976 resultados para FINANCES
Description based on 1912 issue.
[no. 1] Evans, George. The tariff of 1842 vindicated.--[no. 2] Evans, George. Discussion on the tariff.--[no. 3] Stewart, Andrew. Speech ... in defence of the tariff and distribution.--[no. 4] Wethered, John. Speech ... on the tariff.--[no. 5] Dayton, W.L. Speech ... on the tariff.--[no. 6] Stephens, A.H. Speech ... against the tariff bill reported by the committee of ways and means.--[no. 7] Rives, W.C. Speech ... on Mr. McDuffie's proposition to repeal the tariff act of 1842.--[no. 8] The tariff, a tract for the times, by a citizen of Virginia.--[no. 9] Tariff doctrine.--[no. 10] The sub-treasury.--[no. 11] Stuart, A.H.H. Speech ... on the bill to incorporate the subscribers to the fiscal bank of the United States.--[no. 12] Archer, W.S. Speech ... on the treaty for the annexation of Texas.--[no. 13] Jarnagin, Spencer. Speech ... on the treaty for the annexation of Texas.--[no. 14] Benton, T.H. Texas annexation bill.--[no. 15] Whig text book.--[no. 16] Hardin, J.J. Speech ... reviewing the public life & political principles of Mr. Van Buren.--[no. 17] White, John. Speech ... in defence of Mr. Clay upon the charge of "Bargain and sale".--[no. 18] Davis, Garret. Extract from the speech ... exhibiting the expenditures of Mr. Van Buren's administration, the public debt, and the condition of the Treasury at its close.--[no. 19] Barnard, D.D. Letter ... in review of the report of the committee of ways and means on the finances and the public debt.
I. How to measure your efficiency.--II. How to get ahead.--III. How to keep well.--IV. How to improve your finances.--V. How to organize your work.--VI. How to be efficient at home.--VII. How to plan your life.
At head of title, 1842- : Statistique de la Belgique; 1923-1931, Union Economique Belgo-Luxembourgeoise.
Reports for 1801-1828 were also reprinted in 2 vols. with the reports of Alexander Hamilton on public credit, on a national bank, on manufactures, and on the establishment of a mint, prefixed. Washington, Printed by D. Green, 1828-29.
Pie de imp. T. I-VI: Imprimerie Impériale.
Querard, I, 16, afirma que esta ed. consta de 16 t. en 6 v.
At head of title: République Française. Ministère des finances. Direction générale des douanes.
Contiene: Sur le Ministère de Finances ; Sur le Ministère des Affaires avec les Etrangers ; Sur le Ministère de la Guerre avec les Etrangers ; Projèt pour parvenir à la paix.
Each no. consists of a statistical report and a separate summary report,
t. I. Origines de l'éphébie. Tableau des institutions éphébiques. Devoirs politiques, religieux et militaires des éphèbes. Exercices gymnastiques. Études littéraires. Les finances du collège.--t. II. Textes éphébiques classés par ordre de dates. Chronologie des éponymes athéniens. Succession des fonctionnairs de l'éphébie attique. Tableaux donnant la suite de ces fonctionnaires par archontats.
"Together with the reports of committees, appointed to visit the county societies, with an appendix, containing an abstract of the finances of the county societies" (varies slightly).
v. 1. no. 1. Governmental organization. no. 2. Popularly elected officials -- v. 2. Taxable property values and assessment/sales price ratios -- v. 3. no. 1. Employment of major local governments. no. 2. Compendium of public employment. no. 3. Labor management relations in state and local governments -- v. 4. no. 1 Finances of school districts. no. 2 Finances of special districts. no. 3. Finances of county governments. no. 4. Finances of municipalities and township governments. no. 5. Compendium of government finances -- v. 5. Local government in metropolitan areas -- v. 6. no. 1. Employee retirement systems of state and local governments. no. 3. State payments to local governments. no. 4. Historical statistics on governmental finances and employment. no. 5. Graphic summary of the 1977 census of governments. no. 6. Regional organizations -- v. 7. Guide to 1977 census of governments.
Issues for <1976/77-> published in 3 vols.