961 resultados para Free will


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Raportissa on arvioitu ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutusta Suomen maaperän talviaikaiseen jäätymiseen lämpösummien perusteella. Laskelmat kuvaavat roudan paksuutta nimenomaisesti lumettomilla alueilla, esimerkiksi teillä, joilta satanut lumi aurataan pois. Luonnossa lämpöä eristävän lumipeitteen alla routaa on ohuemmin kuin tällaisilla lumettomilla alueilla. Toisaalta luonnollisessa ympäristössä paikalliset erot korostuvat johtuen mm. maalajeista ja kasvillisuudesta. Roudan paksuudet laskettiin ensin perusjakson 1971–2000 ilmasto-oloissa talviaikaisten säähavaintotietoihin pohjautuvien lämpötilojen perusteella. Sen jälkeen laskelmat toistettiin kolmelle tulevalle ajanjaksolle (2010–2039, 2040–2069 ja 2070–2099) kohottamalla lämpötiloja ilmastonmuutosmallien ennustamalla tavalla. Laskelman pohjana käytettiin 19 ilmastomallin A1B-skenaarioajojen keskimäärin simuloimaa lämpötilan muutosta. Tulosten herkkyyden arvioimiseksi joitakin laskelmia tehtiin myös tätä selvästi heikompaa ja voimakkaampaa lämpenemisarviota käyttäen. A1B-skenaarion mukaisen lämpötilan nousun toteutuessa nykyisiä mallituloksia vastaavasti routakerros ohenee sadan vuoden aikana Pohjois-Suomessa 30–40 %, suuressa osassa maan keski- ja eteläosissa 50–70 %. Jo lähivuosikymmeninä roudan ennustetaan ohentuvan 10–30 %, saaristossa enemmän. Mikäli lämpeneminen toteutuisi voimakkaimman tarkastellun vaihtoehdon mukaisesti, roudan syvyys pienenisi tätäkin enemmän. Roudan paksuuden vuosienvälistä vaihtelua ja sen muuttumista tulevaisuudessa pyrittiin myös arvioimaan. Leutoina talvina routa ohenee enemmän kuin normaaleina tai ankarina pakkastalvina. Päivittäistä sään vaihtelua simuloineen säägeneraattorin tuottamassa aineistoissa esiintyi kuitenkin liian vähän hyvin alhaisia ja hyvin korkeita lämpötiloja. Siksi näitten lämpötilatietojen pohjalta laskettu roudan paksuuskin ilmeisesti vaihtelee liian vähän vuodesta toiseen. Kelirikkotilanteita voi esiintyä myös kesken routakauden, jos useamman päivän suojasää ja samanaikainen runsas vesisade pääsevät sulattamaan maata. Tällaiset routakauden aikana sattuvat säätilat näyttävätkin yleistyvän lähivuosikymmeninä. Vuosisadan loppua kohti ne sen sijaan maan eteläosissa jälleen vähenevät, koska routakausi lyhenee oleellisesti. Tulevia vuosikymmeniä koskevien ilmastonmuutosennusteiden ohella routaa ja kelirikon esiintymistä on periaatteessa mahdollista ennustaa myös lähiaikojen sääennusteita hyödyntäen. Pitkät, viikkojen tai kuukausien mittaiset sääennusteet eivät tosin ole ainakaan vielä erityisen luotettavia, mutta myös lyhyemmistä ennusteista voisi olla hyötyä mm. tienpitoa suunniteltaessa.


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Assuming an entropic origin for phason elasticity in quasicrystals, we derive predictions for the temperature dependence of grain-boundary structure and free energy, the nature of the elastic instability in these systems, and the behavior of sound damping near the instability. We believe that these will provide decisive tests of the entropic model for quasicrystals.


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The study analyses the ambivalent relationship republicanism, as a form of self-government free from domination, had with the ideal of participatory oratory and non-dominated speech on the one hand, and with the danger of unhindered demagogy and its possibly fatal consequences to that form of government on the other. Although previous scholarship has delved deeply into republicanism as well as into rhetoric and public speech, the interplay between those aspects has only gathered scattered interest, and there has been no systematic study considering the variety of republican approaches to rhetoric and public speech in 17th-century England. The rare attempts to do so have been studies in English literature, and they have not analysed the political philosophy of republicanism, as the focus has been on republicanism as a literary culture. This study connects the fields of political theory, political history as well as literature in order to make a multidisciplinary contribution to intellectual history. The study shows that, within the tradition of classical republicanism, individual authors could make different choices when addressing the problematic topics of public speech and rhetoric, and the variety of their conclusions often set the authors against each other, resulting in the development of their theories through internal debates within the republican tradition. The authors under study were chosen to reflect this variety and the connections between them: the similarities between James Harrington and John Streater, and between John Milton and John Hall of Durham are shown, as well the controversies between Harrington and Milton, and Streater and Hall, respectively. In addition, by analysing the writings of Marchamont Nedham the study will show that the choices were not limited to more, or less, democratic brands of republicanism. Most significantly, the study provides a thorough analysis of the political philosophies behind the various brands of republicanism, in addition to describing them. By means of this analysis, the study shows that previous attempts to assess the role of free speech and public debate, through the lenses of modern, rights-based liberal political theory have resulted in an inappropriate framework for understanding early modern English republicanism. By approaching the topics through concepts used by the republicans legitimate authority, leadership by oratory, and republican freedom and through the frames of reference available and familiar to them roles of education and institutions the study presents a thorough and systematic analysis of the role and function of rhetoric and public speech in English republicanism. The findings of this analysis have significant consequences to our current understanding of the history and development of republican political theory, and, more generally, of the connections between democratic theory and free speech.


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The thermodynamics of monodisperse solutions of polymers in the neighborhood of the phase separation temperature is studied by means of Wilson’s recursion relation approach, starting from an effective ϕ4 Hamiltonian derived from a continuum model of a many‐chain system in poor solvents. Details of the chain statistics are contained in the coefficients of the field variables ϕ, so that the parameter space of the Hamiltonian includes the temperature, coupling constant, molecular weight, and excluded volume interaction. The recursion relations are solved under a series of simplifying assumptions, providing the scaling forms of the relevant parameters, which are then used to determine the scaling form of the free energy. The free energy, in turn, is used to calculate the other singular thermodynamic properties of the solution. These are characteristically power laws in the reduced temperature and molecular weight, with the temperature exponents being the same as those of the 3d Ising model. The molecular weight exponents are unique to polymer solutions, and the calculated values compare well with the available experimental data.


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The nonaxisymmetric unsteady motion produced by a buoyancy-induced cross-flow of an electrically conducting fluid over an infinite rotating disk in a vertical plane and in the presence of an applied magnetic field normal to the disk has been studied. Both constant wall and constant heat flux conditions have been considered. It has been found that if the angular velocity of the disk and the applied magnetic field squared vary inversely as a linear function of time (i.e. as (1??t*)?1, the governing Navier-Stokes equation and the energy equation admit a locally self-similar solution. The resulting set of ordinary differential equations has been solved using a shooting method with a generalized Newton's correction procedure for guessed boundary conditions. It is observed that in a certain region near the disk the buoyancy induced cross-flow dominates the primary von Karman flow. The shear stresses induced by the cross-flow are found to be more than these of the primary flow and they increase with magnetic parameter or the parameter ? characterizing the unsteadiness. The velocity profiles in the x- and y-directions for the primary flow at any two values of the unsteady parameter ? cross each other towards the edge of the boundary layer. The heat transfer increases with the Prandtl number but reduces with the magnetic parameter.


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A finite element method (FEM)-based study has been carried out for the design of flat microtensile samples to evaluate tensile properties of Pt-aluminide (PtAl) bond coats. The critical dimensions of the sample have been determined using a two-dimensional elastic stress analysis. In the present testing scheme, the ratio of the dimensions of the holding length to the fillet radius of the sample was found important to achieve failure within the gage length. The effect of gage length and grip head length also has been examined. The simulation predictions have been experimentally verified by conducting microtensile test of an actual PtAl bond coat at room temperature. The sample design and testing scheme suggested in this study have also been found suitable for evaluation of tensile properties at high temperature. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A cross-linked polymer-gel soft matter electrolyte with superior electrochemical, thermal and mechanical properties obtained from free radical polymerization of vinyl monomers in a semi-solid organic nonionic plastic crystalline electrolyte for application in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries is discussed here.


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Numerical solutions are presented for the free convection boundary layers over cylinders of elliptic cross section embedded in a fluid-saturated porous medium. The transformed conservation equations of the nonsimilar boundary layers are solved numerically by an efficient finite-difference method. The theory was applied to a number of cylinders and the results compared very well with published analytical solutions. The results are of use in the design of underground electrical cables, power plant steam, and water distribution lines, among others.


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An improved flux draining technique for the extraction of grown YBCO crystals from its solvent is reported. This simple and efficient technique facilitates in-situ flux separation in the isothermal region of the furnace. Consequently, the crystals are spared from thermal shock and subsequent damage. Flux-free surfaces of these crystals were studied by optical microscopy. Transmission X-ray topographs of the crystals reveal the dislocations present in them as well as the stresses developed as a result of ferroelastic phase transition occurring during cooling.


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The low-T-c layered superconductor 2H-NbSe2 shows remarkable results for free flux-flow Hall effect. At low magnetic fields, the Nozieres-Vinen result of a field-independent Hall angle appears to hold. At larger fields, a marked departure occurs leading to an extremely sharp and pronounced minimum slightly below H-c2, unaccounted for in the standard theoretical models. The results suggest the existence of collective dynamics and phase transitions (such as melting) in a clean flux line lattice.


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Presented here, in a vector formulation, is an O(mn2) direct concise algorithm that prunes/identifies the linearly dependent (ld) rows of an arbitrary m X n matrix A and computes its reflexive type minimum norm inverse A(mr)-, which will be the true inverse A-1 if A is nonsingular and the Moore-Penrose inverse A+ if A is full row-rank. The algorithm, without any additional computation, produces the projection operator P = (I - A(mr)- A) that provides a means to compute any of the solutions of the consistent linear equation Ax = b since the general solution may be expressed as x = A(mr)+b + Pz, where z is an arbitrary vector. The rank r of A will also be produced in the process. Some of the salient features of this algorithm are that (i) the algorithm is concise, (ii) the minimum norm least squares solution for consistent/inconsistent equations is readily computable when A is full row-rank (else, a minimum norm solution for consistent equations is obtainable), (iii) the algorithm identifies ld rows, if any, and reduces concerned computation and improves accuracy of the result, (iv) error-bounds for the inverse as well as the solution x for Ax = b are readily computable, (v) error-free computation of the inverse, solution vector, rank, and projection operator and its inherent parallel implementation are straightforward, (vi) it is suitable for vector (pipeline) machines, and (vii) the inverse produced by the algorithm can be used to solve under-/overdetermined linear systems.


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Palladium substituted in cerium dioxide in the form of a solid solution, Ce-0.98 Pd-0.02 O-1.98 is a new heterogeneous catalyst which exhibits high activity and 100% trans-selectivity for the Heck reactions of aryl bromides including heteroaryls with olefins. The catalytic reactions work without any ligand. Nano-crystalline Ce-0.98 Pd-0.02 O-1.98 is prepared by solution combustion method and Pd is in +2 state. The catalyst can be separated, recovered and reused without significant loss in activity.


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The unsteady free convection boundary layer at the stagnation point of a two-dimensional body and an axisymmetric body with prescribed surface heat flux or temperature has been studied. The magnetic field is applied parallel to the surface and the effect of induced magnetic field has been considered. It is found that for certain powerlaw distribution of surface heat flux or temperature and magnetic field with time, the governing boundary layer equations admit a self-similar solution locally. The resulting nonlinear ordinary differential equations have been solved using a finite element method and a shooting method with Newton's corrections for missing initial conditions. The results show that the skin friction and heat transfer coefficients, and x-component of the induced magnetic field on the surface increase with the applied magnetic field. In general, the skin friction, heat transfer and x-component of the induced magnetic field for axisymmetric case are more than those of the two-dimensional case. Also they change more when the surface heat flux or temperature decreases with time than when it increases with time. The skin friction, heat transfer and x-component of the induced magnetic field are significantly affected by the magnetic Prandtl number and they increase as the magnetic Prandtl number decreases. The skin friction and x-component of the magnetic field increase with the dissipation parameter, but heat transfer decreases.