1000 resultados para Fungal Flora


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A comunidade de plantas visitadas por abelhas foi estudada em um fragmento de 8,2 ha na Área de Proteção Ambiental das Lagoas e Dunas de Abaeté, Salvador, Bahia (12º56’ S e 38º21’ W). Entre janeiro e dezembro de 1996, três vezes ao mês, as plantas floridas eram amostradas, registrando-se para cada espécie o período de floração, hábito e características florais como: cor, forma, sexualidade, simetria, deiscência das anteras e recurso oferecido ao visitante. O tipo de vegetação local é a restinga, composta principalmente por arbustos e subarbustos. Foram observadas 97 espécies vegetais e a família Fabaceae foi a mais rica em número de espécies. Das espécies observadas, 66 foram visitadas por abelhas, sendo que 12 delas foram predominantemente visitadas (79,4% do total de indivíduos). Waltheria cinerescens St. Hilaire e Byrsonima microphylla A. Juss. foram as espécies mais abundantes. Os recursos florais estiveram disponíveis ao longo de todo o ano, havendo maior produção de flores nos meses de menor precipitação. A maioria das flores esteve aberta durante todo o dia. Predominaram flores actinomorfas (63%), monóclinas (89%), pequenas, tubulares e reunidas em inflorescências, cujas cores mais freqüentes são lilás (32%) e creme (31%). A maioria era melitófila (85%), significando que as abelhas são, provavelmente, os principais responsáveis pela reprodução sexual das espécies vegetais nessas dunas.


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This work is a survey of the phytoplankton communities of the Paraibuna and Pomba Rivers. It aims is to contribute to the existing albeit scarce knowledge of the phytoplankton of Minas Gerais and of lotic phytoplankton in general. The results are based on 32 samples collected from Paraibuna and Pomba Rivers, in Minas Gerais State, during the dry (July and August, 2001) and rainy seasons (February 2002). Forty-eight taxa were identified, 20 from Paraibuna River and 28 from Pomba River, thirty-eight of which are new records for Minas Gerais State. The phytoplankton community of Paraibuna River was strongly influenced by a reservoir close to its source, thus the occurrence of lentic species of cyanobacteria and desmids. However, the phytoplankton community of Pomba River was typical of lotic environments, with great number of diatoms and desmids.


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We studied the flora of vegetation islands on rock outcrops on the Itatiaia Plateau (22°21'S and 44°40'W), at 2,400 m.a.s.l. A total of 114 vascular plant species, which correspond to ca. 20%-25% of the currently inventoried flora of the plateau, were sampled in 197 small vegetation islands (total area of 0.034 ha). Xerophytes and hydrophytes were often found side by side due to environmental heterogeneity at a small scale, explaining in part the high species diversity. Rock outcrops may support floras quite distinct from those in neighbouring habitats, due to the action of strong environmental filters, but in Itatiaia the geographic distribution patterns among rupicolous plants appear to mimic those described for the whole flora around it, with 15.1% of narrow endemic species and six strictly rupicolous plants. Underlining the "temperate" nature of the high elevation climate in Itatiaia, the sampled flora was dominated by species of the families Asteraceae and Poaceae, and the number of CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism) species was very low. A few endemic species of tropical origin - Pleurostima gounelleana (Beauv.) Men. (Velloziaceae) and Fernseea itatiaiae (Wawra) Baker (Bromeliaceae) - play a crucial role in this vegetation, as pioneer mat-formers facilitating later establishment of numerous other species. Hemicryptophytes prevail in the sampled flora, while therophytes are exceptionally rare and mainly consist of opportunistic species associated with disturbances. Numerous microhabitats and strong environmental gradients in these high elevation rock outcrops afford opportunities for establishment of a highly diversified flora. These island-like environments may represent an important refuge for grassland species from fire and other disturbances in the surrounding grasslands.


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A vegetação de cerrado no Estado de São Paulo sobrevive em poucas áreas naturais remanescentes cuja flora, exceto pelas espécies arbóreas, é pouco conhecida. O presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a flora fanerogâmica não-arbórea das diferentes fisionomias da vegetação (campo úmido, cerrado sensu stricto, cerradão e mata ciliar) na Estação Ecológica de Assis (22°33'65" e 22°36'68" S e 50°22'29" e 50°23'00" W), Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e compará-la a outras áreas de cerrado no estado, para verificar possíveis endemismos ou a presença de espécies raras, que mereçam providências especiais de manejo para sua conservação. Nas diferentes fisionomias da vegetação no interior da unidade de conservação foram registradas 301 espécies fanerógamas não-arbóreas, pertencentes a 199 gêneros e 61 famílias. As famílias com os maiores números de espécies foram: Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Bignoniaceae e Poaceae. A riqueza de espécies foi decrescente do cerrado sensu stricto (146 espécies ou 48,8%), seguido pelo cerradão (48 espécies ou 15,9%), campo úmido (47 espécies ou 15,6%) e, por último, a mata ciliar (15 espécies ou 5,0%). Comparada às outras áreas analisadas de cerrado no Estado de São Paulo, a diversidade da flora não-arbórea local é elevada. O alto nível de ocorrências únicas para as formas de vida inventariadas (102 espécies ou 34%) tem sido igualmente observado em outros estudos, indicando que ou os endemismos são mais comuns para espécies vegetais não-arbóreas do que para arbóreas ou os métodos de inventário não têm sido adequados para representar toda a riqueza dessas espécies em cada local. Estratégias de conservação e inventários botânicos devem valorizar especialmente a flora não-arbórea, uma vez que as espécies da flora arbórea apresentam-se mais amplamente distribuídas e melhor inventariadas.


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No Brasil, várias espécies de gramíneas são citadas como invasoras em Unidades de Conservação. Contudo, ainda se conhece muito pouco sobre o impacto do estabelecimento e da colonização dessas espécies nas áreas protegidas. Entre as gramíneas exóticas introduzidas no bioma Cerrado merece destaque a espécie africana Melinis minutiflora P. Beauv., o capim-gordura. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o impacto desta invasora na biomassa e na riqueza da comunidade nativa em uma área de Cerrado Ralo invadido, como também estudar a dinâmica da vegetação do estrato rasteiro submetida à aplicação de diferentes técnicas de manejo para o controle do capim-gordura. Os resultados mostraram que, na área experimental, onde o capim-gordura representa cerca 62% da biomassa total do estrato rasteiro, o número de espécies nativas encontradas foi alto. Nas áreas onde o capim-gordura apresentou alto índice de colonização (> 98%), sua biomassa alcançou cerca de duas vezes a biomassa do estrato rasteiro registrada para o Cerrado. A realização de uma queimada não foi suficiente para controlar o capim-gordura, porque após três anos a sua biomassa se aproximou aos valores encontrados inicialmente. Por outro lado, no tratamento manejo integrado (maio ou setembro) a redução de mais de 99,9% na sua presença favoreceu a expansão da vegetação nativa, configurando-se, assim, uma estratégia promissora para a recuperação ambiental das áreas invadidas pelo capim-gordura no Cerrado.


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Foi realizado o levantamento florístico de espécies vasculares em remanescente urbano de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual no Parque Florestal de Ibiporã (23°15'71" S e 51°01'83" W, entrada do Parque), entre maio de 2006 e maio de 2008. As espécies foram classificadas quanto às formas de vida e, as espécies arbóreas, em categorias sucessionais. Foram amostradas 176 espécies nativas, distribuídas em 147 gêneros e 57 famílias. Das espécies, 98% eram Angiospermas e 2% Pteridófitas. As famílias com maior riqueza em espécies foram Fabaceae (19), Bignoniaceae, Malvaceae (nove), Meliaceae e Rubiaceae (oito). Quanto às formas de vida, 53% eram espécies arbóreas, 16% herbáceas, 14% lianas, 13% arbustivas e 4% epífitas. A classificação das espécies arbóreas em grupos ecológicos indicou ligeira predominância de espécies dos estádios finais (52%) sobre as espécies dos estádios iniciais da sucessão (45%), indicando que a vegetação do PFI encontra-se em estádio intermediário a avançado da sucessão ecológica.


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Impr.: L. Heimbürger.


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Fungal infection is one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality in bone marrow transplant (BMT) recipients. The growing incidence of these infections is related to several factors including prolonged granulocytopenia, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, conditioning regimens, and use of immunosuppression to avoid graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). In the present series, we report five cases of invasive mold infections documented among 64 BMT recipients undergoing fluconazole antifungal prophylaxis: 1) A strain of Scedosporium prolificans was isolated from a skin lesion that developed on day +72 after BMT in a chronic myeloid leukemic patient. 2) Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (Aspergillus fumigatus) was diagnosed on day +29 in a patient with a long period of hospitalization before being transplanted for severe aplastic anemia. 3) A tumoral lung lesion due to Rhizopus arrhizus (zygomycosis) was observed in a transplanted patient who presented severe chronic GvHD. 4) A tumoral lesion due to Aspergillus spp involving the 7th, 8th and 9th right ribs and local soft tissue was diagnosed in a BMT patient on day +110. 5) A patient with a history of Ph1-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia exhibited a cerebral lesion on day +477 after receiving a BMT during an episode of severe chronic GvHD. At that time, blood and spinal fluid cultures yielded Fusarium sp. Opportunistic infections due to fungi other than Candida spp are becoming a major problem among BMT patients receiving systemic antifungal prophylaxis with fluconazole.


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Many studies have attempted to evaluate the importance of airborne fungi in the development of invasive fungal infection, especially for immunocompromised hosts. Several kinds of instruments are available to quantitate fungal propagule levels in air. We compared the performance of the most frequently used air sampler, the Andersen sampler with six stages, with a portable one, the Reuter centrifugal sampler (RCS). A total of 84 samples were analyzed, 42 with each sampler. Twenty-eight different fungal genera were identified in samples analyzed with the Andersen instrument. In samples obtained with the RCS only seven different fungal genera were identified. The three most frequently isolated genera in samples analyzed with both devices were Penicillium, Aspergillus and Cladophialophora. In areas supplied with a high efficiency particulate air filter, fungal spore levels were usually lower when compared to areas without these filters. There was a significant correlation between total fungal propagule measurements taken with both devices on each sampling occasion (Pearson coefficient = 0.50). However, the Andersen device recovered a broader spectrum of fungi. We conclude that the RCS can be used for quantitative estimates of airborne microbiological concentrations. For qualitative studies, however, this device cannot be recommended.


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The purpose of this study was to verify and compare the main contamination sources and the hygienic/sanitary conditions of organic honey samples of Apis mellifera from Parana River islands. Thirty-three (33) samples were analyzed between January 2005 and August 2006. Eleven (11) samples were collected by beekeepers and twenty-two (22) samples were collected and processed in accordance with ideal personal hygiene norms and good manufacturing practices. The samples underwent microbiological analysis in search of coliforms at 35 ºC and 45 ºC, as well as fungi enumeration analysis. As for fungi counting, the samples harvested by beekeepers showed values above the maximum established by Resolution nº 15/94 of Common Market Group - Mercosul. The results showed that secondary contamination sources are responsible for the reduction of organic honey quality.


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Cassava starch factories produce residues that can be commercialized as food ingredients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological safety of cassava peel and bagasse during storage, with and without chemical treatment. The bagasse was acidified with lactic acid, and the peel was immersed in a sodium hypochlorite solution. The microbiological analyses were carried out for 72 h after harvest. All of the samples showed the absence of pathogenic microorganisms, and the acidification and sanitization were effective in controlling total coliforms. Cassava bagasse and peel samples can be considered safe for consumption by humans as ingredients for other food products.


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Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron identificar los hongos asociados a las semillas de zanahoria de procedencia local y determinar la eficiencia del control químico sobre la flora fúngica transportada, en relación con la calidad fisiológica. Se analizó la calidad fisiológica y sanitaria de lotes de semillas de zanahoria provenientes de Córdoba, Argentina y se evaluó el efecto de tratamientos combinados de fungicidas en diferentes dosis y tiempos de inmersión. Se observó alta incidencia de hongos transportados con predominio de A. alternata, Fusarium sp. y Epicoccum sp los cuales afectaron la germinación y vigor de las semillas. Los tratamientos fungicidas redujeron el porcentaje de semillas infectadas y su efecto dependió principalmente del tiempo de inmersión. Los tratamientos más eficientes fueron Tebuconazole, Tiram y Carboxin + Tiram en dosis de 1.000 y 500 ppm de p.a. aplicados por inmersión durante una hora. Estos tratamientos indujeron además un incremento de la germinación de semillas de zanahoria.


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Fungal metabolism of halogenated and related steroids was investigated. The fungi Aspergillus niger ATCC 9142, Curvularia lunata NRRL 2380 and Rhizopus stolonifer ATCC6227b were studied in this regard. 2l-Fluoro-, 2l-chloro, 2l-bromo- and 2l-methyl-pregn-4-ene-3,20diones were prepared and incubated with ~ niger (a C-2l-hydroxylator) in order to observe the effect of the C-2l substituent on the metabolism of these substrates. In all four cases, the C-2l substituent prevented any significant metabolism of these substrates. llB-Fluoropregn-4-ene-3,20-dione was prepared and incubated with C. lunata (an llB-hydroxylator) and ~ stolonifer (an lla-hydroxylator). With ~ lunata, the ll-fluoro- substituent prevent hydroxylation at the 11 position, but diverted it to a site remote from the fluorine atom. In contrast, with ~ stolonifer the llB-fluoro- substituent, although slowing the apparent rate of hydroxylation, did not prevent its occurrence at the 11a- position. llB-Hydroxypregn-4-ene-3,20-dione was also incubated with R. stolonifer. The llB-hydroxy-;group did not appear to have any significant effect on hydroxylation at the lla- position. The incubation of a substrate, unsaturated at a favoured site of hydroxylation with Rhizopus arrhizus ATCC 11145 provided a complex mixture of products; among them were both the a and S epoxides. The formation of these products is rationalized as arising because of the lack of regio- and stereospecificity of the hydroxylase enzyme(s) involved.


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Two enzyme mechanisms were examined: the 21-dehydroxylation of corticosteroids by the anaerobe Eubacterium l en tum, and the hydroxylation of steroids by fungal cytochrome P450. Deuterium labelling techniques were used to study the enzymic dehydroxylation. Corticosteroids doubly labelled (2H) at the C-21 position were incubated with a culture of Eubacterium lentum. It was found that t he enzymic dehydroxylation proceeded with the loss of one 2H f rom C-21 per molecule of substrate. The kinetic isotope ef fect f or the reaction was found to be k~kD = 2. 28. These results suggest that enzyme/substr ate binding in this case may proceed via t he enol form of the substrate. Also , it appears that this binding is, at least in part, the rate determining step of t he reaction. The hydroxylation of steroids by fungal cytochrome P450 was examined by means of a product study. Steroids with a double bond at the A8 (9), ~( lO ), or ~ (ll) position were synthesized. These steroids were then incubated with fungal strains known to use a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase to hydroxylate at positions allylic to these doubl e bonds. The products formed in these incubations indicated that the double bonds had migrated during allylic hydroxylat ion. This suggests that a carbon centred radical or ion may be an intermediate i n the cytochrome P450 cat alytic cycle.


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The purpose of the study was to determine the ability of certain fungi to biotransform morphine alkaloids into medicinally relevant intermediates. Fungal strains screened for their ability to affect biotransformation of morphine alkaloids include Cunninghamella echinulata, Helicostylum pirijorme, Pycnoporus sanguinea, Pycnoporus cinnabarina, Curvularia lunata and Sporotrichum sulfurescens. The research demonstrated that Cunninghamella echinulata N-demethylated thebaine, hydrocodone, codeine, oripavine and oxycodone into corresponding nor-compounds in varying yields. The study further focused on the characterization of the enzyme responsible for the biotransformation of thebaine into northebaine by Cunninghamella echinulata. The study clearly showed that incubation of the fungal culture with thebaine over a period of 48 hours was required to activate the biotransformation process. The biotransformation studies with [14C] labeled thebaine showed that Ndemethylation by Cunningham ella echinulata does not involve O-demethylation followed by methyl group transfer as suggested in previous studies.