955 resultados para Dry-wood-termite
We present the results of airborne measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) and aerosol particle number concentration (CN) made during the Balan double dagger o Atmosf,rico Regional de Carbono na Amazonia (BARCA) program. The primary goal of BARCA is to address the question of basin-scale sources and sinks of CO2 and other atmospheric carbon species, a central issue of the Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere (LBA) program. The experiment consisted of two aircraft campaigns during November-December 2008 (BARCA-A) and May-June 2009 (BARCA-B), which covered the altitude range from the surface up to about 4500 m, and spanned most of the Amazon Basin. Based on meteorological analysis and measurements of the tracer, SF6, we found that airmasses over the Amazon Basin during the late dry season (BARCA-A, November 2008) originated predominantly from the Southern Hemisphere, while during the late wet season (BARCA-B, May 2009) low-level airmasses were dominated by northern-hemispheric inflow and mid-tropospheric airmasses were of mixed origin. In BARCA-A we found strong influence of biomass burning emissions on the composition of the atmosphere over much of the Amazon Basin, with CO enhancements up to 300 ppb and CN concentrations approaching 10 000 cm(-3); the highest values were in the southern part of the Basin at altitudes of 1-3 km. The Delta CN/Delta CO ratios were diagnostic for biomass burning emissions, and were lower in aged than in fresh smoke. Fresh emissions indicated CO/CO2 and CN/CO emission ratios in good agreement with previous work, but our results also highlight the need to consider the residual smoldering combustion that takes place after the active flaming phase of deforestation fires. During the late wet season, in contrast, there was little evidence for a significant presence of biomass smoke. Low CN concentrations (300-500 cm(-3)) prevailed basinwide, and CO mixing ratios were enhanced by only similar to 10 ppb above the mixing line between Northern and Southern Hemisphere air. There was no detectable trend in CO with distance from the coast, but there was a small enhancement of CO in the boundary layer suggesting diffuse biogenic sources from photochemical degradation of biogenic volatile organic compounds or direct biological emission. Simulations of CO distributions during BARCA-A using a range of models yielded general agreement in spatial distribution and confirm the important contribution from biomass burning emissions, but the models evidence some systematic quantitative differences compared to observed CO concentrations. These mismatches appear to be related to problems with the accuracy of the global background fields, the role of vertical transport and biomass smoke injection height, the choice of model resolution, and reliability and temporal resolution of the emissions data base.
The objective of this work was to develop and validate linear regression models to estimate the production of dry matter by Tanzania grass (Megathyrsus maximus, cultivar Tanzania) as a function of agrometeorological variables. For this purpose, data on the growth of this forage grass from 2000 to 2005, under dry-field conditions in Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil, were correlated to the following climatic parameters: minimum and mean temperatures, degree-days, and potential and actual evapotranspiration. Simple linear regressions were performed between agrometeorological variables (independent) and the dry matter accumulation rate (dependent). The estimates were validated with independent data obtained in Sao Carlos and Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. The best statistical results in the development and validation of the models were obtained with the agrometeorological parameters that consider thermal and water availability effects together, such as actual evapotranspiration, accumulation of degree-days corrected by water availability, and the climatic growth index, based on average temperature, solar radiation, and water availability. These variables can be used in simulations and models to predict the production of Tanzania grass.
There are several techniques to characterize the elastic modulus of wood and those currently using the natural frequencies of vibration stand out as they are non-destructive techniques, producing results that can be repeated and compared over time. This study reports on the effectiveness of the testing methods based on the natural frequencies of vibration versus static bending to obtain the elastic properties of reforested structural wood components usually employed in civil construction. The following components were evaluated: 24 beams of Eucalyptus sp. with nominal dimensions (40 x 60 x 2.000 mm) and 14 beams of Pinus oocarpa with nominal dimensions (45 x 90 x 2.300 mm) both without treatment; 30 boards with nominal dimensions (40 x 240 x 2.010 mm) and 30 boards with nominal dimensions (40 x 240 x 3.050 mm), both of Pinus oocarpa and with chromate copper arsenate (CCA) preservative treatment. The results obtained in thiswork show good correlation when compared to the results obtained by the static bending mechanical method, especially when applying the natural frequency of longitudinal vibration. The use of longitudinal frequency was reliable and practical, therefore recommended for determining the modulus of elasticity of wood structural elements. It was also found that no specific support is needed for the specimens using the longitudinal frequency, as well as no previous calibrations, reducing the execution time and enabling to test many samples.
A new gymnosperm taxon from the Lower Cretaceous (upper Aptian to possibly lower Albian) Crato Formation of Brazil, Duartenia araripensis gen. nov. et sp. nov. is described. The most prominent specimen, a branch with attached lateral branches of higher orders exhibits a distinct anisotomous branching pattern. The very dense wood is composed of tracheids with spaced and partly contiguous uniseriate pits and low rays with one pit per cross-field (mixed protopinaceous type). When foliage is not abraded, Duartenia exhibits coriacious Brachyphyllum-type leaves. Duartenia may be linked to cheirolepid conifers, however, the systematic affinity remains uncertain. The dense wood, characteristic growth pattern and thick, scale like, trichome bearing leaves may be related to ecological conditions that reflect a seasonally dry climate.
USE OF ADDITIVES IN THE WOOD BIODEGRADATION BY THE FUNGUS Ceriporiopsis subvermispora: EFFECT IN THE MANGANESE PEROXIDASE-DEPENDENT LIPID PEROXIDATION. Ceriporiopsis subvermispora is a selective fungus in the wood delignification and the most promising in biopulping. Through the lipid peroxidation initiated by manganese peroxidase (MnP), free radicals can be generated, which can act in the degradation of lignin nonphenolic structures. This work evaluated the prooxidant activity (based in lipid peroxidation) of enzymatic extracts from wood biodegradation by this fungus in cultures containing exogenous calcium, oxalic acid or soybean oil. It was observed that MnP significant activity is required to promote lipid peroxidation and wood delignification. Positive correlation between prooxidant activity x MnP was observed up to 300 IU kg(-1) of wood.
IDENTIFICATION OF ETHANOLIC WOOD EXTRACTS USING ELECTRONIC ABSORPTION SPECTRUM AND MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS. The application of multivariate analysis to spectrophotometric (UV) data was explored for distinguishing extracts of cachaca woods commonly used in the manufacture of casks for aging cachacas (oak, cabretiva-parda, jatoba, amendoim and canela-sassafras). Absorbances close to 280 nm were more strongly correlated with oak and jatoba woods, whereas absorbances near 230 nm were more correlated with canela-sassafras and cabretiva-parda. A comparison between the spectrophotometric model and the model based on chromatographic (HPLC-DAD) data was carried out. The spectrophotometric model better explained the variance data (PC1 + PC2 = 91%) exhibiting potential as a routine method for checking aged spirits.
In this paper we investigate the influence of extractives, lignin and holocellulose contents on performance index (PI) of seven woods used or tested for violin bows. Woods with higher values of this index (PI = root MOE/rho, where MOE is modulus of elasticity and rho is density) have a higher bending stiffness at a given mass, which can be related to bow wood quality. Extractive content was negatively correlated with PI in Caesalpinia echinata, Hanclroanthus sp. and Astronium lecointei. In C. echinata holocellulose was positively correlated with PI. These results need to be further explored with more samples and by testing additional wood properties. Although the chemical constituents could provide an indication of quality, it is not possible to establish appropriate woods for bows solely by examining their chemical constituents.
A new species of Oreobates is described from Cavernas do Peruacu National Park, Januaria, Minas Gerais state, in the Atlantic Dry Forests of Brazil. The new species is distinguished from all other Oreobates by having the following combination of characters: large tympanum, discs broadly enlarged and truncate on Fingers III and IV, smooth dorsal skin, nuptial pads absent, snout subacuminate, and a very short pulsatile (2-3 pulses) single-noted advertisement call with dominant frequency of about 3150 Hz, and no harmonic structure. Molecular phylogenetic analyses using partial sequences of the mitochondrial genes cytochrome b (cyt b) and 16S using multiple outgroups recovered the new species within Oreobates and sister to O. heterodactylus. The latter species inhabits the Dry Forests of Mato Grosso (Cerrado) and Bolivia (Chiquitano forests), and is strictly associated to these habitats, which suggests a preterit connection between Chiquitano and Atlantic Dry Forests. The discovery of a new Oreobates in the Atlantic Dry Forest is of great importance for the conservation of these dry forests, as it is known only from this type of habitat.
This research evaluated the natural resistance of Platanus x acerifolia, Luehea divaricate, Carya illinoinensis, Peltophorum dubium, Araucaria angustifolia, Eucalyptus grandis and Hovenia dulcis, to accelerated decay of the white-rot fungus Pycnoporus sanguineus. The Specific Density at 12% was determinated. The accelerated decay test was conducted with glass bottles (capacity of 500 mL) filled with 100 g of moist soil, autoclaved, and kept at 25 degrees C. The initial establishment of fungal colonies on plates was supported by samples of Pinus elliottii sapwood. In this study, three samples of dimensions 9.0 x 25.0 x 25.0 mm were used for each species evaluated and, after 16 weeks of incubation, the percentage loss of mass was calculated. The degree of natural resistance was performed according to the percentages of mass loss. The results obtained from weight loss were compared by Tukey test at 5%. The natural resistance of woods was not influenced by specific gravity The wood of Carya illinoinensis, Eucalyptus grandis, Platanus x acerifolia, Luehea divaricata and Peltophorum dubium were classified as very resistant, Houvenia dulcis as resistant and Araucaria angustifolia as moderate resistant.
In the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo (MASP), located in southeastern Brazil, surface ozone concentrations are often well above the national air quality standards. In this experimental study, we attempted to characterize the vertical profile of atmospheric ozone and transport of the ozone plume in the boundary layer, using data from the first ozone soundings ever taken in the MASP. In 2006, we launched fifteen ozonesondes: eight from 15 to 18 May (dry season); and seven from 30 October to 1 November (wet season). Vertical ozone mixing ratios in the troposphere were approximately 40 ppb, reaching maximum values of approximately 60 ppb during the dry-season campaign and approximately 100 ppb during the wet-season campaign. In the first and second campaigns, the mean tropospheric ozone column abundance was 28.2 and 41.3 DU, respectively, which can be attributed to the considerable variation in the annual temperature cycle over the region. To determine the effect that biomass burning has on ozone concentrations over the MASP, we analyzed wind trajectories and satellite-derived fire counts. We cannot state unequivocally that biomass burning contributed to higher ozone concentrations above the boundary layer during the experimental campaigns. In the boundary layer, ozone concentrations increase with altitude, peaking at the base of the inversion layer, suggesting that local emissions of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides play a significant role in the lower troposphere over MASP, influencing ozone formation not only at the surface but also vertically in the atmosphere and in distant regions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this work was (1) to develop a dehydrated pepper with 45% humidity, determining the drying curves for pepper, with and without osmotic pre-treatment and (2) to evaluate the influence of both drying and osmotic treatment on the content ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in fresh pepper and pepper with 45% humidity. The experiments were carried out using the peppers cut in half, with and without osmotic pre-treatment, followed by drying in an oven at 70 degrees C. The results showed that the osmotic pretreatment did not influence the retention of ascorbic acid during the drying of pepper. The sensory analysis regarding the color, flavor, and texture attributes revealed that there was no difference in the acceptability.
For the first time, multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar observations of optical and microphysical particle properties over the Amazon Basin are presented. The fully automated advanced Raman lidar was deployed 60 km north of Manaus, Brazil (2.5 degrees S, 60 degrees W) in the Amazon rain forest from January to November 2008. The measurements thus cover both the wet season (Dec-June) and the dry or burning season (July-Nov). Two cases studies of young and aged smoke plumes are discussed in terms of spectrally resolved optical properties (355, 532, and 1064 nm) and further lidar products such as particle effective radius and single-scattering albedo. These measurement examples confirm that biomass burning aerosols show a broad spectrum of optical, microphysical, and chemical properties. The statistical analysis of the entire measurement period revealed strong differences between the pristine wet and the polluted dry season. African smoke and dust advection frequently interrupt the pristine phases during the wet season. Compared to pristine wet season conditions, the particle scattering coefficients in the lowermost 2 km of the atmosphere were found to be enhanced, on average, by a factor of 4 during periods of African aerosol intrusion and by a factor of 6 during the dry (burning) season. Under pristine conditions, the particle extinction coefficients and optical depth for 532 nm wavelength were frequently as low as 10-30 Mm(-1) and <0.05, respectively. During the dry season, biomass burning smoke plumes reached to 3-5 km height and caused a mean optical depth at 532 nm of 0.26. On average during that season, particle extinction coefficients (532 nm) were of the order of 100 Mm(-1) in the main pollution layer (up to 2 km height). Angstrom exponents were mainly between 1.0 and 1.5, and the majority of the observed lidar ratios were between 50-80 sr.
This study aimed to analyze the variation of wood density in the radial and longitudinal trunk of Eucalyptus grandis trees. Six 23 years old trees were selected and cross sections were cut in three longitudinal positions (DBH, 3.70, 6.10 m) of the log. The results showed that the apparent density of wood (i) increases in the radial direction, characterizing the juvenile wood and mature wood, (ii) no significant variation in base-top log direction was observed. Based on the radial profiles of density, the mature wood of Eucalyptus grandis can be applied in the manufacture of products with higher aggregated value (PMVAs).
BACKGROUND: Alkaline sulfite/anthraquinone (ASA) cooking of Pinus radiata and Pinus caribaea wood chips followed by disk refining was used as a pretreatment for the production of low lignified and high fibrillated pulps. The pulps produced with different delignification degrees and refined at different energy inputs (250, 750 and 1600 Wh) were saccharified with cellulases and fermented to ethanol with Saccharomyces cerevisiae using separated hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) or semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSSF) processes. RESULTS: Delignification of ASA pulps was between 25% and 50%, with low glucans losses. Pulp yield was from 70 to 78% for pulps of P. radiata and 60% for the pulp of P. caribaea. Pulps obtained after refining were evaluated in assays of enzymatic hydrolysis. Glucans-to-glucose conversion varied from 20 to 70%, depending on the degree of delignification and fibrillation of the pulps. The best ASA pulp of P. radiata was used in SHF and SSSF experiments of ethanol production. Such experiments produced maximum ethanol concentration of 20 g L-1, which represented roughly90% of glucose conversion and an estimated amount of 260 L ethanol ton(-1) wood. P. caribaea pulp also presented good performance in the enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation but, due to the low amount of cellulose present, only 140 L ethanol would be obtained from each ton of wood. CONCLUSION: ASA cooking followed by disk refining was shown to be an efficient pretreatment process, which generated a low lignified and high-fibrillated substrate that allowed the production of ethanol from the softwoods with high conversion yields. (C) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry
The ability to induce apoptosis is an important marker for cytotoxic antitumor agents. Some natural compounds have been shown to modulate apoptosis pathways that are frequently blocked in human cancers, and therefore, these compounds provide novel opportunities for cancer drug development. Phyllanthus, a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae, exhibits multiple pharmacological actions. Of these, Phyllanthus niruri extracts exhibit significant antitumor activity, which is consistent with the traditional medicinal use of this plant. To examine the apoptotic effects of a spray-dried extract of P. niruri (SDEPN), human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2, Huh-7), colorectal carcinoma cells (Ht29) and keratinocytes (HaCaT) were exposed to the extract for 4, 8 and 24 h. Flow cytometry and caspase-3 immunostaining were used to detect apoptosis, while analysis of variance was applied to identify significant differences between groups (P < 0.05). At all timepoints, the SDEPN induced significantly different cytotoxic effects for HepG2 and Huh-7 cells compared with control cells (P < 0.001). In contrast, the SDEPN had a protective effect on HaCaT cells compared with control cells at all timepoints (P < 0.001). In caspase-3 assays, activation was detected after cell death was induced in Huh-7 and HepG2 cancer cells by the SDEPN. In combination, these results indicate that the SDEPN is selectively toxic towards cancer cell lines, yet is protective towards normal cells.