925 resultados para FREEZE-THAW DAMAGE


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Despite growing knowledge on the biological effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on human health and ecosystems, it is still difficult to predict the negative impacts of the increasing incidence of solar UV radiation in a scenario of global warming and climate changes. Hence, the development and application of DNA-based biological sensors to monitor the solar UV radiation under different environmental conditions is of increasing importance. With a mind to rendering a molecular view-point of the genotoxic impact of sunlight, field experiments were undertaken with a DNA-dosimeter system in parallel with physical photometry of solar UVB/UVA radiation, at various latitudes in South America. Onapplying biochemical and immunological approaches based on specific DNA-repair enzymes and antibodies, for evaluating sunlight-induced DNA damage profiles, it became clear that the genotoxic potential of sunlight does indeed vary according to latitude. Notwithstanding, while induction of oxidized DNA bases is directly dependent on an increase in latitude, the generation of 6-4PPs is inversely so, whereby the latter can be regarded as a biomolecular marker of UVB incidence. This molecular DNA lesion-pattern largely reflects the relative incidence of UVA and UVB energy at any specific latitude. Hereby is demonstrated the applicability of this DNA-based biosensor for additional, continuous field experiments, as a means of registering variations in the genotoxic impact of solar UV radiation. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We investigated the effects of viable, extended freeze-drying (EFD) or heat-killed (HK) Mycobacterium bovis bacillus CalmetteGuerin (BCG) in respiratory burst activity, gene expression of CYBB and NCF1 encoding components of the human phagocyte nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADPH) oxidase, TLR2 expression, and in IL-10 and TNF-a cytokine production by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Viable BCG significantly inhibited TLR2 and CYBB gene expression, as well as superoxide release by human PBMC. All BCG stimuli augmented IL-10 release, but only HK BCG or viable BCG increased TNF-a release by PBMCs. Our studies show that viable BCG can impair the NADPH oxidase system activation and the TLR2 route in human PBMCs. As well, different BCG preparations can distinctly influence cytokine production by human PBMCs.


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This paper deals with the numerical analysis of saturated porous media, taking into account the damage phenomena on the solid skeleton. The porous media is taken into poro-elastic framework, in full-saturated condition, based on Biot's Theory. A scalar damage model is assumed for this analysis. An implicit boundary element method (BEM) formulation, based on time-independent fundamental solutions, is developed and implemented to couple the fluid flow and two-dimensional elastostatic problems. The integration over boundary elements is evaluated using a numerical Gauss procedure. A semi-analytical scheme for the case of triangular domain cells is followed to carry out the relevant domain integrals. The non-linear problem is solved by a Newton-Raphson procedure. Numerical examples are presented, in order to validate the implemented formulation and to illustrate its efficacy. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tempol (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl) and other cyclic nitroxides have been shown to inhibit the chlorinating activity of myeloperoxidase (MPO) in vitro and in cells. To examine whether nitroxides inhibit MPO activity in vivo we selected acute carrageenan-induced inflammation on the rat paw as a model. Tempol and three more hydrophobic 4-substituted derivatives (4-azido, 4-benzene-Sulfonyl, and 4-(4-phenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)) were synthesized, and their ability to inhibit the in vitro chlorinating activity of MPO and carrageenan-induced inflammation in rat paws was evaluated. All of the tested nitroxides inhibited the chlorinating activity of MPO in vitro with similar IC50 values (between 1.5 and 1.8 mu M). In vivo, the attenuation of carrageenan-induced inflammation showed some correlation with the lipophilicity of the nitroxide at early time points but the differences in the effects were small (< 2-fold) compared with the differences in lipophilicity (> 200-fold). No inhibition of MPO activity in vivo was evident because the levels of MPO activity in rat paws correlated with the levels of MPO protein'. Likewise, paw edema, levels of nitrated and oxidized proteins, and levels of plasma exudation correlated with the levels of MPO protein in the paws of the animals that were untreated or treated with the nitroxides. The effects of the nitroxides in vivo were compared with those of 4-aminobenzoic hydrazide and of colchicine. Taken together, the results indicate that nitroxides attenuate carrageenan-induced inflammation mainly by reducing neutrophil migration and the resulting MPO-mediated damage. Accordingly, tempol was shown to inhibit rat neutrophil migration in vitro. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To investigate the rate of visual field and optic disc change in patients with distinct patterns of glaucomatous optic disc damage. Design: Prospective longitudinal study. Participants: A total of 131 patients with open-angle glaucoma with focal (n = 45), diffuse (n = 42), and sclerotic (n = 44) optic disc damage. Methods: Patients were examined every 4 months with standard automated perimetry (SAP, SITA Standard, 24-2 test, Humphrey Field Analyzer, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA) and confocal scanning laser tomography (CSLT, Heidelberg Retina Tomograph, Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany) for a period of 4 years. During this time, patients were treated according to a predefined protocol to achieve a target intraocular pressure (IOP). Rates of change were estimated by robust linear regression of visual field mean deviation (MD) and global optic disc neuroretinal rim area with follow-up time. Main Outcome Measures: Rates of change in MD and rim area. Results: Rates of visual field change in patients with focal optic disc damage (mean -0.34, standard deviation [SD] 0.69 dB/year) were faster than in patients with sclerotic (mean - 0.14, SD 0.77 dB/year) and diffuse (mean + 0.01, SD 0.37 dB/year) optic disc damage (P = 0.003, Kruskal-Wallis). Rates of optic disc change in patients with focal optic disc damage (mean - 11.70, SD 25.5 x 10(-3) mm(2)/year) were faster than in patients with diffuse (mean -9.16, SD 14.9 x 10(-3) mm(2)/year) and sclerotic (mean -0.45, SD 20.6 x 10(-3) mm(2)/year) optic disc damage, although the differences were not statistically significant (P = 0.11). Absolute IOP reduction from untreated levels was similar among the groups (P = 0.59). Conclusions: Patients with focal optic disc damage had faster rates of visual field change and a tendency toward faster rates of optic disc deterioration when compared with patients with diffuse and sclerotic optic disc damage, despite similar IOP reductions during follow-up. Financial Disclosure(s): Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the references. Ophthalmology 2012; 119: 294-303 (C) 2012 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.


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Melanins have been associated with the development of melanoma and its resistance to photodynamic therapy (PDT). Singlet molecular oxygen (102), which is produced by ultraviolet A solar radiation and the PDT system, is also involved. Here, we investigated the effects that these factors have on DNA damage and repair. Our results show that both types of melanin (eumelanin and pheomelanin) lead to DNA breakage in the absence of light irradiation and that eumelanin is more harmful than pheomelanin. Interestingly, melanins were found to bind to the minor grooves of DNA, guaranteeing close proximity to DNA and potentially causing the observed high levels of strand breaks. We also show that the interaction of melanins with DNA can impair the access of repair enzymes to lesions, contributing to the perpetuation of DNA damage. Moreover, we found that after melanins interact with 102, they exhibit a lower ability to induce DNA breakage; we propose that these effects are due to modifications of their structure. Together, our data highlight the different modes of action of the two types of melanin. Our results may have profound implications for cellular redox homeostasis, under conditions of induced melanin synthesis and irradiation with solar light. These results may also be applied to the development of protocols to sensitize melanoma cells to PDT. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Populations in the Amazon are exposed to organic mercury via consumption of contaminated foods. These ethnic groups consume a specific plant seed annatto which contains certain carotenoids. The aim of this study was to find out if these compounds (bixin, BIX and norbixin, NOR), protect against DNA-damage caused by the metal. Therefore, rats were treated orally with methylmercury (MeHg) and with the carotenoids under conditions that are relevant to humans. The animals were treated either with MeHg (30 mu g/kg/bw/day), BIX (0.110 mg/kg/bw/day), NOR (0.011.0 mg/kg/bw/day) or combinations of the metal compound and the carotenoids consecutively for 45 days. Subsequently, the glutathione levels (GSH) and the activity of catalase were determined, and DNA-damage was measured in hepatocytes and leukocytes using single cell gel electrophoresis assays. Treatment with the metal alone caused a decrease in the GSH levels (35%) and induced DNA damage, which resulted in increased DNA migration after electrophoresis in liver and blood cells, whereas no effects were seen with the carotenoids alone. When BIX or NOR were given in combination with organic mercury, the intermediate and the highest concentrations of the carotenoids (1.0 and 10.0 mg/kg/bw/day BIX and 0.1 and 1.0 mg/kg/bw/day NOR) protected against DNA-damage. Furthermore, we found with both carotenoids, a moderate increase in the GSH levels in both metal-treated and untreated animals, while the activities of catalase remained unchanged. Our results indicate that consumption of BIX and NOR may protect humans against the adverse health effects caused by exposure to organic mercury. Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Alcohol and tobacco consumption are risk factors for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) and glutathione Stransferase pi 1 (GSTP1) are important enzymes for cellular detoxification and low efficiencies are implicated in cancer. We assessed the potential role of SET protein overexpression, a histone acetylation modulator accumulated in HNSCC, in gene regulation and protein activity of ALDH2 and GSTP1. SET was knocked down in HN13, HN12 and Cal27, and overexpressed in HEK293 cells; ethanol and cisplatin were the chemical agents. Cells with SET overexpression (HEK293/SET, HN13 and HN12) showed lower ALDH2 and GSTP1 mRNA levels and trichostatin A increased them (real-time PCR). Ethanol upregulated GSTP1 and ALDH2 mRNAs, whereas cisplatin upregulated GSTP1 in HEK293 cells. SET-chromatin binding revealed SET interaction with ALDH2 and GSTP1 promoters, specifically via SET NAP domain; ethanol and cisplatin abolished SET binding. ALDH2 and GSTP1 efficiency was assessed by enzymatic and comet assay. A lower ALDH2 activity was associated with greater DNA damage (tail intensity) in HEK293/SET compared with HEK293 cells, whereas HN13/siSET showed ALDH2 activity higher than HN13 cells. HN13/siSET cells showed increased tail intensity. Cisplatin-induced DNA damage response showed negative relationship between SET overexpression and BRCA2 recruitment. SET downregulated repair genes ATM, BRCA1 and CHEK2 and upregulated TP53. Cisplatin-induced cell-cycle arrest occurred in G0/G1 and S in HEK293 cells, whereas HEK293/SET showed G2/M stalling. Overall, cisplatin was more cytotoxic for HN13 than HN13/siSET cells. Our data suggest a role for SET in cellular detoxification, DNA damage response and genome integrity.


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Abstract Background Ageing leads to a decline in the function of the immune system, increasing the body's susceptibility to infections through the impairment of T-cells, macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells Denture stomatitis is a primary oral disease affecting elderly denture wearers. The major etiologic factor involved in this pathology is the infection by Candida albicans, an opportunistic pathogen that causes local and disseminated diseases in immunosuppressed humans. Neutrophils play a critical role in the immune response against C. albicans and are continually present in the salivary fluid and in the blood. The aim of this study was to determine ageing-related changes in salivary and blood neutrophils and their potential implications in Candida-related denture stomatitis. Results Our results showed a lower number of neutrophils in the saliva from patients presenting Candida-related denture stomatitis in comparison to their matched controls. Furthermore, fewer neutrophils were isolated from the saliva of aged control individuals in comparison to matched younger subjects. CXCR1, CD62L and CD11b expression were significantly greater on systemic neutrophils from younger control individuals. Elderly individuals showed more apoptotic salivary neutrophils and lower GM-CSF levels than younger ones, regardless of the occurrence of Candida infection. On the other hand, CXCL-8 concentrations were higher in the saliva from elderly individuals. Besides, TNF-α was detected at elevated levels in the saliva from infected elderly subjects. Salivary neutrophils from elderly and young patients presented impaired phagocytic activity against C. albicans. However, just systemic neutrophils from elderly showed decreased phagocytosis when compared to the younger ones, regardless of the occurrence of infection. In addition, neutrophils from aged individuals and young patients presented low fungicidal activity. Conclusion The data suggests that the Candida related-denture stomatitis is associated to neutrophils function deficiency, and ageing drastically appears to alter important characteristics of such cells, facilitating the establishment of this infection.


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Background Natural antioxidants present in common foods and beverages have drawn great attention to cancer prevention due to its health benefits, remarkable lack of toxicity and side effects. Copaifera langsdorffii, known as “copaiba”, “capaiva”, or “pau-de-óleo“, belongs to the Leguminosae family and occurs in fields and grasslands in the northern and northeastern parts of Brazil. Biological studies of Copaifera corroborate its widespread use by the population. This paper describes the effects of C. langsdorffii leaves hydroalcoholic extract on the 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced DNA damage and aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in the colon of male Wistar rats. Methods The hydroalcoholic extract of C. langsdorffii was administered to rats by gavage at daily doses of 20, 40 and 80 mg/kg body weight. To evaluate DNA damage by the comet assay, animals received the C. langsdorffii extract for seven days and a single subcutaneous injection (sc) of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) at a dose of 40 mg/kg on day 7. Animals were sacrificed 4 h after injection of DMH, to assess DNA damage. For the ACF assay, animals were acclimatized for one week (week 1) and then treated with the C. langsdorffii extract five times a week for four weeks (weeks 2 to 5). The rats received sc injections of DMH (40 mg/kg) on days 2 and 5 of weeks 2 and 3, to induce ACF. Animals were euthanized at week 5; i.e., four weeks after the first DMH treatment. Results Animals treated with different doses of the C. langsdorffii extract combined with DMH had significantly lower frequency of DNA damage as compared with the positive control (animals treated with DMH only). The percentage of reduction in the frequency of DNA damage ranged from 14.30% to 38.8%. The groups treated with 40 and 80 mg/kg C. langsdorffii extract during and after DMH treatment presented significantly lower numbers of ACF and aberrant crypts compared with the control. Conclusion The C. langsdorffii extract significantly reduced the extent of DNA damage and ACF induced by DMH, suggesting that the extract has a protective effect against colon carcinogenesis.


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Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) supplementation has been considered an interesting nutritional strategy to improve skeletal muscle protein turnover in several conditions. In this context, there is evidence that resistance exercise (RE)-derived biochemical markers of muscle soreness (creatine kinase (CK), aldolase, myoglobin), soreness, and functional strength may be modulated by BCAA supplementation in order to favor of muscle adaptation. However, few studies have investigated such effects in well-controlled conditions in humans. Therefore, the aim of this short report is to describe the potential therapeutic effects of BCAA supplementation on RE-based muscle damage in humans. The main point is that BCAA supplementation may decrease some biochemical markers related with muscle soreness but this does not necessarily reflect on muscle functionality.


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The X-ray test is a precise, fast and non-destructive method to detect mechanical damage in seeds. In the present study, the efficiency of X-ray analysis in identifying the extent of mechanical damage in sweet corn seeds and its relationship with germination and vigor was evaluated. Hybrid 'SWB 551' (sh2) seeds with round (R) and flat (F) shapes were classified as large (L), medium (M1, M2 and M3) and small (S), using sieves with round and oblong screens. After artificial exposure to different levels of damage (0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 impacts), seeds were X-rayed (15 kV, 5 min) and submitted to germination (25 °C/5 days) and cold (10 °C/7 days) tests. Digital images of normal and abnormal seedlings and ungerminated seeds from germination and cold tests were jointly analyzed with the seed X-ray images. Results showed that damage affecting the embryonic axis resulted in abnormal seedlings or dead seeds in the germination and cold tests. The X-ray analysis is efficient for identifying mechanical damage in sweet corn seeds, allowing damage severity to be associated with losses in germination and vigor.


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In recent years, structural composites manufactured by carbon fiber/epoxy laminates have been employed in large scale in aircraft industries. These structures require high strength under severe temperature changes of -56° until 80 °C. Regarding this scenario, the aim of this research was to reproduce thermal stress in the laminate plate developed by temperature changes and tracking possible cumulative damages on the laminate using ultrasonic C-scan inspection. The evaluation was based on attenuation signals and the C-scan map of the composite plate. The carbon fiber/epoxy plain weave laminate underwent temperatures of -60° to 80 °C, kept during 10 minutes and repeated for 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 times. After 1000 cycles, the specimens were inspected by C-scanning. A few changes in the laminate were observed using the inspection methodology only in specimens cycled 3000 times, or so. According to the found results, the used temperature range did not present enough conditions to cumulative damage in this type of laminate, which is in agreement with the macro - and micromechanical theory.


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Abstract: Background: The alkaline version of the single-cell gel (comet) assay is a useful method for quantifying DNA damage. Although some studies on chronic and acute effects of exercise on DNA damage measured by the comet assay have been performed, it is unknown if an aerobic training protocol with intensity, volume, and load clearly defined will improve performance without leading to peripheral blood cell DNA damage. In addition, the effects of overtraining on DNA damage are unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effects of aerobic training and overtraining on DNA damage in peripheral blood and skeletal muscle cells in Swiss mice. To examine possible changes in these parameters with oxidative stress, we measured reduced glutathione (GSH) levels in total blood, and GSH levels and lipid peroxidation in muscle samples. Results: Performance evaluations (i.e., incremental load and exhaustive tests) showed significant intra and inter-group differences. The overtrained (OTR) group showed a significant increase in the percentage of DNA in the tail compared with the control (C) and trained (TR) groups. GSH levels were significantly lower in the OTR group than in the C and TR groups. The OTR group had significantly higher lipid peroxidation levels compared with the C and TR groups. Conclusions Aerobic and anaerobic performance parameters can be improved in training at maximal lactate steady state during 8 weeks without leading to DNA damage in peripheral blood and skeletal muscle cells or to oxidative stress in skeletal muscle cells. However, overtraining induced by downhill running training sessions is associated with DNA damage in peripheral blood and skeletal muscle cells, and with oxidative stress in skeletal muscle cells and total blood.


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UVA light (320–400 nm) represents approximately 95% of the total solar UV radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface. UVA light induces oxidative stress and the formation of DNA photoproducts in skin cells. These photoproducts such as pyrimidine dimers (cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, CPDs, and pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts, 6-4PPs) are removed by nucleotide excision repair (NER). In this repair pathway, the XPA protein is recruited to the damage removal site; therefore, cells deficient in this protein are unable to repair the photoproducts. The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of oxidative stress and the formation of DNA photoproducts in UVA-induced cell death. In fact, similar levels of oxidative stress and oxidised bases were detected in XP-A and NER-proficient cells exposed to UVA light. Interestingly, CPDs were detected in both cell lines; however, 6-4PPs were detected only in DNA repairdeficient cells. XP-A cells were also observed to be significantly more sensitive to UVA light compared to NER-proficient cells, with an increased induction of apoptosis, while necrosis was similarly observed in both cell lines. The induction of apoptosis and necrosis in XP-A cells using adenovirus-mediated transduction of specific photolyases was investigated and we confirm that both types of photoproducts are the primary lesions responsible for inducing cell death in XP-A cells and may trigger the skin-damaging effects of UVA light, particularly skin ageing and carcinogenesis.