993 resultados para Environmental Valuation


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A procedure was developed for determining Pu-241 activity in environmental samples. This beta emitter isotope of plutonium was measured by ultra low level liquid scintillation, after several separation and purification steps that involved the use of a highly selective extraction chromatographic resin (Eichrom-TEVA). Due to the lack of reference material for Pu-241, the method was nevertheless validated using four IAEA reference sediments with information values for Pu-241. Next, the method was used to determine the Pu-241 activity in alpine soils of Switzerland and France. The Pu-241/Pu-239,Pu-240 and Pu-238/Pu-239,Pu-240 activity ratios confirmed that Pu contamination in the tested alpine soils originated mainly from global fallout from nuclear weapon tests conducted in the fifties and sixties. Estimation of the date of the contamination, using the Pu-241/Am-241 age-dating method, further confirmed this origin. However, the Pu-241/Am-241 dating method was limited to samples where Pu-Am fractionation was insignificant. If any, the contribution of the Chernobyl accident is negligible.


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The present prospective study, with a five-year follow-up, presents an extensive psychiatric and educational assessment of an adolescent population (N = 30) in the age range 14-20, suffering from several psychiatric disorders, though apt to follow a normal academic program. The residential settings where the study took place provide both psychiatric and schooling facilities. In this environment, what is the effectiveness of long-term hospitalization? Are there any criteria for predicting results? After discharge, could social adjustments difficulties be prevented? Assessment instruments are described and the results of one preliminary study are presented. The actual data seems to confirm the impact of the special treatment facilities combining schooling and psychiatric settings on the long term outcome of adolescents.


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Rural depopulation and abandonment of farming activities have resulted in an intense transformation of the characteristic landscapes of Mediterranean mountains. A dynamic characterized by an intense process of expansion of forested cover in detriment to livestock and agricultural areas. This process, which produces effects such as biodiversity and cultural heritage loss and contributes to the spread of wildfires, can be mapped, quantified and described with high accuracy through the means of digital mapping, geographic information systems and landscape indexes. But what is the perception and valuation of these changes by the stakeholders involved in the management of these territories? This article attempts to answer this question in the protected area of Alta Garrotxa (Girona), where a strong correlation between landscape dynamics and their perception by the stakeholders is revealed. On the other hand, the valuation and future prospects produce diverse and often contradictory points of views that illustrate the existing difficulties to management


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Introduction: L'unité d'Assistance Pharmaceutique de la Pharmacie des HUG fonctionne comme centre d'information sur les médicaments et gère des informations mises à disposition sur le web. Celles-ci sont destinées prioritairement au personnel soignant des HUG et accessibles sur le site intranet/Internet (http://www.hcuge.ch/Pharmacie), mis en service en 1998. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer la qualité de l'information du site intranet/Internet et d'y apporter les améliorations nécessaires. Méthode: Le site intranet/Internet de la pharmacie des HUG a été évalué en automne 2004 à l'aide de 2 outils : NetScoring : grille d'évaluation de la qualité de l'information de santé sur Internet (http://www.chu-rouen.fr/netscoring/). Elle comporte 49 critères répartis en 8 catégories. Chaque critère est noté sur une échelle de 5 occurrences puis pondéré selon son importance (multiplication par 3 si le critère est essentiel, par 2 s'il est important ou par 1 s'il est mineur). Analyse AMDEC : méthode permettant de séquencer un processus et d'en Analyser les Modes de Défaillance, leur Effet et leur Criticité (Qual Saf Health Care 2005 :14(2);93-98). Un score est attribué à chaque mode de défaillance identifié en terme de fréquence, de sévérité et de détectabilité. La multiplication des 3 scores fournit un résultat global de criticité (indice de criticité IC, max. 810), permettant de hiérarchiser les risques. Résultats: Etat des lieux NetScoring : La qualité globale du site intranet/Internet était bonne (202 pts/312). Les points forts concernaient la pertinence et l'utilité du site, la qualité du contenu, du moteur de recherche et du design, la rapidité de chargement du site, la sélection des liens externes proposés et le respect du secret médical. Les faiblesses résidaient dans l'absence de politique de mise à jour régulière, d'annotation systématique de l'état d'actualisation des documents, d'un comité éditorial et scientifique, de mots-clés en anglais et d'une liste permettant l'identification des auteurs. Analyse AMDEC : Quatre catégories (création du document, conversion, structure du site et publication du document) et 19 modes de défaillances ont été caractérisés. Trois modes de défaillance étaient associés à un IC important: erreurs lors de la création d'un document (IC 256), information inadéquate car pratique non validée ou recommandation non généralisable (IC 147) et absence de relecture après la conversion du document en format publiable (ex : PDF) (IC 144). Mesures correctives: Une procédure standard (SOP) a été élaborée pour la gestion du site intranet/Internet. Le format standard des informations (initiales de l'auteur, dates de création et de mise à jour, logo de la pharmacie), la validation et la politique de mise à jour des documents ainsi que la procédure d'archivage y sont clairement définis. Une fiche de suivi accompagnant chaque document a été créée pour la traçabilité de toutes les modifications effectuées et la fréquence de révision à respecter. Discussion et conclusion Cette étude a permis de déterminer et de quantifier les points critiques à améliorer sur le site intranet/Internet de la Pharmacie des HUG. Les mesures correctives entreprises doivent permettre d'améliorer les principales faiblesses et défaillances mises en évidence. La mise en place d'un comité éditorial et scientifique devra être évaluée à l'avenir. Le NetScoring et l'analyse AMDEC sont des outils utiles pour l'évaluation et l'amélioration continue de la qualité d'un site Internet, sous réserve d'une interprétation critique des résultats obtenus avant la mise en place de mesures correctives. Malgré une approche totalement différente, ces outils ont permis de mettre en évidence des lacunes similaires.


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BACKGROUND: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are increasing worldwide. We hypothesize that environmental factors (including social adversity, diet, lack of physical activity and pollution) can become "embedded" in the biology of humans. We also hypothesize that the "embedding" partly occurs because of epigenetic changes, i.e., durable changes in gene expression patterns. Our concern is that once such factors have a foundation in human biology, they can affect human health (including NCDs) over a long period of time and across generations. OBJECTIVES: To analyze how worldwide changes in movements of goods, persons and lifestyles (globalization) may affect the "epigenetic landscape" of populations and through this have an impact on NCDs. We provide examples of such changes and effects by discussing the potential epigenetic impact of socio-economic status, migration, and diet, as well as the impact of environmental factors influencing trends in age at puberty. DISCUSSION: The study of durable changes in epigenetic patterns has the potential to influence policy and practice; for example, by enabling stratification of populations into those who could particularly benefit from early interventions to prevent NCDs, or by demonstrating mechanisms through which environmental factors influence disease risk, thus providing compelling evidence for policy makers, companies and the civil society at large. The current debate on the '25 × 25 strategy', a goal of 25% reduction in relative mortality from NCDs by 2025, makes the proposed approach even more timely. CONCLUSIONS: Epigenetic modifications related to globalization may crucially contribute to explain current and future patterns of NCDs, and thus deserve attention from environmental researchers, public health experts, policy makers, and concerned citizens.


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This contribution aims to analyse how to incur companies' criminal liability when they violate environmental protection globally. In Switzerland, companies' criminal liability has already been provided for to fight against money launder- ing (Article 102 CP). Could a similar liability be incurred, in Switzerland, for companies that infringe environmental protection? This is what our contribution is all about. Since the company is at the heart of our subject, the point is to see to what extent criminal liability could be transposed to cases of violation by companies of the environmental principles promoted by the CSR concept.


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La thèse présentée ici est le résultat d'une étroite collaboration avec une ONG indienne, AKRSP(I), intervenant dans le développement de l'irrigation au Gujarat depuis plus de 25 ans. Un SIG prototype a été mis en oeuvre et nous permet de proposer ime analyse spatiale et quantitative de l'action de cette ONG ainsi qu'une réflexion plus générale sur les leviers de mise en valeur et de gestion des ressources en eau à des fins agricoles. On peut souligner trois principaux enseignements: Les perspectives d'application des SIG au sein des ONG sont manifestes. Les exigences des bailleurs de fonds peuvent néanmoins faire obstacle à leur développement car, indi-rectement, ils favorisent la mise en oeuvre de SI voués à la justification plutôt qu'à la planification et au suivi des programmes d'actions. Ce résultat soulève la question de la pertinence de l'encadrement, des critères d'évaluation et de la conditionnalité de l'aide publique au développement. Les ONG ont un fort potentiel pour participer à la mise en valeur des ressources en eau en Inde et aider à relever le défi agro-démographique indien, en particulier dans les zones marginales où les services étatiques sont en retrait. Les stratégies d'action basées principalement sur l'application des instruments économiques et techniques doivent cependant être modifiées. Nous montrons qu'elles favorisent une inégalité d'accès aux ressources qui débouche sur une efficacité limitée des pratiques d'irrigation, sur un plan agro-technique. Ces résultats soulignent la nécessité de poursuivre une réflexion critique des discours et solutions dominants en matière de gestion des ressources en eau. Deux pistes d'amélioration sont avancées: 1. considérer l'équité d'accès comme un moyen d'optimiser la gestion de la ressource (limiter le volume d'eau par agriculteur pour encourager les choix de cultures irriguées peu consommatrices et l'adoption des technologies d'économie d'eau), 2. prêter attention à l'ordre dans lequel les différents instruments de gestion disponibles sont employés afin de les articuler dans un séquençage temporel pertinent. La Political Ecology apparait comme un cadre conceptuel très pertinent pour engager cette réflexion critique. Elle permet d'intégrer différentes échelles d'asymétries de pouvoirs à la compréhension des situations et des blocages observables localement : inégalités de capabilités et forces socio-politiques à l'échelle locale, politiques agro-industrielles (coton) et jeux d'alliances politiques des castes à l'échelle nationale, discours et conflits idéologiques ou orientations stratégiques des bailleurs de fonds à l'échelle internationale... Notre recherche empirique contribue modestement au développement de cette Political Ecology de la mise en valeur et de la gestion des ressources en eau. - The present research is based on a close collaboration with an indian NGO, AKRSP(I), which is active in the development of irrigation facilities in Gujarat for the past 25 years. We built a GIS prototype providing quantitative and spatial datas to analyse the NGO intervention and propose a general reflection about water resources development and management issues. Three main findings may be emphasized : The potential of GIS within the workings of an NGO is obvious, as an information ma-nagement tool as much as for developing analytical capacity. However, financial backers expectations may not favour a relevant development of this technology. Indirectly, they promote Information Systems built to justify rather than to plan or monitor action pro¬grammes. This raises the question of stricter framework, conditionality criters and stan¬dardised assessment indicators surrounding official development assistance. There is strong potential that NGOs can assist with the improvement of water resources in India. They can help in overcoming Indian demographic-related agricultural challenges, especially in marginal rural areas neglected by state services. However, intervention strategies mainly based on technical and economic management tools has to be adapted. We found that they lead to inequitable access and distribution of water resources what induces a low efficiency of irrigation practices from an agro-technical point of view. These results underline the need to go further in criticizing dominant ideas and guidelines regarding water resources management. We suggest two other options : 1. to consider equitable access has a tool to improve the effective use of water for agricul¬tural purposes (limiting the volume of water available per farmer would encourage them to adopt low water consumption crops and water saving technics), 2. to consider more carefully the order of use of the various management tools available and to structure them in a relevant sequence. Here, Political Ecology seems to be a relevant conceptual framework to enter into such a critical reflection, integrating different levels and scales of political asymmetries at the core of environmental issues. Indeed, the understanding of regional water situations and social stumbling blocks needs not only to consider local capabilities and socio-political inequities, but also agro-industrial policy (e.i. cotton) and caste political alliances at a national scale, as well as ideological and narrative struggles or strategical orientations of financial backers at an international level. Our empirical research modestly contributes to the development of such a Political Ecology of water resources development and management.


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An alpha-spectrometry, using automated borate fusion and sequential extraction and exchange chromatography, was used to determine the uranium and thorium based on environmental radioactivity of 20 soil samples. The same set of the samples was analysed using gamma-spectrometry with an HPGe detector. The two data sets were checked for coherence using Z-score and chi2 statistical tests. We show that gamma-spectrometry is a valid alternative to time-consuming alpha-spectrometry for the determination of natural uranium and thorium activity in soil (activity range: 12.5-58.2 Bq/kg). The measured activities were compared with the theoretical activities to ensure secular equilibrium in the 238U and 232Th series. For 226Ra, a special study was made on deconvolution of the 186 keV multiplet with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Finally, the combined use of Z-score and chi2-tests was found to be a powerful tool for comparing the results obtained with two different methods.


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The objective of this work was to determine genetic and environmental effects on beta-conglycinin and glycinin content in Brazilian soybean cultivars. The concentrations of these protein fractions were analyzed by scanning densitometry after electrophoresis, in 90 Brazilian soybean cultivars sown in Ponta Grossa, PR, in 2001. The effects of the sowing location were determined in the cultivar MG/BR 46 (Conquista), sown in 16 locations of Goiás and Minas Gerais states (Central Brazil), and in the cultivar IAS 5, sown in 12 locations of Paraná and São Paulo states (Southern Brazil), in 2002 soybean season. A significant variability for beta-conglycinin (7S) and glycinin (11S) protein fractions ratio was observed among the 90 Brazilian soybean cultivars. 'MS/BRS 169' (Bacuri) and 'BR-8' (Pelotas) presented the highest and the lowest 11S/7S ratios (2.76 and 1.17, respectively). Beta-conglycinin protein fractions presented more variability than glycinin protein fractions. Grouping test classified 7S proteins in seven groups, 11S proteins in four groups, and protein fraction ratios (11S/7S) in nine groups. Significant effect of sowing locations was also observed on protein fractions contents. There is a good possibility of breeding for individual protein fractions, and their subunits, without affecting protein content.


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From Proposed Action: "The proposed action consists of reconstructing the East 1st Street/I-35 interchange with a Diverging Diamond interchange, widening I-35 from four (4) lanes to six (6) lanes, and widening East 1st Street from four (4) lanes to five (5) lanes from Delaware Avenue to Frisk Drive. The project also proposes to reconstruct the intersections of East 1st Street/Creekview Drive and East 1st Street/Frisk Drive."


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From Proposed Action: "Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments (INRCOG) and the City of Cedar Falls, in coordination with the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), are proposing to upgrade and modernize an approximate 4,900-foot segment of Iowa Highway 57 (IA 57), locally known as West 1st Street, in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa."