1000 resultados para Espaço biográfico.


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This paper presents reflections on a survey on the participation of women seated in the Food Acquisition Program in the city of Wenceslas President / SP. From discussion of the issue of gender in the Brazilian countryside and along the beneficiary populations of land reform policies, evaluates the invisibility of the economic contribution of women - with generally restricted operations to the care of household activities and production for self - which is changing both due to the mobilization of women as the different public policies implemented in the last decade. One of these, the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) is analyzed in its operation. Although not gestated for this specific purpose, this program has contributed to the visibility of women's productive work in the settlements. The research was made through the verification of female participation in the mandatory documents for inclusion in the EAP, revealing a percentage that over ix the years has been superimposed, making women acquire economic autonomy and even in a limited way conquering empowerment


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The aim of this study was to propose a reading of theoretical and methodological geography of Brazilian agriculture in Post-Graduate Studies in Geography (PPGE's) from the Southeast, from the 1970s, trying to present a discussion of the analysis categories (space, territory, landscape, region and place) that has been unleashed over the meetings of Agrarian Geography (ENGA's) and in three meetings of the Research Groups of Agrarian Geography (2005, 2006, 2007). So, we started with the hypothesis that the relativization of scientific concepts may impair development of spatial concepts only. To accomplish our objective we carried out a survey of dissertations and theses supported in the period 1970 to 2009, in Post-Graduate in Geography and UFU UFMG (Minas Gerais), UFRJ, UFF and UERJ (Rio de Janeiro) and USP, UNESP / Rio Claro, UNESP / Presidente Prudente (Sao Paulo). The evaluation dealt with the quantitative and drew a profile of Agrarian Geography. Qualitatively, further analysis, crossing information, contextualizing the themes and especially evaluating the theoretical set referenced in the works, an indication of the possible paths followed by this branch of the Brazilian Geography for which it is observed that the references to the categories space and, more specifically the organization of space, was prioritized in the 1980s and the territory as a reference work after 1990.


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This paper discusses urban space focusing on the housing sector, the capitalist reproduction and some changes occurring in that space as a result of the dynamics of the real estate sector and interests of financial agents, developers and urban land owners/speculators. The changes imposed to cities value abstract spaces over concrete ones, showing the unbalance between the interests of agents, who have in view the market, and those of dwellers, who live daily in such areas. Based on these reflections, a case study was carried out in the Jardim Letcia neighborhood in Leme city (state of So Paulo) in order to understand the space production and reproduction in that area, analyze some of the main problems faced by local people, and identify some agents involved in the process.


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This article focus on the urban space to analyze the second narratives that account for the short story Mondo, included in the book Mondo et autres histoires by Le Clzio. These narratives sometimes reflect the situation of the eponymous character and the other outsider characters in the city they live, sometimes refer to different cultures that live on the same site.


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This article analyses the transformations of spatial references in SophoclesPhiloctetes. As we can see, instead of being cristalized in formulas and conventions, Ancient Greek Theater has renewed itself constantly, by experiencing different ways to correlate audience and events on stage.


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El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la posible contribucin del desarrollo la Planificacin de la Regencia en el Laboratorio de Enseanza de la Ciencia para el curso de enseanza en Biologa. Con este fin, se aplic un cuestionario abierto a 16 estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Ciencias Biolgicas de la UnB, la identificacin de la percepcin inicial de la actividad en el inicio del curso, los cambios en estas percepciones a travs del tiempo y sus opiniones sobre el potencial y las limitaciones de utilizar este espacio para la preparacin de las clases. Por experiencia, los estudiantes reportaron la percepcin del laboratorio como un espacio de colaboracin que proporciona mejoras en la prctica, y facilitar el acceso a diversos materiales para las clases de enriquecimiento. Las actividades del Laboratorio de Enseanza permiti el escenario se reunieron los aspectos fundamentales de la formacin docente constituye un espacio de reflexin sobre la construccin y el fortalecimiento de la identidad docente


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Ps-graduao em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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This work consists in the creation of a multimedia product online, and is entitled Esse tal de brincar. The content is presented in the form of informative journalistic texts and brings the play as an essential process for child development, with an impact on adult life. Has the general objective to demonstrate the relevance of the importance of play in children's education. The methodology procedures of bibliographic search and documents for the construction of the theoretical basis were used. Besides the choice of themes, interviews, investigation and journalistic writing were used in production. The research that support the whole discussion is given through interviews, videos and other publications on childhood, education and the play itself. The platform chosen for this was the Wix and were created the visual identity, such as layout, logo, color distribution, highlights, photos and videos. The publication seeks to achieve parents and educators with the intention of raising awareness about the importance of play in early childhood through informative content


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The concept of region raises two related historical problems. First of all, it concerns the epistemological accomplishment of regional history, since the need to provide a total history, one of the main challenges of the Annales movement, undergoes an impact with the notion of local, so that the overflight of the historic totality becomes nowadays an intensive totality. The historian who overflies the reality is replaced by the wanderer historian. In addition to this epistemological question, we can think about the historical feature of spaces. From an ontological point of view, according to the modes of its composition, as well as from the standpoint of its practical constitution, space can be either smooth or striated. These types of space belong to the Gilles Deleuze s nomadology and their definition might improve the characterization and description of historical spaces with regard to a certain contemporary historiographical movement known as the New Cultural History.Key Words: history;space;nomadism.