958 resultados para Fatimites--History--Sources--Early works to 1800


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Travail réalisé en cotutelle (Université de Paris IV-La Sorbonne).


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La Théorie de l’agir communicationnel (1981), du théoricien allemand Jürgen Habermas, figure parmi les plus importants ouvrages de sociologie et de philosophie sociale du XXe siècle : son caractère universaliste, visant l’élaboration d’une théorie globale de la société occidentale moderne, en fait un écrit dont la réputation n’est plus à faire dans une diversité de champs académiques issus des sciences sociales. Toutefois, la théorie habermassienne n’a inspiré à ce jour qu’un nombre restreint d’études portant spécifiquement sur son articulation à l’éducation, que ce soit sur le plan de la nature de l’activité éducative ou encore d’une caractérisation théorique de l’éducation moderne institutionnalisée : ainsi, comment la théorie de l’agir communicationnel nous permet-elle de mieux comprendre les rouages de l’acte éducatif moderne et contemporain ainsi que l’évolution historique, politique et sociale des institutions scolaires européennes et nord-américaines? En tant que théorie de la société basée sur un renouvellement communicationnel du concept de rationalité, de quelle façon s’inscrit-elle dans une tradition philosophique éducative aux sources de l’école occidentale, et nous renseigne-t-elle sur les fondements de la relation pédagogique entre maîtres et élèves? En proposant une série de considérations à ce propos, cette thèse représente à la fois une étude des rapports entre la pensée philosophique et sociologique d’Habermas et l’éducation ainsi qu’une forte critique de celle-ci : en effet, la problématique centrale qui se dresse et subsiste à une articulation de la théorie habermassienne à différentes sphères éducatives demeure celle du statut de l’enfant dans un tel système rationaliste qui, malgré ses visées émancipatoires et libératrices pour l’acteur social, perpétue une négation de l’enfance propre au rationalisme de Platon à Kant. Dès lors, comment réfléchir l’éducation contemporaine à l’aune de la pensée habermassienne? Comment, finalement, penser l’éducation pour et contre Habermas?


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La present tesi vol explicar la implantació de la Reforma Catòlica en una sèrie de parròquies rurals dels bisbats de Girona (valls de Ridaura, Bas, Hostoles i Amer) i Vic (El Collsacabra i les valls de Susqueda i Sau), entre 1587 i 1800, des dels bisbes posttrentins Jaume Caçador i Pedro Jaime als il·lustrats Tomàs de Lorenzana i Francisco de Veyan. La documentació principal són les sèries de les visites pastorals conservades a l'Arxiu Diocesà de Girona i l'Arxiu Episcopal de Vic; paral·lelament, s'ha reforçat amb documentació parroquial (llibres sagramentals, consuetes, llibres d'obra i confraries), protocols notarials (notaries de Rupit, Sant Feliu de Pallerols, El Mallol i Amer) i impresos episcopals. Els manaments de les visites pastorals s'han contrastat, amb semblances i diferències, amb els decrets del concili de Trento, de les constitucions provincials tarraconenses i les sinodals gironines i vigatanes, i amb les evidències artístiques, arquitectòniques i arqueològiques. Tots ells han servit per demostrar la lentitud en la implantació del programa tridentí, que s'assoleix, de fet, amb força retard (ben entrat el segle XVIII).


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O presente trabalho procura, inicialmente, fazer um breve momento da história da Educação Especial no Brasil, com o interesse de ressaltar a sua evolução. Em seguida, iremos dar ênfase ao perfil do professor na educação inclusiva e às políticas públicas voltadas para esta modalidade de educação. Para dar suporte metodológico à temática, fundamentamos-nos em Mantoan (2002); Carvalho (2008); Mazzota (2005); Mittler (2003); Stainback & Stainback (1999). No que se refere ao método histórico da pesquisa fundamentamos-nos em Minayo (2009), para a utilização das fontes e das técnicas para a realização deste trabalho. Sendo este um estudo de caso, fomos a campo, observamos e registramos fatos de um grupo social, utilizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com o gestor da escola, professores e pais dos alunos. Consultamos livros, revistas e documentos, além das observações informais, tudo isso com a intenção de esclarecer e fundamentar o nosso trabalho. A instituição onde realizamos esta pesquisa é a Escola Caminho do Saber, que faz parte da rede particular de ensino e atua na perspectiva da educação inclusiva. O seu trabalho de inclusão deu início em 1991, quando pela primeira vez recebeu um aluno com deficiência e desde então vem criando expectativas para a educação inclusiva em Sergipe. Quanto à aprendizagem, a escola trabalha com a exploração das potencialidades dos alunos, de certo que para a perspectiva da inclusão, a instituição precisa fazer algumas adequações para atender a todos os alunos. Quanto ao convívio com as diversidades, a escola se mostra capaz de favorecer um cotidiano saudável, mesmo tendo que enfrentar desafios. O nosso interesse em relação a este trabalho é contribuir para que esta temática possa criar novas expectativas à sociedade e que outras pessoas possam se interessar por este assunto, dando continuidade no que se refere a iniciativas e lutas civis em busca de conquistas de direitos das pessoas com deficiências. Contudo, entendemos que toda mudança provoca anseios e inquietações, mas os desafios na educação são diários, e isto faz com que os professores reflitam e busquem novas estratégias para, juntamente com os alunos, desenvolver um processo de aprendizagem proveitoso. Por fim, mostraremos os resultados da pesquisa e as considerações finais.


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Anthropogenic midden deposits are remarkably well preserved at the Neolithic settlement of atalhöyük and provide significant archaeological information on the types and nature of activities occurring at the site. To decipher their complex stratigraphy and to investigate formation processes, a combination of geoarchaeological techniques was used. Deposits were investigated from the early ceramic to late Neolithic levels, targeting continuous sequences to examine high resolution and broader scale changes in deposition. Thin-section micromorphology combined with targeted phytolith and geochemical analyses indicates they are composed of a diverse range of ashes and other charred and siliceous plant materials, with inputs of decayed plants and organic matter, fecal waste, and sedimentary aggregates, each with diverse depositional pathways. Activities identified include in situ burning, with a range of different fuel types that may be associated with different activities. The complexity and heterogeneity of the midden deposits, and thus the necessity of employing an integrated microstratigraphic approach is demonstrated, as a prerequisite for cultural and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.


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Considerable debate surrounds the source of the apparently ‘anomalous’1 increase of atmospheric methane concentrations since the mid-Holocene (5,000 years ago) compared to previous interglacial periods as recorded in polar ice core records2. Proposed mechanisms for the rise in methane concentrations relate either to methane emissions from anthropogenic early rice cultivation1, 3 or an increase in natural wetland emissions from tropical4 or boreal sources5, 6. Here we show that our climate and wetland simulations of the global methane cycle over the last glacial cycle (the past 130,000 years) recreate the ice core record and capture the late Holocene increase in methane concentrations. Our analyses indicate that the late Holocene increase results from natural changes in the Earth's orbital configuration, with enhanced emissions in the Southern Hemisphere tropics linked to precession-induced modification of seasonal precipitation. Critically, our simulations capture the declining trend in methane concentrations at the end of the last interglacial period (115,000–130,000 years ago) that was used to diagnose the Holocene methane rise as unique. The difference between the two time periods results from differences in the size and rate of regional insolation changes and the lack of glacial inception in the Holocene. Our findings also suggest that no early agricultural sources are required to account for the increase in methane concentrations in the 5,000 years before the industrial era.


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The effects of data uncertainty on real-time decision-making can be reduced by predicting early revisions to US GDP growth. We show that survey forecasts efficiently anticipate the first-revised estimate of GDP, but that forecasting models incorporating monthly economic indicators and daily equity returns provide superior forecasts of the second-revised estimate. We consider the implications of these findings for analyses of the impact of surprises in GDP revision announcements on equity markets, and for analyses of the impact of anticipated future revisions on announcement-day returns.


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My research examines the recorded performance history of the Overture to Weber’s Oberon in light of these aesthetic goals. I have charted changes in performance practice trends, including in timing, tempo fluctuation, rhythmic accuracy and ensemble, and the use of portamento. The twenty recordings studied that I surveyed span nearly seventy-five years, and include many of the 20th century’s most prominent conductors and orchestras, including groups from Communist Russia, both pre-World War II and post-World War II continental Europe, the British Isles, and the United States.8 Though by no means comprehensive, my selections encompass a diverse sampling of surviving recordings, ensuring a large enough sample size to reflect general trends in the performance of Weber’s masterpiece. My research and analysis confirms the conventional view of a move toward more accurate—but also more cautious, uniform, and inexpressive— performances. Surprisingly, however, this analysis also suggests that we are on the cusp of a new era in orchestra performance practice, one that shares many of the values of the earlier recorded performances. While maintaining today’s high standards of execution, modern performances now look to regain many of the past’s expressive qualities, doing so in sometimes surprising ways.


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O arquivo de Antonio Carlos Jobim, assim como todo arquivo pessoal, foi colecionado e mantido para satisfazer o desejo de um homem que sempre se preocupou com sua imagem. Este trabalho demonstra a história da construção e organização desse acervo, além de fortalecer a hipótese de que o arquivo, em sua integridade, configura-se como uma escrita autobiográfica. Abordo a organização arquivística do fundo Antonio Carlos Jobim, dentro do Instituto que leva seu nome, e dou ênfase na subsérie Cadernos de anotações, da série Produção Intelectual do Titular. Esses cadernos são um tipo de documento singular, quer pelo uso que deles fazia o maestro, quer pela sua prática memorial. O estudo destas fontes primárias nos permite inferir a imagem construída pelo próprio titular, e também evidencia o plano dos guardiões dessa memória em perpetuá-la: Jobim decidiu manter um arquivo pessoal com o claro propósito de preservar sua obra e projetá-la para o futuro. Esse cuidado foi transmitido para seus herdeiros, que além das obras musicais, cuidam, hoje, de seu legado arquivístico dentro do Instituto Antonio Carlos Jobim.


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In this work I have searched the symbolical sense of a specific place. I have started from the theoretical assumption that places are social relations resulting from material and symbolical conditions developed in a certain time and by certain factors. In this sense, I have analyzed the symbolical aspect of sugar plantation from some literary works created by the writer José Lins do Rego from the state of Paraíba. I intend to analyze the symbolical dimension senses, values and images used by this writer to show the sugar plantation. Giving special attention to the works from the named cycle of sugar plantation , I have searched for the senses and meanings used in José Lins do Rego literary discourse to create a fictional sugar plantation, showing this place in a specific way. Based in cultural history, I have used several sources: literary works, prefaces of books, memory works, journalistic works, letters written by intellectual men and history books. My time of analysis is from 1919 the beginning of José Lins do Rego s intellectual activity - until 1943 publication of Fogo Morto, last literary work that I have analyzed. In symbolical terms, what is sugar plantation, this place that has totally touched José Lins do Regos life and literary work? That was the structural question that has determined the present research


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Tomando por base trabalhos historiográficos produzidos sobre a Escola Normal em diversos estados brasileiros, o presente trabalho procura recuperar a história percorrida por essa instituição, da perspectiva da ação do Estado, ou seja, da política educacional por ele desenvolvida. Nascidas no século XIX ao nível de modestas escolas primárias e centradas sobretudo no conteúdo a ser ensinado, as escolas normais foram aos poucos incorporando um conteúdo didático-pedagógico. O ideário escolanovista as marcaria definitivamente, deslocando a ênfase de seu currículo para as denominadas ciências da educação. O artigo aborda questões relativas a: consolidação e expansão das escolas normais como instituições formadoras do magistério para a escola primária, evolução de sua organização geral e curricular, definida, a partir dos anos 30, em nível médio, até as mudanças introduzidas pela Lei 9.394/96, que elevou a formação do professor das séries iniciais ao nível superior.


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Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis-lysing bacteriophages isolated from poultry or human sewage sources were used to reduce Salmonella Enteritidis in vitro and in experimentally infected chicks. Cocktails of 4 different bacteriophages obtained from commercial broiler houses (CB4O) and 45 bacteriophages from a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WT45O) were evaluated. In experiment 1, an in vitro crop assay was conducted with selected bacteriophage concentrations (105 to 101 pfu/mL) to determine ability to reduce Salmonella Enteritidis in the simulated crop environment. Following 2 h at 37 degrees C, CB40 or WT45O reduced Salmonella Enteritidis recovery by 1.5 or 5 log, respectively, as compared with control. However, CB40 did not affect total SE recovery after 6 h, whereas WT45O resulted in up to a 6-log reduction of Salmonella Enteritidis. In experiment 2, day-of-hatch chicks were challenged orally with 3 x 103 cfu /chick Salmonella Enteritidis and treated cloacally with 1 X 109 WT45O pfu/chick I h postchallenge. One hour later, chicks were treated or not with a commercially available probiotic (Floramax-B11). Both treatments significantly reduced Salmonella Enteritidis recovery from cecal tonsils at 24 h following vent lip application as compared with controls, but no additive effect was observed with the combination of bacteriophages and probiotic. In experiment 3, day-of-hatch chicks were challenged orally with 9 x 103 cfu/chick Salmonella Enteritidis and treated via oral gavage with I X 108 CB40 pfu/chick, 1.2 x 108 WT45O pfu/chick, or a combination of both, I h postchallenge. All treatments significantly reduced Salmonella Enteritidis recovered from cecal tonsils at 24 h as compared with untreated controls, but no significant differences were observed at 48 h following treatment. These data suggest that some bacteriophages can be efficacious in reducing SE colonization in poultry during a short period, but with the bacteriophages and methods presently tested, persistent reductions were not observed.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS