988 resultados para Ferroelectric ordering


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Inelastic light scattering studies on a single crystal of electron-doped Ca(Fe0.95Co0.05)(2)As-2 superconductor, covering the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural transition as well as the magnetic transition at T-SM similar to 140 K and the superconducting transition temperature T-c similar to 23 K, reveal evidence for superconductivity-induced phonon renormalization. In particular, the phonon mode near 260 cm(-1) shows hardening below T-c, signaling its coupling with the superconducting gap. All three Raman active phonon modes show anomalous temperature dependence between room temperature and T-c, i.e. the phonon frequency decreases with lowering temperature. Further, the frequency of one of the modes shows a sudden change in temperature dependence at TSM. Using first-principles density functional theory based calculations, we show that the low temperature phase (T-c < T < T-SM) exhibits short-ranged stripe antiferromagnetic ordering, and estimate the spin-phonon couplings that are responsible for these phonon anomalies.


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Synthesis and characterization of electrical and magnetic properties of ilmenite phases of the type MnTi1-xNbxO3 have been carried out. Single phase materials could be obtained for 0.0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.25. The electrical conductivity increases with increasing Nb content. Magnetic susceptibility studies show that the phases exhibit 2D antiferromagnetic behavior. The magnetic susceptibility data has been analyzed using Fisher's specific heat to determine the long range ordering temperature, (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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Measurements of the dc transport properties and the low-frequency conductivity noise in films of charge-ordered Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 grown on Si substrate reveal the existence of a threshold field in the charge-ordered regime beyond which strong nonlinear conduction sets in along with a large broad band conductivity noise. Threshold-dependent conduction disappears as T --> T-CO, the charge-ordering temperature. This observation suggests that the charge-ordered state gets depinned at the onset of the nonlinear conduction. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)05247-X].


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Poly(ethyleneoxide)-poly(vinylalcohol) blends were prepared and characterized using thermal, spectroscopic and structural methods, By all indications the blends appear to be microscopically inhomogeneous with no strong interpolymer bonding. The high degree of crystallinity in PEO regions induces a significant degree of ordering in neighbouring PVA regions, as evident from thermal properties. PVA obtained from solvent evaporation exhibits an irreversible endothermic transition which could be order-disorder type. Both IR and NMR spectroscopies also suggest the presence of subtle structural ordering influence of PEO on PVA. It is found to be possible to prepare self supporting films of the blends which consists of fine dispersion of PEO and PVA in each other. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The influence of mechanical activation on the formation of Bi2VO5.5 bismuth vanadate (BiV) phase, was investigated by ball-milling a stoichiometric mixture of bismuth oxide and vanadium pentoxide. The structural evolution of the desired BN phase, via an intermediate BiVO4,phase, was investigated using X-ray powder diffraction; (XRD), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Milling for 54h. yielded monophasic gamma-BiV powders with an average crystallite size of 30 nm. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) peaks associated with the V4+ ions are stronger and broader in nanocrystalline (n) BN than in the conventionally prepared microcrystalline (m) BN, suggesting theta significant portion of V5+ has been transformed to V4+ during milling. The optical bandgap of n-BiV was found to be higher than that of m-BiV. High density (97% of the theoretical density), fine-grained (average grain-size of 2 tun) ceramics with uniform grain-size distribution could be fabricated using n-BiV powders. These fine-grained ceramics exhibit improved dielectric, pyre and ferroelectric properties. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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This paper looks at the complexity of four different incremental problems. The following are the problems considered: (1) Interval partitioning of a flow graph (2) Breadth first search (BFS) of a directed graph (3) Lexicographic depth first search (DFS) of a directed graph (4) Constructing the postorder listing of the nodes of a binary tree. The last problem arises out of the need for incrementally computing the Sethi-Ullman (SU) ordering [1] of the subtrees of a tree after it has undergone changes of a given type. These problems are among those that claimed our attention in the process of our designing algorithmic techniques for incremental code generation. BFS and DFS have certainly numerous other applications, but as far as our work is concerned, incremental code generation is the common thread linking these problems. The study of the complexity of these problems is done from two different perspectives. In [2] is given the theory of incremental relative lower bounds (IRLB). We use this theory to derive the IRLBs of the first three problems. Then we use the notion of a bounded incremental algorithm [4] to prove the unboundedness of the fourth problem with respect to the locally persistent model of computation. Possibly, the lower bound result for lexicographic DFS is the most interesting. In [5] the author considers lexicographic DFS to be a problem for which the incremental version may require the recomputation of the entire solution from scratch. In that sense, our IRLB result provides further evidence for this possibility with the proviso that the incremental DFS algorithms considered be ones that do not require too much of preprocessing.


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In recent times antiferroelectric thin-film material compositions have been identified as one of the most significant thin films for development of devices such as high charge storage, charge couplers/decouplers, and high strain microelectromechanical systems. Thus, understanding the dielectric and electrical properties under an ac signal drive in these antiferroelectric thin-film compositions, such as lead zirconate thin films, and the effect of donor doping on them is very necessary. For this purpose, thin films of antiferroelectric lead zirconate and La-modified lead zirconate thin films with mole % concentrations of 0, 3, 5, and 9 have been deposited by pulsed excimer laser ablation. The dielectric and hysteresis properties have confirmed that with a gradual increase of the La content, the room-temperature antiferroelectric lead zirconate thin films can be modified into ferroelectric and paraelectric phases. ac electrical studies revealed that the polaronic related hopping conduction is responsible for the charge transport phenomenon in these films. With a La content of less than or equal to3 mole % in pure lead zirconate, the conductivity of the films has been reduced and followed by an increase of its conductivity for a greater than or equal to3% addition of La to lead zirconate thin films. The polaronic activation energies are also found to follow a similar trend as that of the conductivity.


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In situ annealed thin films of ferroelectric Ba(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O-3 were deposited on platinum substrates by pulsed laser ablation technique. The as grown films were polycrystalline in nature without the evidence of any secondary phases. The polarization hysteresis loop confirmed the ferroelectricity, which was also cross-checked with the capacitance-voltage characteristics. The remnant polarization was about 5.9 muC cm(-2) at room temperature and the coercive field was 45 kV. There was a slight asymmetry in the hysteresis for different polarities, which was thought to be due to the work function differences of different electrodes. The dielectric constant was about 452 and was found to exhibit low frequency dispersion that increased with frequency, This was related to the space-charge polarization. The complex impedance was plotted and this exhibited a semicircular trace, and indicated an equivalent parallel R - C circuit within the sample. This was attributed to the grain response. The DC leakage current-voltage plot was consistent with the space-charge limited conduction theory, but showed some deviation, which was explained by assuming a Poole-Frenkel type conduction to be superimposed on to the usual space-charge controlled current. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We discuss the properties of a one-dimensional lattice model of a driven system with two species of particles in which the mobility of one species depends on the density of the other. This model was introduced by Lahiri and Ramaswamy (Phys. Rev. Lett., 79, 1150 (1997)) in the context of sedimenting colloidal crystals, and its continuum version was shown to exhibit an instability arising from linear gradient couplings. In this paper we review recent progress in understanding the full phase diagram of the model. There are three phases. In the first, the steady state can be determined exactly along a representative locus using the condition of detailed balance. The system shows phase separation of an exceptionally robust sort, termed strong phase separation, which survives at all temperatures. The second phase arises in the threshold case where the first species evolves independently of the second, but the fluctuations of the first influence the evolution of the second, as in the passive scalar problem. The second species then shows phase separation of a delicate sort, in which long-range order coexists with fluctuations which do not damp down in the large-size limit. This fluctuation-dominated phase ordering is associated with power law decays in cluster size distributions and a breakdown of the Porod law. The third phase is one with a uniform overall density, and along a representative locus the steady state is shown to have product measure form. Density fluctuations are transported by two kinematic waves, each involving both species and coupled at the nonlinear level. Their dissipation properties are governed by the symmetries of these couplings, which depend on the overall densities. In the most interesting case,, the dissipation of the two modes is characterized by different critical exponents, despite the nonlinear coupling.


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Relaxor properties of polycrystalline 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3-0.3PbTiO(3) (PMN-PT) thin films were studied in terms of the diffuse nature of phase transition along with the frequency dispersion of temperature (T-m) at which the dielectric constant exhibits maximum value. Existence of remnant polarization (P-r) above the phase transition temperature, which is a characteristic property of typical relaxor ferroelectric has also been observed in the present case. The films exhibited a gradual decrease of remnant polarization with increase of temperature. Among the different models of relaxor ferroelectric, Vogel-Fulcher model has been found to be suitable to describe the frequency dispersion of T-m in this case. Freezing of dipole moment with decrease of temperature was thought to be the origin of the temperature dependence of dielectric dispersion.


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he thickness dependence of the electrical properties in the thin films of uniaxial SrBi2Nb2O9 has been studied in this report. According to many published literatures, it could be an effective way to identify the basic conduction process. The laser ablation was chosen as the deposition technique to ensure an oriented growth and a proper stoichiometric deposition. The structural, dielectric and conduction properties were studied as a function of thickness. The films showed good ferroelectric properties, an ordered growth, and a space-charge controlled conduction process, which was double checked by reversing the polarity of the applied voltage, and also by examining the high field current response of the sample varying in thickness.


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Transparent glass nanocomposites in the pseudo binary system (100 - x) SrB4O7 (SBO)-x Bi2VO5.5 (BiV) (0 less than or equal to n less than or equal to 70) were prepared by the splat quenching technique. The nano-crystallization of bismuth vanadate (BiV) in 50 SBO-50 BiV (in mol%) glass composite has been demonstrated. These were characterized for their structural, thermal and dielectric properties. As-quenched composites under study have been confirmed to be amorphous by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) studies. The glass transition temperature (T-g) and crystallization temperatures (T-er) were determined using differential thermal analyses (DTA), High resolution transmission electron microscopic (HRTEM) studies carried out on heat-treated samples reveal the presence of spherical nanosize crystallites of Bi2VO5.5 (BiV) dispersed in the glassy matrix of SrB4O7 (SSO). The dielectric constant (epsilon (r)) and the dielectric loss (D) measurements were carried out on the as-quenched and heat-treated glass nanocomposite samples in the frequency range 100 Hz-10 MHz. The as-quenched and the heat-treated at two different temperatures (720 and 820 K) samples exhibited broad dielectric anomalies in the vicinity of the ferroelectric-to-paraelectric transition temperature of the parent BiV ceramics. The Curie-Weiss law was found to be valid at a temperature above the transition temperature, establishing the diffused nature of the transition. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The structure of a type I langbeinite, Rb2Cd2(SO4)(3), displays three different phases, cubic with a = 10.378(5) Angstrom (space group P2(1)3) at room temperature, monoclinic at 120 K with a = 10.328(3), b = 10.322(3), c = 10.325(3) Angstrom, beta = 89.975(1)degrees (space group P2(1)), and orthorhombic at 85 K with a = 10.319(2), b = 10.321(2), c = 10.320(2) Angstrom (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1)), respectively. Precise single-crystal analyses of these phases indicate that Rb2Cd2(SO4)(3) distorts initially from cubic to monoclinic upon cooling followed by a significant reorientation of the SO4 tetrahedra, resulting in an orthorhombic symmetry upon further cooling. The three structures have been established unequivocally using the same crystal. There is no indication of the formation of an intermediate triclinic phase or any lattice disorder as conjectured in several earlier reports on compounds belonging to the type I langbeinite. The bond valence sum analyses of the coordination around the Rb sites indicate asymmetry in the bond strengths which could be the driving force of the ferroelectric behavior in these materials.


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Recently, there has been growing interest in Ca modified BaTiO3 structures due to their larger electro-optic coefficients for their use in optical storage of information over conventional BaTiO3 crystals. Barium Calcium Titanate (BCT) shows promising applications in advanced laser systems, optical interconnects and optical storage devices. BaTiO3 thin films of varied Ca (3 at. % - 15 at. %) doping were deposited using pulsed laser ablation (KrF excimer laser) technique over Pt/Si substrates. The stoichiometric and the compositional analysis were carried out using EDAX and SIMS. The dielectric studies were done at the frequency regime of 40 Hz to 100 kHz at different ambient temperatures from 200 K to 600 K. The BCT thin films exhibited diffuse phase transition, which was of a typical non lead relaxor behavior and had high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss. The phase transition for the different compositions of BCT thin films was near the room temperature, showing a marked departure from the bulk phase transition. The C - V and the hysteresis behavior confirmed the ferroelectric nature below the phase transition and paraelectric at the room temperature.


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The stability of a Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 bulk metallic glass (BMG) against structural relaxation is investigated by isothermal and isochronal annealing heat treatments below and above its glass transition temperature, Tg, for varying periods. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of the annealed samples shows an excess endotherm at Tg, irrespective of the annealing temperature. This recovery peak evolves exponentially with annealing time and is due to the destruction of anneal-induced compositional short range ordering. The alloy exhibits a high resistance to crystallization on annealing below Tg and complex Pd- and Ni-phosphides evolve on annealing above Tg.