991 resultados para Futebol profissional
Work is one of the fundamental elements for building the human identity. In this way, the Career Guidance (CG), whose character is reflective, increases choice processes, and can favour further relations from students to work. This article treated about university extension actions guided to four groups of young apprentices, whose families have low scholarity and income. Besides the synthesis of the objectives and methods of the project, they were transcripted students' narratives about the benefits they achieved, and the conclusions of Psychology students who were envolved. The qualitative comprehension of those data allowed to consider that the CG activities widened the self-knowledge, the choice and development possibilities of the participants. It is suggested the expansion of these practices.
This article presents a reflection on the profession of designer from the historical period for the pre-industrial revolution approaching the figure of the industrial designer in France and emphasizes the special attention given to it in England as the focus of the Industrial Revolution. Deals with some of the changes that the designer profession suffered along the way, that these changes occur in parallel to social, economic, technological. This study also reflects on the role of the professional in contemporary society and the challenges facing the profession.
The mass media have a decisive function in formation of opinion and conduct of population. Among those, the television is a vehicle with great power of spread of information. The objective this study is to analyze the influence of media on occurrences regarding the aggressiveness some participants involved in event soccer, while spectators. The subject's attitude is determined by predominant factors, among them the influences of social and cultural way in that lives, as well as, of the education and sporting influences that it affects. The problem of violence in the sport, in the case of soccer, it cannot be addressed for total responsibility of media. However, collaboration is indispensable, for aspect positive and/or negative, depending on the interest in subject. The models of behavior in television could influence the spectator's behavior for a learning process, for example, the use of the language. Therefore, it is indispensable to rethink the roads of television, their ethical conducts and to discuss the philosophical sense of the crisis. Because, to reject the mass media is to deny the reality and social transformations. The extent of the Physical education, above all in the school, is a fundamental space for the teacher to intermediate the meaning of the sport, in this case, the soccer-spectacle, in social context and their relationships with the media, enlarging the process civilization, so much inside as out of field.
This paper is focused on the reading of the texts of writers who collaborated with the leading newspapers of the Rio-São Paulo (represented here by the daily O Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S. Paulo, O Globo and Jornal do Brasil) in coverage Football World Cup 1998, held in France. This tournament crystallized a growing trend from print to the Brazilian season: the convening of writers and chroniclers of notebooks from culture to comment on the matches of the World Cup. Here we analyze how these writers and their chronicles and columns permeated by the poetic and metalinguistic functions, enriched the sports pages with reports, stories or comments imagery, subjective and even fictional about football, a phenomenon that is countered, so the search for the referent and journalistic impartiality
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
A proposta deste trabalho é criar um Jogo de Tabuleiro Empresarial voltado para a capacitação de profissionais de micro e pequenas empresas em comunicação, juntamente com a aluna de Design da Unesp - Bauru, Tatiana Kurokawa Hasimoto. Observando o poder dessa ferramenta em outras áreas do conhecimento (como administração e empreendedorismo) exploramos o potencial da área de comunicação para a criação de um Jogo de Tabuleiro Empresarial, voltado para a capacitação e seleção. O trabalho tem como base um mapeamento de microempresas da cidade de Bauru, realizado pelo Núcleo de Opinião da UNESP, coordenado pela Profª Drª Célia Maria Retz Godoy dos Santos, onde foi possível perceber a falta de conhecimento sobre a área de comunicação por essas empresas. O objetivo é mostrar a importância da comunicação e principalmente como o profissional de Relações Públicas pode atuar nessas empresas
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Football is a sporting phenomenon that unites the collective to individual, because besides the needs of teamwork, it requires several physical individual abilities. The unpredictability of each match turns it into a fascinating and unique sport. Indeed, this is the most popular and admired sport in all over the world, covering a huge amount of fans and practitioners. Curriculum documents are a new and unprecedented fact in history of Physical Education, so it sought as study object investigate and analyze is being treated in many curriculums proposes of seven Brazilian States (Goiás, Maranhão, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Sergipe e São Paulo) and the Distrito Federal. This study has a qualitative character, using documentary research, because it consists by analyze of curriculum documents. As results, stands out the difference between guiding principles in curriculums. However, all of them are based in a new perspective of Physical Education. With regard to the objectives, was evidenced a consensus among the documents examined, which target as Physical Education objective the formation of critical and autonomous individual, besides your insertion in body culture movements, body culture or movement culture. The results showed that all documents, except of Distrito Federal, mention football as content, only Pernambuco, Sergipe and São Paulo showed a further deepening in the theme. Thus, it is believed that it is essential for a better unfolding of football in Physical Education classes a understanding by the students about this sport, not just as a mere act of running after a ball, but as a social phenomenon broad and contextualized
The sports psychology today is increasingly inserted in the day-to-day of sports teams, and it happens because the technical, tactical and physical levels are too equal. Through sports psychology we try to understand the behavior of each athlete and the group itself to achieve a better performance in training and competition. Thus, within the sports psychology we have the leadership phenomenon that has been constantly studied in order to understand the relationship between coach and athlete in the sports context. The objective of this study is to verify in the literature issues related to leadership in sports groups, as well as analyze how leadership is treated by coaches and seen by the athletes and also see how the leadership is specifically manifested in the football environment. As a methodological procedure was performed an analytical research in which a bibliographic review was developed. We conclude that in sports in general, there is a preference by part of the athletes for coaches with a training-education behavior, in what he cares about the development of the technical and tactical aspects of your team or athlete. And in the context of football that the most dominant style of leadership behavior of coaches is the autocratic and by the athletes, they considered most important the education-training dimension as ideal behavior of their coaches leadership
Soccer is characterized as a sport that has exercises such as jumping, high-intensity and easy running, directional changes among, and other things. These features characterize soccer as an intermittent exercise. Nutrition along with proper exercise programs can be an excellent tool for the success or failure of the team in a championship. The nutrition, when properly oriented, can decrease fatigue of athletes and also optimize their recovery level, which may result in maintenance of performance along with less risk of injury. This study researched in database Pubmed, Scielo and Bireme, using the following words: futebol, nutrição, carboidrato, carbohydrate, soccer, and nutrition. Carbohydrate is a macronutrient used as energy source for performing exercise and its prevalence is varied according to both volume and intensity of exercise. In soccer, there is recommendation for carbohydrate intake before exercise in order to increase the availability of blood glucose, which in turn results in exercise improved capacity. In addition, carbohydrate intake during exercise increases the rapid replacement of all muscle glycogen reserves lost. Finally, the post-exercise consumption is important in the recovery of several nutritional factors such as muscle glycogen restoration, replacement of fluids and also electrolytes. In this sense, a well-oriented carbohydrate intake will result in improved athlete performance, and than may also promotes the success of their team at the end of the championship
Lateral asymmetries are in everywhere as well as in all movements made by man, which become more evident in movements of sport. The asymmetry is particularly pointed out in futsal when players, even with clear opportunity of making use of their non-preferred foot, try to place the ball in order to execute the action with their preferred foot. The study of asymmetry in futsal is quite relevant, once ambidextrous players present advantages in their performances during a match, which can help futsal athletes not only in their performance improvement but also with the prescription of training. For this reason, the present study had questioned: is there symmetry/asymmetry at the performance of lower contralateral limbs during actions with the possession ball (pass, receiving a ball and kick into the goal) during a futsal match? Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the symmetry/asymmetry using the preferred and non-preferred foot in actions with the possession ball (pass, receiving and shoot) in adult Futsal's players (professional). The winner team of eight matches of the 2012 FIFA Futsal World Cup was analyzed. An average of 75 players had all their actions (pass, receiving a ball and shot on goal) using their lower limbs during the match analyzed. However, their actions with the head and torso were not analyzed. The games were acquired through a television broadcast. All eight matches were followed by an appraiser through a computer. The Skout® software was used to collect the data, taking notes of the player involved, the type of action (pass, receiving a ball and shot on goal), its foot used (preferred or non-preferred foot) and if the execution was correct or wrong. These data were saved in a text file, in the form of a matrix and imported into the Matlab® software, where was analyzed the following parameters: frequency of occurrence of each action with each foot and quantity of correct and wrong occurrences performed with...
O futebol é uma das modalidades mais praticadas no mundo. Atualmente, estima-se que se tenha cerca de 3,5 bilhões de praticantes desta modalidade, sejam eles de forma profissional, ou no âmbito do lazer. Por consequência, o futebol torna-se um grande influenciador do comportamento social de crianças e adolescentes, transmitindo elementos para interpretação do mundo, confrontando, muitas vezes, com a escola e a família na formação de valores. Através das mídias, o futebol é disseminado mundo afora, por meio de transmissão de jogos, cobertura de campeonatos, programas exclusivos de futebol e publicidade, em que são exploradas as imagens dos atletas para venda dos mais variados produtos. Sendo assim, o objetivo desse estudo se pautou num levantamento, em que foram analisadas propagandas publicitárias nacionais ocorridas nos meses de Junho, Julho e Agosto de 2014, em mídia impressa, buscando compreender o tipo de publicidade exercida e quais jogadores ficaram em evidência. Para isso, a metodologia deste estudo foi do tipo qualitativa e descritiva, em que realizou-se uma análise documental acerca dos principais referenciais da área investigada, como reportagens e propagandas em jornal (Folha de São Paulo) e revistas (IstoÉ e Veja). Os resultados obtidos culminaram em três categorias temáticas, sendo elas: atletas atuais x atletas antigos; atletas cobertos x desnudos: corpos que são vendidos?; e tamanho da publicidade e relação com o megaevento. Na primeira categoria, viu-se ambas as gerações tiveram suas imagens associadas a atletas campeões, como forma de incentivo à busca do hexacampeonato. Na segunda categoria, verificou-se que os corpos dos atletas vendiam mais que produtos, vendiam status, eram retratados como símbolos a serem alcançados. Por fim, na última categoria, foram encontradas evidências que tanto o tamanho quanto as características das publicidades foram distintas no decorrer da Copa do Mundo...
A temática envolvendo a pedagogia universitária vem se constituindo num campo epistemológico profícuo envolvendo a urgência da qualificação do trabalho docente no âmbito universitário. Esta pesquisa está contida numa das frentes que o Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Pedagogia Universitária (GEEPU) da UNESP de Rio Claro vem desenvolvendo sobre o trabalho dos professores universitários. O foco dessa pesquisa é o estudo acerca das concepções de projetos de extensão e na maneira que vem acontecendo essas ações apontando a necessidade do melhor entendimento da ação do professor mediante o papel da extensão correlacionado ao ensino e a pesquisa por meio dos seus projetos e programas nos Institutos de Biociências (IB), do Instituto de Geociência e Ciências Exatas (IGCE) da UNESP de Rio Claro e da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ/USP) UNESP/Rio Claro e na ESALQ/USP. Optamos por uma abordagem qualitativa por meio de um estudo de caso, onde foi realizada análise documental de todos os projetos de extensão das referidas universidades com a seleção de alguns deles junto aos seus respectivos coordenadores no sentido de melhor entender, compreender e aprender acerca desses projetos e suas possíveis correlações na qualificação do ensino e da pesquisa na ação profissional do professor universitário. Acreditamos que o referido estudo trouxe contribuições importantes na medida em que apontou um quadro preocupante no contexto universitário onde tanto a ação do docente e o papel da universidade devam ser amplamente revistos, discutidos e refletidos, garantindo a indissociabilidade do ensino, pesquisa e extensão em espaços institucionais que possam, de fato, garantir essa articulação
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
A cultura da cana de açúcar é de relevante importância social e econômica no Estado de São Paulo devido, principalmente à produção de açúcar e biocombustível, movimentando um representativo volume monetário, bem como relevante quantidade de empregos temporários gerados no período de colheita. Analisando a situação, do corte manual versos o corte mecanizado verificamos que ainda é uma atividade frequentemente associada à poluição ambiental pela queima prévia da palha. Neste contexto a mecanização necessariamente deve se dar ao mesmo tempo que a criação de novos postos de trabalho, ou seja, a adoção de novas tecnologias e o estabelecimento de políticas públicas garantidoras do nível de empregos e renda perdidos. Percebe-se necessidade de intervenção governamental no sentido de elaboração de políticas publicas desenvolvidas com apelo regional, a fim de assegurarem meios de sobrevivência. O sistema da cana-de-açúcar é complexo e o objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a recolocação dos cortadores de cana em atividades que lhe proporcionem renda, dignidade e melhor qualidade de vida. Portanto as políticas publicas devem ser planejadas priorizando o desenvolvimento regional tanto na região de destino, quanto nas regiões de origem dos trabalhadores, de forma a diminuir a necessidade de migração, fixando o homem em suas oportunidades assegurando meios de sobrevivência. A iniciativa governamental de qualificação através do PlanSeQ Plano Setorial de Qualificação é muito interessante porém se comparada à necessidade do setor ainda representa pouco pela necessidade da mecanização.