1000 resultados para Espanya-Situació política-1808-1810


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Analysis of gas emissions by the input-output subsystem approach provides detailed insight into pollution generation in an economy. Structural decomposition analysis, on the other hand, identifies the factors behind the changes in key variables over time. Extending the input-output subsystem model to account for the changes in these variables reveals the channels by which environmental burdens are caused and transmitted throughout the production system. In this paper we propose a decomposition of the changes in the components of CO2 emissions captured by an input-output subsystems representation. The empirical application is for the Spanish service sector, and the economic and environmental data are for years 1990 and 2000. Our results show that services increased their CO2 emissions mainly because of a rise in emissions generated by non-services to cover the final demand for services. In all service activities, the decomposed effects show an increase in CO2 emissions due to a decrease in emission coefficients (i.e., emissions per unit of output) compensated by an increase in emissions caused both by the input-output coefficients and the rise in demand for services. Finally, large asymmetries exist not only in the quantitative changes in the CO2 emissions of the various services but also in the decomposed effects of these changes. Keywords: structural decomposition analysis, input-output subsystems, CO2 emissions, service sector.


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Network airlines have been increasingly focusing their operations on hub airports through the exploitation of connecting traffic, allowing them to take advantage of economies of traffic density, which are unequivocal in the airline industry. Less attention has been devoted to airlines' decisions on point-to-point thin routes, which could be served using different aircraft technologies and different business models. This paper examines, both theoretically and empirically, the impact on airlines' networks of the two major innovations in the airline industry in the last two decades: the regional jet technology and the low-cost business model. We show that, under certain circumstances, direct services on point-to-point thin routes can be viable and thus airlines may be interested in deviating passengers out of the hub. Keywords: regional jet technology; low-cost business model; point-to-point network; hub-and-spoke network JEL Classi…fication Numbers: L13; L2; L93


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ABSTRACT: El proceso de decisión de compra del consumidor turístico viene condicionado en gran medida por la imagen que éste tiene de los diferentes destinos que configuran su campo de elección. En un mercado turístico internacional altamente competitivo, los responsables de las políticas de desarrollo y promoción de los destinos buscan estrategias de diferenciación que les permitan posicionarse en los segmentos de mercado más adecuados para su producto, con el fin de conseguir mejorar su poder de atracción de visitantes e incrementar o consolidar los beneficios económicos que la actividad turística genera en su territorio. En este sentido, el objetivo principal que nos planteamos en este trabajo es el análisis empírico de los factores que determinan la formación de la imagen de la ciudad de Tarragona como destino turístico de patrimonio cultural. Sin duda, la declaración como Patrimonio Mundial por parte de la UNESCO, en el año 2000, del conjunto artístico y monumental con el que cuenta la ciudad de Tarragona, supuso un importante reconocimiento internacional de la calidad de los elementos culturales y patrimoniales que ofrece la Ciudad a todos los visitantes que la escogen como destino turístico. También representa una oportunidad estratégica para impulsar la promoción turística de la Ciudad y su consolidación como destino singularizado por sus características culturales y patrimoniales. Nuestro trabajo se basa en la utilización de técnicas estructuradas para identificar los factores que determinan los componentes de la imagen turística de Tarragona y que influyen de manera decisiva en el proceso de elección del destino por parte de sus visitantes. Además de poder conocer la imagen turística global de Tarragona, consideramos que la heterogeneidad de sus visitantes requiere un estudio más detallado que nos permita segmentar la tipología de los visitantes. La información que nos aportan estos resultados nos han de permitir comparar la imagen percibida por los turistas que visitan Tarragona, con los objetivos de diseño de producto y promoción del destino que tienen los responsables de la política turística local. Key words: Imagen de destino turístico; análisis factorial; análisis cluster; política turística local.


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This paper examines competition between generic and brand-name drugs in the regulated Spanish pharmaceutical market. A nested logit demand model is specified for the three most consumed therapeutic subgroups in Spain: statins (anticholesterol), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (antidepressants) and proton pump inhibitors (antiulcers). The model is estimated with instrumental variables from a panel of monthly prescription data from 1999 to 2005. The dataset distinguishes between three different levels of patients’ copayments within the prescriptions and the results show that the greater the level of insurance that the patient has (and therefore the lower the patient’s copayment), the lower the proportion of generic prescriptions made by physicians. It seems that the low level of copayment has delayed the penetration of generics into the Spanish market. Additionally, the estimation of the demand model suggests that the substitution rules and promotional efforts associated with the reference pricing system have increased generic market share, and that being among the first generic entrants has an additional positive effect.


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Relatoria del seminario internacional “La paz en movimiento. Protestas, políticas, impactos. Las experiencias del movimiento por la paz en Italia y en España” celebrado en Barcelona en octubre de 2010 y organizado por el Instituto Catalán Internacional para la Paz (ICIP). El seminario tuvo como objetivo propiciar un espacio de intercambio de ideas en el que confluyeran tanto los activistas como los estudiosos del movimiento por la paz italiano y español. La publicación recoge tanto un resumen de las presentaciones realizadas como de los debates generados.


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El present treball realitza un recorregut per la situació de la immigració a Espanya durant les últimes dècades, des dels anys noranta fins avui, per a observar les peculiaritats que aquest col•lectiu ha tingut al nostre país davant cadascun dels contextos econòmics i polítics. Paral•lelament, s’estableix l’anàlisi de la normativa al respecte, amb la finalitat de trobar la seva evolució a través del temps. Amb això, es pot dirimir si les reformes legals van dirigides a millorar la situació dels estrangers i solucionar els problemes que ha comportat la crisi, en definitiva, si contribueix a fer de la nostra una societat millor.


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Aquesta investigació és un primer pas per a una anàlisi del paper de la traducció en la construcció de la imatge de l'Altre japonès. Aquesta tesina consta d'un corpus de literatura japonesa traduïda a Espanya entre el 1930 i el 2005, incloent els gèneres d'assaig i tècnico-científics, i una anàlisi de les dades principalment quantitativa. S'analitza el tipus de traducció (directa o indirecta) de forma diacrònica i per gèneres, i també la selecció temàtica per observar si es tendeix a l'"exotisme", així com la utilitat dels paratextos per a aconseguir informació sobre el procés traductor


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This paper explores the factors that determine firm’s R&D cooperation with different partners, paying special attention on the role of tertiary education (degree and PhDs level) in facilitating the connection between the firms and the to scientific bodies (technology centres, public research centres and universities). Here, we attempt to answer two questions. First, are innovative firms that carry out internal and external R&D activities more likely to cooperate on R&D projects with other partners? Second, do Spanish innovative firms with a high participation of researchers with degrees or PhDs tend to cooperate more with scientific partners? To answer both questions we apply a three-dimensional approach on a firm level Panel Data with a sample of 4.998 manufacturing and services Spanish firms. First, we run a complementary test between external R&D acquisition and skilled research workers and find that firms which carry out external R&D activities obtain a greater return on R&D cooperation when they have skilled workers in R&D, especially in high-tech manufactures and KIS services. Second, we carry out a 2-step tobit model to estimate, in the first stage, the determinants that explain whether Spanish innovative firms cooperate or not; and in the second stage the factors that affect the choice of partners. And third, we apply an ordered probit model to test the marginal effects of explanatory variables on the different partners. Here we contrast some of the most interesting empirical hypotheses of previous studies, and which emphasize the role of employees with degrees and PhDs in facilitating cooperative R&D between firms and scientific partners.


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How do monopolistically competitive industries react to shocks in the context of a New Keynesian macro model? I bridge macroeconomics and trade theory by considering market dynamics. I use an analytically tractable closed-economy model with endogenous entry of firms and show the implications of markets structure for the transmission of real shocks on aggregate variables and welfare. Shock sources become crucial for the results: traditional productivity shocks cause an extensive effect on production; shocks on innovation cause an intensive impact. More patient populations bring the economy to a richer market, although it cushions the extensive effect after an innovation shock.


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Some historians have argued that 1996 marked a ‘second transition’ for Spain because of the return to power of the political right in Madrid and that the relationship and eventual pact between the Partido Popular (PP) and Convergència i Unió (CiU) meant that the state could finally escape the ghosts of its Francoist past. For this research, face-to-face interviews were conducted with Catalan Members of Parliament who served under either José María Aznar or Jordi Pujol in Madrid or Barcelona. Drawing upon both interviews and other evidence, including the analysis of election results and the 1996 Hotel Majestic Agreement, the research seeks to provide a better understanding of the previous relationships between the PP and CiU and their leaders in order to understand what lessons might be learnt that would contribute to anticipating and explaining possible future negotiations between the two parties. This is attempted by first examining the potential costs and benefits of political pacts between centre (Madrid) and periphery (Barcelona). Secondly, due to many interviewees making reference to Salvador Espriu’s work La Pell de Brau, the three routes of Espriu’s Catalan nationalism are put into the context of the political pacts. Finally, the likelihood of future agreements between PP and CiU are hypothesized, not only how those agreements may (or may not) come about, but also, what might the result of those negotiations be. Ultimately, it is concluded that the benefits of the Hotel Majestic Agreement outweighed the costs, thus leaving the door open for future negotiations, even if some of those interviewed disagreed.


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This paper identifies and then quantifies econometrically the impact of leniency programs on the perception of the effectiveness of antitrust policies using country level panel data for a 10-year span. Leniency programs have been introduced gradually in antitrust legislation across the globe to fight more effectively against cartels. We use the dynamics of the diffusion of such policy innovation across countries and over time to evaluate the impact of the program. We find that leniency programs have had a significant impact on the perception among the business community of the effectiveness of each country‟s antitrust policy. Leniency programs have become weapons of mass dissuasion in the hands of antitrust enforcers against the more damaging forms of explicit collusion among rival firms in the market place.


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Les revolucions democràtiques que assoten el nord d'Àfrica han tornat ha obrir, entre d'altres, el debat sobre l'operativitat de les polítiques europees en aquesta regió. El present treball s'emmarca en aquest context geopolític i té com a finalitat avaluar la implementació de la política sancionadora de la Unió Europea en tres països objecte d'estudi, és a dir, Egipte Tunísia i Líbia. Després d'analitzar la política exterior europea en el Mediterrani, i l'oportunisme històric que el context polític actual ofereix per a la reformulació de les relacions euromediterrànies, conclourem qüestionant la intervenció europea en la gestió de la crisi i, en particular, l'eficàcia dels seus instruments sancionadors.


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Aquest treball té per objecte analitzar quina és la capacitat actual del govern espanyol per liderar les polítiques europees respecte a Cuba. El període escollit per a la realització d'aquest examen s'inicia l'any 2004, moment en què el PSOE es va fer amb la victòria en les eleccions generals i en què va anunciar un canvi de rumb en l'acció exterior espanyola respecte de la postura promoguda pel PP en els mandats anteriors, i es perllonga fins al moment actual. El balanç dels èxits i fracassos obtinguts pel govern socialista fins ara, mostra una creixent pèrdua d'influència d'Espanya, davant etapes anteriors, si tradicional paper d'interlocutor avantatjat de la UE pel que fa a Cuba. la concurrència de factors com l'adhesió dels PECO a la UE, la capacitat de la Havana per procurar nous aliats i socis estratègics o les innovacions introduïdes pel tractat de Lisboa en matèria d'acció exterior, ha augmentat significativament les dificultats d'Espanya per "europeïtzar" els interessos de la seva política exterior pel que fa a l'Illa


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The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of pork value chains in Catalonia, Spain and Manitoba, Canada. Intensive hog production models were implemented in Catalonia in the 1960s as a result of agriculture crises and fostered by feedstuffs factories. The expansion of the hog sector in Manitoba is more recent (in the 1990s) and brought about in large part by the opening of the Maple Leaf Meats processing plant in Brandon, Manitoba. This plant is capable of processing 90,000 hogs per week. Both hog production models ‐ the ‘older’ one in Catalonia (Spain) and the ‘newer’ in Manitoba‐ have been, until recently, examples of success. Inventories and production have been increasing substantially and both regions have proven to have great export potential. Recently, however, tensions have been developing with the hog production models of both regions, particularly as they relate to environmental concerns. The purpose of the paper is to compare the value chains with respect to their origins (e.g. supply a growing demand for pork, ensure farm profitability) and present states (e.g. environmental concerns, profitability). Keywords: pork value chain, hog farms, agri‐food studies. JEL: Q10, Q13, O57


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This article examines the governance structures for managing the location and operation of Intensive Livestock Farming Operations (ILFOs). The article focuses on the hog sector and compares two very different jurisdictions: the Province of Manitoba, Canada and the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, Spain. Both are regions that have witnessed recent increases in hog production, including increasing spatial concentration of ILFOs and increasing size of those ILFOs. Policy has both fostered and sought to manage the increased production. Following a brief background description of restructuring, the changing legislative framework for Manitoba and Catalonia are described. Keywords: environmental regulations, hog farms, manure management, animal feeding operations. JEL: Q15, Q58, R52, O57