1000 resultados para Fundação Aristides de Sousa Mendes
An experiment was carried out to establish mean bone quality values of the tibiae and femora of ostriches and to evaluate these bones. The right leg bones of 10 males and 10 female African Black ostriches were evaluated. Birds were radiographed immediately after slaughter (during bleeding), with the aid of a portable X-ray apparatus. The obtained radiographs were scanned and bone mineral density means were obtained using software. Bone strength, Seedor index, and dry matter percentage were evaluated and correlated to weight gain during the finishing period (3-13 months of age). Mean values of the evaluated bone quality traits, not previously found in literature, were established. There were no significant differences between males and females in performance or bone quality parameters. It was concluded that male and female ostriches present similar performance and bone quality at slaughter age.
This study was carried out at Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, SP, Brazil, and evaluated bone quality in broiler breeders. Twenty-three families of Ross broiler breeders were housed in 5.0-m² pens. The families were comprised of 13 females and one male at the onset of the experimental period. The mean number of females per family was 9.34 at the end of the trial. The feeding program and management followed strain guidelines (Agroceres Ross, 2003). Bone analyses were performed in the right tibia and femur using optical radiographic densitometry at 4, 8, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 35, 42, 47 and 52 weeks of rearing. Trap nests were used to collect eggs from the breeders two weeks before and after the evaluation weeks. At each evaluation day, five birds were sacrificed after radiographs were taken and the tibias and femurs were collected to perform the following analyses: fatfree dry matter, ash percentage, bone resistance and Seedor index. Therefore, it was possible to establish correlations between bone quality and eggshell quality. Characteristics of bone quality were highly correlated to each other; on the other hand, there were no correlations between bone quality and external egg quality. In conclusion, there was no effect of egg production on egg quality, possibly because there was no reabsorption of bone minerals.
This study evaluated the effects of strain, stocking density and dietary energy level on the feathering of broiler chickens. Four trials were carried out between September 2000 and April 2002. There were 10,685 broiler chicks from the strains Ross 308, Cobb 500, Hybro PG, Hubbard, MPK, and Isa Vedette. The bids were reared at stocking densities varying between 10 and 16 birds/m² and were given diets containing different metabolizable energy levels. Broiler feathering was evaluated either by atrributing scores from 1 to 10 to feather covering along the thigh and back (visual inspection), or by determining the percentage weight of the feathers at 28 and 42 days of age. Increasing rearing densities resulted in poorer feathering, mainly if 12 or 13 birds/m² were compared with 16 birds/m². The strains showed different feathering; it was better in Cobb 500 and MPK birds, whereas Hubbard birds showed poorer feathering, mostly along the back. The energy level in the diet has also affected feathering scores. Medium energy level resulted in better feathering along the back at 28 days, and the low level, in better feathering along the thigh at 35 days of age. Finally, feather scores were better in females than in males.
This study was carried out at Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, UNESP, Botucatu-SP, Brazil. The aim was to establish the normal values of bone mineral density (BMD) expressed in millimeters of aluminum in the tibia of broiler chickens using optical densitometry of radiographs. Four hundred Cobb male chicks were reared from 1 to 40 days of age, when 40 of them were selected and the right femur-tibia articulation was radiographed. Radiographs were taken with the X-ray equipment calibrated for 45 kvp and 3.2 mAs and a focus-to-film distance of 90 cm. An aluminum phantom ASTM-6063 consisting of 20 ladder steps with graduate density was placed parallel to the area to be radiographed and used as a densitometry reference standard. Radiograph images were analyzed using the software ATHENA - SIA. The proximal growth plate of the right tibia epiphysis was used as the standard reading region. The inclination axis of the reading window was 0 and the window was 10 mm high and 40-45 mm wide, depending on the bone size. Optical densitometry values of the radiographs ranged from 1.46 to 1.77 mmAl, and the coefficient of variation was 9.93%. It was concluded that densitometry values beyond the range established in the present study might indicate the presence of bone alteration in the tibia of broilers.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O experimento teve como objetivo estudar os efeitos de níveis de cantaxantina sobre o desempenho e a coloração das gemas dos ovos de galinhas poedeiras. Foram utilizadas 384 galinhas da linhagem Hisex Brown, em um delineamento em blocos ao acaso, contendo seis tratamentos (0, 12, 24, 36, 48 e 60 ppm de cantaxantina), com oito repetições de oito aves por parcela. O período experimental foi de 56 dias. A coleta de ovos foi realizada diariamente e a análise de coloração dos ovos foi efetuada com o abanico colorimétrico da Roche. Durante os 14 dias do período inicial do experimento, a melhor coloração das gemas foi obtida com a adição de 60 ppm de cantaxantina, atingindo-se a cor plateau de 14,3 do leque colorimétrico Roche aos 5,43 dias de inclusão do pigmentante. Considerando-se o período experimental total, os níveis de cantaxantina utilizados melhoraram de forma quadrática a coloração das gemas, sem influenciar os parâmetros produtivos e demais características de qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras comerciais.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of probiotics and prebiotics of bacterial and yeast origin on the performance, development of the digestive system, carcass yield and meat quality of free-range broiler chickens. Five hundred and sixty male chicks of the strain ISA S757-N were reared from one to 84 days old. The birds were distributed in four treatments according to a completely randomized block design: T1 = Control, T2 = Probiotics and Prebiotics of bacterial origin, T3 = Probiotics and prebiotics of yeast origin, T4 = Probiotics and prebiotics of bacterial origin + probiotics and prebiotics of yeast origin. There were four repetitions with 35 birds per repetition, and the birds had access to a pasture area after 35 days of age. Characteristics evaluated were performance, development of the digestive system, carcass and parts yield, abdominal fat, breast meat physical measurements (length, width and height) and meat quality parameters (pH from breast and leg meat, cooking loss and shearing force from breast meat). Lower mortality (p<0.05) and higher weight gain from 64 to 77 and 64 to 84 days of age were seen in birds supplemented with probiotics and prebiotics of bacterial origin compared to the non-supplemented birds (control). There were significant differences (p<0.05) among treatments for carcass yield. Birds supplemented with both probiotics and prebiotics of microbial and yeast origin (T4) showed higher carcass yield than control birds. Supplementation with probiotics and prebiotics of bacterial origin (T2) or the supplementation of these together with those of yeast origin (T4) reduced mortality and increased the carcass yield in free-range broiler chickens.
This study was carried out at Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, SP, Brazil, with the objective of evaluating the efficacy of four techniques in the assessment of tibial dyschondroplasia lesions in broiler chickens. Four hundred Cobb male chicks were reared from 1 to 39 days of age. At 39 days, forty birds were selected and tibial dyschondroplasia status was assessed by four different techniques: evaluation using the lixiscope, macroscopic examination, histological examination and bone mineral density assessment using optical radiographic densitometry. The efficacy of each technique to assess dyschondroplasia lesions in the tibial growth plate was determined in comparison to histology, which was considered to be 100% efficient. The correlation results between lixiscope analysis and histology were poor. Macroscopic scores and densitometry readings were highly correlated with histology scores, and it is considered that these techniques reliably reproduce the status of the growth plate.
Two trials were carried out in the present study. Trial I evaluated the performance, carcass yield and breast meat quality, whereas Trial II evaluated the efficacy of utilizing prebiotics + probiotics on the control of Salmonella spp incidence in the carcasses of free-range broilers. In Trial I, 688 one-day-old male chicks of the Naked Neck Label Rouge strain were used, distributed in a randomized block design arranged according to a 2 x 2 factorial: control diet or diet supplemented with probiotics and prebiotics; and two rearing systems (confined or with access to paddocks - 3m²/bird), using four replicates with 35 birds each. The birds were reared until 84 days of age following the recommendations of management and nutrition for free-range strains, and had access to paddocks after 35 days of age. Water and food were given inside the experimental poultry house. Birds fed probiotics and prebiotics in the diet and the confined birds showed better performance, carcass yield and meat quality compared to the birds of the other treatments. In Trial II, 128 one-day-old male chicks of the free-range Naked Neck Label Rouge strain were used. The birds were distributed into four treatments: NCC (non-challenged control), NCS (non-challenged supplemented), CC (challenged control) and CS (challenged supplemented). There were no significant effects of adding probiotics and prebiotics in the diet in regard to Salmonella enteritidis recovery from the carcasses.
Objetivou-se avaliar as alterações físicas, produção de ovos e mortalidade de codornas poedeiras submetidas a muda forçada, durante um período de jejum. Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos (0, 1, 2, e 3) dias de jejum, com três repetições de 36 aves por parcela. No início e ao final do período de jejum 2 aves por parcela foram abatidas, pesadas individualmente e sacrificadas para retirada e avaliação do ovário, oviduto, e fígado. Os resultados mostraram que no período de jejum de três dias houve uma redução de 25,64% no peso vivo, a produção de ovos caiu a 2,81% e a mortalidade foi de 4,60%.
O experimento objetivou avaliar as alterações físicas, produção de ovos e mortalidade de codornas poedeiras alimentadas por diferentes períodos com milho moído após muda forçada. Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com três tratamentos (0, 4 e 7) dias de alimentação com milho moído e quatro repetições de 30 aves por parcela para análise do peso vivo e mortalidade e duas aves por parcela para análise das características físicas. Os resultados mostraram involução do aparelho reprodutivo até o quarto dia após muda forçada. Após sete dias, as aves alimentadas com ração de produção atingiram o peso que possuíam antes da muda forçada, e aos onze dias, as aves alimentadas com milho moído por sete dias não haviam ainda recuperado o peso de aparelho reprodutivo existente antes da muda forçada.
O experimento foi conduzido nas instalações da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, utilizando-se dois mil pintos de um dia de idade, da linhagem Ross, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualisado em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (sexos x níveis de lisina) e criados até 49 dias de idade. As aves foram alimentadas com dietas: inicial (0-21 dias), crescimento (22-42 dias) e acabamento (43-49 dias), contendo 100% dos níveis de lisina recomendados pelo NRC (1994), ou 110% nas rações inicial e de crescimento e 120% na ração de acabamento. Os frangos foram abatidos aos 28, 35, 42 e 49 dias de idade quando os rendimentos de carcaça e de peito foram determinados. Os níveis de lisina não afetaram (p>0,05) o ganho de peso, conversão alimentar e o rendimento de carcaça, mas os níveis altos resultaram em menores porcentagens de gordura abdominal quando comparados aos níveis baixos de lisina, nas fêmeas. A inclusão de lisina na dieta não melhorou o rendimento de carcaça e de peito aos 28, 35, 42 e 49 dias de idade (p>0,05). Portanto, pode-se concluir que o aumento dos níveis de lisina acima do recomendado pelo NRC (1994) não apresentou influência sobre as características avaliadas.