926 resultados para Flameless oxidation
Catalytic oxidation of VOCs in gas waste streams using high surface area mesoporous Ti-HMS catalysts
Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder which has been characterised with genetic (apolipoproteins), protein (ß-amyloid and tau) and lipid oxidation/metabolism alterations in its pathogenesis. In conjunction with the Dementia Research Group, Bristol University, investigation into genetic, protein and lipid oxidation in Alzheimer’s disease was conducted. A large sample cohort using the double-blind criteria, along with various clinical and chemical data sets were used to improve the statistical analysis and therefore the strength of this particular study. Bristol University completed genetic and protein analysis with lipid oxidation assays performed at Aston University. Lipid oxidation is a complex process that creates various biomarkers, from transient intermediates, to short carbon chain products and cyclic ring structures. Quantification of these products was performed on lipid extracts of donated clinical diseased and non-diseased frontal and temporal brain regions, from the Brain Bank within Frenchay Hospital. The initial unoxidised fatty acids, first transient oxidation intermediates the conjugated dienes and lipid hydroperoxides, the endpoint aldehyde biomarkers and finally the cyclic isoprostanes and neuroprostanes were determined to investigate lipid oxidation in Alzheimer’s. Antioxidant levels were also investigated to observe the effect of oxidation on the defence pathways. Assays utilised in this analysis included; fatty acid composition by GC-FID, conjugated diene levels by HPLC-UV and UV-spec, lipid hydroperoxide levels by FOX, aldehyde content by TBARs, antioxidant status by TEAC and finally isoprostane and neuroprostane quantification using a newly developed EI-MS method. This method involved the SIM of specific ions from F-ring isoprostane and neuroprostane fragmentation, which enabled EI-MS to be used for their quantification. Analyses demonstrated that there was no significant difference between control and Alzheimer samples across all the oxidation biomarkers for both brain regions. Antioxidants were the only marker that showed a clear variance; with Alzheimer samples having higher levels than the age matched controls. This unique finding is supported with the observed lower levels of lipid oxidation biomarkers in Alzheimer brain region samples. The increased antioxidant levels indicate protection against oxidation which may be a host response to counteract the oxidative pathways, but this requires further investigation. In terms of lipid oxidation, no definitive markers or target site for therapeutic intervention have been revealed. This study concludes that dietary supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids or antioxidants would most likely be ineffective against Alzheimer disease, although it may support improvement in other areas of general health.
Proteins are susceptible to oxidation by reactive oxygen species, where the type of damage induced is characteristic of the denaturing species. The induction of protein carbonyls is a widely applied biomarker, arising from primary oxidative insult. However, when applied to complex biological and pathological conditions it can be subject to interference from lipid, carbohydrate and DNA oxidation products. More recently, interest has focused on the analysis of specific protein bound oxidised amino acids. Of the 22 amino acids, aromatic and sulphydryl containing residues have been regarded as being particularly susceptible to oxidative modification, with L-DOPA from tyrosine, ortho-tyrosine from phenylalanine; sulphoxides and disulphides from methionine and cysteine respectively; and kynurenines from tryptophan. Latterly, the identification of valine and leucine hydroxides, reduced from hydroperoxide intermediates, has been described and applied. In order to examine the nature of oxidative damage and protective efficacy of antioxidants the markers must be thoroughly evaluated for dosimetry in vitro following damage by specific radical species. Antioxidant protection against formation of the biomarker should be demonstrated in vitro. Quantification of biomarkers in proteins from normal subjects should be within the limits of detection of any analytical procedure. Further to this, the techniques for isolation and hydrolysis of specific proteins should demonstrate that in vitro oxidation is minimised. There is a need for the development of standards for quality assurance material to standardise procedures between laboratories. At present, antioxidant effects on protein oxidation in vivo are limited to animal studies, where dietary antioxidants have been reported to reduce dityrosine formation during rat exercise training. Two studies on humans have been reported last year. The further application of these methods to human studies is indicated, where the quality of the determinations will be enhanced through inter-laboratory validation.
We have investigated vitamin C supplementation effects on immunoglobulin oxidation (carbonyls) and total plasma protein sulfhydryls in healthy human volunteers. After receiving placebo, plasma ascorbate and oxidation markers were unchanged. Following 5 weeks supplementation with vitamin C (400 mg/day), plasma ascorbate increased but no significant effect on protein oxidation was observed. At 10 and 15 weeks supplementation, carbonyl levels were significantly reduced (P < 0.01) in subjects with low baseline ascorbate (29.51 ± 5.3 μM) but not in those with normal baseline ascorbate (51.81 ± 2.3 μM). To eliminate any effect from seasonal variation in dietary antioxidant intake, a second phase was undertaken. Subjects on vitamin C for 15 weeks were randomly assigned to receive either placebo or vitamin C. No difference in plasma sulfhydryl content was observed. Subjects withdrawn from supplementation showed an increase in immunoglobulin carbonyl content (P < 0.01). This demonstrates that dietary vitamin C supplementation can reduce certain types of oxidative protein damage in subjects with low basal antioxidant. (C) 2000 Academic Press.