947 resultados para Fiber type i and ii


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Because only 10% of individuals infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis will eventually develop disease, antigens that are recognized differently by the immune systems of infected healthy and diseased subjects may constitute potential vaccine candidates. Here, the heparin-binding hemagglutinin adhesin (HBHA) is identified as such an antigen. Lymphocytes from 60% of healthy infected individuals (n=25) produced interferon (IFN)-gamma after stimulation with HBHA, compared with only 4% of patients with active tuberculosis (n=24). In the responders, both CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells secreted HBHA-specific IFN-gamma, and the antigen was presented by both major histocompatibility complex class I and II molecules. In contrast to the reduced ability of patients with tuberculosis to produce HBHA-specific IFN-gamma, most of them (82%) produced anti-HBHA antibodies, compared with 36% of the infected healthy subjects. These observations indicate that HBHA is recognized differently by the immune systems of patients with tuberculosis and infected healthy individuals and might provide a marker for protection against tuberculosis.


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Purpose. To examine the thermal transition(s) between different polymorphic forms of Nifedipine and to define experimental conditions that lead to the generation of polymorph IV. Methods. Experiments were performed using a DSC 823e (Mettler Toledo). Nifedipine exists in four polymorphic forms, as well as an amorphous state. Examination of Nifedipine was conducted using the following method(s): cycle 1: 25ºC to 190ºC, 190ºC to 25ºC (formation of amorphous Nifedipine); cycle 2: 25ºC to X (60,70,80...150ºC), X to 25ºC; cycle 3: 25ºC to 190ºC and holding isothermally for 5 min between cycles (heating/cooling rate of 10ºC/min). Results. The amorphous state Nifedipine can sustain heating up to 90ºC without significant changes in its composition. Cycle 2 of amorphous material heated up to 90ºC shows only the glass transition at ~44ºC. In cycle 3 of the same material, a glass transition has been recorded at ~44ºC, followed by two exotherms (~100 and ~115ºC (crystallisation of polymorph III and II, respectively) and an endotherm (169ºC (melting of polymorphs I/II)). Samples that have been heated to temperatures between 100ºC and 120ºC in the second cycle showed a glass transition at ~44ºC and an additional exotherm at ~95ºC (crystallisation of polymorph III) on cooling a exotherm was observed at ~40ºC (crystallisation of polymorph IV). The same material showed no glass transition in cycle 3 but an endotherm at around 62ºC (melting of polymorph IV) an exotherm (~98ºC) and an endotherm (169ºC) melting of polymorph I/II. Heating the sample to a temperatures greater than 130ºC in cycle two results in a glass transition at ~44ºC, and two exotherms at ~102 and 125ºC (crystallisation of polymorphs III and I, respectively). Conclusions. DSC data suggests that polymorph IV can only be produced from amorphous or polymorph III samples. The presence of polymorph I or II drives the conversion of the less stable polymorphic form IV into the most stable form, I. Although form IV of Nifedipine can easily be created, following defined experimental conditions, it may only coexist with amorphous or polymorph III states. When polymorphs I and II are present in the sample polymorph IV cannot be etected.


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The vertical distributions of the spring populations of Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) and C. helgolandicus Claus are described and compared. The differences we observed between the two species have probably confused the understanding of the vertical distribution and development of the populations of Calanus spp. in the shelf seas around the United Kingdom where the species occur together. The results imply that these two congeneric species have different behaviour patterns which minimise interspecific competition where the species have sympatric distributions. C. finmarchicus has its younger development stages overlying the older stages in the water column. In C. helgolandicus the converse is true; i. e., the majority of the populations of Stage I and II copepodites of the first spring generations are found below the thermocline. It is also suggested that the different behaviour patterns lead to different feeding regimes and strategies.


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The Baltic Sea is a unique environment as the largest body of brackish water in the world. Acidification of the surface oceans due to absorption of anthropogenic CO2 emissions is an additional stressor facing the pelagic community of the already challenging Baltic Sea. To investigate its impact on trace gas biogeochemistry, a large-scale mesocosm experiment was performed off Tvärminne Research Station, Finland in summer 2012. During the second half of the experiment, dimethylsulphide (DMS) concentrations in the highest fCO2 mesocosms (1075–1333 μatm) were 34 % lower than at ambient CO2 (350 μatm). However the net production (as measured by concentration change) of seven halocarbons analysed was not significantly affected by even the highest CO2 levels after 5 weeks exposure. Methyl iodide (CH3I) and diiodomethane (CH2I2) showed 15 % and 57 % increases in mean mesocosm concentration (3.8 ± 0.6 pmol L−1 increasing to 4.3 ± 0.4 pmol L−1 and 87.4 ± 14.9 pmol L−1 increasing to 134.4 ± 24.1 pmol L−1 respectively) during Phase II of the experiment, which were unrelated to CO2 and corresponded to 30 % lower Chl-ɑ concentrations compared to Phase I. No other iodocarbons increased or showed a peak, with mean chloroiodomethane (CH2ClI) concentrations measured at 5.3 (± 0.9) pmol L−1 and iodoethane (C2H5I) at 0.5 (± 0.1) pmol L−1. Of the concentrations of bromoform (CHBr3; mean 88.1 ± 13.2 pmol L−1), dibromomethane (CH2Br2; mean 5.3 ± 0.8 pmol L−1) and dibromochloromethane (CHBr2Cl, mean 3.0 ± 0.5 pmol L−1), only CH2Br2 showed a decrease of 17 % between Phases I and II, with CHBr3 and CHBr2Cl showing similar mean concentrations in both Phases. Outside the mesocosms, an upwelling event was responsible for bringing colder, high CO2, low pH water to the surface starting on day t16 of the experiment; this variable CO2 system with frequent upwelling events implies the community of the Baltic Sea is acclimated to regular significant declines in pH caused by up to 800 μatm fCO2. After this upwelling, DMS concentrations declined, but halocarbon concentrations remained similar or increased compared to measurements prior to the change in conditions. Based on our findings, with future acidification of Baltic Sea waters, biogenic halocarbon emissions are likely to remain at similar values to today, however emissions of biogenic sulphur could significantly decrease from this region.


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Kin selection models of intracolonial conflict over the maternity of males predict that social hymenopteran workers should favour the production of sons and nephews over brothers when the effective mating frequency (me) of the queen is low (me2. Stingless bees have been used to support these models in that me within the group is considered low and workers are thought often to monopolise the parentage of males. We genetically analysed 20 worker and 20 male pupae from each of 10 colonies of the stingless bee Scaptotrigona postica (= Scaptotrigona aff. depilis) using six microsatellite loci and demonstrate queen monandry in eight nests and apparent low me in the other two. However, four colonies contained an additional matriline, possibly due to queen supersedure (serial polygyny), which complicated their genetic structure. Across colonies, workers were responsible for the maternity of 13% of all males. These data are broadly in agreement with predictions from kin selection theory, though the question remains open as to why workers do not secure a greater share of male maternity in this and other stingless bee species in which workers are more closely related to nephews than brothers.


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This paper describes inter-specific differences in the distribution of sediment in the gut compartments and in the enzyme and bacterial profiles along the gut of abyssal holothurian species — Oneirophanta mutabilis, Psychropotes longicauda and Pseudostichopus villosus sampled from a eutrophic site in the NE Atlantic at different times of the year. Proportions of sediments, relative to total gut contents, in the pharynx, oesophagus, anterior and posterior intestine differed significantly in all the inter-species comparisons, but not between inter-seasonal comparisons. Significant differences were also found between the relative proportions of sediments in both the rectum and cloaca of Psychropotes longicauda and Oneirophanta mutabilis. Nineteen enzymes were identified in either gut-tissue or gut-content samples of the holothurians studied. Concentrations of the enzymes in gut tissues and their contents were highly correlated. Greater concentrations of the enzymes were found in the gut tissues suggesting that they are the main source of the enzymes. The suites of enzymes recorded were broadly similar in each of the species sampled collected regardless of the time of the year, and they were similar to those described previously for shallow-water holothurians. Significant inter-specific differences in the gut tissue concentrations of some of the glycosidases suggest dietary differences. For example, Psychropotes longicauda and Pseudostichopus villosus contain higher levels of chitobiase than Oneirophanta mutabilis. There were no seasonal changes in bacterial activity profiles along the guts of O. mutabilis and Pseudostichopus villosus. In both these species bacterial activity and abundance declined between the pharynx/oesophagus and anterior intestine, but then increased along the gut and became greatest in the rectum/cloaca. Although the data sets were more limited for Psychropotes longicauda, bacterial activity increased from the anterior to the posterior intestine but then declined slightly to the rectum/cloaca. These changes in bacterial activity and densities probably reflect changes in the microbial environment along the guts of abyssal holothurians. Such changes suggest that there is potential for microbial breakdown of a broader range of substrates than could be otherwise be achieved by the holothurian itself. However, the present study found no evidence for sedimentary (microbial) sources of hydrolytic enzymes.


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Cyclododecane (CDD) is a waxy, solid cyclic hydrocarbon (C12H24) that sublimes at room temperature and possesses strong hydrophobicity. In paper conservation CDD is used principally as a temporary fixative of water-soluble media during aqueous treatments. Hydrophobicity, ease of reversibility, low toxicity, and absence of residues are reasons often cited for its use over alternative materials although the latter two claims continue to be debated in the literature. The sublimation rate has important implications for treatment planning as well as health and safety considerations given the dearth of reliable information on its toxicity and exposure limits. This study examined how the rate of sublimation is affected by fiber type, sizing, and surface finish as well as delivery in the molten phase and as a saturated solution in low boiling petroleum ether. The effect of warming the paper prior to application was also evaluated. Sublimation was monitored using gravimetric analysis after which samples were tested for residues with gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID) to confirm complete sublimation. Water absorbency tests were conducted to determine whether this property is fully reestablished. Results suggested that the sublimation rate of CDD is affected minimally by all of the paper characteristics and application methods examined in this study. The main factors influencing the rate appear to be the thickness and mass of the CDD over a given surface area as well as temperature and ventilation. The GC-FID results showed that most of the CDD sublimed within several days of its disappearance from the paper surface regardless of the application method. Minimal changes occurred in the water absorbency of the samples following complete sublimation.


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Myostatin is a negative regulator of skeletal muscle growth. We have previously reported that recombinant myostatin protein inhibits DNA and protein synthesis in C2C12 cells. Our objective was to assess if C2C12 cells express myostatin, determine its sub-cellular localization and the developmental stage of C2C12 cells in which myostatin mRNA and protein are expressed. To study the endogenous expression of myostatin, C2C12 myoblasts were allowed to progress to myotubes, and changes in the levels of endogenous myostatin mRNA expression were determined by RT-PCR. The myostatin protein and the two major myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms (MHC-I and -II) were determined by Western blot. Confirmation of the relative MHC expression patterns was obtained by a modified polyacrylamide gel electropheretic (PAGE) procedure. Imunofluorescence staining was employed to localize the site of myostatin expression and the relative distribution of the MHC isoforms. Co-expression of these proteins was studied using a dual staining approach. Expression of myostatin mRNA was found in myotubes but not in myoblasts. Myostatin protein was seen in most but not all, of the nuclei of polynucleated fibers expressing MHC-II, and myostatin was detected in the cytoplasm of myotube. The localization of myostatin protein in myotube nuclei was confirmed by Western blot of isolated nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. Incubation of C2C12 myotubes with graded doses of dexamethasone dose-dependently increased the intensity of nuclear myostatin immunostaining and also resulted in the appearance of cytoplasmic expression. In conclusion, myostatin was expressed mostly in C2C12 myotubes nuclei expressing MHC-II. Its predominant


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This is the first paper that shows and theoretically analyses that the presence of auto-correlation can produce considerable alterations in the Type I and Type II errors in univariate and multivariate statistical control charts. To remove this undesired effect, linear inverse ARMA filter are employed and the application studies in this paper show that false alarms (increased Type I errors) and an insensitive monitoring statistics (increased Type II errors) were eliminated.


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Objective: Despite evidence that gender may influence neurocognitive functioning, few studies have examined its effects in bipolar disorder (BD) a priori. The aim of this study was to examine how gender influences executive-type functions, which are potentially useful as endophenotypes for BD. Methods: The performance of 26 euthymic patients(12 males, 14 females) with DSM-IV BD (20 BD type I and six BD type II) was compared to that of 26 controls (12 males, 14 females) on tests of executive function. Controls were matched to patients on an individual basis for sex, age and premorbid IQ. Tests assessed spatial working memory (SWM), planning, attentional set-shifting and verbal fluency. Results: Overall, patients showed deficits in SWM strategy (p < 0.001) and made more SWM errors relative to controls (p < 0.001). These deficits were more apparent in male-only comparisons (both p < 0.001) than in female-only comparisons (both p < 0.05). When examined in isolation, male controls were significantly better at performing the SWM task than female controls (both p < 0.05). This pattern was not observed in the patient cohort: male patients had poorer strategy scores than female patients (p < 0.05), but made a similar number of SWM errors. Conclusions: These findings provide evidence that gender can influence the detection of SWM deficits in the euthymic phase of BD, as the sex-related disequilibrium in SWM identified in healthy controls was disrupted in BD. © 2008 The Authors Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard.