996 resultados para Executive advisory bodies


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The editor and contributors to this volume are concerned that these thinkers have been misappropriated on occasions. That is why this volume concentrates on the historical and intellectual background of these philosophers.


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Angela Carter described herself as being in the “demythologisingbusiness” (“Notes”, 38) and in her 1984 novel Nights at the CircusCarter’s interrogative scope is both broad and complex. The wingedaerialiste Fevvers and the rag-bag of circus freaks with whom shejourneys evoke the Rabelaisian carnivalesque that Bakhtin cites as apowerful challenge to the spatial, temporal, and linguistic fixities of themedieval world. The transformative and regenerative potential ofRabelais’ grotesque is evident in Nights' temporal setting, whichforegrounds the possibilities of birth through death. Set at the “fagend” of the nineteenth century (19), the characters are witness tohistory on the cusp as “[t]he old dying world gives birth to the newone” (Bakhtin, 435). Here Carter has shifted the point of historicalregeneration from Rabelais’ subversion of the Neo-Platonic medievalcosmology to, rather hopefully, symbolize the demise or at least thederailment of the Age of Reason, industrial progress, Imperialism, andtheir respective ideologies of misogyny. For Fevvers and Walser theexcess of the carnivalesque prompts a crisis of subjectivity thatsignals both the redundancy of restrictive ideologies of demarcationand hierarchy, but also the playful possibilities of corporeal fluidity andreferential relativism.


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INTRODUCTION: Executive functions are high-order aspects of cognition heavily dependent upon the prefrontal cortex. Both prefrontal cortex activity and executive function task performance are enhanced by participation in aerobic physical activity, suggesting that a lack of such activity during the bed rest model of prolonged weightlessness might induce executive function deficits. METHODS: Twenty-four healthy males (ages 21-45 yr) undertook 60 d of head-down bed rest (-6 degrees) for the 2nd Berlin Bed Rest Study (BBR2-2). Three executive function tasks (Iowa Gambling Task, working memory, and flanker) and a reaction time task were administered before, during, and after bed rest. RESULTS: Iowa Gambling Task scores were significantly worse during bed rest (1.7 +/- 6.9) than in other sessions (24.3 +/- 7.8). Effects on working memory and flanker task performance were less obvious, requiring practice effects to be considered. Reaction time was significantly slower after bed rest (569 +/- 42 ms) than in earlier tests (529 +/- 45 ms). There was also significantly less intrasubject variability in reaction time after bed rest, consistent with more efficient executive functioning at this stage. DISCUSSION: Our results provide some evidence for a detrimental effect of bed rest on executive functioning. Whether this stems from a lack of aerobic physical activity and/or changes in the prefrontal cortex remains to be determined. Cognitive effects of bed rest could have implications for the planned human exploration of Mars, and for medical and lifestyle conditions with inadequate levels of aerobic physical activity.


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Bicycle advisory treatments are used to advise road users of the potential presence of cyclists and of the location where cyclists may be expected to ride on a road. They include pavement markings, warning signs, guide signs, and as such have no regulatory function. The most common type of bicycle advisory pavement markings is the shared lane marking. Other forms of bicycle advisory pavement marking have also been trialled and used in several local jurisdictions. The bicycle awareness zone is an example of such facility which has been trialled and used in southeast Queensland, Australia since the late 1990s. A bicycle awareness zone is similar to shared lane marking in principle but differs in the type of logo and, in some cases, location of its placement on the road. This study assesses the operational and safety issues at three bicycle awareness zone sites by analysing video-assisted observation data collected in 2011 by Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, Australia. Of the several applications of bicycle awareness zones, this study only covers a particular application where the centre of the bicycle symbol is placed exactly over the parking edge line. Unlike previous studies, which mostly covered before-and-after evaluations of bicycle advisory pavement markings, the focus of this study is to assess whether the placement of bicycle awareness zone symbols has been successful. The aggregated results from video-assisted observational data show that the cyclists did not always track themselves over the centre of the symbols. Rather, both the cyclists' lateral tracking positions and road user interactions varied with the widths of kerbside parallel parking space. Since the bicycle awareness zone symbols are not positioned on the cyclists' desired line of ride on some roads, their operational effectiveness and safety value are questioned.


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In this paper, we address the problems of fully automatic localization and segmentation of 3D vertebral bodies from CT/MR images. We propose a learning-based, unified random forest regression and classification framework to tackle these two problems. More specifically, in the first stage, the localization of 3D vertebral bodies is solved with random forest regression where we aggregate the votes from a set of randomly sampled image patches to get a probability map of the center of a target vertebral body in a given image. The resultant probability map is then further regularized by Hidden Markov Model (HMM) to eliminate potential ambiguity caused by the neighboring vertebral bodies. The output from the first stage allows us to define a region of interest (ROI) for the segmentation step, where we use random forest classification to estimate the likelihood of a voxel in the ROI being foreground or background. The estimated likelihood is combined with the prior probability, which is learned from a set of training data, to get the posterior probability of the voxel. The segmentation of the target vertebral body is then done by a binary thresholding of the estimated probability. We evaluated the present approach on two openly available datasets: 1) 3D T2-weighted spine MR images from 23 patients and 2) 3D spine CT images from 10 patients. Taking manual segmentation as the ground truth (each MR image contains at least 7 vertebral bodies from T11 to L5 and each CT image contains 5 vertebral bodies from L1 to L5), we evaluated the present approach with leave-one-out experiments. Specifically, for the T2-weighted MR images, we achieved for localization a mean error of 1.6 mm, and for segmentation a mean Dice metric of 88.7% and a mean surface distance of 1.5 mm, respectively. For the CT images we achieved for localization a mean error of 1.9 mm, and for segmentation a mean Dice metric of 91.0% and a mean surface distance of 0.9 mm, respectively.


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Using a large sample of U.S. firms spanning the period 2000-2010, we document a strong positive association between the sensitivity of CEO compensation portfolio to stock return volatility (vega) and audit fees. We also show that the positive association between vega and audit fees is weaker in the post-Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) period. In supplementary tests, we show that the relation between vega and audit fees is stronger for firms with older CEOs and in firms where the CEO is also chairman of the board. Collectively, our results suggest that audit firms incorporate executive risktaking incentives in the fees they charge for their services.


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Este trabalho tem o objetivo de desenvolver e avaliar um Protótipo de um EIS (Executive Information System) que integre os níveis hierárquicos operacional, tático e estratégico, a fim de suprir e dar suporte, quanto a informações, a uma das Pró- Reitorias da Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS. Quer-se demonstrar não só a importância mas também a contribuição da integração, através do acesso e compartilhamento das informações, dos níveis hierárquicos, proporcionada pelo Protótipo, para a obtenção da eficiência e eficácia das atividades desenvolvidas na Pró-Reitoria em estudo. Através de revisão bibliográfica e de levantamentos efetuados por meio de questionários, elaborou-se o Protótipo EIS -UCS, o qual posteriormente foi avaliado através de dois protocolos, aplicados em momentos distintos, e também através da grade de análise do modelo conceitual de EIS. Os resultados obtidos demonstram o cumprimento do objetivo de desenvolver e avaliar o protótipo EIS-UCS. Os resultados apresentam o obtido em relação ao processo, ao sistema, ao conteúdo, a integração dos níveis hierárquicos e o aprendizado da organização e do pesquisador. Concluiu-se que o Protótipo EIS-UCS integra, através do acesso e compartilhamento das informações, os níveis hierárquicos e também supre e dá suporte, quanto ao nível de informações à Pró-Reitoria de Extensão e Relações Universitárias da Universidade de Caxias do Sul.


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How do presidents win legislative support under conditions of extreme multipartism? Comparative presidential research has offered two parallel answers, one relying on distributive politics and the other claiming that legislative success is a function of coalition formation. We merge these insights in an integrated approach to executive-legislative relations, also adding contextual factors related to dynamism and bargaining conditions. We find that the two presidential “tools” – pork and coalition goods – are substitutable resources, with pork functioning as a fine-tuning instrument that interacts reciprocally with legislative support. Pork expenditures also depend upon a president’s bargaining leverage and the distribution of legislative seats.


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A elaboração do orçamento público é uma das mais importantes atribuições do Poder Legislativo nos países de regime democrático, não obstante a iniciativa das leis orçamentárias tenha se transferido para o Executivo. Atualmente, os papéis desempenhados pelos Poderes Executivo e Legislativo na elaboração do orçamento estão definidos nas constituições, onde se observa uma tendência ao equilíbrio entre os dois Poderes. A história do orçamento está intimamente associada ao poderio crescente dos parlamentos que passaram a reivindicar o direito de autorizar as receitas e dispor sobre as despesas públicas. O orçamento, introduzido primeiramente na Inglaterra, como um instrumento de controle político do Parlamento sobre a Coroa, e adotado pelos franceses e norte-americanos em suas lutas por liberdade, aos poucos, foi sendo utilizado pela maioria das nações. No Brasil, tomando-se por referência as constituições ao longo de sua história, a participação do Poder Legislativo na elaboração do orçamento caracterizou-se pela oscilação em termos do maior ou menor controle sobre as decisões orçamentárias. A Constituição Federal de 1 988 recuperou as prerrogativas do Congresso Nacional para dispor sobre matéria orçamentária que haviam sido retiradas na Constituição de 1 967. A Constituição trouxe importantes mudanças nesta área, entre elas a conclusão do processo de unificação orçamentária, a aprovação pelo Legislativo não só da lei orçamentária como dos novos instrumentos de planejamento (lei do plano plurianual e lei de diretrizes orçamentárias), a instituição de uma comissão mista permanente de Senadores e Deputados e a possibilidade de emendar os projetos de lei do Executivo. A lei de diretrizes orçamentárias, considerada uma das mais relevantes inovações introduzidas ao capítulo da Constituição que trata do orçamento público, foi concebida com o objetivo maior de permitir uma intervenção prévia do Poder Legislativo na elaboração do projeto de lei do orçamento, antecipando as decisões sobre as metas e prioridades a serem contempladas na elaboração orçamentária. Apesar dos novos instrumentos e do amplo poder de intervenção, no período de 1990 à 1995 a atuação do Legislativo no que diz respeito à definição de metas e prioridades ficou comprometida principalmente pela falta de vontade política para aprovar a Lei Complementar de Finanças Públicas e para implantar na comissão mista de orçamento uma estrutura e processos de funcionamento correspondentes ao novo papel que a Constituição reservou a esta comissão. A análise dos documentos e os depoimentos levantados mostraram que a atuação do Legislativo foi prejudicada também pela inexistência do planejamento governamental e pela deficiência dos projetos de lei do Executivo, que pouca atenção deram às metas e prioridades.


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While countries managed to rapidly rise and recover economically, Brazilian social indicators have advanced at short pace in the last decades. Although millions of Brazilians have recently left poverty, Brazil still has a long way to go regarding its socioeconomic development. Circa one fifth of the population is still considered functionally illiterate, basic education has one of the poorest performances in the world, the country has no top-level universities nor produces technology or patents at relevant levels. This paper, at first, analyses how the interaction between government and private agents influenced Brazil’s industrial and economic development, identifying the existence of bonds based on the exchange of private interests that at great extension kept public policies from reaching goals of national interest – the so called crony capitalism. Secondly, the paper verifies how development policies based on the promotion of innovative companies and segments of the industry may positively impact broad socioeconomic development. The paper delves specifically into the cooperation between universities and industry as a development tool. Enterprises and universities, guided by their endogenous interests, may be combined for the structuring of a national innovation system. While universities are fundamentally interested in promoting knowledge accumulation, enterprises are willing to invest financial capital in universities in exchange for the economic exploitation of products developed within the academic environment and direct access to its human capital. Lastly, the paper identifies the legal and cultural barriers and advances of this mechanism in Brazil. It verifies that, notwithstanding the institutional advance promoted by the Law of Innovation to the university-enterprise cooperation in Brazil, the law wasn’t entirely capable of eliminating the legal uncertainty of this relationship and capturing in an efficient way the interests of the agents involved. Recently, federal law n. 12.863/2013 officially offered universities the option of bypassing problems related to public law by regulating support foundations, which conceives greater certainty and simplicity to the cooperation. There are, however, remaining uncertainties regarding the norms to be edited by the executive power, as well as conflicts of interest linked to the property rights over patents resulting from this kind of cooperation. The paper verifies, moreover, the existence of ideological resistance to this tool within universities, in such a way that it is unlikely that those relationships develop in a systematic way throughout the country without further engagement from the government and its executive and legislative bodies.


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This document brings together in a succinct form the available data about the current state of the Creative and Advanced Technology Economy of Brazil, presents some suggestions for public policies which can contribute to the development of technological and creative activities, and also points to issues to be studied and actions to be carried out in the future.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)