991 resultados para Emission spectra


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Transition metal sulfite hydrazine hydrates, MSO3·xN2H4·yH2O whereM=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Zn have been prepared and characterized by chemical analysis, infrared spectra, thermoanalytical and combustion studies. The colours,x andy parameters of the complexes varied depending upon the preparation conditions. Thermal decomposition characteristics differ from metal to metal yielding metal oxides at relatively low temperatures.Mittels chemischer Analyse, IR-Spektren, thermoanalytischen und Verbrennungsstudien wurden die Hydrazinhydrate der hergestellten Übergangsmetallsulfite MSO3·xN2H4·yH2O mitM=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni und Zn beschrieben. Farbe sowie die Parameterx undy der Komplexe hängen von den Herstellungsbedingungen ab. Die thermische Zersetzung, bei der bei relativ niedrigen Temperaturen Metalloxide entstehen, ist von Metall zu Metall verschieden.


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The use of the intensities of the spinning sidebands in the magic-angle spinning spectra of oriented molecules is proposed for the determination of the signs of the order parameters. The method is demonstrated for benzene and chloroform oriented in nematic phases of liquid crystals. On the basis of the theoretical expressions derived for the various order sidebands, the applicability of the method for different experimental conditions is discussed.


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NDDO-based (AM1) configuration interaction (CI) calculations have been used to calculate the wavelength and oscillator strengths of electronic absorptions in organic molecules and the results used in a sum-over-states treatment to calculate second-order-hyperpolarizabilities. The results for both spectra and hyperpolarizabilities are of acceptable quality as long as a suitable CI-expansion is used. We have found that using an active space of eight electrons in eight orbitals and including all single and pair-double excitations in the CI leads to results that agree well with experiment and that do not change significantly with increasing active space for most organic molecules. Calculated second-order hyperpolarizabilities using this type of CI within a sum-over-states calculation appear to be of useful accuracy.


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We calculate the thermal photon transverse momentum spectra and elliptic flow in $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200$ GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC and in $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76$ TeV Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC, using an ideal-hydrodynamical framework which is constrained by the measured hadron spectra at RHIC and LHC. The sensitivity of the results to the QCD-matter equation of state and to the photon emission rates is studied, and the photon $v_2$ is discussed in the light of the photonic $p_T$ spectrum measured by the PHENIX Collaboration. In particular, we make a prediction for the thermal photon $p_T$ spectra and elliptic flow for the current LHC Pb+Pb collisions.


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The outer atmosphere of the sun called the corona has been observed during total solar eclipse for short periods (typically <6 min), from as early as the eighteenth century. In the recent past, space-based instruments have permitted us to study the corona uninterruptedly. In spite of these developments, the dynamic corona and its high temperature (1-2 million K) are yet to be Ally understood. It is conjectured that their dynamic nature and associated energetic events are possible reasons behind the high temperature. In order to study these in detail, a visible emission line space solar coronagraph is being proposed as a payload under the small-satellite programme of the Indian Space Research Organisation. The satellite is named as Aditya-1 and the scientific objectives of this payload are to study: (i) the existence of intensity oscillations for the study of wave-driven coronal heating; (ii) the dynamics and formation of coronal loops and temperature structure of the coronal features; (iii) the origin, cause and acceleration of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and other solar active features, and (iv) coronal magnetic field topology and three-dimensional structures of CMEs using polarization information. The uniqueness of this payload compared to previously flown space instruments is as follows: (a) observations in the visible wavelength closer to the disk (down to 1.05 solar radii); (b) high time cadence capability (better than two-images per second), and (c) simultaneous observations of at least two spectral windows all the time and three spectral windows for short durations.


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NMR spectra of cis,cis-mucanonitrile oriented in a liquid crystal have been analysed using the connectivity information obtained from a modified Z-COSY experiment which provided crucial clues for the starting parameters for the iterative analysis. The proton spectra with and without C-13 satellites and the C-13 spectra have thus been interpreted. The indirect spin-spin couplings required for the analyses have been obtained from the corresponding isotropic spectra. The H-1-H-1 and C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings so obtained have been utilized to determine the relative internuclear distances. The results indicate that the molecule is planar. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.


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The coefficient of thermochromism of polyaniline solutions has been found to be solvent dependent and the solvent effect is not negligible. Hence, thermochromism of polyaniline solutions cannot be explained solely on the basis of conformational change induced by a change in temperature. Further, comparison of the solvatochromism of polyaniline and polytoluidine shows a higher solvatochromic shift for the former. It implies that the higher energy associated with the exciton peak of polytoluidine is not due to the higher ring torsional angle induced by the higher steric repulsion of the methyl group, as widely accepted, but is due to its less solvatochromic red-shift as compared to polyaniline.


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Mononuclear copper(II) complexes of tri- and tetra-dentate tripodal ligands containing phenolic hydroxyl and benzimidazole or pyridine groups have been isolated. They are of the type (CuL(X)].nH2O, [CuL(H2O)]X.nH2O or [CuL].nH2O where X = Cl-, ClO4-, N3- or NCS- and n = 0-4. The electronic spectra of all the complexes exhibit a broad absorption band around 14000 cm-1 and the polycrystalline as well as the frozen-solution EPR spectra are axial, indicating square-based geometries. The crystal structure of [CuL(Cl)] [HL = (2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl)bis(2-pyridyl-methyl)amine] revealed a square-pyramidal geometry around Cu(II). The mononuclear complex crystallises in the triclinic space group P1BAR with a = 6.938(1), b = 11.782(6), c = 12.678(3) angstrom and alpha = 114.56(3), beta = 92.70(2), gamma = 95.36(2)-degrees. The co-ordination plane is comprised of one tertiary amine and two pyridine nitrogens and a chloride ion. The phenolate ion unusually occupies the axial site, possibly due to the electron-withdrawing p-nitro group. The enhanced pi delocalisation involving the p-nitrophenolate donor elevates the E1/2 values. The spectral and electrochemical results suggest the order of donor strength as nitrophenolate < pyridine < benzimidazole in the tridentate and nitrophenolate < benzimidazole < pyridine in the tetradentate ligand complexes.


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We address the long-standing problem of the origin of acoustic emission commonly observed during plastic deformation. We propose a framework to deal with the widely separated time scales of collective dislocation dynamics and elastic degrees of freedom to explain the nature of acoustic emission observed during the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect. The Ananthakrishna model is used as it explains most generic features of the phenomenon. Our results show that while acoustic emission bursts correlated with stress drops are well separated for the type C serrations, these bursts merge to form nearly continuous acoustic signals with overriding bursts for the propagating type A bands.


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Notched three point bend specimens (TPB) were tested under crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control at a rate of 0.0004 mm/s and during the fracture process acoustic emissions (AE) were simultaneously monitored. It was observed that AE energy could be related to fracture energy. An experimental study was done to understand the behavior of AE energy with parameters of concrete like its strength and size. In this study, AE energy was used as a quantitative measure of size independent specific fracture energy of concrete beams and the concepts of boundary effect and local fracture energy were used to obtain size independent AE energy from which size independent fracture energy was obtained. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bixbyite type Y2O3:Eu3+ apart from being the efficient red phosphor extensively used in trichromatic fluorescent lamps, it is a typical system one can apply Jorgensen's refined electron spin pairing theory. This can be used to explain the enhancement in Eu3+ emission intensity observed with the aliovalent substitution in the yttria host matrix. Results based on these are explained qualitatively by considering a simple configurational coordinate model. Futhermore, an insight into the different types of defects induced with the aliovalent substitution in the yttria lattice has become possible with EPR probe.


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Silver selenide thin films of thickness between 80 nm and 160 nm were prepared by thermal evaporation technique at a high vacuum better than 2x10(-5)mbar on well cleaned glass substrates at a deposition rate of 0.2 nm/sec. Silver selenide thin films were polycrystalline with orthorhombic structure. Ellipsometric spectra of silver selenide thin films have been recorded in the wavelength range between 300 nm and 700 nm. Optical constants like refractive index, extinction coefficient, absorption coefficient, and optical band gap of silver selenide thin film have been calculated from the recorded spectra. The refractive index of silver selenide has been found to vary between 1.9 and 3.2 and the extinction coefficient varies from 0.5 to 1.6 with respect to their corresponding thickness of the films. Transmittance spectra of these films have been recorded in the wavelength range between 300 nm and 900 nm and its spectral data are analysed. The photoluminescence studies have been carried out on silver selenide thin films and the strong emission peak is found around 1.7 eV. The calculated optical band of thermally evaporated silver selenide thin films is found to be around 1.7 eV from their Ellipsometric, UV-Visible and Photoluminescence spectroscopic studies.


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The SCF/DZP and MP2/DZP methods of ab initio quantum chemistry have been utilized to study the structure, vibrational spectra, binding energy, and barrier to internal rotation of methyl isocyanide-borane and acetonitrile-borane adducts. The eclipsed conformation of the complexes was predicted to be a minimum, and the staggered form is a transition state with a barrier height of about 10 cal/mol. The vibrational analyses of CH3NC-BH3 and CH3CN-BH3 and several of their isotopomers have been carried out by the GF matrix method. Computations have also been carried out for free CH3NC and CH3CN in order to investigate the changes in CH3NC and CH3CN as a result of their complex formation with BH3. To obtain an acceptable set of force constants, a recently proposed procedure ''RECOVES'' has been utilized. The increase in the N=C/C=N stretching force constant of CH3NC/CH3CN on adduct formation is interpreted with the help of Parr and Borkman's model. The binding energies for the two adducts have been determined taking basis set superposition error (BSSE) into consideration. The effect of the BSSE on structure, dipole moment, and vibrational frequencies of CH3CN and CH3NC is also evaluated. The predicted infrared band intensities for the two complexes are in good agreement with the experimentally observed features, and they have been utilized in the assignment of vibrational frequencies.


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The spinning sidebands observed in the C-13 MAS NMR spectra of cis,cis-mucononitrile oriented in liquid-crystalline media and of the neat sample in the solid state are studied. There are differences in the sideband intensity patterns in the two cases. These differences arise because the order parameters which characterize the orientation of the solute in the liquid-crystalline media differ for different axes. It is shown that, in general, the relative intensities of the sidebands contain information on the sign and magnitude of an effective chemical-shift parameter which is a function of the sum of the products of the principal components of the chemical-shift tensor and the corresponding order parameters with respect to the director. A method for obtaining the orientation of the carbon chemical-shift tensor is proposed. The carbon chemical-shift tensors obtained from gauge-including atomic orbital calculations are also presented for comparison. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.


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The electronic structures of a wide range of early transition-metal (TM) compounds, including Ti and V oxides with metal valences ranging from 2+ to 5+ and formal d-electron numbers ranging from 0 to 2, have been investigated by a configuration-interaction cluster model analysis of the core-level metal 2p x-ray photoemission spectra (XPS). Inelastic energy-loss backgrounds calculated from experimentally measured electron-energy-loss spectra (EELS) were subtracted from the XPS spectra to remove extrinsic loss features. Parameter values deduced for the charge-transfer energy Delta and the d-d Coulomb repulsion energy U are shown to continue the systematic trends established previously for the late TM compounds, giving support to a charge-transfer mechanism for the satellite structures. The early TM compounds are characterized by a large metal d-ligand p hybridization energy, resulting in strong covalency in these compounds. Values for Delta and U suggest that many early TM compounds should be reclassified as intermediate between the charge-transfer regime and the Mott-Hubbard regime.