943 resultados para Diffuse adherence
The respiratory viruses are recognized as the most frequent lower respiratory tract pathogens for infants and young children in developed countries but less is known for developing populations. The authors conducted a prospective study to evaluate the occurrence, clinical patterns, and seasonal trends of viral infections among hospitalized children with lower respiratory tract disease (Group A). The presence of respiratory viruses in children's nasopharyngeal was assessed at admission in a pediatric ward. Cell cultures and immunofluorescence assays were used for viral identification. Complementary tests included blood and pleural cultures conducted for bacterial investigation. Clinical data and radiological exams were recorded at admission and throughout the hospitalization period. To better evaluate the results, a non- respiratory group of patients (Group B) was also constituted for comparison. Starting in February 1995, during a period of 18 months, 414 children were included- 239 in Group A and 175 in Group B. In Group A, 111 children (46.4%) had 114 viruses detected while only 5 children (2.9%) presented viruses in Group B. Respiratory Syncytial Virus was detected in 100 children from Group A (41.8%), Adenovirus in 11 (4.6%), Influenza A virus in 2 (0.8%), and Parainfluenza virus in one child (0.4%). In Group A, aerobic bacteria were found in 14 cases (5.8%). Respiratory Syncytial Virus was associated to other viruses and/or bacteria in six cases. There were two seasonal trends for Respiratory Syncytial Virus cases, which peaked in May and June. All children affected by the virus were younger than 3 years of age, mostly less than one year old. Episodic diffuse bronchial commitment and/or focal alveolar condensation were the clinical patterns more often associated to Respiratory Syncytial Virus cases. All children from Group A survived. In conclusion, it was observed that Respiratory Syncytial Virus was the most frequent pathogen found in hospitalized children admitted for severe respiratory diseases. Affected children were predominantly infants and boys presenting bronchiolitis and focal pneumonias. Similarly to what occurs in other subtropical regions, the virus outbreaks peak in the fall and their occurrence extends to the winter, which parallels an increase in hospital admissions due to respiratory diseases.
Lesions observed in chronic chagasic cardiopathy frequently produce electrocardiographic alterations and affect cardiac function. Through a computerized morphometrical analysis we quantified the areas occupied by cardiac muscle, connective and adipose tissues in the right atrium of dogs experimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. All of the infected dogs showed chronic myocarditis with variable reduction levels of cardiac muscle, fibrosis and adipose tissue replacement. In the atrial myocardium of dogs infected with Be78 and Be62 cardiac muscle represented 34 and 50%, fibrosis 28 and 32% and adipose tissue 38 and 18%, respectively. The fibrosis observed was both diffuse and focal and mostly intrafascicular, either partially or completely interrupting the path of muscle bundles. Such histological alterations probably contributed to the appearance of electrocardiographic disturbances verified in 10 out 11 dogs which are also common in human chronic chagasic cardiopathy. Fibrosis was the most important microscopic occurrence found since it produces rearrangements of collagen fibers in relation to myocardiocytes which causes changes in anatomical physiognomy and mechanical behavior of the myocardium. These abnormalities can contribute to the appearance of cardiac malfunction, arrythmias and congestive cardiac insufficiency as observed in two of the analyzed dogs. Strain Be78 caused destruction of atrial cardiac muscle higher than that induced by strain Be62.
Cranial CT scans of eleven immunocompetent children with central nervous system (CNS) infection due to Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii were retrospectively reviewed. These children had an average age of 8.8 years and positive culture for C. n. var. gattii in cerebrospinal fluid. The most common signs and symptoms were headache, fever, nuchal rigidity, nausea and vomiting. No normal cranial CT was detected in any patient. Hypodense nodules were observed in all patients . The remaining scan abnormalities were as follows: nine had diffuse atrophy, six had hydrocephalus, and five had hydrocephalus coexistent with diffuse atrophy.
Two clinical cases of patients who survived after numerous attacks of Africanized bees (600 and 1500 bee stings, respectively) are reported. Clinical manifestation was characterized by diffuse and widespread edema, a burning sensation in the skin, headache, weakness, dizziness, generalized paresthesia, somnolence and hypotension. Acute renal failure developed and was attributed to hypotension, intravascular hemolysis, myoglobinuria due to rhabdomyolysis and probably to direct toxic effect of the massive quantity of injected venom. They were treated with antihistaminic, corticosteroids and fluid infusion. One of them had severe acute renal failure and dialysis was required. No clinical complication was observed during hospital stay and complete renal function recovery was observed in both patients. In conclusion, acute renal failure after bee stings is probably due to pigment nephropathy associated with hypovolemia. Early recognition of this syndrome is crucial to the successful management of these patients.
Eighteen mongrel dogs of unknown age and naturally infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi, were obtained from the City Hall of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Four dogs were used as control. Lung samples were obtained and immediately fixed in formalin. The histopathological picture of all lung tissue sections was a chronic and diffuse interstitial pneumonitis. The thickened inter-alveolar septa were characterized by the cellular exudate (mostly macrophages, lymphocytes and plasmocytes) associated with collagen deposition. Morphometric analysis showed greater septal thickness in the infected animals than in controls. In fact, the morphometric study of collagen stained with ammoniac silver confirmed a larger deposition of collagen in the infected animals. The parasitologic method was carried out during the study of the lesions on the slides. However, we did not observe any correlation between the histopathologic and morphometric data and the clinical status of the animals. We conclude that the pulmonary lesions observed in all naturally infected dogs were correlated with the disease and that the morphometric method used was satisfactory for the analysis of septal thickness and of increased collagen deposition, confirming the presence of fibrosis.
Palmoplantar keratoderma is a heterogeneous group of hereditary and acquired disorders characterized by abnormal thickening of palms and soles. Hypothyroidism is an unusual cause of palmoplantar keratoderma, rarely reported in the literature. We report a case of a 43-year-old woman presented with a 3-month history of a diffuse palmoplantar hyperkeratosis unresponsive to topical keratolytics and corticosteroids. Her past medical and family histories were unremarkable. She complained of recent asthenia, mood changes and constipation. Laboratory evaluation revealed an autoimmune thyroiditis with hypothyroidism. Other causes of acquired palmoplantar keratoderma were excluded. After hormonal replacement therapy institution, a gradual improvement of skin condition was observed. The diagnosis of underlying causes for acquired palmoplantar keratoderma can be a difficult task; however its recognition is essential for successful treatment results. Although a very rare association, hypothyroidism must be suspected in patients with acquired palmoplantar keratoderma, particularly when it occurs in association with systemic symptoms.
In the last years, new techniques of neuroimages and histopathological methods have been added to the management of cerebral mass lesions in patients with AIDS. Stereotactic biopsy is necessary when after 14 days of empirical treatment for Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis there is no clinical or neuroradiologic improvement. We report a woman with AIDS who developed a single focal brain lesion on the right frontal lobe. She presented a long history of headache and seizures. After two weeks of empirical treatment for toxoplasma encephalitis without response, a magnetic resonance image with spectroscopy was performed and showed a tumoral pattern with a choline peak, diminished of N-acetyl-aspartate and presence of lactate. A stereotactic biopsy was performed. Histopathological diagnosis was a diffuse oligodendroglioma type A. A microsurgical resection of the tumor was carried out and antiretroviral treatment was started. To date she is in good clinical condition, with undetectable plasma viral load and CD4 T cell count > 200 cell/uL.
Spinal arachnoiditis, an inflammatory process involving all three meningeal layers as well as the nerve roots, is a cause of persistent symptoms in 6% to 16% of postoperative patients. Although spinal surgery is the most common antecedent associated with arachnoiditis, multiple causes have been reported, including infection, intrathecal steroids or anesthetic agents, trauma, subarachnoid hemorrhage and ionic myelographic contrast material--both oil soluble and water soluble. In the past, oil-based intrathecal contrast agents (Pantopaque) were associated with arachnoiditis especially when this material was introduced into the thecal sac and mixed with blood. Arachnoiditis is apparently rarely idiopathic. The pathogenesis of spinal arachnoiditis is similar to the repair process of serous membranes, such as the peritoneum, with a negligible inflammatory cellular exudate and a prominent fibrinous exudate. Chronic adhesive arachnoiditis of the lower spine is a myelographic diagnosis. The myelographic findings of arachnoiditis were divided into two types by Jorgensen et al. In type 1, "the empty thecal sac" appearance, there is homogeneous filling of the thecal sac with either absence of or defects involving nerve root sleeve filling. In type 2 arachnoiditis, there are localized or diffuse filling defects within the contrast column. MRI has demonstrated a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 100% in the diagnosis of arachnoiditis. The appearance of arachnoiditis on MRI can be assigned to three main groups. The MRI findings in group I are a conglomeration of adherent roots positioned centrally in the thecal sac. Patients in group II show roots peripherally adherent to the meninges--the so called empty sac. MRI findings in group III are a soft tissue mass within the subarachnoid space. It corresponds to the type 2 categorization defined by Jorgensen et al, where as the MRI imaging types I and II correspond to the myelographic type 1.
Abdominal aortic pseudoaneurysms are rare, particularly when they are related to blunt abdominal trauma. The authors report the clinical case of a 65 years old man with an abdominal aortic pseudoaneurysm related to a blunt abdominal trauma, that occurred three years ago. The patient complained of a diffuse abdominal pain, increased while walking. The diagnosis was confirmed by angiography and by angio-CT. An aortic resection and interposition graft was performed, according to the age of the patient and the low operative risk. A discussion on the therapeutic option was made, followed by a revision of the literature on the subject, and the authors conclude by emphasizing the need of a detection of this type of pathology, particularly in patients who had suffered in the past violent trauma.
INTRODUCTION: Information about HIV phenotypes of resistant to available ART and the influence of different risk factors on virological failures (VF) in Costa Rican HIV positive patients prior or during HAART is unknown. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighty nine samples, 72 VF and 17 basal (before treatment) were analyzed by examining resistant mutants in reverse transcriptase (RT) and protease (PT) regions using Trugene or LIPA genotyping kits. Sixty eight control patients were selected and relevant information was collected in a questionnaire. RESULTS: Poor adherence, presence of resistant mutations and number of treatment's changes were the only significant factors found (p = 0.006, 0.04 and 0.01 respectively). From 66 sequenced samples, 78%, 50% and 50% showed resistance to NRTI (nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors), NNRT (non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors) and PI (protease inhibitors), respectively. The most frequent mutations were M41L, M184V, and T215FY in RT and L62PI, L10FIRV and M36I in PT. DISCUSSION: The most important factor related to treatment response in this study was adherence to treatment. Mutations in RT were related to the treatment failure while the ones found in PT were secondary mutations which have been previously described to influence the selection of primary resistance mutations in these regions. The study reveals the urgency to detect resistant mutations in VF to be considered by physicians for selection of treatment schedule, to analyze basal HIV patients for monitoring of the spread of resistant mutations and the importance to reinforce the adherence in the patients for overall treatment outcome.
Introdução: O tratamento das Síndromes Coronárias Agudas (SCA) sofreu várias alterações muito rápidas nos últimos anos, traduzido nas múltiplas propostas de recomendações pelo ACC/AHA/ESC, baseados na evidência clínica. Avaliamos a implementação destas recomendações, comparando uma população de doentes de 2002, com uma população de 2005. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de 368 doentes admitidos em 2002 e 420 doentes admitidos em 2005 por SCA (com e sem elevação do segmento ST). Analisaram-se características clínicas e estratégias de tratamento. Resultados: Não se verificaram diferenças em termos de idade, sexo masculino, factores de risco para doença coronária ou história prévia de revascularização miocárdica. Verificou-se uma redução de doentes com antecedentes de enfarte do miocárdico e insuficiência renal e aumento da apresentação como enfarte com elevação do segmento ST. O tratamento com clopidogrel (6% versus 87%), bloqueador-beta(54% versus 79%), inibidores da enzima de conversão da angiotensina (72% versus 84%) e estatinas (78% versus 91%) aumentou (para todos p<0,001). Por outro lado, verificou-se um pequeno decréscimo na utilização de ácido acetilsalicílico (98% versus 95%, p=0,039) (com maior utilização de clopidogrel) e a ticlopidina deixou de ser utilizada (46% versus 0%, p<0,001). Os antagonistas dos receptores da glicoproteína IIb/IIIa não se alteraram significativamente (66% versus 67%, p=NS). Aumentaram as intervenções coronárias percutâneas (53% versus 67%, p<0,001). Não se verificou diferença em termos de mortalidade hospitalar (8,2% versus 6,4%) e aos 30 dias (9,0% versus. 8,6%), com redução ao 1ºano de seguimento (17,1% versus 11,7%, p=0,039). As estatinas e os bloqueadores beta são preditores independentes de mortalidade, com efeito de protecção. Conclusões: Entre 2002 e 2005, o tratamento das SCA melhorou significativamente de acordo com as recomendações existentes, traduzindo-se numa melhoria da mortalidade ao 1º ano de seguimento.
O disulfiramo é usado como terapêutica adjuvante no tratamento de casos seleccionados de alcoolismo crónico, devido ao desconforto que provoca aquando na ingestão de álcool. Apresenta-se um quadro de leucoencefalopatia, polineuropatia periférica e hiponatremia num indivíduo com hábitos alcoólicos marcados. Os autores discutem a associação das alterações referidas à intoxicação pelo dissulfureto de carbono, metabolito do disulfiramo.
Progressive disseminated histoplasmosis (PDH) is an increasingly common cause of infection in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). We report 21 cases of PDH associated with AIDS diagnosed by lysis-centrifugation blood culture method. The most prevalent clinical findings were fever, weight loss, respiratory symptoms, and mucocutaneous lesions. Chest roentgenogram showed diffuse pulmonary infiltrates in 13 of 21 patients (62%). Brochoalveolar fluid has yelded positive culture in four patients only in medium with cycloheximide.
Com base na literatura existente abordam-se os principais aspectos psiquiátricos relacionados com a adesão no transplante. Projectam-se vários modelos teóricos que podem ser utilizados no âmbito da adesão, entre os quais se destacam o modelo da hipótese cognitiva da adesão (Ley), o modelo de crenças da saúde (Rosenstock, Becker) e o modelo de autoregulação de Leventhal e propõe-se um modelo que se adequa ao doente transplantado. Não sendo possível uma classificação mono dimensional da adesão, consideraram-se várias características como a temporalidade (inicial, intermédia ou contínua), a frequência (ocasional, intermitente, persistente ou completa), a motivação (acidental, vulnerável ou decidida) e a certeza diagnóstica (definitiva, provável, possível ou pouco provável). Dos métodos para a medição da adesão podemos classificá-los como directos: observação directa da toma dos comprimidos, medição da concentração de fármaco no sangue, uso de marcadores incorporados nos comprimidos e de embalagens electrónicas; e indirectos: autorelato do doente, relato do médico assistente. Sugerese aquele que mais se adequa ao doente transplantado. A não adesão em doentes transplantados é muito frequente sendo a sua prevalência média de 25,28% e pode ser influenciada por diversos factores nomeadamente, demográficos (idade, estado civil, sexo, raça e nível socioeconómico), psiquiátricos e psicológicos (depressão, perturbações de personalidade, atraso mental, alcoolismo, crenças da doença, locus de controlo) e outros (custo da medicação, história de transplante prévio).
Objectives To evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of an exergame intervention as a tool to promote physical activity in outpatients with schizophrenia. Design Feasibility/Acceptability Study and Quasi-Experimental Trial. Method Sixteen outpatients with schizophrenia received treatment as usual and they all completed an 8-week exergame intervention using Microsoft Kinect® (20 min sessions, biweekly). Participants completed pre and post treatment assessments regarding functional mobility (Timed Up and Go Test), functional fitness performance (Senior Fitness Test), motor neurological soft signs (Brief Motor Scale), hand grip strength (digital dynamometer), static balance (force plate), speed of processing (Trail Making Test), schizophrenia-related symptoms (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale) and functioning (Personal and Social Performance Scale). The EG group completed an acceptability questionnaire after the intervention. Results Attrition rate was 18.75% and 69.23% of the participants completed the intervention within the proposed schedule. Baseline clinical traits were not related to game performance indicators. Over 90% of the participants rated the intervention as satisfactory and interactive. Most participants (76.9%) agreed that this intervention promotes healthier lifestyles and is an acceptable alternative to perform physical activity. Repeated-measures MANOVA analyses found no significant multivariate effects for combined outcomes. Conclusion This study established the feasibility and acceptability of an exergame intervention for outpatients with schizophrenia. The intervention proved to be an appealing alternative to physical activity. Future trials should include larger sample sizes, explore patients' adherence to home-based exergames and consider greater intervention dosage (length, session duration, and/or frequency) in order to achieve potential effects.