1000 resultados para Doencas cardiovasculares


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A neuropatia diabética é a complicação mais freqüente do Diabetes Mellitus. Sua natureza ubíqüa, atingindo praticamente todo o organismo, a multiplicidade de técnicas de diagnóstico descritas tendem a dificultar o seu estudo. No presente trabalho, nos detivemos no diagnóstico de neuropatia autonômica e da polineuropatia sensitiva somática. No que concerne a neuropatia autonômica buscou-se: 1) Padronizar em indivíduos normais os testes para o diagnóstico de neuropatia autonômica cardiovascular utilizando um método de registro eletrônico das respostas autonômicas desenvolvida em nosso laboratório e avaliar a resposta aos mesmos testes em um grupo de pacientes diabéticos. Foram estudados 111 indivíduos hígidos e 143 portadores de Diabetes Mellitus dos quais foram avaliadas as respostas da freqüência cardíaca à respiração profunda, à posição supina e à manobra de Valsalva, e a resposta da pressão arterial à posição supina e ao handgrip sustentado. Foram observadas: forte correlação positiva entre os resultados obtidos com o método computadorizado e o método tradicional; as respostas da freqüência cardíaca e da pressão arterial de homens e mulheres não diferiram; houve correlação entre a idade dos indivíduos e a resposta da freqüência cardíaca ao assumir a posição supina (r= - 0.47, p< 0.001) e à respiração profunda (r= -0.43; p< 0.001). Respostas anormais da pressão arterial à posição supina foram usualmente observadas somente em diabéticos com neuropatia autonômica definida e grave. 2) Utilizando um delineamento transversal buscou-se identificar a relação entre a presença de sintomas usualmente relacionados a disfunção do sistema autonômico bem como outras complicações crônicas do Diabetes Mellitus com três graus objetivamente definidos de disfunção autonômica (NA). Os sintomas foram avaliados através de um questionário aplicado a 132 diabéticos (38 portadores de Diabetes Mellitus Insulino Dependente e 94 Não insulino Dependente), 65 sem e 67 com Neuropatia Autonômica. A neuropatia autonômica foi classificada conforme os 5 testes cardiovasculares autonômicos descritos no item 1: 1) neuropatia Incipiente: 1 teste anormal (n= 27); 2) neuropatia definida: 2 ou 3 testes anormais(n=26); neuropatia grave- 4 a 5 testes anormais (n=14). Foi observada uma significativa associação entre o grau de envolvimento autonômico e a presença de sintomas. A presença de 2 ou mais dentre 7 sintomas autonômicos teve sensibilidade de 93% e especificidade de 89% para o diagnóstico de neuropatia autonômica grave. Na avaliação da polineuropatia sensitiva somática, buscou-se: 1) Avaliar o desempenho de três métodos (número de erros quando o monofilamento de Semmes-Weinsten 5.07 foi aplicado em 54 sítios plantares de ambos os pés, limiar de sensibilidade vibratória na região plantar do primeiro dedo do pé e presença de sintomas de neuropatia periférica usando o escore de sintomas desenvolvido pela Universidade de Michigan) para o diagnóstico e estadiamento da polineuropatia diabética (PND). Os resultados foram comparados com a condução nervosa (padrão-ouro) em 6 nervos dos membros inferiores. Para tanto foram estudados em 26 indivíduos normais e 30 diabéticos (20 Não Insulino Dependente e 10 Insulino Dependente). Conforme o número de nervos com condução anormal os pacientes foram classificados em 4 grupos: a) sem PND: quando a condução nervosa estava normal em pelo menos 5 nervos; b) PND Grau 1: quando havia distúrbio da condução em 2 a 3 nervos, c) PND Grau 2: com 4 a 5 nervos afetados, e d) PND Grau 3: quando os 6 nervos estudados mostravam anormalidades. O desempenho dos métodos para o diagnóstico destes graus de PND foi estudado através de curvas ROC (Receiver Operator Characteristics). Os três métodos se mostraram igualmente adequados para o diagnóstico de PND grau 3. O monofilamento teve um alto grau de sensibilidade e especificidade também para o diagnóstico de PND grau 2 sendo estatisticamente melhor do que os outros métodos. A variabilidade do teste do monofilamento foi menor do que a da determinação do Limiar de Sensibilidade Vibratória. 3) Em uma amostra de pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus buscou-se caracterizar os aspectos clínicos da neuropatia sensitiva somática diagnosticada conforme a resposta ao monofilamento de Semmes-Weinstein. Cento e quatorze pacientes diabéticos (46 Insulino Dependente, 68 Não Insulino Dependente) foram avaliados para a presença de polineuropatia periférica com o monofilamento de Semmes-Weinsten 5.07. Conforme o número de erros os pacientes foram classificados em 3 grupos de neuropatia somática: grupo 1: até 2 erros; grupo 2: de 2,5 a 5 erros; e grupo 3: acima de 5,5 erros. A proporção de pacientes em cada grupo foi 37,71% no grupo 1,17,54% no grupo 2 e 44,73% no grupo 3. Houve correlação entre o número de sintomas e o número de erros na estesiometria (r= 0,48 p<0,0001). No grupo classificado como polineuropatia diabética grau 3, quando comparado com o 1 e 2, houve maior prevalência neuropatia autonômica, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, nefropatia, retinopatia, ulcerações e amputações, bem como, maior número de sintomas de neuropatia. Os estudos consolidaram técnicas de diagnóstico de neuropatia diabética somática e autonômica para o uso em estudos epidemiológicos, terapêuticos e seguimento clínico dos pacientes diabéticos.


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Contexto: O diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma causa importante de morbimortalidade nas sociedades ocidentais devido à carga de sofrimento, incapacidade, perda de produtividade e morte prematura que provoca. No Brasil, seu impacto econômico é desconhecido. Objetivos: Dimensionar a participação do DM nas hospitalizações da rede pública brasileira (1999-2001), colaborando na avaliação dos custos diretos. Especificamente, analisar as hospitalizações (327.800) e os óbitos hospitalares (17.760) por DM como diagnóstico principal (CID-10 E10-E14 e procedimento realizado) e estimar as hospitalizações atribuíveis ao DM, incluindo as anteriores e aquelas por complicações crônicas (CC) e condições médicas gerais (CMG). Métodos: A partir de dados do Sistema de Informação Hospitalar do Sistema Único de Saúde (SIH/SUS) (37 milhões de hospitalizações), foram calculados indicadores por região de residência do paciente e sexo (ajustados por idade pelo método direto, com intervalos de confiança de 95%), faixas etárias, médias de permanência e de gastos por internação e populacional em US$. Realizou-se regressão logística múltipla para o desfecho óbito. As prevalências de DM foram combinadas aos riscos relativos de hospitalização por CC e CMG (metodologia do risco atribuível) e somadas às internações por DM como diagnóstico principal. Utilizou-se análise de sensibilidade para diferentes prevalências e riscos relativos. Resultados: Os coeficientes de hospitalizações e de óbitos hospitalares e a letalidade por DM como diagnóstico principal atingiram respectivamente 6,4/104hab., 34,9/106hab. e 5,4%. As mulheres apresentaram os coeficientes mais elevados, porém os homens predominaram na letalidade em todas as regiões. O gasto médio (US$ 150,59) diferiu significativamente entre as internações com e sem óbito, mas a média de permanência (6,4 dias) foi semelhante. O gasto populacional equivaleu a US$ 969,09/104hab. As razões de chances de óbito foram maiores para homens, pacientes ≥75 anos, e habitantes das regiões Nordeste e Sudeste. As hospitalizações atribuíveis ao DM foram estimadas em 836,3 mil/ano (49,3/104hab.), atingindo US$ 243,9 milhões/ano (US$ 14,4 mil/104hab.). DM como diagnóstico principal (13,1%), CC (41,5%) e CMG (45,4%) responderam por 6,7%, 51,4% e 41,9% respectivamente dos gastos. O valor médio das internações atribuíveis (US$ 292) situou-se 36% acima das não-atribuíveis. As doenças vasculares periféricas apresentaram a maior diferença no valor médio entre hospitalizações atribuíveis e não-atribuíveis (24%), porém as cardiovasculares destacaram-se em quantidade (27%) e envolveram os maiores gastos (37%). Os homens internaram menos (48%) que as mulheres, porém com gasto total maior (53%). As internações de pacientes entre 45-64 anos constituíram o maior grupo (45%) e gastos (48%) enquanto os pacientes com ≥75, os maiores coeficientes de hospitalização (350/104hab.) e de despesa (US$ 93,4 mil/104hab.). As regiões mais desenvolvidas gastaram o dobro (/104hab.) em relação às demais. Considerações Finais e Recomendações: As configurações no consumo de serviços hospitalares foram semelhantes às de países mais desenvolvidos, com importantes desigualdades regionais e de sexo. O gasto governamental exclusivamente com hospitalizações atribuíveis ao DM foi expressivo (2,2% do orçamento do Ministério da Saúde). A ampliação de atividades preventivas poderia diminuir a incidência do DM, reduzir a necessidade de internações, minimizar as complicações e minorar a severidade de outras condições médicas mais gerais.


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A large number of evidences correlate elevated levels of homocysteine (Hcys) with a higher cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) risk, especially, atherosclerosis. Similarly, abnormal low levels of the vitamins B6, B9 and B12 are associated to an instability in the methionine cycle with an over production of Hcys. Thus, biomedical sciences are looking forward for a cheaper, faster, precise and accurate analytical methodology to quantify these compounds in a suitable format for the clinical environment. Therefore the objective of this study was the development of a simple, inexpensive and appropriate methodology to use at the clinical level. To achieve this goal, a procedure integrating a digitally controlled (eVol®) microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) and an ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled to a photodiode array detector (PDA) was developed to identify and quantify Hcys vitamins B6, B9 and B12. Although different conditions were assayed, we were not able to combine Hcys with the vitamins in the same analytical procedure, and so we proceeded to the optimization of two methods differing only in the composition of the gradient of the mobile phase and the injected volume. It was found that MEPS did not bring any benefit to the quantification of the Hcys in the plasma. Therefore, we developed and validate an alternative method that uses the direct injection of treated plasma (reduced and precipitated). This same method was evaluated in terms of selectivity, linearity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), matrix effect and precision (intra-and inter-day) and applied to the determination of Hcys in a group composed by patients presenting augmented CVD risk. Good results in terms of selectivity and linearity (R2> 0.9968) were obtained, being the values of LOD and LOQ 0.007 and 0.21 mol / L, respectively. The intra-day precision (1.23-3.32%), inter-day precision (5.43-6.99%) and the recovery rate (82.5 to 93.1%) of this method were satisfactory. The matrix effect (>120%) was, however, higher than we were waiting for. Using this methodology it was possible to determine the amount of Hcys in real plasma samples from individuals presenting augmented CVD risk. Regarding the methodology developed for vitamins, despite the optimization of the extraction technique and the chromatographic conditions, it was found that the levels usually present in plasma are far below the sensitivity we obtained. Therefore, further optimizations of the methodology developed are needed. As conclusion, part of the objectives of this study was achieved with the development of a quick, simple and cheaper method for the quantification of Hcys.


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Fundamento: A obesidade abdominal apresenta elevada prevalência em mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) e está associada a um aumento do risco cardiovascular. Objetivo: Verificar a acurácia da circunferência da cintura (CC), da relação cintura-quadril (RCQ), da relação cinturaestatura (RCEST) e do índice de conicidade (índice C), no que se refere à detecção de fatores de risco cardiovascular (FRCV) em mulheres com SOP. Métodos: Por meio de estudo transversal, foram alocadas 102 mulheres (26,5 ± 5 anos) com diagnóstico de SOP, de acordo com o consenso de Rotterdam. O colesterol total (CT), os triglicerídeos (TG), o LDL-colesterol (LDL-C), o HDLcolesterol (HDL-C), a glicemia de jejum, a glicemia após teste oral de tolerância à glicose (TOTG) e a pressão arterial (PA) foram avaliados em todas as pacientes, além das variáveis antropométricas. Resultados: A relação cintura-estatura foi o marcador que apresentou correlações positivas significativas com o maior número de FRCV (PA, TG e glicemia após TOTG), destacando-se ainda a correlação negativa com HDL-C. Todos os marcadores antropométricos avaliados se correlacionaram positivamente com PA, enquanto CC e RCQ apresentaram correlação positiva também com TG. No tocante à acurácia para detecção de FRCV, os indicadores antropométricos considerados apresentaram taxas de sensibilidade superiores a 60%, com destaque para a RCEST, que apresentou sensibilidade superior a 70%. Conclusão: A RCEST demonstrou ser o indicador antropométrico com a melhor acurácia para a predição de FRCV. Nesse sentido, propõe-se a inclusão desse parâmetro de fácil mensuração na avaliação clínica para o rastreamento de mulheres com SOP e FRCV----------------------ABSTRACT Background: Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) present a high prevalence of abdominal obesity, which is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk. Objective: To verify the accuracy of the waist circumference (WC), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) and the conicity index (CI) in the detection of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) in women with PCOS. Methods: The present transversal study allocated 102 women (26.5 ± 5 years) with a diagnosis of PCOS, according to the Rotterdam criteria. Total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), fasting glucose, glucose after the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and blood pressure (BP) were evaluated in all patients, in addition to the anthropometric variables. Results: The WHtR was the marker that presented significant positive correlations with the highest number of CVRF (BP, TG and post-OGTT glucose), whereas there was a negative correlation with HDL-C. All the evaluated anthropometric markers were positively correlated with BP, whereas WC and WHR also presented a positive correlation with TG. Regarding the accuracy for the detection of CVRF, the anthropometric markers presented a sensibility > 60%, especially the WHtR, which had a sensibility > 70%. Conclusion: The WHtR showed to be the most accurate anthropometric indicator for the prediction of CVRF. In this sense, we propose the inclusion of this easily-measured parameter in the clinical assessment for the screening of women with PCOS and CVRF


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Control of human visceral leishmaniasis in endemic regions is hampered in part by the lack of knowledge with respect of the role reservoirs and vector. In addition, there is not yet an understanding of how non-symptomatic subclinical infection might influence the maintenance of infection in a particular locality. Of worrisome is the limited accessibility to medical care in places with emerging drug resistance. There is still no available protective vaccine either for humans or other reservoirs. Leishmania species are protozoa that express multiple antigens which are recognized by the vertebrate immune system. Since there is not one immunodominant epitope recognized by most hosts, strategies must be developed to optimize selection of antigens for prevention and immunodiagnosis. For this reason, we generated a cDNA library from the intracellular amastigote form of Leishmania chagasi, the causative agent of South American visceral leishmaniasis. We employed a two-step expression screen of the library to systematically identify T and T-dependent B cell antigens. The first step was aimed at identifying the largest possible number of clones producing an epitope-containing polypeptide with a pool of sera from Brazilians with documented visceral leishmaniasis. After removal of clones encoding heat shock proteins, positive clones underwent a second step screen for their ability to cause proliferation and IFN-γ responses of T cells from immune mice. Six unique clones were selected from the second screen for further analysis. The clones encoded part of the coding sequence of glutamine synthetase, transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase, elongation factor 1γ, kinesin K-39, repetitive protein A2, and a hypothetical conserved protein. Humans naturally infected with L. chagasi mounted both cellular and antibody responses to these protein Preparations containing multiple antigens may be optimal for immunodiagnosis and protective vaccines against Leishmania


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To determine whether there is familiar aggregation of severe preeclampsia in a Brazilian population from Rio Grande do Norte and to characterize the maternal and perinatal outcomes in the studied population. Methods: A case control study was performed with 412 participants who were admitted at Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC) for medical care. Of these, 264 subjects presented normal blood pressure and 148 were cases. Cases were composed of eclampsia (n=47), HELLP Syndrome (n=85) and Eclampsia associated with HELLP syndrome (n=16). The diagnosis of these illness were based on the citeria developed by National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working (2000). An interview was performed with each subject and questions related to personal and familiar history of hypertension, preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome and eclampsia. Statistical analysis was performed and comparison of median and mean between cases and controls were performed, with the level of significance of 5%. The Odds-Ratio was determined to estimate the risk of preeclampsia within the families. Results: There were no difference in the demographic data between cases and controls. Previous history of chronic hypertension and preeclampsia was more frequent in the case group. Headaches were more frequent in eclampsia and epigastric pain in the HELLP syndrome cases. Bleeding and oliguria were more frequently found in the eclampsia associated with HELLP syndrome cases. Acute Renal insufficiency was a common complication in the case group, but these cases did not evolve to chronic renal insufficiency. The maternal mortality was 0.4% and the perinatal mortality was high, 223 per 1,000 live births. The 111 risk of a woman to develop preeclampsia whose mother has hypertension or had preeclampsia was respectively 2.5 and 3.5. This risk was increased 5 times, when a sibling has hypertension and 6 times when both sibling and mother had previous history of preeclampsia. Conclusions: This study confirms that there is familiar aggregation of preeclampsia in this Brazilian population. The potential for cardiovascular complications due to development of chronic hypertension indicates the need of closely follow up of women who develop preeclampsia


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The prevalence of obesity has been increased in the last three decades. It is already considered as epidemic by the World Health Organization and reaches around 300 million people worldwide. The weight gain in all ages is related to a sedentary way of life and hyper caloric food ingestion at the modern society. Obesity is a chronic disease and leads to high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of weight excess among student in Natal schools and to analyze its association with age, gender, school category and geographic localization in city zones. This was a transversal study which enrolled 1927 children. 1084 of these were between 6 and 8 years-old (group 1) and 843 were 9 to 10 years-old (group 2). 895 of the total children studied in private schools and 1032 studied in public schools. 33,6% of the students had body mass index equal or above the 85th percentile and were considered as having weight excess. There was no statistical difference in this prevalence considering neither gender nor age. The weight excess prevalence in private schools was 54,5% and in public ones was 15,6% (p<0,01; OR=6,49). Weight excess was also more prevalent in the south and east city zones (41,3%) which have better quality of life index than in the north and west zones (28,4%) (p<0,01). In conclusion, the weight excess prevalence among students is found to be high in Natal and programs of intervention and prevention of obesity are necessary. The higher prevalence in private schools as in the wealthier city zones reflects the link between obesity and high socioeconomic level found in countries in developing. This was an interdisciplinary work with participation of epidemiology, child nutrition and pediatric endocrinology following the recommendations and principles of the Post graduation Program in Health Sciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte


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Despite the observation of an increase in life expectancy in individuals with Spinal cord injury (SCI), it is lower than that of the general population. Studies have shown that affected individuals have a sedentary lifestyle that reflects negatively on health and quality of life. Studies have demonstrated that HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, a high-density lipoprotein and important predictor of cardiovascular disease, are lower in this population exposing these people to a greater incidence of heart disease from atherosclerotic process In the general population, exercise increases HDL-C serum levels, but this phenomenon is not very clear in people with spinal cord injury (SCI). The present study examined the effect of both swimming and wheelchair basketball in the lipid profile of eleven men and seven women with SCI. The subjects included in regular exercise programs showed increases in HDL-C levels and decreases in CT/HDL-C and LDL-C/HDL-C ratios. We found better results mainly in men with lower levels of SCI and in those that sustained exercise intensities above 60% of the heart rate reserve. The duration of training sessions can be an essential factor in these results. The results suggest that both the exercise prescription and the personal characteristics of people with SCI influence changes in the lipid profile mediated through exercise. The elaboration of this work is an attempt to clarify uncertainties about health and the longevity of people with SCI generated in discussion of all members of the interdisciplinary rehabilitation team, especially the physiotherapists, nutritionists, nurses and physicians that contributed considerably in all phases of the research


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The metabolic syndrome (MetS) involves a group of risk factors and is associated with a significantly higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and type 2 diabetes. Recent studies have shown the importance of preventing CVD through early diagnosis and treatment of patients with MetS. The objective of our study was to determine the prevalence of MetS by different diagnostic criteria in postmenopausal women and analyze the influence of socioeconomic factors on cardiovascular risk in this sample of the population. A cross-sectional study involving 127 postmenopausal women (45 to 64 years) from Natal and Mossoró, Brazil. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The experimental protocol consisted of applying structured interview, clinical examination and implementation of dosages blood. The diagnosis of MetS was based on NCEP-ATP III (National Cholesterol Education Program-Adult Treatment Panel III) and IDF (International Diabetes Federation) criteria. The research was accomplished with the participation of an interdisciplinary team in their several phases. The result of the sample studied had mean age of 53.9 ± 4.6 years and per capita income of 54.5 dollars. The prevalence of MetS, according to NCEP-ATP III and IDF criteria, was 52.8% and 61.4$, respectively. The agreement rate between NCEP-ATP III and IDF criteria was 81.9%, with a kappa value of 0.63 (CI 95%, 0.49-0.76), indicating good agreement between the two definitions. The most prevalent cardiovascular risk factor was HDL < 50 mg/dl, observed in 96.1% of the women analyzed, followed by increased waist circumference (≥ 80 cm) in 78.0%, elevated blood pressure in 51.2%, triglycerides ≥ 150 mg/dl in 40.9% and glycemia ≥ 100 mg/dl in 37.0% of the women. The occurrence of MetS was significantly associated with schooling and body mass index (BMI). High blood pressure was significantly associated with low family income, low schooling and weight gain. There was no significant association between the intensity of climacteric symptomatology and the occurrence of MetS. The conclusions of the research were that MetS and its individual components show a high prevalence in postmenopausal Brazilian women, and significant associations with weight gain and low socioeconomic indicators. The data point to the need for an interdisciplinary approach at the basic health care level, directed toward the early identification of risk factors and the promotion of cardiovascular health of climacteric women.


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The dyslipidemia and excess weight in adolescents, when combined, suggest a progression of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Besides these, the dietary habits and lifestyle have also been considered unsuitable impacting the development of chronic diseases. The study objectives were: (1) estimate the prevalence of lipid profile and correlate with body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and waist / height ratio (WHR) in adolescents, considering the maturation sexual, (2) know the sources of variance in the diet and the number of days needed to estimate the usual diet of adolescents and (3) describe the dietary patterns and lifestyle of adolescents, family history of CVD and age correlates them with the patterns of risk for CVD, adjusted for sexual maturation. A cross-sectional study was performed with 432 adolescents, aged 10-19 years from public schools of the Natal city, Brazil. The dyslipidemias were evaluated considering the lipid profile, the index of I Castelli (TC / HDL) and II (LDL / HDL) and non-HDL cholesterol. Anthropometric indicators were BMI, WC and WHR. The intake of energy, nutrients including fiber, fatty acids and cholesterol was estimated from two 24-hour recalls (24HR). The variables of lipid profile, anthropometric and clinical data were used in the models of Pearson correlation and linear regression, considering the sexual maturation. The variance ratio of the diet was calculated from the component-person variance, determined by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The definition of the number of days to estimate the usual intake of each nutrient was obtained by taking the hypothetical correlation (r) ≥ 0.9, between nutrient intake and the true observed. We used the principal component analysis as a method of extracting factors that 129 accounted for the dependent variables and known cardiovascular risk obtained from the lipid profile, the index for Castelli I and II, non-HDL cholesterol, BMI, and WC the WHR. Dietary patterns and lifestyle were obtained from the independent variables, based on nutrients consumed and physical activity weekly. In the study of principal component analysis (PCA) was investigated associations between the patterns of cardiovascular risk factors in dietary patterns and lifestyle, age and positive family history of CVD, through bivariate and multiple logistic regression adjusted for sexual maturation. The low HDL-C dyslipidemia was most prevalent (50.5%) for adolescents. Significant correlations were observed between hypercholesterolemia and positive family history of CVD (r = 0.19, p <0.01) and hypertriglyceridemia with BMI (r = 0.30, p <0.01), with the CC (r = 0.32, p <0.01) and WHR (r = 0.33, p <0.01). The linear model constructed with sexual maturation, age and BMI explained about 1 to 10.4% of the variation in the lipid profile. The sources of variance between individuals were greater for all nutrients in both sexes. The reasons for variances were  1 for all nutrients were higher in females. The results suggest that to assess the diet of adolescents with greater precision, 2 days would be enough to R24h consumption of energy, carbohydrates, fiber, saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. In contrast, 3 days would be recommended for protein, lipid, polyunsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Two cardiovascular risk factors as have been extracted in the ACP, referring to the dependent variables: the standard lipid profile (HDL-C and non-HDL cholesterol) and "standard anthropometric index (BMI, WC, WHR) with a power explaining 75% of the variance of the original data. The factors are representative of two independent variables led to dietary patterns, "pattern 130 western diet" and "pattern protein diet", and one on the lifestyle, "pattern energy balance". Together, these patterns provide an explanation power of 67%. Made adjustment for sexual maturation in males remained significant variables: the associations between puberty and be pattern anthropometric indicator (OR = 3.32, CI 1.34 to 8.17%), and between family history of CVD and the pattern lipid profile (OR = 2.62, CI 1.20 to 5.72%). In females adolescents, associations were identified between age after the first stage of puberty with anthropometric pattern (OR = 3.59, CI 1.58 to 8.17%) and lipid profile (OR = 0.33, CI 0.15 to 0.75%). Conclusions: The low HDL-C was the most prevalent dyslipidemia independent of sex and nutritional status of adolescents. Hypercholesterolemia was influenced by family history of CVD and sexual maturation, in turn, hypertriglyceridemia was closely associated with anthropometric indicators. The variance between the diets was greater for all nutrients. This fact reflected in a variance ratio less than 1 and consequently in a lower number of days requerid to estimate the usual diet of adolescents considering gender. The two dietary patterns were extracted and the pattern considered unhealthy lifestyle as healthy. The associations were found between the patterns of CVD risk with age and family history of CVD in the studied adolescents


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Introdução: Os hormônios estrogênicos possuem importante papel na defesa contra as espécies reativas do oxigênio, fato que se evidencia na maior incidência de doenças cardiovasculares e neurodegenerativas após a menopausa. O exercício físico melhora as defesas antioxidantes, contudo em altas cargas e em baixas concentrações de estrógeno possui efeito aditivo ao dano oxidativo. O ácido α-lipóico possui uma ampla gama de ação antioxidante e poderia contribuir para diminuição do dano nestas condições. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar a ação do ácido α-lipóico sobre a adaptação antioxidante e funções reprodutivas de ratas submetidas a natação moderada. Material e métodos: Os animais foram submetidos a natação diária (1 hora) e sacrificados após 30, 60 e 90 dias. Os animais foram divididos em controles sedentários e exercitados; suplementados (ácido α-lipóico 100mg/Kg/dia) sedentários e exercitados e animais ovariectomizados e suplementados com ácido lipóico. Avaliou-se diariamente o ciclo estral e os seguintes marcadores de estresse oxidativos foram mensurados em fígado e sangue: atividade enzimática da SOD, GPx e CAT, além do SRAT e GSH. Resultados: O protocolo de exercício aumentou a duração do ciclo estral no grupo controle exercitado, sobretudo na fase diestral. Neste mesmo grupo, houve diminuição da lipoperoxidação com melhora da atividade antioxidante da SOD e GPx. O grupo exercitado e suplementado não apresentou alteração na duração do ciclo estral e manteve os benefícios sobre o sistema antioxidante antes observado nos animais exercitados. A suplementação antioxidante juntamente com a natação em períodos superiores a 30 dias, diminuiu o processo de adaptação antioxidante quando comparado aos animais somente exercitados. Nos animais ovariectomizados, o exercício e a suplementação com ácido lipóico não promoveu adaptação antioxidante ao contrário dos demais grupos. Conclusão: O aumento na duração do ciclo estral e a melhora nos marcadores de estresse oxidativo seriam uma resposta adaptativa frente ao exercício moderado. O ácido lipóico impediu a alteração no ciclo induzida pelo exercício, mas preservou a melhoria no sistema antioxidante. A depleção estrogênica provocada pela ovariectomia eleva o potencial de dano oxidativo gerado pelo exercício. A ação antioxidante do LA na presença de estrógeno diminuiu excessivamente o dano oxidativo, comprometendo a adaptação antioxidante a natação. Nos animais ovariectomizados, contudo, o AL promoveu adaptação antioxidante ao exercício


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Heart transplantation (HT) represents one of the greatest advances in medicine over the last decades. It is indicated for patients with severe heart disease unresponsive to clinical treatment and conventional surgery, poor short-term prognosis and a 1- year mortality rate over 40%. HT has improved survival worldwide (80% in the first year, 70% in five years and 60% in ten years). However, the procedure has been associated with weight change and increased risk of secondary conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and obesity due to immunosuppressive therapy following transplantation. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of weight change on the metabolic stability of HT patients. The study was retrospective with data collected from the records of 82 adult patients (83% male; average age 45.06±12.04 years) submitted to HT between October 1997 and December 2005 at a transplantation service in Ceará (Brazil). The selected outcome variables (biopathological profile, weight and body mass index―BMI) were related to biochemical and metabolic change. The results were expressed in terms of frequency, measures of central tendency, Student s t test and Pearson s correlation coefficients. The analysis showed that following HT the average global BMI increased from 23.77±3.68kg/m2 to 25.48±3.92kg/m2 in the first year and to 28.38±4.97kg/m2 in the fifth. Overweight/obese patients (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) had higher average levels of glucose, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides than patients with eutrophy/malnutrition (BMI < 25 kg/m2). In conclusion, overweight/obese patients were likely to present higher average levels of glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol and fractions than patients with eutrophy/malnutrition, indicating a direct and significant relation between nutritional status and weight change in the metabolic profile of HT patients


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investiga a prevalência de níveis pressóricos elevados e avaliar a correlação entre níveis de pressão arterial (PA) e outros fatores de risco cardiovascular em pacientes com síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP).Por meio de estudo transversal foram comparados os níveis de PA e parâmetros antropométricos e bioquímicos de risco cardiovascular em 113 mulheres com SOP (idade 26,2±4,3 anos) e num grupo controle constituído por 242 mulheres saudáveis da população geral (26,8±5,0 anos). o grupo SOP apresentou prevalência de PA alterada (≥130/85 mmHg) significativamente superior ao grupo controle (18,6% vs. 9,9%, respectivamente; p<0,05). Mulheres com SOP apresentaram valores médios superiores de PA sistólica, índice de massa corporal (IMC), circunferência da cintura (CC), triglicerídeos e glicemia de jejum, além de níveis inferiores de HDL - colesterol, em comparação ao grupo controle (p<0,01). No grupo SOP, os valores de PA sistólica e diastólica apresentaram correlação positiva significativa com a idade, IMC, CC e triglicerídeos (p<0,05). A freqüência de mulheres com valores de PA acima do limite da normalidade foi significativamente maior no grupo SOP, em relação ao grupo controle. Adicionalmente, os valores de PA se correlacionaram positivamente com outros fatores de risco cardiovascular como obesidade e níveis de triglicerídeos. Esses achados alertam para a relevância de estratégias preventivas em mulheres com SOP, no sentido de evitar eventos mórbidos relacionados ao sistema cardiovascular