951 resultados para FREE-ENERGY DIFFERENCES


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Based on the isospin- and momentum-dependent transport model IBUU04, the transverse momentum distributions of the free neutron-proton ratio in the Sn-132+(124) Sn reaction system at mid-central collisions with beam energies of 400/A MeV, 600/A MeV and 800/A MeV are studied by using two different symmetry energies. It is found that the free neutron-proton ratio as a function of the transverse momentum at the mid-rapidity is very sensitive to the density dependency of the symmetry energy especially at incident energies around 400/AMeV.


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Resting metabolic rates at thermoneutral (RMRts) are unexpectedly variable. One explanation is that high RMRts intrinsically potentiate a greater total daily energy expenditure (DEE), but recent work has suggested that DEE is extrinsically defined by the environment, which independently affects RMRt. This extrinsic effect could occur because expenditure is forced upwards in poor habitats or enabled to rise in good habitats. We provide here an intraspecific test for an association between RMRt and DEE that separates intrinsic from extrinsic effects and forcing from enabling effects. We measured the DEE and RMRt of 75 free-living short-tailed field voles at two time points in late winter. Across all sites, there was a positive link between individual variation in RMRt and DEE. This correlation, however, emerged only because of an effect across sites, rather than because of an intrinsic association within sites. We defined site quality from the survivorship of voles at the sites and the time at which they commenced breeding in spring. The associations between DEE/RMRt and site quality suggested that in February voles in poorer sites had higher energy demands, indicating that DEE was forced upwards, but in March the opposite was true, with higher demands in good sites, indicating that high expenditure was enabled. These data show that daily energy demands are extrinsically defined, with a link to RMRt that is secondary or independent. Both forcing and enabling effects of the environment may pertain at different times of year.


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1. Free-living animals make complex decisions associated with optimizing energy and nutrient intake. In environments where ambient temperatures fall below the thermoneutral zone, homeotherms must choose whether or not to forage, how long and what to forage for, and whether or not to perform activities that conserve energy.


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The resonance Raman spectra of the ground state and the lowest excited tripler state of free-base tetraphenylporphyrin and six of its isotopomers have been obtained using two-color time-resolved techniques. Ground-state spectra were recorded using low-energy 447 nm probe laser pulses, and triplet-state spectra were probed, with similar pulses, 30 ns after high-energy excitation with 532 nm pump pulses. Polarization data on both the ground and triplet states are also reported. The resonance Raman spectrum of the triplet is very different from that of the ground state but the combination of extensive isotope substitution with polarization data allows bands in the ground state to be assigned and corresponding bands in the tripler state to be located. Isotope shifts of the same bands in the S-0 and T-1 states are similar, implying that the compositions of the vibrational modes do not change significantly on excitation. Two of the strongest bands in the T-1 spectra are associated with phenyl ring substituents; these are shifted less than 5 cm(-1) between the S-0 and T-1 states so that bonding in the phenyl substituents is barely affected by excitation to the T-1 state. The changes in position of the porphyrin ring bands are larger, but still only tens of cm(-1) or less, the main changes in the spectra being due to differences in relative band intensities in the two states. The relatively small shifts in the porphyrin ring band positions which are observed show that the excitation energy is not localized on a single small region of the molecule but is delocalized over the entire porphyrin skeleton. This picture of an excited species with high chemical reactivity, but with individual bonds only slightly perturbed from the ground state, is contrasted with molecules, such as benzophenone, where excitation causes a large perturbation in the bonding within a single functional group.


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Two manganese steels were investigated: Fe-19.7%Mn (VM339A) and Fe-19.7%Mn stabilized with 0.056%C, 0.19%Ti and 0.083%Al (VM339B). The toughness of VM339A was higher than VM339B, but VM339B had higher hardness. Tempering does not affect the toughness of the alloys. SEM images of the fracture surface for both the alloys revealed ductile fractures. A further alloy with a lower manganese content, Fe-8.46%Mn-0.24%Nb-0.038%C, and thus even lower cost than the conventional 3.5Ni cryogenic steel, was tested for its impact toughness after heat treatment at 600°C, giving promising results.


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1. We present a model of the ideal free distribution (IFD) where differences between phenotypes other than those involved in direct competition for resources are considered. We show that these post-acquisitional differences can have a dramatic impact on the predicted distributions of individuals.

2. Specifically, we predict that, when the relative abilities of phenotypes are independent of location, there will be a continuum of mixed evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) distributions (where all phenotypes are present in all patches).

3, When the relative strengths of the post-acquisitional trait in the two phenotypes differ between patches, however, we predict only a single ESS at equilibrium. Further, this distribution may be fully or partially segregated (with the distribution of at least one phenotype being spatially restricted) but it will never be mixed.

4, Our results for post-acquisitional traits mirror those of Parker (1982) for direct competitive traits. This comparison illustrates that it does not matter whether individual differences are expressed before or after competition for resources, they will still exert considerable influence on the distribution of the individuals concerned.


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In this work, we demonstrate a very high-energy density and high-temperature stability capacitor based on SrTiO3-substituted BiFeO3 thin films. An energy density of 18.6 J/cm3 at 972 kV/cm is reported. The temperature coefficient of capacitance (TCC) was below 11% from room temperature up to 200°C. These results are of practical importance, because it puts forward a promising novel and environmentally friendly, lead-free material, for high-temperature applications in power electronics up to 200°C. Applications include capacitors for low carbon vehicles, renewable energy technologies, integrated circuits, and for the high-temperature aerospace sector. © 2013 Crown copyright


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We examine the effect of energy efficiency incentives on household energy efficiency home improvements. Starting in February 2007, Italian homeowners have been able to avail themselves of tax credits on the purchase and installation costs of certain types of energy efficiency renovations. We examine two such renovations—door/window replacements and heating system replacements—using multi-year cross-section data from the Italian Consumer Expenditure Survey and focusing on a narrow period around the introduction of the tax credits. Our regressions control for dwelling and household characteristics and economy-wide factors likely to influence the replacement rates. The effects of the policy are different for the two types of renovations. With window replacements, the policy is generally associated with a 30 % or stronger increase in the renovation rates and number of renovations. In the simplest econometric models, the effect is not statistically significant, but the results get stronger when we allow for heterogeneous effects across the country. With heating system replacements, simpler models suggest that the tax credits policy had no effect whatsoever or that free riding was rampant, i.e., people are now accepting subsidies for replacements that they would have done anyway. Further examination suggests a strong degree of heterogeneity in the effects across warmer and colder parts of the country, and effects in the colder areas that are even more pronounced than those for window replacements. These results should, however, be interpreted with caution due to the low rates of renovations, which imply that the effects are estimated relatively imprecisely.


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Controlled human intervention trials are required to confirm the hypothesis that dietary fat quality may influence insulin action. The aim was to develop a food-exchange model, suitable for use in free-living volunteers, to investigate the effects of four experimental diets distinct in fat quantity and quality: high SFA (HSFA); high MUFA (HMUFA) and two low-fat (LF) diets, one supplemented with 1.24g EPA and DHA/d (LFn-3). A theoretical food-exchange model was developed. The average quantity of exchangeable fat was calculated as the sum of fat provided by added fats (spreads and oils), milk, cheese, biscuits, cakes, buns and pastries using data from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey of UK adults. Most of the exchangeable fat was replaced by specifically designed study foods. Also critical to the model was the use of carbohydrate exchanges to ensure the diets were isoenergetic. Volunteers from eight centres across Europe completed the dietary intervention. Results indicated that compositional targets were largely achieved with significant differences in fat quantity between the high-fat diets (39.9 (SEM 0.6) and 38.9 (SEM 0.51) percentage energy (%E) from fat for the HSFA and HMUFA diets respectively) and the low-fat diets (29.6 (SEM 0.6) and 29.1 (SEM 0.5) %E from fat for the LF and LFn-3 diets respectively) and fat quality (17.5 (SEM 0.3) and 10.4 (SEM 0.2) %E front SFA and 12.7 (SEM 0.3) and 18.7 (SEM 0.4) %E MUFA for the HSFA and HMUFA diets respectively). In conclusion, a robust, flexible food-exchange model was developed and implemented successfully in the LIPGENE dietary intervention trial.


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An abdominal profile index (API) was developed for pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus as a measure of body condition. On basis of carcass analysis of 56 adult geese with known API prior to collection, we found significant linear relationships between API against body mass, abdominal fat and total energy content. Hence, changes in API reflect net energy intake rates. As an example of the applicability of the calibration, we compared APIs of individually marked geese before and after long migration episodes and estimated the cost of flight at 8.9 kJ/km. In addition we estimated gain rates at three major staging sites along the spring flyway indicating an increase in fueling rates with latitude. Calibration of APIs and energy contents offers new opportunities for field studies of waterfowl energetics.


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In response to handling or other acute stressors, most mammals, including humans, experience a temporary rise in body temperature (T b). Although this stress-induced rise in T b has been extensively studied on model organisms under controlled environments, individual variation in this interesting phenomenon has not been examined in the field. We investigated the stress-induced rise in T b in free-ranging eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) to determine first if it is repeatable. We predicted that the stress-induced rise in T b should be positively correlated to factors affecting heat production and heat dissipation, including ambient temperature (T a), body mass (M b), and field metabolic rate (FMR). Over two summers, we recorded both T b within the first minute of handling time (T b1) and after 5 min of handling time (T b5) 294 times on 140 individuals. The mean ∆T b (T b5 – T b1) during this short interval was 0.30 ± 0.02°C, confirming that the stress-induced rise in T b occurs in chipmunks. Consistent differences among individuals accounted for 40% of the total variation in ∆T b (i.e. the stress-induced rise in T b is significantly repeatable). We also found that the stress-induced rise in T b was positively correlated to T a, M b, and mass-adjusted FMR. These results confirm that individuals consistently differ in their expression of the stress-induced rise in T b and that the extent of its expression is affected by factors related to heat production and dissipation. We highlight some research constraints and opportunities related to the integration of this laboratory paradigm into physiological and evolutionary ecology.