992 resultados para Fe religiosa


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For a number of years, there has been a major effort to calculate electron-impact excitation data for every ion stage of iron embodied by the ongoing efforts of the IRON project by Hummer et al (1993 Astron. Astrophys. 279 298). Due to the complexity of the targets, calculations for the lower stages of ionization have been limited to either intermediate-coupling calculations within the ground configurations or LS -coupling calculations of the ground and excited configurations. However, accurate excitation data between individual levels within both the ground and excited configurations of the low charge-state ions are urgently required for applications to both astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. Here we report on the results of the first intermediate-coupling R -matrix calculation of electron-impact excitation for Fe 4+ for which the close-coupling (CC) expansion includes not only those levels of the 3d 4 ground configuration, but also the levels of the 3d 3 4s, 3d 3 4p, 3d 3 4d and 3d 2 4s 2 excited configurations. With 359 levels in the CC expansion and over 2400 scattering channels for many of the J Π partial waves, this represents the largest electron–ion scattering calculation to date and it was performed on massively parallel computers using a recently developed set of relativistic parallel R -matrix programs.


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We present the first calculation of fine-structure photoionization cross sections for the ground state of singly ionized Fe. These large-scale ab initio calculations, limited to the near-threshold region, were performed in the close-coupling approximation using a Dirac–Coulomb R -matrix method implemented within a modified version of the DARC package. Our calculated cross sections reproduce in detail the resonance structures observed in previous experimental determinations.


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Recent measurements using an X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) and an Electron Beam Ion Trap at the Linac Coherent Light Source facility highlighted large discrepancies between the observed and theoretical values for the Fe XVII 3C/3D line intensity ratio. This result raised the question of whether the theoretical oscillator strengths may be significantly in error, due to insufficiencies in the atomic structure calculations. We present time-dependent spectral modeling of this experiment and show that non-equilibrium effects can dramatically reduce the predicted 3C/3D line intensity ratio, compared with that obtained by simply taking the ratio of oscillator strengths. Once these non-equilibrium effects are accounted for, the measured line intensity ratio can be used to determine a revised value for the 3C/3D oscillator strength ratio, giving a range from 3.0 to 3.5. We also provide a framework to narrow this range further, if more precise information about the pulse parameters can be determined. We discuss the implications of the new results for the use of Fe XVII spectral features as astrophysical diagnostics and investigate the importance of time-dependent effects in interpreting XFEL-excited plasmas.


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The LS R-matrix method was used to compute new photoionization cross sections for Fe II. Results are compared with available experimental data and with previous calculations of the cross section. We also present the first fine-structure photoionization data for this ion obtained with the fully-relativistic DARC codes.


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Accurate determination of electron excitation rates for the Fe-peak elements is complicated by the presence of an open 3d-shell in the description of the target ion, which can lead to hundreds of target state energy levels. Furthermore, the low energy scattering region is dominated by series of Rydberg resonances, which require a very fine energy mesh for their delineation. These problems have prompted the development of a suite of parallel R-matrix codes. In this work we report recent applications of these codes to the study of electron impact excitation of Ni III and Ni IV.


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Ce projet de travail est divisé en deux études principales: (a) l’influence des certains additifs organiques sur la consommation d’énergie et la pureté du métal de zinc déposé dans le processus d’extraction électrolytique, et (b) l’électrodéposition des alliages binaires et ternaires de Fe-Mo et Fe-Mo-P sur des substrats d’acier doux afin d’agir comme cathodes pour la production de chlorate. (a) Parmi les sept différents additifs organiques examinés, les sels des liquides ioniques ont réussi à augmenter le rendement du courant jusqu’à 95,1% comparé à 88,7% qui a obtenu à partir de l’électrolyte standard en présence des ions de Sb3+. La réduction maximale de la consommation d’énergie de ~173 kWh tonne-1 a été obtenue en ajoutant de 3 mg dm-3 du chlorure de 1-butyl-3-méthylimidazolium dans le même électrolyte. La teneur en plomb dans le dépôt de zinc est réduite de 26,5 ppm à 5,1-5,6 ppm en utilisant les sels des liquides ioniques. (b) Des différents binaires Fe-Mo et ternaires Fe-Mo-P alliages ont été électrodéposés sur des substrats d’acier doux. Les alliages préparés ont une tenure en Mo entre 21-47 at.% et une tenure en P de 0 à 16 at.%. L’activité électrocatalytique de ces alliages vers la réaction de dégagement d’hydrogène (RDH) a été étudiée dans des solutions de chlorure de sodium. La réduction maximale de la surtension de RDH de ~313 mV a été obtenue par l’alliage ternaire préparé Fe54Mo30P16 par rapport à celle obtenue pour l’acier doux. La rugosité de surface et l’activité intrinsèque des revêtements de Fe-Mo-P peuvent être l’origine du comportement prometteur de ces électrocatalyseurs vers la RDH.


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Cadernos de Campo. Revista dos alunos de pós-graduação em Antropologia Social da USP, ano 19, Jan.-Dez. 2010, pág. 297-308.


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Tese de Doutoramento em História Contemporânea


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História da Arte Medieval


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Desde sempre que a convivência entre pessoas e grupos de culturas e etnias diferentes se tem revelado difícil, e as grandes e profundas alterações na sociedade europeia têm vindo a alterar um pouco os paradigmas a que estávamos habituados em termos de convivência entre as pessoas, revelando uma sociedade com um tecido cada vez mais multicultural. Assim, torna-se pertinente uma educação que seja marcadamente multicultural. Entendemos que o conceito de multiculturalidade deve estar mais presente, aliás, na forma como se faz e pensa a educação hoje, por isso, é nosso entendimento, que é necessário rever mesmo a génese profunda do ato educativo e tudo o que isso implica na atualidade, pois não é possível pensar a educação e a escola hoje desligando-a da sua realidade multifacetada e multicultural. A disciplina de EMRC (Educação Moral e Religiosa Católica) é uma disciplina que tem já uma longa história de implementação no sistema de ensino português, existindo em quase todas as escolas do Ensino Básico e Secundário, por direito próprio ao abrigo da Concordata celebrada entre o Estado Português e a Santa Sé em 7 Maio de 1940 e ratificada em 18 Maio de 2004. A Disciplina de EMRC encontra-se assim incluída na matriz curricular do nosso sistema de ensino. Uma vez que a implementação da Disciplina de EMRC é da responsabilidade da Igreja Católica e tendo em linha de conta os valores e princípios naturalmente inerentes ao cristianismo, é legítimo supor a pertinência desta disciplina para uma educação e convivência multiculturais. O presente estudo pretendeu investigar o modo como a disciplina de EMRC contribui para uma educação multicultural. Propusemo-nos para isso encontrar, através de uma revisão da literatura, os principais elementos que constituem uma verdadeira educação, e neste sentido, definir a relação entre a escola e a multiculturalidade, e assim, contextualizar a educação multicultural. A tarefa seguinte foi a de comparar o conceito e a realidade da educação multicultural com o programa de EMRC. Procurámos complementar este estudo com a aplicação de um questionário a uma amostra significativa de professores de EMRC da Diocese de Lisboa, instrumento este que foi construído a partir da análise da literatura efetuada e tendo por base, sobretudo, o programa curricular, os manuais da disciplina e outros documentos relevantes para o tema em estudo. Pretendemos aferir o grau de importância dada pelos docentes à educação multicultural através da disciplina de EMRC, pelo menos nas escolas onde se verifique uma grande diversidade étnica. Para consolidar o estudo, foi também realizada uma entrevista a alguns professores e informantes – chave com destaque para a Disciplina. Pretendeu-se ainda investigar o grau de sensibilidade dos professores para uma verdadeira educação multicultural e as limitações encontradas por eles no programa e respetiva prática pedagógica, nomeadamente na sua ação como professores de EMRC e, eventualmente, a formulação de possíveis sugestões.


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O mercado da edição de livros convoca no seu entorno uma série de atores sociais que cumprem funções e papéis distintos, mas interconectados, que confluem num ponto: o da divulgação e disponibilização de conteúdos culturais a um determinado público. Este objetivo resulta sempre numa certa configuração geográfica conforme os grupos que se pretendem alcançar, bem como as estratégias que lhe subjazem. Assim, os conteúdos que são disponibilizados não se revestem de um caráter de neutralidade, procurando, ao invés, uma intervenção (ainda que não explícita ou consciente) na opinião pública. Deste modo, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo a caracterização do mercado editorial lisboeta no período final da Monarquia e o aferimento da ligação existente entre aquele e algumas questões que afetavam a opinião pública de então, constituindo debates sociais e culturais de relevo. O ângulo de análise escolhido é o do religioso, porquanto este se constitui como elemento nodal de estudo da sociedade portuguesa, na transição entre os séculos XIX e XX.


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Eukaryotic cells generate energy in the form of ATP, through a network of mitochondrial complexes and electron carriers known as the oxidative phosphorylation system. In mammals, mitochondrial complex I (CI) is the largest component of this system, comprising 45 different subunits encoded by mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Humans diagnosed with mutations in the gene NDUFS4, encoding a nuclear DNA-encoded subunit of CI (NADH dehydrogenase ubiquinone Fe-S protein 4), typically suffer from Leigh syndrome, a neurodegenerative disease with onset in infancy or early childhood. Mitochondria from NDUFS4 patients usually lack detectable NDUFS4 protein and show a CI stability/assembly defect. Here, we describe a recessive mouse phenotype caused by the insertion of a transposable element into Ndufs4, identified by a novel combined linkage and expression analysis. Designated Ndufs4(fky), the mutation leads to aberrant transcript splicing and absence of NDUFS4 protein in all tissues tested of homozygous mice. Physical and behavioral symptoms displayed by Ndufs4(fky/fky) mice include temporary fur loss, growth retardation, unsteady gait, and abnormal body posture when suspended by the tail. Analysis of CI in Ndufs4(fky/fky) mice using blue native PAGE revealed the presence of a faster migrating crippled complex. This crippled CI was shown to lack subunits of the "N assembly module", which contains the NADH binding site, but contained two assembly factors not present in intact CI. Metabolomic analysis of the blood by tandem mass spectrometry showed increased hydroxyacylcarnitine species, implying that the CI defect leads to an imbalanced NADH/NAD(+) ratio that inhibits mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation.


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Pizgrischite, (Cu,Fe)Cu14PbBi17S35, is a new mineral species named after the type locality, Piz Grisch Mountain, Val Ferrera, Graubunden, Switzerland. This sulfosalt occurs as thin, striated, metallic lead-grey blades measuring up to I cm in length, embedded in quartz and associated with tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, emplectite and derivatives of the aikinite-bismuthinite series. In plane-polarized light, the new species is brownish grey with no perceptible pleochroism; under crossed nicols in oil immersion, it presents a weak anisotropy with dark brown tints. Minimum and maximum reflectance values (in %) in air are: 40.7-42.15 (470 nm), 41.2-43.1 (546 nm), 41.2-43.35 (589 nm) and 40.7-43.3 (650 nm). Cleavage is perfect along 001 I and well developed on {010}. Abundant polysynthetic twinning is observed on (010). The mean micro-indentation hardness is 190 kg/mm(2) (Mohs hardness 3.3), and the calculated density is 6.58 g/cm(3). Electron-microprobe analyses yield (wt%; mean result of seven analyses): Cu 16.48, Pb 2.10, Fe 0.77, Bi 60.70, Sb 0.35, S 19.16, Se 0.04, total 99.60. The resulting empirical chemical formula is (Cu15.24Fe0.80Pb0.60)(Sigma 16.64)(Bi17.07Sb0.17)(Sigma 17.24)(S35.09Se0.03)(Sigma 35.12), in accordance with the formula derived from the single-crystal refinement of the structure, (Cu,Fe)Cu14PbBi17S35. Pizgrischite is monoclinic, space group C2/m, with the following unit-cell parameters: a 35.054(2), b3.91123(I), c43.192(2) angstrom, beta 96.713(4)degrees, V5881.24 angstrom(3), Z=4. The strongest seven X-ray powder-diffraction lines [d in angstrom (I)(hkl)] are: 5.364(40)((6) over bar 04), 4.080(50)((8) over bar 05), 3.120(40)(118), 3.104(68)((3) over bar 18), 2.759(53) ((9) over bar 11),2.752(44)(910) and 1.956(100)(020). The crystal structure is an expanded monoclinic derivative of kupcikite. Pizgrischite belongs to the cuprobismutite series of bismuth sulfosalts but, sensu stricto, it is not a homologue of cuprobismutite. At the type locality. pizarischite is the result of the Alpine metamorphism under greenschist-facies conditions of pre-Tertiary hydrothermal Cu-Bi mineralization.


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The determination of characteristic cardiac parameters, such as displacement, stress and strain distribution are essential for an understanding of the mechanics of the heart. The calculation of these parameters has been limited until recently by the use of idealised mathematical representations of biventricular geometries and by applying simple material laws. On the basis of 20 short axis heart slices and in consideration of linear and nonlinear material behaviour we have developed a FE model with about 100,000 degrees of freedom. Marching Cubes and Phong's incremental shading technique were used to visualise the three dimensional geometry. In a quasistatic FE analysis continuous distribution of regional stress and strain corresponding to the endsystolic state were calculated. Substantial regional variation of the Von Mises stress and the total strain energy were observed at all levels of the heart model. The results of both the linear elastic model and the model with a nonlinear material description (Mooney-Rivlin) were compared. While the stress distribution and peak stress values were found to be comparable, the displacement vectors obtained with the nonlinear model were generally higher in comparison with the linear elastic case indicating the need to include nonlinear effects.