893 resultados para Fiber optics and optical communications


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We describe an experimental distributed temperature sensor that uses the temperature dependence of the Brillouin frequency shift. When a 22.2-km sensing length is used, we have observed a temperature resolution of 1°C and have obtained a spatial resolution of 10 m.


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We consider non-degenerate two-wave mixing in photorefractive Bi12SiO20. It is shown theoretically that the presence of absorption and optical activity in the photorefractive media may result in a number of maxima for the gain as the frequency detuning between the two beams is varied. Further, when the beam interaction is used for optical amplification, there may also exist an optimum crystal length beyond which there is a reduction in the useful gain obtainable. Experimental results are presented in confirmation of the theory.


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In this paper, we propose a saturable absorber (SA) device consisting on an in-fiber micro-slot inscribed by femtosecond laser micro fabrication, filled by a dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT). Due to the flexibility of the fabrication method, efficient and simple integration of the mode-locking device directly into the optical fiber is achieved. Furthermore, the fabrication process offers a high level of control over the dimensions and location of the micro-slots. We apply this fabrication flexibility to extend the interaction length between the CNT and the propagating optical field along the optical fiber, hence enhancing the nonlinearity of the device. Furthermore, the method allows the fabrication of devices that operate by either a direct field interaction (when the central peak of the propagating optical mode passes through the nonlinear media) or an evanescent field interaction (only a fraction of the optical mode interacts with the CNT). In this paper, several devices with different interaction lengths and interaction regimes are investigated. Self-starting passively modelocked laser operation with an enhanced nonlinear interaction is observed using CNT-based SAs in both interaction regimes. This method constitutes a simple and suitable approach to integrate the CNT into the optical system as well as enhancing the optical nonlinearity of CNT-based photonic devices.


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We report the impact of cascaded reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer induced penalties on coherently-detected 28 Gbaud polarization multiplexed m-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (PM m-ary QAM) WDM channels. We investigate the interplay between different higher-order modulation channels and the effect of filter shapes and bandwidth of (de)multiplexers on the transmission performance, in a segment of pan-European optical network with a maximum optical path of 4,560 km (80km x 57 spans). We verify that if the link capacities are assigned assuming that digital back propagation is available, 25% of the network connections fail using electronic dispersion compensation alone. However, majority of such links can indeed be restored by employing single-channel digital back-propagation employing less than 15 steps for the whole link, facilitating practical application of DBP. We report that higher-order channels are most sensitive to nonlinear fiber impairments and filtering effects, however these formats are less prone to ROADM induced penalties due to the reduced maximum number of hops. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that a minimum filter Gaussian order of 3 and bandwidth of 35 GHz enable negligible excess penalty for any modulation order.


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We demonstrate an intrinsic biochemical concentration sensor based on a polymer optical fiber Bragg grating. The water content absorbed by the polymer fiber from a surrounding solution depends on the concentration of the solution because of the osmotic effect. The variation of water content in the fiber causes a change in the fiber dimensions and a variation in refractive index and, therefore, a shift in the Bragg wavelength. Saline solutions with concentration from 0% to 22% were used to demonstrate the sensing principle, resulting in a total wavelength shift of 0.9 nm, allowing high-resolution concentration measurements to be realized.


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We develop an analytical theory which allows us to identify the information spectral density limits of multimode optical fiber transmission systems. Our approach takes into account the Kerr-effect induced interactions of the propagating spatial modes and derives closed-form expressions for the spectral density of the corresponding nonlinear distortion. Experimental characterization results have confirmed the accuracy of the proposed models. Application of our theory in different FMF transmission scenarios has predicted a ~10% variation in total system throughput due to changes associated with inter-mode nonlinear interactions, in agreement with an observed 3dB increase in nonlinear noise power spectral density for a graded index four LP mode fiber. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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We describe an experimental distributed temperature sensor that uses the temperature dependence of the Brillouin frequency shift. When a 22.2-km sensing length is used, we have observed a temperature resolution of 1°C and have obtained a spatial resolution of 10 m.


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A 1.2(height)×125(depth)×500(length) micro-slot was engraved along a fiber Bragg grating by chemically assisted femtosecond laser processing. By filling epoxy and UV-curing, waveguide with plastic-core and silica-cladding was created, presenting high thermal responding coefficient of 211pm/°C.


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We consider non-degenerate two-wave mixing in photorefractive Bi12SiO20. It is shown theoretically that the presence of absorption and optical activity in the photorefractive media may result in a number of maxima for the gain as the frequency detuning between the two beams is varied. Further, when the beam interaction is used for optical amplification, there may also exist an optimum crystal length beyond which there is a reduction in the useful gain obtainable. Experimental results are presented in confirmation of the theory.


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Novel surface plasmonic optical fiber sensors have been fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fiber. UV laser irradiation processing with a phase mask produces a nano-scaled surface relief grating structure resembling nano-wires. The resulting individual corrugations produced by material compaction are approximately 20 μm long with an average width at half maximum of 100 nm and generate localized surface plasmons. Experimental data are presented that show changes in the spectral characteristics after UV processing, coupled with an overall increase in the sensitivity of the devices to surrounding refractive index. Evidence is presented that there is an optimum UV dosage (48 joules) over which no significant additional optical change is observed. The devices are characterized with regards to change in refractive index, where significantly high spectral sensitivities in the aqueous index regime are found, ranging up to 4000 nm/RIU for wavelength and 800 dB/RIU for intensity. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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We overview the recent development in applications of spectral broadening and supercontinuum generation in the field of optical communications. Special attention is dedicated to recent results obtained in our research groups. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We present what is to our knowledge the first demonstration of a tunable fiber Bragg grating device in polymer optical fiber that utilizes a thin-film resistive heater deposited on the surface of the fiber. The polymer fiber was coated via photochemical deposition of a Pd/Cu metallic layer with a procedure induced by vacuum-ultraviolet radiation at room temperature. The resulting device, when wavelength tuned via joule heating, underwent a wavelength shift of 2 nm for a moderate input power of 160 mW, a wavelength to input power coefficient of-13.4 pm/mW, and a time constant of 1.7 s-1. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Optical millimeter wave generation is realized using dual polarization modes operation from a co-located dual distributed feedback fiber laser configuration. A narrow linewidth optical millimeter wave signal at 32.5 GHz is demonstrated without using complex control mechanism.


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In this paper a microwave photonic filter using superstructured fiber Bragg grating and dispersive fiber is investigated. A theoretical model to describe the transfer function of the filter taking into consideration the spectral width of light source is established. Experiments are carried out to verify the theoretical analysis. Both theoretical and experimental results indicate that due to chromatic dispersion the source spectral width introduces an additional power penalty to the microwave photonic response of the filter. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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In the present paper we numerically study instrumental impact on statistical properties of quasi-CW Raman fiber laser using a simple model of multimode laser radiation. Effects, that have the most influence, are limited electrical bandwidth of measurement equipment and noise. To check this influence, we developed a simple model of the multimode quasi- CW generation with exponential statistics (i.e. uncorrelated modes). We found that the area near zero intensity in probability density function (PDF) is strongly affected by both factors, for example both lead to formation of a negative wing of intensity distribution. But far wing slope of PDF is not affected by noise and, for moderate mismatch between optical and electrical bandwidth, is only slightly affected by bandwidth limitation. The generation spectrum often becomes broader at higher power in experiments, so the spectral/electrical bandwidth mismatch factor increases over the power that can lead to artificial dependence of the PDF slope over the power. It was also found that both effects influence the ACF background level: noise impact decreases it, while limited bandwidth leads to its increase. © (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.