995 resultados para Domestic relations courts--South Carolina--Newberry County--Auditing
This gives statistics on the age of pending criminal cases broken down by circuits and counties.
This executive order by Governor Nikki R. Haley provides written notice to all members of the Richland County Recreation Commission Board of the specific charges brought against them showing cause for removal from office. She provides reasonable notice of an opportunity to be heard at a public hearing to be held on November 30, 2016 in Columbia, South Carolina at a specific time and location to be determined. She further presents in writing specific charges brought against all seven members of the RCRC Board and orders that any member of the RCRC Board not exercising his or her opportunity to be heard shall accordingly be removed from office on December 1, 2016.
This brochure describes scholarships available to Union County residents going to USC Union and the Union Campus of Spartanburg Community College.
This brochure gives directions on how to leave an abusive relationship. It also has a list of community resources and hotlines (by county) available to victims of domestic violence in the midlands region of South Carolina.
DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTION This Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). This EA informs the public and interested agencies of the proposed action and alternatives to the proposed action in order to gather feedback on the improvements under consideration. Proposed Action The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) are evaluating potential alternatives to improve IA 122 in the City of Mason City. IA 122/Business US 18 is a primary east-west travel route through the City that transitions from a 4- lane undivided roadway, to 2-lane one-way pairs, then back to a 4-lane undivided roadway (Figure 1-1). The Iowa DOT proposes to flatten the tight reverse curves on the east end of the project. The one-way pairs will be narrowed by eliminating on-street parking along the corridor to more clearly define travel lanes. This will serve to calm traffic flows and reduce crashes along the highway. Additionally, improvements to intersections as well as consolidating or removing access points to improve traffic operations are proposed within the project corridor. A new access road for the Mason City Fire Department on the west end of the project will allow emergency trucks better access to travel south and east. Study Area The primary area of investigation for the Project is generally bounded by IA 122 through Mason City, known locally as 5th and 6th Street Southwest from South Monroe Avenue to South Carolina Avenue. US 65, known locally as Federal Avenue, bisects the study area. At this intersection of US 65 and Iowa 122, the 5th and 6th Street SW changes to 5th and 6th St SE. For the purposes of this discussion, this area will be referred to collectively as the IA 122 corridor. The Study Area boundaries were established to allow the development of a wide range of alternatives that could address the purpose and need for the project. The Study Area is larger than the area proposed for construction activities for the Project. However, some impacts may extend beyond the Study Area; where this occurs, it will be noted and addressed in the Environmental Analysis Section (Section 5). Figure 1-1 outlines the Study Area of the proposed action.
This brochure gives directions on how to leave an abusive relationship. It also has a list of community resources and hotlines (by county) available to victims of domestic violence in the lowcountry region of South Carolina.
This brochure gives directions on how to leave an abusive relationship. It also has a list of community resources and hotlines (by county) available to victims of domestic violence in the Pee Dee Region of South Carolina.
This brochure gives directions on how to leave an abusive relationship. It also has a list of community resources and hotlines (by county) available to victims of domestic violence in the upstate region of South Carolina.
The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce publishes news releases with monthly statistics about the employment situation of the state, including unemployment rate, employment by industry, and local area unemployment by county and MSA.
These statistics show the number and percent of inmates from the committing county of their crimes. It is broken down by sex and race.
This review was predicated on a credible complaint alleging substantial health and safety deficiencies in the care of a resident placed in a Community Residential Care Facility (CRCF) in Kershaw County, South Carolina. Initial investigation with subject matter experts, non-profit advocacy groups, and CRCF inspection reports revealed this single incident might be a symptom of systemic health and safety deficiencies throughout DHEC’s CRCF Program, which regulates 471 CRCFs with the approximately 17,000 vulnerable clients, primarily elderly and disabled. This review’s scope and objectives were: Assess the risk of a vulnerable population of elderly and disabled citizens residing in CRCFs living in unsatisfactory health and safety conditions; Evaluate DHEC’s CRCF Program inspection process capabilities to identify and address CRCFs with unsatisfactory health and safety living conditions; Recommend opportunities to improve the CRCF Program.
This is a 2013 estimate of average total millage rate broken down by county, millage, percent relative to statewide average and relative to the statewide average.
This brochure describes the Cherokee Campus of Spartanburg Community College.
Investigative report produced by Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman
A semi-weekly paper that was published from 1801 to 1817. It was previously called the Independent chronicle and the universal advertiser, and was later the Independent chronicle and Boston patriot (Semiweekly). Publishers were Abijah Adams and Ebenezer Rhoades. Topics of interest in this issue include: Page 1: report of Independence Day celebration including multiple toasts to the military; Page 2: report of South Carolina militia marching home; report of U.S. schooner Alligator being lost to a tornado in Port Royal; report of 10,000 militia and 2,000 regular Army troops to be used in defense of the District of Columbia and vicinity; report U.S. is to try to raise 100,000 militia for defense; news of British deserters providing information to the U.S.; report of skirmishes along the U.S. coast; statement from U.S. Navy Capt. David Porter stating he had taken possession of Sir Henry Martin's Island; report of British troops burning a militia barracks in Lewiston, N.Y.; 4 accounts of the battle of Chippewa and the taking of Fort Erie; statement from Maj. Gen. Brown in praise of his troops in the battle of Chippewa; copy of General Brown's orders to attack at Fort Erie; essay arguing against U.S. citizens boarding enemy ships; report of peace treaty rumours; Page 3: account of Capt. Porter's capture and subsequent escape from the British; list of American prisoners held on the British ship Nymph; report of British cargo ship captured by U.S. war ship; Proclamation from James Madison pardoning military deserters if they return to military service; announcement to officers and soldiers in the military offering reward for the return of military deserters; Page 4: 2 reward advertisements for return of military deserters;