971 resultados para EXPO 98
We evaluated the effect of adjuvant whole brain irradiation (WBI) after surgery or radiosurgery for solitary brain metastases in a Phase III multicentre trial with randomization to 30-36 Gy WBI or observation. The study was closed early due to slow accrual after 19 patients (WBI 10, observation 9). There was no difference in CNS failure-free survival or overall survival between the arms. There was a trend to reduced CNS relapse with WBI (30% versus 78%, P = 0.12). Limited analysis of quality of life and neurocognitive function data revealed no evidence of difference between the arms. Our results are not inconsistent with two larger randomized trials and support the use of upfront WBI to decrease brain recurrence in this setting. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper analyses the relationship between industrial total factor productivity and public capital across the 20 Italian administrative regions. It adds upon the existing literature in a number of ways: it analyses a longer period (1970-98); it allows for the role of human capital accumulation; it tests for the existence of a long-run relationship between total factor productivity and public capital (through previously suggested panel techniques) and for weak exogeneity of public capital; and it assesses the significance of public capital within a non-parametric set-up based on the Free Disposal Hull. The results confirm that public capital has a significant impact on the evolution of total factor productivity, particularly in the Southern regions. This impact is mainly ascribed to the core infrastructures (road and airports, harbours, railroads, water and electricity, telecommunications). Also, core infrastructures are weakly exogenous. © 2005 Regional Studies Association.
An approach to transfer a high-quality Si layer for the fabrication of silicon-on-insulator wafers has been proposed based on the investigation of platelet and crack formation in hydrogenated epitaxialSi/Si0.98B0.02/Si structures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. H-related defect formation during hydrogenation was found to be very sensitive to the thickness of the buried Si0.98B0.02 layer. For hydrogenated Si containing a 130nm thick Si0.98B0.02 layer, no platelets or cracking were observed in the B-doped region. Upon reducing the thickness of the buried Si0.98B0.02 layer to 3nm, localized continuous cracking was observed along the interface between the Si and the B-doped layers. In the latter case, the strains at the interface are believed to facilitate the (100)-oriented platelet formation and (100)-oriented crack propagation.
A partire da un’analisi complessiva della struttura di Palazzo Italia Expo, è stata approfondita nel dettaglio la realizzazione del rivestimento. Sono emerse soluzioni costruttive fortemente innovative, dettate da necessità architettoniche ben precise: si è cercato di conciliare il concept della foresta urbana con le esigenze funzionali che il palazzo doveva soddisfare. Nella scelta del materiale da rivestimento si è optato per un “cemento biodinamico” brevettato per l’occasione da ItalCementi, e studiato anch’esso con obiettivi ben definiti: ricercare una brillantezza e purezza del colore durevole nel tempo, e avvicinarsi sempre più all’esigenza di sostenibilità ambientale delle strutture. Si è cercato di analizzare l'effettiva capacità di questo cemento di soddisfare i requisiti prefissati nel corso tempo, anche attraverso un'analisi comparativa con il cemento utilizzato nella chiesa Dives in Misericordia a Roma di Richard Meier.
Western subtropical North Atlantic oceanic and atmospheric circulations connect tropical and subpolar climates. Variations in these circulations can generate regional climate anomalies that are not reflected in Northern Hemisphere averages. Assessing the significance of anthropogenic climate change at regional scales requires proxy records that allow recent trends to be interpreted in the context of long-term regional variability. We present reconstructions of Gulf Stream sea surface temperature (SST) and hydrographic variability during the past two millennia based on the magnesium/calcium ratio and oxygen isotopic composition of planktic foraminifera preserved in two western subtropical North Atlantic sediment cores. Reconstructed SST suggests low-frequency variability of ~1°C during an interval that includes the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and the Little Ice Age (LIA). A warm interval near 1250 A.D. is distinct from regional and hemispheric temperature, possibly reflecting regional variations in ocean-atmosphere heat flux associated with changes in atmospheric circulation (e.g., the North Atlantic Oscillation) or the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Seawater d18O, which is marked by a fresher MCA and a more saline LIA, covaries with meridional migrations of the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone. The northward advection of tropical salinity anomalies by mean surface currents provides a plausible mechanism linking Carolina Slope and tropical Atlantic hydrology.
Der 1795-1798 verfasste Text "De re scholastica Anglica cum Germanica comparata" (Über das englische Schulwesen im Vergleich zum deutschen) des sächsischen Rektors Friedrich August Hecht ist die erste bekannte Schrift zur Vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft. Ihre zentrale Materialgrundlage bilden englische und deutsche Schulbücher für Latein- und Gelehrtenschulen. Aus deutschsprachiger Sekundärliteratur übernimmt Hecht darüber hinaus Informationen über schulorganisatorische, curriculare und didaktische Besonderheiten der englischen Public Schools Westminster und Eton, und setzt sie zu den ihm aus eigener Praxis bekannten deutschen (sächsischen) Schulverhältnissen in Beziehung. Der Gedanke der Transnationalität im Bildungsbereich, der sich aktuell etwa im Begriff von transnationalen Bildungsräumen ausdrückt, hat bei Hecht der Sache nach drei Anknüpfungspunkte: die bildungspolitische Wirksamkeit transnationaler Herrscherfamilien, die gemeineuropäische Bedeutung der Gebildeten- und Gelehrtensprache Latein und die nationübergreifende Dimension des humanistischen Bildungskanons. Das alte Europa kannte Nationen und Staaten, aber es kannte noch keine Nationalstaaten. Die Deutschen sind für Hecht noch eine alteuropäische Nation, die Engländer dagegen auf dem Wege zur oder sind schon Staatsnation. Die Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft entsteht mit Hechts Schrift in einer Situation, da die alte transnationale Ordnung der Nationen und Staaten in die neue internationale Ordnung der Nationalstaaten übergeht. (DIPF/Orig.)
Resumo indisponível.
The South Carolina Office of Executive Policy and Programs submits an annual accountability report to the Governor and General Assembly that contains the agency's or department's mission, objectives to accomplish the mission, and performance measures that show the degree to which objectives are being met.
This accountability report from the Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services describes the agency's mission, key strategic changes, major accomplishments and strategic planning. It also contains the report for the South Carolina Board of Paroles and Pardons.
The South Carolina Higher Education Tuition Grants Commission submits an annual accountability report to the Governor and General Assembly that contains the Commission's mission, objectives to accomplish the mission, and performance measures that show the degree to which objectives are being met.
Teóricos del campo de la lingüística aplicada sostienen que para estudiantes de segunda lengua, la adquisición de la competencia cultural mejora por el uso de obras literarias. Aquí se propone que al integrar en la clase autores olvidados o marginados se ponen de relieve las ambigüedades, diferencias y contrastes presentes en la cultura predominante. Se ilustra cómo, en dos cuentos cortos de Carmen de Burgos, se plantea el problema de la mujer con todo lo complejo del tema, asunto casi pasado por alto por los autores incluidos en la Generación del '98.Applied linguistics theorists maintain that the acquisition of cultural competence by second-Ianguage students is enhanced through the use of literary works. The proposition of the present article is that by incorporating neglected or marginal authors i n the classroom, the ambiguities, differences and contrasts present in the predominant culture are highlighted. Through the study of two short stories by Carmen de Burgos, the woman question, a subject largely ignored by the Generation of 1898 writers, is set out in all of its complexity.