982 resultados para GROUND-STATE ENERGY


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Field-induced polarization (FIP) functions were proposed over two decades ago to improve the accuracy of calculated response properties, and the FIP functions in GTO form for H and C to F were tested on small molecules, with encouraging results. The concept of FIP,is now extended to all atoms up to Kr. New simplifying approximations for the description of asymptotic highest occupied atomic orbitals. (HOAOs) are introduced in this study. They provide the basis for STO and GTO exponents of a complete set of FIP functions from H to Kr, which are both listed for the convenience of the users. Tests on the polarizabilities of a series of atoms and molecules demonstrate that addition of the FIP basis functions to a series' of standard basis sets drastically improves the performance of all these basis sets compared to converged results. Moreover, the byproduct of this study (approximate asymptotic HOAOs) provides information for the construction of accurate basis sets for long-range ground state properties. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Despite the numerous experimental and theoretical studies on the negatively charged nitrogen vacancy center (NV-) in diamond and the predictions that the neutral nitrogen vacancy center (NV0) should have an S=1/2 ground state, NV0 has not previously been detected by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). We report new EPR data on a trigonal nitrogen-containing defect in diamond with an S=3/2 excited state populated via optical excitation. Analysis of the spin Hamiltonian parameters and the wavelength dependence of the optical excitation leads to assignment of this S=3/2 state to the (4)A(2) excited state of NV0. This identification, together with an examination of the electronic structure of the NV centers in diamond, provides a plausible explanation for the lack of observation (to date) of an EPR signal from the NV0 ground state.


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We perform an extensive study of the properties of global quantum correlations in finite-size one-dimensional quantum spin models at finite temperature. By adopting a recently proposed measure for global quantum correlations (Rulli and Sarandy 2011 Phys. Rev. A 84 042109), called global discord, we show that critical points can be neatly detected even for many-body systems that are not in their ground state. We consider the transverse Ising model, the cluster-Ising model where three-body couplings compete with an Ising-like interaction, and the nearest-neighbor XX Hamiltonian in transverse magnetic field. These models embody our canonical examples showing the sensitivity of global quantum discord close to criticality. For the Ising model, we find a universal scaling of global discord with the critical exponents pertaining to the Ising universality class.


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We demonstrate the control of entanglement in a hybrid optomechanical system comprising an optical cavity with a mechanical end-mirror and an intracavity Bose-Einstein condensate. Pulsed laser light (tuned within realistic experimental conditions) is shown to induce an almost sixfold increase of the atom-mirror entanglement and to be responsible for interesting dynamics between such mesoscopic systems. In order to assess the advantages offered by the proposed control technique, we compare the time-dependent dynamics of the system under constant pumping with the evolution due to the modulated laser light.


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We investigate harmonic generation (HG) from ground-state Ar+ aligned with M=1 at a laser wavelength of 390 nm and intensity of 4×1014Wcm−2. Using time-dependent R-matrix theory, we find that an initial state with magnetic quantum number M=1 provides a fourfold increase in harmonic yield over M=0. HG arises primarily from channels associated with the 3Pe threshold of Ar2+, in contrast with M=0 for which channels associated with the excited, 1De threshold dominate HG. Multichannel and multielectron interferences lead to a more marked suppression of HG for M=1 than M=0.


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We consider the distribution of entanglement from a multimode optical driving source to a network of remote and independent optomechanical systems. By focusing on the tripartite case, we analyse the effects that the features of the optical input states have on the degree and sharing structure of the distributed, fully mechanical, entanglement. This study, which is conducted looking at the mechanical steady state, highlights the structure of the entanglement distributed among the nodes and determines the relative efficiency between bipartite and tripartite entanglement transfer. We discuss a few open points, some of which are directed towards the bypassing of such limitations.


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We investigate periodic optomechanical arrays as reconfigurable platforms for engineering the coupling between multiple mechanical and electromagnetic modes and for exploring many-body phonon dynamics. Exploiting structural resonances in the coupling between light fields and collective motional modes of the array, we show that tunable effective long-range interactions between mechanical modes can be achieved. This paves the way towards the implementation of controlled phononic walks and heat transfer on densely connected graphs as well as the coherent transfer of excitations between distant elements of optomechanical arrays.


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We use R-matrix theory with time dependence (RMT) to investigate multiphoton ionization of ground-state atomic carbon with initial orbital magnetic quantum number M_L=0 and M_L=1 at a laser wavelength of 390 nm and peak intensity of 10(14) W/cm(2). Significant differences in ionization yield and ejected-electron momentum distribution are observed between the two values for M_L. We use our theoretical results to model how the spin-orbit interaction affects electron emission along the laser polarization axis. Under the assumption that an initial C atom is prepared at zero time delay with M_L=0, the dynamics with respect to time delay of an ionizing probe pulse modeled by using RMT theory is found to be in good agreement with available experimental data.


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We study the dynamics of the entanglement spectrum, that is the time evolution of the eigenvalues of the reduced density matrices after a bipartition of a one-dimensional spin chain. Starting from the ground state of an initial Hamiltonian, the state of the system is evolved in time with a new Hamiltonian. We consider both instantaneous and quasi adiabatic quenches of the system Hamiltonian across a quantum phase transition. We analyse the Ising model that can be exactly solved and the XXZ for which we employ the time-dependent density matrix renormalisation group algorithm. Our results show once more a connection between the Schmidt gap, i.e. the difference of the two largest eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix and order parameters, in this case the spontaneous magnetisation.


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We have excited mid-infrared surface plasmons in two YBCO thin films of contrasting properties using attenuated total reflection of light and found that the imaginary part of the dielectric function decreases linearly with reduction in temperature. This result is in contrast with the commonly reported conclusion of infrared normal reflectance studies. If sustained it may clarify the problem of understanding the normal state properties of YBCO and the other cuprates. The dielectric function of the films, epsilon = epsilon(1) + i epsilon(2), was determined between room temperature and 80K: epsilon(1) was found to be only slightly temperature dependent but somewhat sample dependent, probably as a result of surface and grain boundary contamination. The imaginary part, epsilon(2), (and the real part of the conductivity, sigma(1),) decreased linearly with reduction in temperature in both films. Results obtained were: for film 1: epsilon(1) = - 14.05 - 0.0024T and epsilon(2) - 4.11 + 0.086T and for film 2: epsilon(1) = - 24.09 + 0.0013T and epsilon(2) = 7.66 + 0.067T where T is the temperature in Kelvin. An understanding of the results is offered in terms of temperature-dependent intrinsic intragrain inelastic scattering and temperature-independent contributions: elastic and inelastic grain boundary scattering and optical interband (or localised charge) absorption. The relative contribution of each is estimated. A key conclusion is that the interband (or localised charge) absorption is only similar to 10%. Most importantly, the intrinsic scattering rate, 1/tau, decreases linearly with fall in temperature, T, in a regime where current theory predicts dependence on frequency, omega, to dominate. The coupling constant, lambda, between the charge carriers and the thermal excitations has a value of 1.7, some fivefold greater than the far infrared value. These results imply a need to restate the phenomenology of the normal state of high temperature superconductors and seek a corresponding theoretical understanding.


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We propose a feedback control mechanism for the squeezing of the phononic mode of a mechanical oscillator. We show how, under appropriate working conditions, a simple adiabatic approach is able to induce mechanical squeezing. We then go beyond the limitations of such a working point and demonstrate the stationary squeezing induced by using repeated measurements and reinitialization of the state of a two-level system ancilla coupled to the oscillator. Our nonadaptive feedback loop offers interesting possibilities for quantum state engineering and steering in open-system scenarios.


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Theoretical resonance fluorescence calculations are presented of the triatomic C3 radical and are compared with observations of the C3 emission in comets Hale-Bopp and de Vico. A theoretical model of the C3 vibration-rotational structure in the A1Piu - X1Sigmag + electronic system is introduced. The model takes into account the detailed structure of the bending mode nu2 which is responsible for the emission of the 4050 Å group. A total of 1959 levels are considered, with 515 levels in the ground state. The main effort is to model high-resolution spectra of the 4050 Å emission in comets C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp and 122P/1995 S1 de Vico. The agreement between observed and theoretical spectra is good for a value of the dipole moment derivative of dmu/dr ~ 2.5 Debye Å-1. The modeled C3 emission exhibits a pronounced Swings effect. Based on observations made with William Herschel Telescope operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Group in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, and on observations made at the McDonald Observatory, which is operated by the University of Texas at Austin, USA.


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We address quantitatively the relationship between the nonlinearity of a mechanical resonator and the nonclassicality of its ground state. In particular, we analyze the nonclassical properties of the nonlinear Duffing oscillator (being driven or not) as a paradigmatic example of a nonlinear nanomechanical resonator. We first discuss how to quantify the nonlinearity of this system and then show that the nonclassicality of the ground state, as measured by the volume occupied by the negative part of the Wigner function, monotonically increases with the nonlinearity in all the working regimes addressed in our study. Our results show quantitatively that nonlinearity is a resource to create nonclassical states in mechanical systems.


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The current design plans for the International Thermonuclear\nExperimental Reactor ( ITER) call for tungsten to be employed for\ncertain plasma facing components in the divertor region. Thus, accurate\natomic collision data are needed for emission modelling of tungsten.\nElectron-impact excitation and radiative rates are of particular\nimportance for Ni-like W, since this ion emits some of the most intense\nspectral lines of all ionization stages. We report on a fully\nrelativistic 115-level R-matrix calculations of W46+, which includes the\neffects of radiation damping. Although radiation damping is very\nimportant in most highly ionized species, its effects are reduced in\nthis case because of the closed-shell Ni-like ground state. The rates\nfrom these relativistic atomic calculations will be employed for\ncollisional-radiative modelling of this ion.


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We present the first calculation of fine-structure photoionization cross sections for the ground state of singly ionized Fe. These large-scale ab initio calculations, limited to the near-threshold region, were performed in the close-coupling approximation using a Dirac–Coulomb R -matrix method implemented within a modified version of the DARC package. Our calculated cross sections reproduce in detail the resonance structures observed in previous experimental determinations.