878 resultados para Escolas públicas - Aspectos sociais - Teses
Communities of Practice are groups of people who share a concern, problem or passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise by interacting regularly. It¿s use as a tool for planning and implementation of programs for continuous training of teachers in Brazil is not widespread, but used occasionally. This dissertation seeks to demonstrate the use of the communities of practice theory in continuous teachers training in the Brazilian reality. It presents some models of continuous formation currently in process in Brazil, points to the principles of knowledge management taken by this work, presents the communities of practice theory and the criticism of this in its theoretical part. For the case study was used the methodology described by Robert Yin (2005) of single case study to examine the Multicurso, program to continuously train math teachers in the state of Goiás, Brazil. The community of practice formed in this program was examined on its form, as to the cultivation of communities of practice, as to the development and about the challenges of geographical distribution. Going beyond, this work has as its main objective to propose a methodology for measuring the value of communities of practice from the case studied, without the intention to make generalizations about the measurement of value in projects of various kinds. The model proposed indicators separated into two categories, the outcome and impact, to facilitate the measurement of value and prevent that communities of practice are to be criticized or super estimated by assignment of value to those without the unequivocal proof of unique causality at the same time it searchs to attest that the contribution of communities of practice in improvements in the systems in which the CoP are in.
The study has the purpose to check the existence of correlation between country image and attitude towards films from different countries. The study also had the objective of verify the predominance of one of the three components of attitude: affect, cognition and behavior towards films from different countries. In order to accomplish the objective, 310 self-administered questionnaires, of five different kinds, each one relating to one of the five counties studied (China, France, Iran, India and United States) were applied. In all of them a session referring to Brazilian¿s films was introduced. From the data collected, it was possible to conclude that there is correlation among country image and attitude toward films from China, France, Iran, India and USA. It is also possible to conclude that in low involvement situation with films, there seems not to be any difference between the affective and cognitive means and the affective and behavioral means. Nevertheless, in high involvement situations with films, it was possible to verify a significant difference between cognitive and behavioral means, but not between cognitive and affective means. Based on the answers obtained from the sample studied, there is no significant difference between the means of the affective and the cognitive component and the affective and behavioral component of attitudes towards films, in situations of high involvement with the country of origin of the film. Finally, it was possible to conclude, from the sample studied that Brazilian¿s students seems to be more favorable to Brazilian films than to films from China, Iran, India and France and only north-american films seems to be seen by the students, as more favorable than Brazilian films.
This paper is a follow up of the study of the evolution of the public policies for education, especially in the areas of improvement in the science and mathematics program, whose main purpose is to qualify teachers is these disciplines. The evaluation of strategies adopted by the Department of education for the implementation and development of the program in the states, which, on a decentralized bases and through its administrative structure is responsible for contracting higher Education Institutions in charge of preparatory courses. It discusses the enforcement of such a strategy and analyses the combined efforts between the federal sphere, represented by the coordination of preparatory courses for Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the Departments of Education, Science and Technology of the states, Research Spowsoring Foundations and the Federal Universities, breaking with some governmental traditions. It analyses the greater degree of interaction between the curriculum for public schools and the developments achieved in the many fields of knowledge. It is based on parameters in the proposals disposed by the law of the methods and fundamentals education, methods of curriculum, and national teaching standards, as well as studies carried out in the states that demand the biggest quantity of qualifying projects, trough analyses that are focused on the problems regarding science teaching in the Brazil and the format adopted in the implementation of the program.
Having as basic purpose, that the work motivational strategies are more efficient when elaborated directly from the worker¿s personal goals and values, the study line of this dissertation searched to identify the worker¿s motivational employee¿s profile from call center industry. The knowledge of this motivational profile makes possible the development of differentiated programs of motivation inside the organization, aiming to attend goals of diverse groups of workers. In order to achieve the considered objective, the present dissertation analyzed one of the biggest companies in call center¿s inside Brazilian market, the BrasilCenter Communications Ltda. In such a way, in the first stage of the study, a bibliographical research was carried out, with the objective to collect contributions from diverse authors on the motivation subject, and also a modern theory of values was presented, verified empirically in more than 60 countries, which identifies the people¿s motivational structure. Having as base the results of these studies, the worker¿s concept profile motivational and argued its way of evaluation in the organizations it was boarded. In the second stage, a field research was carried out, with the application of the Inventory of Values of Schwartz theory (IVS), in order to identify the employee¿s motivational profile crowded in the Center of Attendance and Services (call center) company, located in Juiz de Fora city. The analysis of the results from the field research, based on the bibliographical data, identified that the values prioritized for the call center¿s employees are the ones that serves the collective and mixing goals. This motivational profile offers some perspectives of employee¿s valuation that correspond to their goals and interests. The displayed results point respect to the centrality of the types of values benevolence, conformity, security and universalism among the participants in the sample. As the accented was more among the employees it was the search of collective results it, is concluded that the more appropriate valuation strategies are those related to the tolerance for the ideas and opinion of the others, to harmonic a organizational enviroment, the concern with the quality of life at work and the social aspects of the work.
Trata dos pressupostos relativos à natureza da ciência e da tecnologia, caracterizando-os e mostrando a sua importância na elaboração, implementação e avaliação de ações em ciência e tecnologia. Aponta efeitos do desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico no processo de modernização da sociedade. Aborda o processo de criação e implantação da Rede UNESP de Difusão da Ciência e da Tecnologia tecendo considerações sobre os pressupostos que orientaram tal processo e seus resultados. Aponta a necessidade de uma reflexão critica sobre esses pressupostos como etapa fundamental para que essas ações tenham um maior alcance social.
Refere-se ao problema da Qualidade de Vida no Brasil, analisando a influência do Desenvolvimento Tecnológico na sua melhoria ou na sua degradação. No período analisado (1960 a 1980), o Brasil apresentou um certo desenvolvimento, compatível com outros países de iguais características. No entanto, há um conflito gerado pela inversão na lógica que domina o processo de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico versus Qualidade de Vida, que impede a melhoria imediata do último, com o aumento do primeiro. O estudo sugere que esta lógica seja mudada para que sejam eliminados os efeitos perversos do Desenvolvimento e a tecnologia sirva mais à Qualidade de Vida das pessoas
Access has been one of the main difficulties companies have faced in emerging markets (PRAHALAD, 2005). The capillarity of the market, the existence of small, not professionalized and sometimes informal retailers, the lack of infrastructure and high transportation costs are some of the distribution challenges companies face in poorer regions. The literature concerning the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) is still recent and only after the seminal article by Prahalad and Hart (2002), it evolved into many different management perspectives. However, there is a lack of researches concerning distribution strategies to the BoP. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to identify, in the perception of executives working in the market, the conditions associated to a satisfactory distribution for the BoP market in Brazil and to build a substantive theory that helps to shed light to the understanding of the distribution phenomenon adopted by consumer goods companies to reach the BoP market in Brazil. In order to accomplish the objectives of this thesis, a grounded theory methodology (Glaser; Strauss, 1967; Corbin; Strauss, 2008) was used. This approach helped to identify the channel strategies used by local and global companies in the market. Many techniques for data collection were applied. The most important one was in-depth interviews with 26 executives from 24 different consumer goods companies in Brazil. Among the companies there were small, medium and large enterprises; which were also grouped as manufacturers, distributors and retailers. Furthermore, secondary data were examined to identify business strategies to reach BoP and map global distribution initiatives. A database from a consumer panel was also used to analyze what and where BoP consumers purchase non-durable goods. It was verified that small and traditional retailing is a very strong format in BoP markets and in the Northern/Northeastern regions. Cash & Carry is a format that is growing a lot. On the other hand, hypermarkets are not very used by low income population. The results suggest that three major categories are associated to a satisfactory distribution: (a) willingness, which means the effort, knowledge and enthusiasm a firm has to operate at BoP markets; (b) well-done execution, which is related to designing correctly the marketing channel and operating efficiently in an environment full of obstacles, such as lack of infrastructure, capillarity, lack of safety, regional differences and informality, and (c) relationship, which was perceived to be friendlier and essential at BoP markets, since it is very difficult for manufacturers to reach the entire market alone. It is more likely to have a satisfactory distribution when manufacturers establish strong relationships in the marketing channel. Besides, small retailers have a perception of isolation and expect a higher level of relationship. These major categories explain also the competitive advantage that local companies have in relation to MNCs and large companies. Despite of the limitations of an exploratory study, it is expected that this thesis will contribute to the BoP knowledge as well as to the identification of the peculiarities of distribution in BoP markets.
Considerando a relevância contemporânea da idéia de sustentabilidade e a sua ambigüidade, manifesta na fala de diferentes atores e nos textos de inúmeros autores, este estudo investiga uma questão conceitual central junto a pessoas que trabalham diretamente no campo - ou lidam indiretamente com ele na medida em que atuam em iniciativas correlatas ou pensam a contemporaneidade e seus efeitos sobre indivíduos, grupos sociais e instituições: que entendimento elas têm sobre sustentabilidade? Essa questão, endereçada sempre em entrevistas semi-estruturadas, teve sua exploração ampliada por duas outras questões complementares: a) como esse entendimento, historicamente, se formou; e b) como ele tem se transformado em ação, apontando para espaços e limites da sustentabilidade no plano dos indivíduos, das organizações e da sociedade. Além disso, os entrevistados, quando o desejaram, puderam, ao final de suas entrevistas, expressar-se livremente sobre o tema, fora do escopo das questões específicas de pesquisa. Suas observações foram acolhidas e consideradas neste estudo. A metodologia de pesquisa adotada foi a Grounded Theory, de natureza qualitativa. O principal motivo para a sua escolha, sendo uma metodologia que se propõe a estabelecer uma teoria que emana dos dados, foi o propósito de qualificar sustentabilidade, com seus dilemas, desafios e limites a partir da fala dos entrevistados, com a menor interferência possível do pesquisador. O foco da pesquisa de campo foi sempre conhecer o que emergiria das falas, identificando a sustentabilidade que provoca intervenções no cotidiano. A essa referência seriam então adicionados textos e publicações – acadêmicas e não acadêmicas - uma revisão da literatura e a experiência do pesquisador no campo, dando forma ao propósito do estudo. As entrevistas realizadas foram transformadas inapelavelmente pelas transcrições e pelo uso do software Atlas TI, utilizado nas análises qualitativas. Os seus conteúdos transcritos, no entanto, junto com as notas do pesquisador, foram tomados considerando como premissa que a sustentabilidade tanto acena no sentido de amenizar as inúmeras ameaças e desconfortos associados à vida no mundo contemporâneo como se insinua como uma crítica inconclusiva e uma proposta de superação das contradições e assimetrias do capitalismo em sua versão contemporânea. O estudo pretende oferecer uma contribuição para a compreensão do processo de construção social do conceito de sustentabilidade, privilegiando múltiplos e diversos olhares, perspectivas e referências, desvendando processos de legitimação e descrevendo seus principais potenciais de influência no âmbito da sociedade e suas instituições e no âmbito das organizações.