1000 resultados para Educación-Aspectos sociales-España


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El acceso a la telefonía móvil en Colombia evidencia ciertas particularidades con respecto a otros países. En Colombia surgió una nueva alternativa de comunicación que consistía en la venta de minutos de celular en las calles y en pequeños negocios durante los primeros años de ésta década. En este documento se analizan las principales características de quienes usan esta modalidad de comunicación con base en una encuesta dirigida a usuarios y no usuarios de bajos ingresos. Se usa un modelo probabilístico para explicar las características de las personas que lo usan y se encuentra que las personas que están en la modalidad de contrato prepago y que viven en ciudades pequeñas tienen una mayor probabilidad de usar esta alternativa de comunicación. De otro lado se encuentra que quienes están con el operador dominante tienden a usar este servicio también de una forma más notoria. Estos resultados parecen indicar que los diferenciales de precios entre las llamadas off-net y on-net así como entre prepago y postpago son los que alimentaron el surgimiento de esta actividad


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This is a critical review of the empirical literature on the relationship between violence and economic growth in Colombia: an interesting case study for social scientists studying violence, conflict, crime and development. We argue that, despite the rapid development of this literature and the increasing use of new techniques, there is still much room for research. After assessing the contribution of the most influential papers on the subject, we suggest directions for future research.


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In this paper we find that the diffusion pattern of mobile telephony in Colombia can be best characterised as following a Logistic curve. Although in recent years the rate of growth of mobile phone subscribers has started to slow down, we find evidence that there is still room for further expansion as the saturation level is expected to be reached in five years time. The estimated saturation level is consistent with some individuals possessing more than one mobile device.


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In order to present an estimation of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) to higher education in Colombia we take advantage of the methodological approach provided by Heckman, Lochner and Todd (2005). Trying to overcome the criticism that surrounds interpretations of the education coefficient of Mincer equations as being the rate of return to investments in education we develop a more structured approach of estimation, which controls for selection bias, includes more accurate measures of labor income and the role of education costs and income taxes. Our results implied a lower rate of return than the ones found in the Colombian literature and show that the Internal Rate of Return for higher education in Colombia lies somewhere between 0.074 and 0.128. The results vary according to the year analyzed and individual’s gender. This last result reinforces considerations regarding gender discrimination in the Colombian labor market.


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Los datos recientes de areas de cultivos ilícitos indican que a pesar de las fumigaciones, la producción total se ha reducido levemente y los cultivos se han dispersado. Se plantea un modelo teórico que analiza las decisiones tomadas por los cultivadores sobre la localizaci´on de sus parcelas, basando esta escogencia en la dinamización local de los costos esperados. Se utiliza un modelo de agentes para la simulación de la naturaleza compleja de las dinámicas estudiadas. Se encuentra que el incentivo para agruparse aumenta con las economías a escala y se reduce con la expectativa del castigo, sobretodo en zonas con alta densidad de cultivadores.


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This paper uses a hybrid human capital / signaling model to study grading standards in schools when tuition fees are allowed. The paper analyzes the grading standard set by a profit maximizing school and compares it with the efficient one. The paper also studies grading standards when tuition fees have limits. When fees are regulated a profit maximizing school will set lower grading standards than when they are not regulated. Credit constraints of families also induce schools to lower their standards. Given that in the model presented competition is not feasible, these results show the importance of regulation of grading standards.


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This paper studies the effect of strengthening democracy, as captured by an increase in voting rights, on the incidence of violent civil conflict in nineteenth-century Colombia. Empirically studying the relationship between democracy and conflict is challenging, not only because of conceptual problems in defining and measuring democracy, but also because political institutions and violence are jointly determined. We take advantage of an experiment of history to examine the impact of one simple, measurable dimension of democracy (the size of the franchise) on con- flict, while at the same time attempting to overcome the identification problem. In 1853, Colombia established universal male suffrage. Using a simple difference-indifferences specification at the municipal level, we find that municipalities where more voters were enfranchised relative to their population experienced fewer violent political battles while the reform was in effect. The results are robust to including a number of additional controls. Moreover, we investigate the potential mechanisms driving the results. In particular, we look at which components of the proportion of new voters in 1853 explain the results, and we examine if results are stronger in places with more political competition and state capacity. We interpret our findings as suggesting that violence in nineteenth-century Colombia was a technology for political elites to compete for the rents from power, and that democracy constituted an alternative way to compete which substituted violence.


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We carried out a randomized controlled trial in Bogotá, the recipient of Colombia´s highest number of internally displaced people (IDP), to assess whether the use of SMS to communicate eligibility to social benefits fosters the welfare of victimized internal refugees. Only a fraction of IDP are elegible to benefits. We inform eligibility via SMS to a random half of IDP-households who are, and estimate the Local Average Treatment Effect of the text message on the knowledge of the benefits available tothe displaced population. We show that while on the average treated households know their rights better than controls, a more disaggregate analysis suggest that there is variation of awareness across benefits. The intervention was overall successful in empowering IDP and the use of SMS should be widened as a social policy instrument. However our results suggest that text messages should be complemented with other communication strategies, yet to be evaluated.


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Financial protection is one of the objectives of health systems, which protects poor households from falling into poverty as a result of health care related expenses. Expanding prepayment schemes to the poor is difficult in developing countries because labor is largely informal. Providing health care free-at-point-of-service does not adequately target spending on the poorest, but occupation- or community-based schemes have also inherent limitations to achieve universal coverage. Colombia adopted a government-subsidized health insurance scheme (SHI) strategy. The political debate about increasing SHI enrollment needs evidence about the effectiveness of this scheme regarding financial protection. This study runs a four-part model to estimate the effect of SHI on out-of-pocket expenses by the poor that are currently uninsured, if they were enrolled in the SHI. The results show a 43% and 50% reduction in expenses at Bogotá and national level respectively, which confirms the effectiveness of SHI as a financial protection tool.


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We offer a new explanation of partial risk sharing based on coalition formation and segmentation of society in a risky environment, without assuming limited commitment and imperfect information. Heterogenous individuals in a society freely choose with whom they will share risk. A partition belonging to the core of the membership game obtains. Perfect risk sharing does not necessarily arise. Focusing on mutual insurance rule and assuming that individuals only differ with respect to risk, we show that the core partition is homophily-based. The distribution of risk affects the number and size of these coalitions. Individuals may pay a lower risk premium in riskier societies. A higher heterogeneity in risk leads to a lower degree of risk sharing. We discuss how the endogenous partition of society into risk-sharing coalitions may shed light on empirical evidence on partial risk sharing. The case of heterogenous risk aversion leads to similar results.


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El presente documento hace una revisión de la literatura reciente (últimos 15 años) que vincula la acción colectiva con las políticas públicas. En particular se observan dos tendencias, de un lado, la defensa a la lógica de la acción colectiva señalando el tipo de incentivos que se deben crear para propiciar la cooperación y eventualmente tener resultados de políticas públicas, y aquellos que piensan que la acción colectiva depende de elementos psicológicos y sociales que no siempre garantizan una cooperación constante y que dificultan predecir lo que puede suceder en términos de políticas públicas. Al final se concluye que, si bien la lógica de la acción colectiva contribuye al análisis de las políticas públicas, aún falta un mejor entendimiento de las razones que motivan o frenan la cooperación y la manera como esta se construye en función de un problema colectivo que se puede o no convertirse en una política pública.


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En la Conferencia Mundial de la Ciencia en Budapest se hizo un llamado para que la investigación científica y el desarrollo tecnológico esté más vinculado a resolver los problemas esenciales de la sociedad. Esta situación es lo que se conoce como el nuevo contrato social de la ciencia en donde los científicos se deben comprometer más a responder a las necesidades sociales y los gobiernos a apoyar la investigación.


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We document the existence of a Crime Kuznets Curve in US states since the 1970s. As income levels have risen, crime has followed an inverted U-shaped pattern, first increasing and then dropping. The Crime Kuznets Curve is not explained by income inequality. In fact, we show that during the sample period inequality has risen monotonically with income, ruling out the traditional Kuznets Curve. Our finding is robust to adding a large set of controls that are used in the literature to explain the incidence of crime, as well as to controlling for state and year fixed effects. The Curve is also revealed in nonparametric specifications. The Crime Kuznets Curve exists for property crime and for some categories of violent crime.


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La relación entre el Derecho del Trabajo y la economía determina no sólo la génesis de esta disciplina, sino las coyunturas que deben afrontarse para hacer viable la generación de empleo, sin desproteger las condiciones mínimas que garanticen el derecho al trabajo, bajo los parámetros establecidos en la Constitución. Esta obra presentatambién unanálisis del impacto de la crisis económica mundial en materia de derecho individual, colectivo y procesal del trabajo, sin dejar de lado la seguridad social, las reformas y elanálisis que deben adoptarse para afrontarla.


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Esta publicación tiene por objeto hacer una presentación académica y jurídica del contenido de la citada norma; teniendo en cuenta su importancia para el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, pues se trata de la reforma a una parte significativa del Código Civil en cuanto al carácter de los asuntos que aborda. Adicionalmente, se hace un análisis del contenido y se brindan las herramientas necesarias para la enseñanza, por parte de los docentes dedicados a ello en los programas de derecho, así como para el entendimiento de sus alcances por parte de los estudiantes.