894 resultados para Fluxo laminar


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O processo de elaboração das leis ordinárias na Câmara dos Deputados. A urgência urgentíssima como instrumento usado pelos Líderes partidários para acelerar a tramitação e aprovar projetos de lei. A atuação do Poder Executivo e a participação da sociedade por meio dos grupos de pressão para acelerar os projetos de seus interesses. Os instrumentos constitucionais à disposição do Presidente da República para interferir no processo de elaboração da lei. O controle do Poder Executivo sobre a agenda legislativa da Câmara, especialmente por meio da edição de medidas provisórias, em detrimento da agenda parlamentar. O poder de veto dos Líderes partidários e do Presidente da Mesa, principais atores do processo decisório das leis. O desempenho do Plenário na apreciação dos projetos de lei e das medidas provisórias a partir da promulgação da Emenda Constitucional nº 32 de 2001. Alteração significativa no fluxo de apreciação de projetos de lei, inclusive para aqueles que tramitam sob o rito urgentíssimo. A larga preferência dos Líderes partidários por apreciar os projetos que tramitam sob o rito urgentíssimo. A redução na aprovação de projetos de lei pelo Plenário. Pesquisa de dados sobre a tramitação de projetos de lei e de medidas provisórias aprovadas pelo Plenário da Câmara dos Deputados na 52ª Legislatura, sua análise, resultados e propostas de mudanças regimentais e constitucionais pertinentes.


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Descreve o processo decisório de aposição e apreciação de vetos presidenciais, no período de 2011 a 2013, descrevendo os elementos organizacionais dos poderes Legislativo e Executivo, analisando o vínculo entre eles, e apontando momentos críticos no fluxo dos processos decisórios identificados. Justifica-se sua realização para contribuir na discussão sobre o processo decisório político. As conclusões apontam para a hipótese da prática de não decisão pelo Congresso, a impossibilidade de relacioná-la ao desenho organizacional, bem como a relevância do fator tempo.


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The starting process of two-dimensional nozzle flows has been simulated with Euler, laminar and k - g two-equation turbulence Navier-Stokes equations. The flow solver is based on a combination of LUSGS subiteration implicit method and five spatial discretized schemes, which are Roe, HLLE, MHLLE upwind schemes and AUSM+, AUSMPW schemes. In the paper, special attention is for the flow differences of the nozzle starting process obtained from different governing equations and different schemes. Two nozzle flows, previously investigated experimentally and numerically by other researchers, are chosen as our examples. The calculated results indicate the carbuncle phenomenon and unphysical oscillations appear more or less near a wall or behind strong shock wave except using HLLE scheme, and these unphysical phenomena become more seriously with the increase of Mach number. Comparing the turbulence calculation, inviscid solution cannot simulate the wall flow separation and the laminar solution shows some different flow characteristics in the regions of flow separation and near wall.


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Experimentally observed, results are presented for the DCarcplasmajets and theirarc-rootbehaviors generated atreduced gas pressure and without or with an' applied magnetic field. Pure argon, argon -hydrogen or argon-nitrogen mixture is used as the plasma-forming gas. A specially designed copper mirror is constructed and used for better observing the arc-root behavior on the anode surface of the DC non-transferred arcplasma torch. It is shown that for the cases without applied magnetic field, the laminar plasmajets are stable and approximately axisymmetrical. The arc-root attachment on the anode surface is completely diffusive when argon is used as the plasma-forming gas, while the arc-root attachment often becomes constrictive when hydrogen or nitrogen is added into the argon. When an external magnetic field is applied, the arcroot tends to rotate along the anode surface of the non-transferred arcplasma torch.


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Following the quantitative determination of dust cloud parameters, this study investigates the flame propagation through cornstarch dust clouds in a vertical duct of 780 mm height and 160 x 160 mm square cross section, and gives particular attention to the effect of small scale turbulence and small turbulence intensity on flame characteristics. Dust suspensions in air were produced using an improved apparatus ensuring more uniform distribution and repeatable dust concentrations in the testing duct. The dispersion-induced turbulence was measured by means of a particle image velocimetry (PIV) system, and dust concentrations were estimated by direct weighing method. This quantitative assessment made it possible to correlate observed flame behaviors with the parameters of the dust cloud. Upward propagating dust flames, from both closed/open bottom end to open/closed top end of the duct, were visualized by direct light and shadow photography. From the observation of propagation regimes and the measurements of flame velocity, a critical value of the turbulence intensity can be specified below which laminar flame propagation would be established. This transition condition was determined to be 10 cm/s. Laminar flames propagated with oscillations from the closed bottom end to the open top end of the testing duct, while the turbulent flames accelerated continuously. Both laminar and turbulent flames propagated with steady velocity from the open bottom end to the closed top end of the duct. The measured propagation velocity of laminar flames appeared to be in the range of 0.45-0.56 m/s, and it was consistent with the measurements reported in the literature. In the present experimental study, the influence of dust concentration on flame propagation was also examined, and the flame propagation velocity was found weakly sensitive to the variations in dust concentration. Some information on the flame structure was revealed from the shadow records, showing the typical heterogeneous feature of the dust combustion process.


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The high Reynolds number flow contains a wide range of length and time scales, and the flow domain can be divided into several sub-domains with different characteristic scales. In some sub-domains, the viscosity dissipation scale can only be considered in a certain direction; in some sub-domains, the viscosity dissipation scales need to be considered in all directions; in some sub-domains, the viscosity dissipation scales are unnecessary to be considered at all. For laminar boundary layer region, the characteristic length scales in the streamwise and normal directions are L and L Re-1/ 2 , respectively. The characteristic length scale and the velocity scale in the outer region of the boundary layer are L and U, respectively. In the neighborhood region of the separated point, the length scale l<


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1 On the force and moment acting on a body in shear flow(物体在剪切流中所受的力和力矩1943年)
2 The flow of a compressible viscous fluid through a straight pipe.(可压缩黏性流体在直管中的流动1943年)
3 Two dimensional irrotational mixed subsonic and supersonic flow of a compressible fluid and the upper critical Mach number(可压缩流体二维无旋亚声速和超声速混合型流动及上临界马赫数1946年)
4 On the stability of transonic flows(论跨声速流的稳定性1947年)
5 The propagation of a spherical or a cylindrical wave of finite amplitude and the production of shock waves(有限振幅球面波或柱面波的传播及激波的产生1947年)
6 Two-dimensional irrotational transonic flows of a compressible fluid(可压缩流体二维无旋跨声速流动1948年)
7 On the hodograph method(关于速度图方法1949年)
8 Two-dimensional transonic flow past airfoils(绕翼型的二维跨声速流1951年)
9 On the stability of two-dimensional smooth transonic flows(论二元光滑跨声速流的稳定性1951年)
10 On the flow of an incompressible viscous fluid past a flat plate at moderate Reynolds numbers(中等雷诺数下不可压缩黏性流体绕平板的流动1953年)
11 Reflection of a weak shock wave from a boundary layer along a flat plate.I:Interaction of weak shock waves with laminar and turbulent boundary lavers analyzed by momentum-integral method(弱激波从沿平板的边界层的反射Ⅰ:用动量积分方法分析弱激波与层流和湍流边界层的相互作用1953年)
12 Reflection of weak shock wave from a boundary layer along a flat plate.Ⅱ:Interaction of oblique shock wave with a laminar boundary layer analyzed by differential-equation method(弱激波从沿平板的边界层的反射Ⅱ:用微分方程方法分析斜激波与层流边界层的相互作用1953年)
13 Plane subsonic and transonic potential flows(平面亚、跨音速势流1954年)
14 A similarity rule for the interaction between a conical field and a plane shock(锥型流和激波相互作用的相似律1955年)
15 Viscous flow along a flat plate moving at high supersonic speeds(沿高超声速运动平板的黏性流动【Ⅰ】1956年)
16 Viscous flow along a flat plate moving at high supersonic speeds(沿高超声速运动平板的黏性流动【Ⅱ】1956年)
17 The effects of Prandtl number on high-speed viscous flows over a flat plate(Prandtl数对绕平板高速黏性流的影响1956年)
18 Compressible viscous flow past a wedge moving at hypersonic speeds(楔的高超声速可压缩黏性绕流1956年)
19 Dissociation effects in hypersonic viscous flows(高超声速黏性流动中的离解效应1957年)
20 现代空气动力学的问题(1957年)
2l 在关于苏联发射成功第一颗人造卫星座谈会上的发言记录(1957年)
22 高超速钝体湍流传热问题(1963年)
23 宇宙飞船的回地问题(1965年)
24 激波的介绍


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Theaerodynamics of supersonic biplanes
Strength of reflected shock in Mach reflection
On laminar boundary layer over arotating blade
A unique law for ideal incompressible flow with preserved pattern off initeseparation
On motion of submerged cylinder
On source and vortex off luctuating strength U~aveling beneath a free surface
Wave sproduced by a pulsating source U~ave lingbeneath a free surface
On optimum nose Curves form issiles in the superaerodynamic regime
On optimum nose Curves for superaerodynamic missiles
On a special bolzavariational problem and the minimization of superaerodynamic
Hypersonic nose drag
Nose drag in free-molecule flow and its minimization
Final mdash;stagedecay of a single line vortex
Final stage decay of grid—produced turbulence


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The numerical simulation of flows past flapping foils at moderate Reynolds numbers presents two challenges to computational fluid dynamics: turbulent flows and moving boundaries. The direct forcing immersed boundary (IB) method has been devel- oped to simulate laminar flows. However, its performance in simulating turbulent flows and transitional flows with moving boundaries has not been fully evaluated. In the present work, we use the IB method to simulate fully developed turbulent channel flows and transitional flows past a stationary/plunging SD7003 airfoil. To suppress the non-physical force oscillations in the plunging case, we use the smoothed discrete delta function for interpolation in the IB method. The results of the present work demonstrate that the IB method can be used to simulate turbulent flows and transitional flows with moving boundaries.


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230 p.


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In this work, a simple correlation, which incorporates the mixture velocity, drift velocity, and the correction factor of Farooqi and Richardson, was proposed to predict the void fraction of gas/non-Newtonian intermittent flow in upward inclined pipes. The correlation was based on 352 data points covering a wide range of flow rates for different CMC solutions at diverse angles. A good agreement was obtained between the predicted and experimental results. These results substantiated the general validity of the model presented for gas/non-Newtonian two-phase intermittent flows.