993 resultados para Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968
Herman Stein, President of the International Association of Schools of Social Work from 1968 - 1976, has for more than sixty years excelled as an educator, scholar, internationalist, university administrator, and leader in a variety of professional associations.
Dame Eileen Younghusband died in a car accident on a lecture tour in the in the USA at a point when preparations had commenced for her 80th Birthday celebrations. Her working life had spanned a significant era in the history of the development of social work and education for the profession in the UK and more widely; and she herself had made a major contribution to these developments. She differs from earlier pioneering figures presented in these historical portraits in representing ‘the next generation’ of significant women in the history of social work. Nevertheless, she was a pioneer in the sense of initiating radical changes as described later in this portrait.
This article is the result of research following on from the author’s previous article on the same subject, ›The Inspiration for Marcel Duchamp’s Bicycle Wheel Readymade‹ written in 2007. In that article the author argued by process of deduction that Duchamp’s Bicycle Wheel was inspired by an improvised telescope stand and was not the product of the artist’s imagination as the artist claimed. This article presents new supporting evidence of a Great War period photograph of an improvised telescope stand made with a bicycle wheel and forks. This article also examines the dating of the first version and construction of the authorised versions of Bicycle Wheel and presents new evidence for the source of the forks component of the 1916 version.
[]Benjamin Rippner; Mitarb.: Benno Badt]
irták Löw Immánuel és Klein Salamon
Sie kämpften nicht nur gegen die kapitalistische, sondern auch gegen die männlich dominierte Gesellschaft: Die Aktivistinnen der Frauenbewegung nach 1968. Diese verband die Suche nach einer anderen Gesellschaft mit neuen Auffassungen von Sexualität. Bestehende Machtverhältnisse wurden kritisch hinterfragt. Eine feministische Gegenkultur prägte sich aus, die sich als Gegenstück zur männlich dominierten Gesellschaft verstand. Basierend auf den Resultaten eines mehrjährigen Forschungsprojekts, bietet diese Überblicksdarstellung erstmals umfassend Einblick in Mobilisierung, Formen der Aktion sowie Kontroversen im feministischen Milieu von 1968 bis 2011. Neben Schlüsseldokumenten enthält der Band auch eine Übersicht über zentrale Quellenbestände in allen Landesteilen sowie eine umfassende Chronologie und Bibliografie.