997 resultados para Florian, 1755-1794.


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A 50-year-old post-menopausal recipient of a kidney allograft with bone pain, osteoporosis, persistent hypercalcaemia and elevated parathormone (PTH) levels, despite a satisfactory graft function, was treated with bisphosphonates and cinacalcet starting, respectively, 5 and 6 months after renal transplantation (RT). Sixteen months after treatment, there was improvement of bone mineral density (BMD) measured by dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). A bone biopsy was taken, unveiling a surprising and worrisome result. Post-RT bone disease is different from classic CKD-MBD and should be managed distinctly, including, in some difficult cases, an invasive evaluation through the performance of a bone biopsy, as suggested in the KDIGO guidelines.


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PURPOSE: (i) To investigate whether pulsatility index (PI) and mean flow velocities (MFV) are altered in glaucoma patients. (ii) To evaluate the significance of PI in retrobulbar autoregulation capacity. METHODS: Patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG; n = 49), normal tension glaucoma (NTG; n = 62) and healthy controls (n = 48) underwent colour Doppler imaging measurements of the retrobulbar vasculature. Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare variables between the three diagnostic groups. Restricted cubic splines were used to determine nonlinearities between the resistive index (RI) and PI correlations. RESULTS: Mean flow velocities (MFV) were lower in both short posterior ciliary arteries (SCPA) and central retinal arteries (CRA) from the two glaucoma groups (p < 0.04 versus healthy controls). No differences were detected in RI or PI in any arteries of the three diagnostic groups (p > 0.08). In healthy individuals, correlations between RI and PI were linear in all arteries. In both POAG and NTG patients, CRA presented a nonlinear curve with a cutpoint at RI 0.77 (p < 0.001) and 0.61 (p = 0.03), respectively, above which the slope increased nearly five- and tenfold (POAG: 1.96 to 10.06; NTG: -0.46-4.06), respectively. A nonlinear correlation in the ophthalmic artery was only observed in NTG patients, with a cutpoint at RI 0.82 (p < 0.001), above which the slope increased from 3.47 to 14.03. CONCLUSIONS: Glaucoma patients do not present the linear relationships between RI and PI observed in healthy individuals. Their nonlinear relations may be indicative of an altered autoregulation and suggest a possible threshold RI could be determined above which autoregulatory disturbances become more relevant.


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PURPOSE: Recently, the absence of spontaneous venous pulsation (SVP) has been suggested as a vascular risk factor for primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). As the mechanism behind this phenomenon is still unknown, the authors have studied this vascular component using colour Doppler imaging (CDI). METHODS: A total of 236 patients were divided into three diagnostic groups: healthy controls (81), POAG (86) and normal tension glaucoma (NTG; 69). All subjects were submitted to CDI studies of the retrobulbar circulation, intraocular pressure measurements and assessment of SVP existence. Mann-Whitney, chi-square contingency tables and Spearman correlations were used to explore differences and correlations between variables in the diagnostic groups. RESULTS: Eighty-two percent of healthy controls had SVP (66/81), while a smaller numbers were registered in both glaucoma groups: POAG - 50% (43/86); NTG - 51% (35/69). In NTG patients, but not in POAG patients, the prevalence of the SVP phenomenon decreases with increased glaucoma damage (p = 0.04; p = 0.55, respectively). Overall glaucoma patients from both groups had lower central retinal vein (CRV) velocities than the healthy controls (p < 0.05). NTG patients with SVP had less severe visual field defects (mean defect -6.92 versus -11.1, p < 0.05), higher [correction added after online publication 21 September 2012; the word 'higher' has been inserted to replace the word 'lower'] peak systolic and mean flow velocities in the central retinal artery (p < 0.01; p < 0.05, respectively) as well as higher [correction added after online publication 21 September 2012; the word higher has been inserted to replace the word lower] maximal velocities and RI of the CRV (p < 0.02; p < 0.05, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Glaucoma patients have a decrease in CRV velocities. SVP is less prevalent in glaucoma patients than in healthy individuals. This phenomenon apparently reflects different hemodynamic patterns in the central retinal vessels. This variable may be of particular importance in NTG patients, where it may be associated with more advanced functional damage.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História da Arte


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro Área de especialização Cerâmica e Vidro


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Revista do IHA, N.4 (2007), pp.308-320


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We describe a patient with mycetoma or Madura foot, in which histopathological stains of the bone and surface cultures suggested three different organisms including Nocardia species as the cause. Criteria for the diagnosis of the organisms, differentiation between colonizer and pathogen, and significance of mixed infections are discussed.


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A presente dissertação pretende constituir contributo para o estudo do edifício da Sé de Lisboa, através da denominada Arqueologia da Arquitectura. Esta permitiu estudar as principais etapas da evolução construtiva daquele edifício, desde a sua fundação até à actualidade, tendo-se detectado, pelo menos, seis importantes fases de campanhas de obras. Assim, a primeira corresponde ao século XII e ao edifício primitivo do templo; a segunda aos finais do século XII e inícios do século XIII, a quando a anexação à fachada norte do Camarim do Patriarca; a terceira aos finais do século XIII e inícios do século XIV, a que corresponde a construção do claustro, Capela de São Bartolomeu, e à alteração da cabeceira da igreja; a quarta etapa concerne ao século XVII e à anexação da Sacristia à parede da fachada sul, construção da Capela do Santíssimo Sacramento e compartimento para arrumos na parede da fachada norte. Correspondente ao século XVIII a quinta fase, que representa as obras de restauro após terramoto de 1755, nomeadamente a recuperação da quase totalidade da torre sul. A sexta e última fase, representa as obras de recuperação dos inícios do século XX, especialmente, a dotação do edifício da Sé de Lisboa de merlões, vários pequenos restauros, abertura de janelas nas torres sul e norte, e janela ogival na parede sul da muralha do claustro.


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Latent tuberculosis was studied in a research laboratory. A prevalence of positive tuberculin skin test results (> 15mm) of 20% was found and the main predictors were place of birth in a foreign country with high prevalence of tuberculosis and a history of contact with patients with untreated active tuberculosis.


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Healthcare in developing countries is affected by severe poverty, political instability and diseases that may be of lesser importance in industrialized countries. The aim of this paper was to present two cases and histories of physicians working in hospitals in developing countries and to discuss the opportunities for clinical investigation and collaboration. Cases of patients in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, with histoplasmosis, cryptococcal meningitis, crusted scabies, cerebral lesions and human immunodeficiency virus and of patients in Kabul, Afghanistan, with liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome and facial ulcer are discussed. Greater developmental support is required from industrialized nations, and mutually beneficial cooperation is possible since similar clinical problems exist on both sides (e.g. opportunistic cardiovascular infections). Examples for possible support of hospital medicine include physician interchange visits with defined objectives (e.g. infection control or echocardiography training) and collaboration with clinical investigations and projects developed locally (e.g. epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases or nosocomial bloodborne infections).


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A presente dissertação tem como principal objectivo a compreensão da dinâmica portuária da Ribeira de Lisboa em época moderna. Procura contribuir para a reconstrução da frente ribeirinha anterior ao terramoto de 1755, pouco conhecida a nível histórico e arqueológico. Será baseada no estudo arqueológico de duas estruturas portuárias exumadas no sítio da Boavista, antiga freguesia de S. Paulo. O seu cruzamento com dados historiográficos, documentação histórica e iconografia pode proporcionar uma interpretação mais precisa destes locais de embarque e desembarque na Ribeira de Lisboa. Outro objectivo da dissertação é a pesquisa e caracterização da forma, da funcionalidade e, se possível, o conhecimento da toponímia das estruturas portuárias em análise, em articulação com os edifícios existentes na orla ribeirinha. Estudos como estes são escassos em Portugal e permitem compreender a dinâmica marítimo-portuária local, neste caso de Lisboa, de uma capital de um reino em expansão marítima.


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Contém artigos apresentados na International Conference “Uncertain Spaces: Virtual Configurations in Contemporary Art and Museums”, na Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisboa), 31 Outubro - 1 de Novembro de 2014) de: Helena Barranha e Susana S. Martins - Introduction: Art, Museums and Uncertainty (pp.1-12); Alexandra Bounia e Eleni Myrivili - Beyond the ‘Virtual’: Intangible Museographies and Collaborative Museum Experiences (pp.15-32); Annet Dekker - Curating in Progress. Moving Between Objects and Processes (pp.33-54); Giselle Beiguelman - Corrupted Memories. The aesthetics of Digital Ruins and the Museum of the Unfinished (pp.55-82); Andrew Vaas Brooks - The Planetary Datalinks (pp.85-110); Sören Meschede - Curators’ Network: Creating a Promotional Database for Contemporary Visual Arts (pp.11-130); Stefanie Kogler - Divergent Histories and Digital Archives of Latin American and Latino Art in the United States – Old Problems in New Digital Formats (pp.131-156); Luise Reitstätter e Florian Bettel - Right to the City! Right to the Museum!(pp.159-182); Roberto Terracciano - On Geo-poetic systems: virtual interventions inside and outside the museum space (pp.183-210); e, Catarina Carneiro de Sousa e Luís Eustáquio - Art Practice in Collaborative Virtual Environments (pp.211-240).


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Introduction: The published literature shows an increased occurrence of adverse events, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated lipodystrophy syndrome, that are associated with the continuous use of antiretroviral therapy. This study was performed to estimate the prevalence and factors associated with lipodystrophy in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study between October 2012 and February 2013. The sample consisted of patients with AIDS who attended the Outpatient Treatment Center for Infectious Diseases at Nereu Ramos Hospital, Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. We collected information on demographics, lifestyle, HIV infection, and clinical aspects of the disease. Self-reported signs of lipodystrophy and body measurements were used for lipodystrophy diagnosis. Results: We studied 74 patients (mean age 44.3±9.2 years; 60.8% men). Among the patients, 45.9% were smokers, 31.1% consumed alcoholic beverages, and 55.4% were sedentary. The prevalence of lipodystrophy was 32.4%, and sedentary subjects had a higher prevalence of lipodystrophy compared with physically active individuals. Conclusions: The prevalence of lipodystrophy was 32.4%. Physical activity was considered an independent protective factor against the onset of HIV-associated lipodystrophy.


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Este livro reúne 15 artigos escritos em tempos diferentes, agora reunidos num único volume publicado sob os auspícios do Centro de História de Além-Mar. Econtram-se, contudo, unidos por um denominador comum, o Brasil colonial, e por uma época predominante, o século XVIII. Partindo da noção de que o conhecimento é uma forma de poder, a autora pretende entender como a utilização do saber produzido ao longo de setecentos foi particularmente útil na governação da América Portuguesa, utilizado por governantes como meio de controlo do espaço, da natureza e da humanidade. Este conhecimento permitiu também o descobrimento da colónia brasileira pelos europeus de setecentos, com repercussões evidentes na formação de uma consciência europeia e na formulação de imagens sobre o Império Português e os portugueses, que acentuaram as diferenças culturais, políticas, económicas e científicas existentes, pondo em causa uma visão uniforme da Europa das Luzes.