two chosen sites (Point 1 littoral zone of point source; Point 2 pelagic zone of non-point source) of the Minister João Alves dam, which is also known as Boqueirão de Parelhas/RN. This represents the spatial distribution of the phytoplankton species in order to understand any possible alterations of the water quality and the phytoplankton composition in relation to the water quality originating from the impact of the tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, culture. The study period also encompasses temporal variations exhibited in two seasons of an annual cycle, one during the dry season (Oct, Nov and Dec of 2008 and Jan of 2009), and the other rainy season (Mar, Apr, May and June of 2008) to extend the observation. The physicalchemical parameters, such as pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, concentration of dissolved oxygen were measured in situ and the values of the inorganic nutrients (nitrate, ammonium and orto-phosfato) and chlorophyll in the laboratory. The quali-quantitative analyses of the phytoplankton had been carried through sedimentation technique and the enumeration of the random of 400 cells, colonies and filaments counted using Sedgwick-Rafter counting chamber. The results of pH varied widely from the acidic to alkaline range with the minimum of 5.8 (± 0.8) and the maximum of 9.2 (± 0.7-0.8), at point 1 and 2. The dissolved oxygen content was higher in the rainy period than that in the dry period. The maximum electrical conductivity was of 1409 μScm-1 in point 1 and 431 minim of μScm-1, in point 2. There was a considerable alteration in the levels of inorganic nutrients such as nitrate-nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen and orthophosphate during the two cycles of study period. Phytoplankton assemblages presented a picture of alternate dominance among species Cyanobacteria, Bacillariophyceae and Chlorophyceae. The trophic state index diagnosed to the category of mesotrophic, which is based on the values of chlorophyll, total phosphorus and Secchi-disc measurements. The wind driven turbulence of the water column and the fresh inflow of water (flushing and dilution) during rainy season acted as constraint and did-not allow an exaggerated growth of the species of cyanobacteria. On the basis of the present we conclude that the culture of tilapias in cage-culture fails to produce pollution load that could compromise the quality of the water of the dam, probably be due to small dimension of the culture in relation to the size, volume of the water and the reservoir capacity support its own environment


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Recent molecular genetic work, combined with morphological comparisons, on Malagasy members of the bat genus Miniopterus (Family Miniopteridae), has uncovered a number of cryptic species. Based on recently collected specimens and associated tissues, we examine patterns of variation in M. aelleni, the holotype of which comes from Ankarana in northern Madagascar. Using molecular genetic (mitochondrial cytochrome b) and morphological characters we describe a new species, M. ambohitrensis sp. nov. In northern Madagascar, M. ambohitrensis and M. aelleni are allopatric, but occur in relatively close geographical contact (approximately 40 km direct line distance) with M. ambohitrensis found at Montagne d'Ambre in montane humid forest and M. aelleni sensu stricto at Ankarana in dry deciduous forest. Morphologically, this new taxon is differentiated from M. aelleni based on pelage coloration, external measurements, craniodental differences, and tragus shape. Comparisons using 725 bp of cytochrome b found a divergence of 1.1% within M. aelleni sensu stricto, 0.8% within M. ambohitrensis, and 3.3% between these two clades. The two sister species do not demonstrate acoustical differences based on recordings made in a flight cage. Miniopterus ambohitrensis is known from four localities in the northern and central portions of Madagascar, all from montane regions and across an elevational range from about 800 to 1600 m; its calculated "Extent of occurrence" is 15,143 km2. It is possible that this species is at least partially migratory.


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Mitochondrial dysfunction has a critical role in the pathophysiology of mood disorders and treatment response. To investigate this, we established an animal model exhibiting a state of antidepressant treatment resistance in male Wistar rats using 21 days of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) administration (100 μg per day). First, the effect of ACTH treatment on the efficacy of imipramine (10 mg kg(-1)) was investigated alongside its effect on the prefrontal cortex (PFC) mitochondrial function. Second, we examined the mood-regulatory actions of chronic (7 day) high-frequency nucleus accumbens (NAc) deep-brain stimulation (DBS; 130 Hz, 100 μA, 90 μS) and concomitant PFC mitochondrial function. Antidepressant-like responses were assessed in the open field test (OFT) and forced swim test (FST) for both conditions. ACTH pretreatment prevented imipramine-mediated improvement in mobility during the FST (P<0.05). NAc DBS effectively improved FST mobility in ACTH-treated animals (P<0.05). No improvement in mobility was observed for sham control animals (P>0.05). Analyses of PFC mitochondrial function revealed that ACTH-treated animals had decreased capacity for adenosine triphosphate production compared with controls. In contrast, ACTH animals following NAc DBS demonstrated greater mitochondrial function relative to controls. Interestingly, a proportion (30%) of the ACTH-treated animals exhibited heightened locomotor activity in the OFT and exaggerated escape behaviors during the FST, together with general hyperactivity in their home-cage settings. More importantly, the induction of this mania-like phenotype was accompanied by overcompensative increased mitochondrial respiration. Manifestation of a DBS-induced mania-like phenotype in imipramine-resistant animals highlights the potential use of this model in elucidating mechanisms of mood dysregulation.


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Introduction : Les nourrissons, vu la grande compliance de leur cage thoracique, doivent maintenir activement leur volume pulmonaire de fin d’expiration (VPFE). Ceci se fait par interruption précoce de l’expiration, et par le freinage expiratoire au niveau laryngé et par la persistance de la contraction des muscles inspiratoires. Chez les nourrissons ventilés mécaniquement, notre équipe a montré que le diaphragme est activé jusqu’à la fin de l’expiration (activité tonique). Il n’est pas clair si cette activité tonique diaphragmatique compense pour l’absence de freinage laryngé liée à l’intubation endotrachéale. Objectif : Notre objectif est de déterminer si l’activité tonique diaphragmatique persiste après l’extubation chez les nourrissons et si elle peut être observée chez les enfants plus âgés. Méthode : Ceci est une étude observationnelle longitudinale prospective de patients âgés de 1 semaine à 18 ans admis aux soins intensifs pédiatriques (SIP), ventilés mécaniquement pour >24 heures et avec consentement parental. L’activité électrique du diaphragme (AEdi) a été enregistrée à l’aide d’une sonde nasogastrique spécifique à 4 moments durant le séjour aux SIP : en phase aigüe, pré et post-extubation et au congé. L’AEdi a été analysée de façon semi-automatique. L’AEdi tonique a été définie comme l’AEdi durant le dernier quartile de l’expiration. Résultats : 55 patients avec un âge médian de 10 mois (écart interquartile: 1-48) ont été étudiés. Chez les nourrissons (<1an, n=28), l’AEdi tonique en pourcentage de l’activité inspiratoire était de 48% (30-56) en phase aigüe, 38% (25-44) pré-extubation, 28% (17-42) post-extubation et 33% (22-43) au congé des SIP (p<0.05, ANOVA, avec différence significative entre enregistrements 1 et 3-4). Aucun changement significatif n’a été observé pré et post-extubation. L’AEdi tonique chez les patients plus âgés (>1an, n=27) était négligeable en phases de respiration normale (0.6mcv). Par contre, une AEdi tonique significative (>1mcv et >10%) a été observée à au moins un moment durant le séjour de 10 (37%) patients. La bronchiolite est le seul facteur indépendant associé à l’activité tonique diaphragmatique. Conclusion : Chez les nourrissons, l’AEdi tonique persiste après l’extubation et elle peut être réactivée dans certaines situations pathologiques chez les enfants plus âgés. Elle semble être un indicateur de l’effort du patient pour maintenir son VPFE. D’autres études devraient être menées afin de déterminer si la surveillance de l’AEdi tonique pourrait faciliter la détection de situations de ventilation inappropriée.


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FAULT LINE examines the fragile humanity connected to the themes of sexuality, violence, addiction, family dynamics, and death. The book is not broken into sections; rather, as poems build upon one another to explore a narrative arc, FAULT LINE tracks a single speaker’s experience from girlhood to the verge of independent womanhood. The speaker employs formal structures such as the prose poem, sestina, and particularly the list poem to examine the fluidity of inner experience and also the culture at large while challenging the narrow definitions of femininity and masculinity. FAULT LINE works to not only address the question of blame but also the literal breaks in lines of poetry. By looking at a single speaker’s struggle, the book, like life, is both humorous and horrifying.


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Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of deep foundations has become an integral part of the industry’s standard manufacturing processes. It is not unusual for the evaluation of the integrity of the concrete to include the measurement of ultrasonic wave speeds. Numerous methods have been proposed that use the propagation speed of ultrasonic waves to check the integrity of concrete for drilled shaft foundations. All such methods evaluate the integrity of the concrete inside the cage and between the access tubes. The integrity of the concrete outside the cage remains to be considered to determine the location of the border between the concrete and the soil in order to obtain the diameter of the drilled shaft. It is also economic to devise a methodology to obtain the diameter of the drilled shaft using the Cross-Hole Sonic Logging system (CSL). Performing such a methodology using the CSL and following the CSL tests is performed and used to check the integrity of the inside concrete, thus allowing the determination of the drilled shaft diameter without having to set up another NDT device. This proposed new method is based on the installation of galvanized tubes outside the shaft across from each inside tube, and performing the CSL test between the inside and outside tubes. From the performed experimental work a model is developed to evaluate the relationship between the thickness of concrete and the ultrasonic wave properties using signal processing. The experimental results show that there is a direct correlation between concrete thicknesses outside the cage and maximum amplitude of the received signal obtained from frequency domain data. This study demonstrates how this new method to measuring the diameter of drilled shafts during construction using a NDT method overcomes the limitations of currently-used methods. In the other part of study, a new method is proposed to visualize and quantify the extent and location of the defects. It is based on a color change in the frequency amplitude of the signal recorded by the receiver probe in the location of defects and it is called Frequency Tomography Analysis (FTA). Time-domain data is transferred to frequency-domain data of the signals propagated between tubes using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Then, distribution of the FTA will be evaluated. This method is employed after CSL has determined the high probability of an anomaly in a given area and is applied to improve location accuracy and to further characterize the feature. The technique has a very good resolution and clarifies the exact depth location of any void or defect through the length of the drilled shaft for the voids inside the cage. The last part of study also evaluates the effect of voids inside and outside the reinforcement cage and corrosion in the longitudinal bars on the strength and axial load capacity of drilled shafts. The objective is to quantify the extent of loss in axial strength and stiffness of drilled shafts due to presence of different types of symmetric voids and corrosion throughout their lengths.


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Live animal trade is considered a major mode of introduction of viruses from enzootic foci into disease-free areas. Due to societal and behavioural changes, some wild animal species may nowadays be considered as pet species. The species diversity of animals involved in international trade is thus increasing. This could benefit pathogens that have a broad host range such as arboviruses. The objective of this study was to analyze the risk posed by live animal imports for the introduction, in the European Union (EU), of four arboviruses that affect human and horses: Eastern and Western equine encephalomyelitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis and Japanese encephalitis. Importation data for a five-years period (2005-2009, extracted from the EU TRACES database), environmental data (used as a proxy for the presence of vectors) and horses and human population density data (impacting the occurrence of clinical cases) were combined to derive spatially explicit risk indicators for virus introduction and for the potential consequences of such introductions. Results showed the existence of hotspots where the introduction risk was the highest in Belgium, in the Netherlands and in the north of Italy. This risk was higher for Eastern equine encephalomyelitis (EEE) than for the three other diseases. It was mainly attributed to exotic pet species such as rodents, reptiles or cage birds, imported in small-sized containments from a wide variety of geographic origins. The increasing species and origin diversity of these animals may have in the future a strong impact on the risk of introduction of arboviruses in the EU.


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Introduction : Les nourrissons, vu la grande compliance de leur cage thoracique, doivent maintenir activement leur volume pulmonaire de fin d’expiration (VPFE). Ceci se fait par interruption précoce de l’expiration, et par le freinage expiratoire au niveau laryngé et par la persistance de la contraction des muscles inspiratoires. Chez les nourrissons ventilés mécaniquement, notre équipe a montré que le diaphragme est activé jusqu’à la fin de l’expiration (activité tonique). Il n’est pas clair si cette activité tonique diaphragmatique compense pour l’absence de freinage laryngé liée à l’intubation endotrachéale. Objectif : Notre objectif est de déterminer si l’activité tonique diaphragmatique persiste après l’extubation chez les nourrissons et si elle peut être observée chez les enfants plus âgés. Méthode : Ceci est une étude observationnelle longitudinale prospective de patients âgés de 1 semaine à 18 ans admis aux soins intensifs pédiatriques (SIP), ventilés mécaniquement pour >24 heures et avec consentement parental. L’activité électrique du diaphragme (AEdi) a été enregistrée à l’aide d’une sonde nasogastrique spécifique à 4 moments durant le séjour aux SIP : en phase aigüe, pré et post-extubation et au congé. L’AEdi a été analysée de façon semi-automatique. L’AEdi tonique a été définie comme l’AEdi durant le dernier quartile de l’expiration. Résultats : 55 patients avec un âge médian de 10 mois (écart interquartile: 1-48) ont été étudiés. Chez les nourrissons (<1an, n=28), l’AEdi tonique en pourcentage de l’activité inspiratoire était de 48% (30-56) en phase aigüe, 38% (25-44) pré-extubation, 28% (17-42) post-extubation et 33% (22-43) au congé des SIP (p<0.05, ANOVA, avec différence significative entre enregistrements 1 et 3-4). Aucun changement significatif n’a été observé pré et post-extubation. L’AEdi tonique chez les patients plus âgés (>1an, n=27) était négligeable en phases de respiration normale (0.6mcv). Par contre, une AEdi tonique significative (>1mcv et >10%) a été observée à au moins un moment durant le séjour de 10 (37%) patients. La bronchiolite est le seul facteur indépendant associé à l’activité tonique diaphragmatique. Conclusion : Chez les nourrissons, l’AEdi tonique persiste après l’extubation et elle peut être réactivée dans certaines situations pathologiques chez les enfants plus âgés. Elle semble être un indicateur de l’effort du patient pour maintenir son VPFE. D’autres études devraient être menées afin de déterminer si la surveillance de l’AEdi tonique pourrait faciliter la détection de situations de ventilation inappropriée.


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This writing forms part of a portfolio of works which gathers together notations and recordings made between 2012 and 2015. The writing divides into four chapters. The first chapter undertakes an examination of abstraction. From the proposition obtained therein, that it is possible to extend within abstraction beyond a correspondence between its terms and concrete manifestations, I ask in what way abstraction may be considered to function therefrom. The second chapter performs an analysis of radical music notations from the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries. The central analysis identifies what is essentially an evolution of what I call ''figuration'' throughout three non-chronological phases of Christian Wolff's notations. The chapter closes by questioning what form of understanding might yet be pursued in respect of this work given (a) its nature, and (b) the nature of our inquiry. The third chapter reflects on some of the philosophical problematics raised in the preceding chapters, at the same time as it prepares for those that follow in the final chapter. The final chapter is a record of the development of my thought appertaining to my compositional work. It sets out two case studies (prepared piano and postcard notations) before proceeding to a selected set of commentaries. Finally, the notion of the functioning of written and acoustical ''marks'' developed in the preceding commentaries is generalised as I develop an aesthetics of scriptural experience.


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Background: Alcohol is a leading cause of global suffering. Europe reports the uppermost volume of alcohol consumption in the world, with Ireland and the United Kingdom reporting the highest levels of binge drinking and drunkenness. Levels of consumption are elevated among university students. Thus, this literature review aims to summarise the current research on alcohol consumption among university students in the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. Methods: MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE and PsychInfo were systematically searched for literature from January 2002 until December 2014. Each database was searched using the following search pillars: alcohol, university student, Ireland or the United Kingdom and prevalence studies. Results: Two thousand one hundred twenty eight articles were retrieved from electronic database searching. These were title searched for relevance. 113 full texts were retrieved and assessed for eligibility. Of these, 29 articles were deemed to meet inclusion criteria for the review. Almost two thirds of students reported a hazardous alcohol consumption score on the AUDIT scale. Over 20 % reported alcohol problems over their lifetime using CAGE while over 20 % exceed sensible limits each week. Noteworthy is the narrowing of the gender gap throughout the past decade. Conclusion: This is the first review to investigate consumption patterns of university students in Ireland and the United Kingdom. A range of sampling strategies and screening tools are employed in alcohol research which preclude comparability. The current review provides an overview of consumption patterns to guide policy development.


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The synthesis of a centrally functionalized, ribbon-shaped [6]polynorbornane ligand L that self-assembles with PdII cations into a (Pd2L4) coordination cage is reported. The shape-persistent (Pd2L4) cage contains two axial cationic centers and an array of four equatorial H-bond donors pointing directly towards the center of the cavity. This precisely defined supramolecular environment is complementary to the geometry of classic octahedral complexes [M(XY)6] with six diatomic ligands. Very strong binding of [Pt(CN)6]2- to the cage was observed, with the structure of the host-guest complex ([Pt(CN)6]@Pd2L4) supported by NMR spectroscopy, MS, and X-ray data. The self-assembled shell imprints its geometry on the encapsulated guest, and desymmetrization of the octahedral platinum species by the influence of the D4h-symmetric second coordination sphere was evidenced by IR spectroscopy. [Fe(CN)6]3- and square-planar [Pt(CN)4]2- were strongly bound. Smaller octahedral anions such as [SiF6]2-, neutral carbonyl complexes ([M(CO)6]; M=Cr, Mo, W) and the linear [Ag(CN)2]- anion were only weakly bound, showing that both size and charge match are key factors for high-affinity binding.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar la naturaleza del Estado Islámico y su impacto en la estatalidad y soberanía de Iraq y Siria. Se estudia y explica cómo ha sido la evolución y expansión del Estado Islámico y el impacto que este proceso ha tenido sobre Iraq y Siria generando de esta manera la aparición de una estatalidad paralela a través de la construcción de un aparato institucional por parte del Estado Islámico, lo que contribuye al desarrollo de un “para-estado”. Siguiendo la línea argumentativa, finalmente se demuestra que en la evolución del Estado Islámico se logra crear una forma primitiva de Estado, adquiriendo poco a poco niveles de estatalidad, lo que lleva a que los Estados de Iraq y Siria pierdan atributos de estatalidad y de un Estado soberano.


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Objetivo: Presentar la experiencia con la técnica de corpectomia por sustracción pedicular en fracturas traumática a nivel de la columna dorsal y Lumbar en el Hospital Universitario Mayor en Bogotá y hacer una revisión sistemática de la literatura de esta técnica quirúrgica. Material y métodos: Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de las historias clínicas de pacientes que consultaron al servicio de neurocirugía entre los años 2013 y 2015 con fracturas traumáticas a nivel de la columna dorsal y lumbosacra. Se realizó un análisis de déficit neurológico pre y posoperatorio por medio de la Clasificación neurológica estándar de lesión medular (ASIA), al igual que tiempos de cirugía, sangrado intraoperatorio y complicaciones. A su vez se realiza una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre esta técnica quirúrgica. Resultados: El total de pacientes que se sometieron a cirugía fue de 32, de los cuales el tiempo quirúrgico promedio fue de 396 min, se obtuvo un ASIA prequirúrgico B: 50% C: 47% y E: 3%. El ASIA post operatorio fue de B: 9% C: 47% D: 38% E: 6%. Se obtuvo una mejoría del déficit neurológico en el 75% los pacientes intervenidos. El promedio de sangrado fue de 1,223 cc. Se tuvieron 4 complicaciones, 2 hematomas en lecho quirúrgico que requirió re intervención y dos fistulas de líquido cefalorraquídeo las cuales se manejaron con vendaje compresivo y reposo absoluto. Conclusiones: La corpectomia por sustracción pedicular requiere de un adecuado entrenamiento y un grupo multidisciplinario dentro de los que se incluye neuroanestesiologo, a su vez de neurocirujanos entrenados en columna. Este abordaje presenta grandes beneficios como disminución de tiempos quirúrgicos, disminución de sangrado intraoperatorio y disminución de morbilidad entre otras.