937 resultados para Environmentally friendly fund


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Analisi di logiche modali con quantificatori parzialmente ordinati.


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The needed of new intermediates/products for screening in the fields of drug discovery and material science is the driving force behind the development of new methodologies and technologies. Organic scaffolds are privileged targets for this scouting. Among them a priority place must be attributed to those including nitrogen functionalities in their scaffolds. It comes out that new methodologies, allowing the introduction of the nitrogen atom for the synthesis of an established target or for the curiosity driven researches, will always be welcome. The target of this PhD Thesis’ work is framed within this goal. Accordingly, Chapter 1 reports the preparation of new N-Heteroarylmethyl 3-carboxy-5-hydroxy piperidine scaffold, as potential and selective α-glucosidase inhibitors. The proposed reversible uncompetitive mechanism of inhibition makes them attractive as interesting candidate for drug development. Chapter 2 is more environmentally method-driven research. Eco-friendly studies on the synthesis of enantiomerically pure 1,4-dihydropyridines using “solid” ammonia (magnesium nitride) is reported via classical Hantzch method. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 may be targeted as the core of the Thesis’s research work. Chapter 3 reports the studies addressed to the synthesis of N-containing heterocycles by using N-trialkylsilylimine/hetero-Diels–Alder (HAD) approach. New eco-friendly methodology as MAOS (Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis) has been used as witness of our interest to a sustainable chemistry. Theoretical calculations were adopted to fully clarify the reaction mechanism. Chapter 4 is dedicated to picture the most recent studies performed on the application of N-Metallo-ketene imines (metallo= Si, Sn, Al), relatively new intermediates which are becoming very popular, in the preparation of highly functionalized N-containing derivatives, accordingly to the Thesis’ target. Derivatives obtained are designed in such a way that they could be of interest in the field of drug and new material chemistry.


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This doctoral dissertation seeks to assess and address the potential contribution of the hedge fund industry to financial instability. In so doing, the dissertation investigates three main questions. What are the contributions of hedge funds to financial instability? What is the optimal regulatory strategy to address the potential contribution of hedge funds to financial instability? And do new regulations in the U.S. and the EU address the contribution of hedge funds to financial instability? With respect to financial stability concerns, it is argued that despite their benefits, hedge funds can contribute to financial instability. Hedge funds’ size and leverage, their interconnectedness with Large Complex Financial Institutions (LCFIs), and the likelihood of herding behavior in the industry can potentially undermine financial stability. Nonetheless, the data on hedge funds’ size and leverage suggest that these features are far from being systemically important. In contrast, the empirical evidence on the interconnectedness of hedge funds with LCFIs and their herding behavior is mixed. Based on these findings, the thesis focuses on one particular aspect of hedge fund regulation: direct vs. indirect regulation. In this respect, a major contribution of the thesis to the literature consists in the explicit discussion of the relationships between hedge funds and other market participants. Specifically, the thesis locates the domain of the indirect regulation in the inter-linkages between hedge funds and prime brokers. Accordingly, the thesis argues that the indirect regulation is likely to address the contribution of hedge funds to systemic risk without compromising their benefits to financial markets. The thesis further conducts a comparative study of the regulatory responses to the potential contribution of hedge funds to financial instability through studying the EU Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMD) and the hedge fund-related provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.


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Nukleosidmodifikationen beeinflussen Dynamik und Konformation von RNArnund sind epigenetisch wirksam. Wenig verstanden sind konformationelle Dynamik und enzymatische Erkennung von tRNA, sowie der Einfluss des mutmaßlichen kovalenten Inhibitors 5-Fluorouridine (5FU) auf Y Synthasen, die Pseudouridin (Y) erzeugen. Frühere Arbeiten nutzten mit den Fluorophoren Cy3 und Cy5rnmarkierte tRNA, um diese Fragen zu adressieren.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit weitet Cy3-Cy5-Markierung auf Hefe tRNArnPhernaus undrnnutzt Thermophorese und fortschrittliche Fluoreszenzspektroskopie. In der Thermophorese zeigte sich eine hohe Toleranz gegenüber Fluoreszenzmarkierung beirngleichzeitiger Erhöhung der Cy5 Fluoreszenz durch Enzymbindung. Zudem konnte die Konformation verschiedener Mutanten human mitochondrialer tRNArnLysrnund die Bindung von SAM durch SAM-I Riboswitch RNA untersucht werden.rnUm etwaige Unterschiede in der Interaktion von Y55 Synthase TruB mit Cy5-gelabelter U55- bzw. 5FU55-tRNA aufzudecken, wurde eine Kombination ausrnThermophorese, zeit- und polarisationsaufgelöster Fluoreszenzspektroskopie undrn’gel shift’ Experimenten genutzt. Alle Ergebnisse zeigten übereinstimmend einernreversible Bindung ähnlicher Affinität für beide tRNAs und widersprechen somit einer kovalenten Inhibition durch 5FU. Folgerichtig wurde der SDS-stabilernKomplex von TruB mit 5FU-tRNA neu evaluiert, da er bisher als kovalent interpretiert wurde. Es erfolgte eine schnelle Komplexbildung in hoher Ausbeute auchrnfür schlechte Substrate, außerdem ließ sich die Komplexausbeute nicht durch andere Reaktionsbedingungen beeinflussen. Somit kann der SDS stabile Komplexrnnur den ersten, nicht-kovalenten Kontakt von Enzym und 5FU55-tRNA darstellen und repräsentiert kein kovalentes Addukt späterer Katalyse.


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Un'applicazione web user-friendly di supporto ai ricercatori per l'esecuzione efficiente di specifici tasks di ricerca e analisi di articoli scientifici


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International migration has increased rapidly in the Czech Republic, with more than 150,000 legally registered foreign residents at the end of 1996. A large proportion of these are in Prague - 35% of the total in December 1996. The aim of this project was to enrich the fund of information concerning the "environment", reasons and "mechanisms" behind immigration to the Czech Republic. Mr. Drbohlav looked first at the empirical situation and on this basis set out to test certain well-known migration theories. He focused on four main areas: 1) a detailed description and explanation of the stock of foreign citizens legally settled in Czech territory, concentrating particularly on "economic" migrants; 2) a questionnaire survey targeting a total of 192 Ukrainian workers (98 in the fall 1995 and 94 in the fall 1996) working in Prague or its vicinity; 3) a second questionnaire survey of 40 "western" firms (20 in 1996 and 20 in 1997) operating out of Prague; 4) an opinion poll on how the Czech population reacts to foreign workers in the CR. Over 80% of economic immigrants at the end of 1996 were from European countries, 16% from Asia and under 2% from North America. The largest single nationalities were Ukrainians, Slovaks, Vietnamese and Poles. There has been a huge increase in the Ukrainian immigrant community over both space (by region) and time (a ten-fold increase since 1993), and at 40,000 persons this represents one third of all legal immigrants. Indications are that many more live and work there illegally. Young males with low educational/skills levels predominate, in contrast with the more heterogeneous immigration from the "West". The primary reason for this migration is the higher wages in the Czech Republic. In 1994 the relative figures of GDP adjusted for parity of purchasing power were US$ 8,095 for the Czech Republic versus US$ 3,330 for the Ukraine as a whole and US$ 1,600 for the Zakarpatye region from which 49% of the respondents in the survey came. On an individual level, the average Czech wage is about US$ 330 per month, while 50% of the Ukrainian respondents put their last monthly wage before leaving for the Czech Republic at under US$ 27. The very low level of unemployment in the latter country (fluctuating around 4%) was also mentioned as an important factor. Migration was seen as a way of diversifying the family's source of income and 49% of the respondents had made their plans together with partners or close relatives, while 45% regularly send remittances to Ukraine (94% do so through friends or relatives). Looking at Ukrainian migration from the point of view of the dual market theory, these migrants' type and conditions of work, work load and earnings were all significantly worse than in the primary sector, which employs well educated people and offers them good earnings, job security and benefits. 53% of respondents were working and/or staying in the Czech Republic illegally at the time of the research, 73% worked as unqualified, unskilled workers or auxiliary workers, 62% worked more than 12 hours a day, and 40% evaluated their working conditions as hard. 51% had no days off, earnings were low in relation to the number of hours worked. and 85% said that their earnings did not increase over time. Nearly half the workers were recruited in Ukraine and only 4% expressed a desire to stay in the Czech Republic. Network theories were also borne out to some extent as 33% of immigrants came together with friends from the same village, town or region in Ukraine. The number who have relatives working in the Czech Republic is rising, and many wish to invite relatives or children to visit them. The presence of organisations which organised cross-border migration, including some which resort to organising illegal documents, also gives some support for the institutional theory. Mr. Drbohlav found that all the migration theories considered offered some insights on the situation, but that none was sufficient to explain it all. He also points out parallels with many other regions of the world, including Central America, South and North America, Melanesia, Indonesia, East Africa, India, the Middle East and Russia. For the survey of foreign and international firms, those chosen were largely from countries represented by more than one company and were mainly active in market services such as financial and trade services, marketing and consulting. While 48% of the firms had more than 10,000 employees spread through many countries, more than two thirds had fewer than 50 employees in the Czech Republic. Czechs formed 80% plus of general staff in these firms although not more than 50% of senior management, and very few other "easterners" were employed. All companies absolutely denied employing people illegally. The average monthly wage of Czech staff was US$ 850, with that of top managers from the firm's "mother country" being US$ 6,350 and that of other western managers US$ 3,410. The foreign staff were generally highly mobile and were rarely accompanied by their families. Most saw their time in the Czech Republic as positive for their careers but very few had any intention of remaining there. Factors in the local situation which were evaluated positively included market opportunities, the economic and political environment, the quality of technical and managerial staff, and cheap labour and low production costs. In contrast, the level of appropriate business ethics and conduct, the attitude of local and regional authorities, environmental production conditions, the legal environment and financial markets and fiscal policy were rated very low. In the final section of his work Mr. Drbohlav looked at the opinions expressed by the local Czech population in a poll carried out at the beginning of 1997. This confirmed that international labour migration has become visible in this country, with 43% of respondents knowing at least one foreigner employed by a Czech firm in this country. Perception differ according to the region from which the workers come and those from "the West" are preferred to those coming from further east. 49% saw their attitude towards the former as friendly but only 20% felt thus towards the latter. Overall, attitudes towards migrant workers is neutral, although 38% said that such workers should not have the same rights as Czech citizens. Sympathy towards foreign workers tends to increase with education and the standard of living, and the relatively positive attitudes towards foreigners in the South Bohemia region contradicted the frequent belief that a lack of experience of international migration lowers positive perceptions of it.


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A Montana Public Radio Commentary by Evan Barrett. Published newspaper columns written by Evan Barrett on this topic, which vary somewhat in content from this commentary, appeared in the following publications: Hungry Horse News, March 31, 2015 Montana Standard, April 3, 2015 Ravalli Republic, April 2, 2015 Missoulian, April 4, 2015 Helena Independent Record, April 12, 2015


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Several strategies relying on kriging have recently been proposed for adaptively estimating contour lines and excursion sets of functions under severely limited evaluation budget. The recently released R package KrigInv 3 is presented and offers a sound implementation of various sampling criteria for those kinds of inverse problems. KrigInv is based on the DiceKriging package, and thus benefits from a number of options concerning the underlying kriging models. Six implemented sampling criteria are detailed in a tutorial and illustrated with graphical examples. Different functionalities of KrigInv are gradually explained. Additionally, two recently proposed criteria for batch-sequential inversion are presented, enabling advanced users to distribute function evaluations in parallel on clusters or clouds of machines. Finally, auxiliary problems are discussed. These include the fine tuning of numerical integration and optimization procedures used within the computation and the optimization of the considered criteria.


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