948 resultados para Embolism, Paradoxical


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Half of the members of the nuclear receptors superfamily are so-called orphan receptors because the identity of their ligand, if any, is unknown. Because of their important biological roles, the study of orphan receptors has attracted much attention recently and has resulted in rapid advances that have helped in the discovery of novel signaling pathways. In this review we present the main features of orphan receptors, discuss the structure of their ligand-binding domains and their biological functions. The paradoxical existence of a pharmacology of orphan receptors, a rapidly growing and innovative field, is highlighted.


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B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is the first biomarker of proven value in screening for left ventricular dysfunction. The availability of point-of-care testing has escalated clinical interest and the resultant research is defining a role for BNP in the investigation and treatment of critically ill patients. This review was undertaken with the aim of collecting and assimilating current evidence regarding the use of BNP assay in the evaluation of myocardial dysfunction in critically ill humans. The information is presented in a format based upon organ system and disease category. BNP assay has been studied in a spectrum of clinical conditions ranging from acute dyspnoea to subarachnoid haemorrhage. Its role in diagnosis, assessment of disease severity, risk stratification and prognostic evaluation of cardiac dysfunction appears promising, but requires further elaboration. The heterogeneity of the critically ill population appears to warrant a range of cut-off values. Research addressing progressive changes in BNP concentration is hindered by infrequent assay and appears unlikely to reflect the critically ill patient's rapidly changing haemodynamics. Multi-marker strategies may prove valuable in prognostication and evaluation of therapy in a greater variety of illnesses. Scant data exist regarding the use of BNP assay to alter therapy or outcome. It appears that BNP assay offers complementary information to conventional approaches for the evaluation of cardiac dysfunction. Continued research should augment the validity of BNP assay in the evaluation of myocardial function in patients with life-threatening illness.


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Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels are simple and objective measures of cardiac function. These measurements can be used to diagnose heart failure, including diastolic dysfunction, and using them has been shown to save money in the emergency department setting. The high negative predictive value of BNP tests is particularly helpful for ruling out heart failure. Treatment with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin-II receptor blockers, spironolactone, and diuretics reduces BNP levels, suggesting that BNP testing may have a role in monitoring patients with heart failure. However, patients with treated chronic stable heart failure may have levels in the normal range (i.e., BNP less than 100 pg per mL and N-terminal proBNP less than 125 pg per mL in patients younger than 75 years). Increases in BNP levels may be caused by intrinsic cardiac dysfunction or may be secondary to other causes such as pulmonary or renal diseases (e.g., chronic hypoxia). BNP tests are correlated with other measures of cardiac status such as New York Heart Association classification. BNP level is a strong predictor of risk of death and cardiovascular events in patients previously diagnosed with heart failure or cardiac dysfunction.


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Atualmente, nota-se uma intensa movimentação de capitais financeiros, seja por conta de fusões e incorporações de empresas, seja pela expansão natural do próprio capitalismo, levando então as organizações a buscarem alternativas de financiamento com menores custos, isso quando consideradas as taxas de juros praticadas por instituições financeiras. Concomitantemente a isso, autoridades monetárias, circunstancialmente buscam a redução das taxas de juros que norteiam a economia, no intuito de se atrair novos investimentos produtivos e ainda preservar aqueles existentes. De maneira até paradoxal, a redução das taxas de juros promulgada por autoridades, não exibe a mesma proporção de redução daquelas praticadas pelo mercado. Este aspecto leva os indivíduos, sejam eles gestores de investimentos ou não, a buscarem alternativas de investimentos que proporcionem ganhos monetários superiores àqueles que são fundamentados nas taxas estabelecidas pelas autoridades monetárias. Conciliando a busca de recursos por organizações e a busca por maiores ganhos monetários por parte dos investidores, o mercado de capitais se torna uma alternativa relevante. De modo a conseguir os melhores resultados nesse ambiente, há necessidade de se utilizar modelos e outros instrumentos que propiciem a melhor relação entre risco e retorno, haja vista que todo investidor emite ao menos alguma aversão ao risco. Vários são os instrumentos disponíveis para realizar essas relações, entretanto, muitos deles não acessíveis ao investidor na condição de pessoa física. E mediante esse aspecto, o modelo desenvolvido por Edwin Elton e Martin Gruber surge como alternativa a qualquer investidor, seja por suas características construtivas, seja por sua operacionalidade.


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O trabalho que tem por título: O Direito é torcido à Porta porque a Justiça se encontra deitada por terra é um exercício exegético que tem por objeto a perícope Am 5,10-13. Na análise semântica dos seus principais vocábulos evidenciou-se uma realidade social, política e econômica paradoxal em Israel, sob o comando de Jeroboão II (787-747 a.C.), como resultado de uma expansão territorial e comercial, de vitórias militares e da organização de um Estado tributarista. Esse modelo de sociedade gerou um antagonismo social entre uma elite abastada que esbanjava luxo e ostentação, à custa do suor e da fome de uma população empobrecida, especialmente a classe camponesa, que trabalhava para sustentar as benesses do mundo urbano. É de dentro dessa realidade que ecoa o grito de Amós como denúncia a esse estado de coisas, como palavra de desgraça e condenação a toda sorte de desmandos praticados em Israel. Entre esses a falência do sistema judiciário, pela prática da exploração e corrupção por parte dos magistrados, de ricos comerciantes e latifundiários, desviando o pobre do seu direito de recorrer em sua defesa perante o tribunal. Em razão disso, Amós anuncia a ruína de Israel, com o Dia de Javé, que será um anti-Êxodo, e aponta uma exigência ético-religiosa como forma de reverter esse não futuro para Israel, que se traduz no compromisso de estabelecer à Porta o Direito e a Justiça.


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In the present study I investigated the mechanisms of modulation of neuronal network activity in rat primary motor cortex using pharmacological manipulations employing the in vitro brain slice technique. Preparation of the brain slice in sucrose-based aCSF produced slices with low viability. Introducing the neuroprotectants N-acetyl-cysteine, taurine and aminoguanidine to the preparatory method saw viability of slices increase significantly. Co-application of low dose kainic acid and carbachol consistently generated beta oscillatory activity in M1. Analyses indicated that network activity in M1 relied on the involvement of GABAA receptors. Dose-response experiments performed in M1 showed that beta activity can be modulated by benzodiazepine site ligands. Low doses of positive allosteric modulators consistently desynchronised beta oscillatory activity, a mechanism that may be driven by a1-subunit containing GABAA receptors. Higher doses increased the power of beta oscillatory activity. Whole-cell recordings in M1 uncovered three interneuronal subtypes regularly encountered in M1; Fast-spiking, regular-spiking non-Pyramidal and low threshold spiking. With the paradoxical effects of positive allosteric modulators in mind, subsequent voltage-clamp recordings in FS cells revealed a constitutively active tonic inhibitory current that could be modulated by zolpidem in two different ways. Low dose zolpidem increased the tonic inhibitory current in FS cells, consistent with the desynchronisation of network oscillatory activity seen at this concentration. High dose zolpidem decreased the inhibitory tonic current seen in FS cells, coinciding with an increase in oscillatory power. These studies indicate a fundamental role for a tonic inhibitory current in the modulation of network activity. Furthermore, desynchronisation of beta activity in M1 decreased as viability of the in vitro brain slice increased, suggesting that the extent of desynchronisation is dependent upon the pathophysiological state of the network. This indicates that low dose zolpidem could be used as a therapeutic agent specifically for the desynchronisation of pathological oscillations in oscillopathies such as Parkinson’s disease.


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This PhD thesis belongs to three main knowledge domains: operations management, environmental management, and decision making. Having the automotive industry as the key sector, the investigation was undertaken aiming at deepening the understanding of environmental decision making processes in the operations function. The central research question for this thesis is ?Why and how do manufacturing companies take environmental decisions? This PhD research project used a case study research strategy supplemented by secondary data analysis and the testing and evaluation of a proposed systems thinking model for environmental decision making. Interviews and focus groups were the main methods for data collection. The findings of the thesis show that companies that want to be in the environmental leadership will need to take environmental decisions beyond manufacturing processes. Because the benefits (including financial gain) of non-manufacturing activities are not clear yet the decisions related to product design, supply chain and facilities are fully embedded with complexity, subjectivism, and intrinsic risk. Nevertheless, this is the challenge environmental leaders will face - they may enter in a paradoxical state of their decisions – where although the risk of going greener is high, the risk of not doing it is even higher.


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The visual evoked magnetic response to half-field stimulation using pattern reversal was studied using a d.c. SQUID coupled to a second order gradiometer. The main component of the magnetic response consisted of a positive wave at around 100 ms (P100M). At the time this component was present the response to half-field stimulation consisted of an outgoing magnetic field contralateral and extending to the midline. When the left half field was stimulated the outgoing field was over the posterior right visual cortex and when the right half field was stimulated it was over the left anterior visual cortex. These findings would correctly identify a source located in the contralateral visual cortex. The orientation of the dipoles was not that previously assumed to explain the paradoxical lateralization of the visual evoked potential. The results are discussed in terms of both electrical and magnetic models of the calcarine fissure. © 1992.


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The visual evoked magnetic response to half-field stimulation using pattern reversal was studied using a dc-SQUID coupled to a second-order gradiometer. The main component of the magnetic response consisted of a positive wave at around 100ms (P100M). At the same time this component was present the reponse to half-field stimulation consisted of an outgoing field contralateral and extending to the midline. When the left half-field was stimulates the outgoing field was over the posterior right visual cortex and when the right half field was stimulated it was over the left anterior visual cortex. These findings would correltly identify a source located in the contralateral visual cortex. The orientation of the dipoles was not that previously assumed to explain the paradoxical lateralization of the visual evoked potential. The results are discussed in terms of both electrical and magnetic models of the calcarine fissure.


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Since the visual evoked potential to pattern reversal stimulation produces a paradoxical lateralisation of the major positive P100 component and since this paradoxical lateralisation is dependent on the stimulus parameters including check and field size, we have therefore, carried out a study of the magnetic response (VEMR) to a pattern reversal stimulus in four normal subjects using both full field and half field stimulation and two different check sizes.


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The past two decades have witnessed growing political disaffection and a widening mass/elite disjuncture in France, reflected in opinion polls, rising abstentionism, electoral volatility and fragmentation, with sustained voting against incumbent governments. Though the electoral system has preserved the duopoly of the mainstream coalitions, they have suffered loss of public confidence and swings in electoral support. Stable parliamentary majorities conceal a political landscape of assorted anti-system parties and growing support for far right and far left. The picture is paradoxical: the French express alienation from political parties yet relate positively to their political institutions; they berate national politicians but retain strong bonds with those elected locally; they appear increasingly disengaged from politics yet forms of ‘direct democracy’ are finding new vigour. While the electoral, attitudinal and systemic factors reviewed here may not signal a crisis of democracy, they point to serious problems of political representation in contemporary France.


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Although generally regarded as a neurotransmitter, dopamine is also known to be secreted by the kidney whereby it promotes sodium excretion in its role as a natriuretic honnone. Peripheral dopamine may be formed by two alternative pathways; the decarboxylation of circulating L-Dopa by L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (LAAAD), and the desulphation of dopamine sulphate by arylsulphatase A (ASA), the latter being poorly represented in the literature. In many conditions and diseases with which sodium retention is associated, a reduced urinary excretion of dopamine has been noted implicating the involvement of dopamine in the maintenance of sodium homeostasis.This study investigates renal dopamine production via the desulphation of dopamine sulphate in a sample cohort during normal unregulated dietary sodium intake and following a low sodium regimen. After dietary salt restriction urinary dopamine sulphate levels were significantly increased, indicating that dopamine sulphate is indeed a physiological reservoir of active free dopamine, the necessity for which is reduced during self depletion. This confirmed the dopamine/dopamine sulphate pathway as one which may be relevant to the maintenance of sodium homeostasis. The activity of urinary ASA was investigated in diabetes mellitus as an example of a sodium-retaining state, and compared with that in a matched normal control group. A decreased ASA activity was anticipated, given the blunted dopamine excretion observed in many sodium-retaining states, however an unexpected increase in activity in the diabetic group was observed. Enzyme kinetic analysis of ASA showed that this was not due to the existence of an isoform having an altered affinity for dopamine sulphate. This rather paradoxical situation, that urinary-dopamine is decreased while ASA activity is increased, may be explained by the sequestering of free dopamine by autoxidation to 6-hydroxydopamine as has been hypothesised recently to occur in diabetes mellitus. To confirm the homogeneity of ASA in the normal and diabetic groups, four amplicons spanning the 3637bp intronic and exonic regions of the gene were generated by PCR. These were sequence utilising a fluorescent-dye terminator reaction using the forward PCR primer as sequencing primer. Although single nucleotide polymorphisms were observed between the two groups these occurred either in intronic regions or, when exonic, generated silent mutations, supporting the enzyme kinetic data. The expression of ASA was investigated to determine the basis of the increased activity observed in diabetes mellitus. Although a validated comparative RT-PCR assay was developed for amplification of arsa transcripts from fresh blood samples, expression analysis from archived paraffin-embedded renal tissue was complicated by the low yield and degradation of unprotected mRNA. Suggestions for the development of this work using renal cell-culture are discussed.


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The topographical distribution of the pattern reversal Visual Evoked Response (VER) was recorded from a localised montage of 20 electrodes over the visual cortex. The response was recorded after stimulation with a black and white checkerboard stimulus. The effect of field location on the major components was investigated in 11 subjects (age range (23-55). The major components of the half field response were; a negative around 75ms (N75) followed by a positivity around 80ms (P80), then a positivity around 100ms (P100) followed by another positivity at around 120ms (P120) and a negativity at approximately 145ms (N145). No effect of field size could be demonstrated on either the amplitude or latency of the late negativity, N145. No significant effect of field size or location was shown on the latency of the P100 response. A delay previously shown in the upper half field response was therefore not substantiated. In contrast the amplitude of the major positivity, P100 was significantly affected by the field size and location. The amplitude of both P100 and N145 were significantly reduced following upper field stimulation when compared with the lower field response. No significant amplitude difference between the upper and lower field responses was demonstrated using electroretinography, the amplitude may therefore be reduced as a result of the ventral position of the upper field representation on the visual cortex. The lateral half field VEP was compared with the distribution of the visual evoked magnetic response (VEMR). The distribution of the VEMR supported the proposal that the paradoxical lateralisation of the VEP half field response is the result of the source being directed ipsilaterally. The morphology of the VEP following octant and double octant stimulation suggests that the response is generated in the striate cortex, with a reversal in response distribution following stimulation of the upper vertical and horizontal meridia.


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The Aston Eye Study (AES) was instigated in October 2005 to determine the distribution of refractive error and associated ocular biometry in a sample of UK urban school children. The AES is the first study to compare outcome measures separately in White, South Asian and Black children. Children were selected from two age groups (Year 2 children aged 6/7 years, Year8 children aged 12/13 years of age) using random cluster sampling of schools in Birmingham, West Midlands UK. To date, the AES has examined 598 children (302 Year 2,296 Year 8). Using open-field cycloplegic autorefraction, the overall prevalence of myopia (=-0.50D SER in either eye) determined was 19.6%, with a higher prevalence in older (29.4%) compared to younger (9.9%) children (p<0.001). Using multiple logistic regression models, the risk of myopia was higher in Year 8 South Asian compared to White children and higher in children attending grammar schools relative to comprehensive schools. In addition, the prevalence of uncorrected ametropia was found to be high (Year 8: 12.84%, Year 2: 15.23%), which will be of concern to bodies responsible for the implementation of school vision screening strategies. Biometric data using non-contact partial coherence interferometry revealed a contributory effect of axial length (AL) and central corneal radius (CR) on myopic refraction, resulting in a strong coefficient of determination of the AL/CR ratio on refractive error. Ocular biometric measures did not vary significantly as a function of ethnicity, suggesting a greater miscorrelation of components in susceptible ethnic groups to account for their higher myopia prevalence. Corneal radius was found to be steeper in myopes in both age groups, but was found to flatten with increasing axial length. Due to the inextricable link between myopia and axial elongation, the paradoxical finding of the cornea demands further longitudinal investigation, particularly in relation to myopia onset. Questionnaire analysis revealed a history of myopia in parents and siblings to be significantly associated with myopia in Year 8 children, with a dose-dependent rise in the odds ratio of myopia evident with increasing number of myopic parents. By classifying socioeconomic status (SES) using Index of Multiple Deprivation values, it was found that Year 8 children from moderately deprived backgrounds were more at risk of myopia compared with children located at both extremities of the deprivation spectrum. However, the main effect of SES weakened following multivariate analysis, with South Asian ethnicity and grammar schooling remaining associated with Year 8 myopia after adjustment.


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The paradoxical effects of the hypnotic imidazopyridine zolpidem, widely reported in persistent vegetative state, have been replicated recently in brain-injured and cognitively impaired patients. However, the neuronal mechanisms underlying these benefits are yet to be demonstrated. We implemented contemporary neuroimaging methods to investigate sensorimotor and cognitive improvements, observed in stroke patient JP following zolpidem administration.