983 resultados para Didymos, ho Areios.
普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)和尼瓦拉野生稻(O. nivara Sharma et Shastry)是亚洲栽培稻的最近缘野生种,是亚洲栽培稻育种和遗传改良的重要基因库。由于人类的破坏、生境片段化及亚洲栽培稻的遗传渐渗等因素,这两种野生稻处于濒危状态而急需保护。本文用微卫星标记研究中国普通野生稻居群的遗传多样性和居群分化,用核基因序列研究了全分布区的普通野生稻和尼瓦拉野生稻的遗传变异及模式,同时发现了巴布亚新几内亚普通野生稻的特殊分子变异。主要结果如下: 取自中国普通野生稻四个主要分布区的12个天然居群,共237份个体材料,利用10对微卫星引物对遗传多样性进行比较研究。结果表明这些居群的遗传多样性处于中高水平,其中每个位点的等位基因数之在2至18之间不等,平均10.6个,多态位点比率P从最低40.0%最高100%,平均为83.3%。观察杂合度在 (HO) 0.163-0.550变化,平均为0.332, 期望杂合度(HE) 在0.164- 0.648,平均 0.413,从地区来看,广西居群的遗传多样性水平是最高的,其次是广东、海南居群,江西的最低。这些结果与以前用其他分子标记得到的结果基本一致。但是本研究得到的居群间遗传分化却相对较高,分化系数RST为 0.5199,θ为 0.491,这表明一半左右的遗传变异存在于居群之间。两两居群之间的分化系数(pairwise θ)与地理距离呈正相关(r = 0.464),这表明中国普通野生稻居群之间的遗传分化是由于地理的隔离造成的。造成目前这种遗传结构和分化模式的主要原因在于普通野生稻生境的破坏和生境的片段化。 选择6个普通野生稻居群,5个尼瓦拉野生稻居群共11个居群105个个体材料为研究对象,取样覆盖两个野生稻的主要分布区,用核基因片段Lhs1研究了这两种野生稻的序列水平的变异,探讨了它们的遗传结构和基因流方向。结果表明,普通野生稻的核苷酸多样性,无论在居群还是物种水平上,均显著高于尼瓦拉野生稻的。在居群水平上,普通野生稻的核苷酸多样性(Hd = 0.712; θsil = 0.0017)是尼瓦拉野生稻的2-3倍(Hd = 0.306; θsil = 0.0005)。AMOVA的结果表明,尼瓦拉野生稻居群之间的遗传分化(78.2%)显著高于普通野生稻居群间的分化(52.3%)。造成这种不同层次的遗传多样性和完全不同的遗传分化模式的原因在于这两种野生稻差异显著的生活史和交配系统。普通野生稻是多年生、异交的野生种,营养与有性繁殖混合,尼瓦拉野生稻为一年生的自交种,靠种子繁殖。模拟分析表明,二者之间的基因流方向是单向的,明显是从自交的尼瓦拉野生稻到异交的普通野生稻,基因流在这两个野生 稻遗传多样性模式的形成上,扮演至关重要的角色。 对于稻属A基因组物种的进化和多样性来说, 巴布亚新几内亚(PNG)是个很重要的地方。我们用两个核基因和一个叶绿体基因,对巴布亚新几内亚的普通野生稻样品进行了序列分析,结果发现来自巴布亚新几内亚北部Sepik河谷的普通野生稻样品在核基因Os0053位点和叶绿体基因序列上与其他地区的样品有很大的差异。巴布亚新几内亚北部的普通野生稻在Os0053位点上杂合的,其中一条等位基因与普通野生稻基本一致,另一条等位基因则与A基因组的另一个物种O. meridionalis基本一致,证明巴布亚新几内亚北部的普通野生稻实际上是亚洲典型普通野生稻与澳洲野生稻O. meridionalis种间进行天然渐渗杂交的后代。这个结果从分子序列上验证了前人有关巴布亚新几内亚北部的普通野生稻是比较特殊的观点。
For more than 20 years researchers have been interested in developing micro-gas sensors based on silicon technology. Most of the reported devices are based on micro-hotplates, however they use materials that are not CMOS compatible, and therefore are not suitable for large volume manufacturing. Furthermore, they do not allow the circuitry to be integrated on to the chip. CMOS compatible devices have been previously reported. However, these use polysilicon as the heater material, which has long term stability problems at high temperatures. Here we present low power, low cost SOI CMOS NO2 sensors, based on high stability single crystal silicon P+ micro-heaters platforms, capable of measuring gas concentrations down to 0.1 ppm. We have integrated a thin tungsten molybdenum oxide layer as a sensing material with a foundry-standard SOI CMOS micro-hotplate and tested this to NO2. We believe these devices have the potential for use as robust, very low power consumption, low cost gas sensors. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
用B am H É、B g lÉ、B g lÊ、D raÉ、E coR É、E coR Í、H indË、Kp nÉ、 P stÉ、P vuÊ、S acÉ、S a lÉ、Sm aÉ、S tuÉ、X hoÉ 15 种识别6 碱基的限制性内 切酶对黔东南小香羊和贵州原有3 个地方山羊品种的93 只个体的m tDNA 进行分 析表明, B am H É、H indË 和S a lÉ 3 种酶表现多态性; 共检出18 种限制性多态型, 归纳得到3 种单倍型, 以单倍型É 和Ê 为基本单倍型。根据此2 种基本单倍型在所 比较各品种中的不同分布比例, 以及遗传距离分析和品种间的聚类关系, 表明黔东 南小香羊的群体遗传构成与贵州省原有其它3 个山羊品种不同, 从而为进一步确认 其为一独立的品种提供了必要的分子生物学依据。
Identification of venomous species of Persian Gulf cone snails and characterization of venom composition and their features is so important from the point of medical importance. Marine cone snails from the genus Conus are estimated to consist of up to 700 species. The venom of cone snails has yielded a rich source of novel neuroactive peptides or conotoxins. The present study was aimed to study the analgesic effect of Persian Gulf Conus textile and its comparison with morphine in mouse model. The specimens of Conus textile were collected of Larak Island from depth of 7 m. The collected samples were transferred to laboratory alive and were stored at -700 c. he veno s ducts were separated and ho ogenized with deionized water he ixture centrifuged at rp for inutes upernatant was considered as extracted veno and stored at - C after lyophylization. The protein profile of venom determined by using SDS-PAGE and HPLC used to investigate the extracted venom and to evaluate the analgesic activity, formalin test was carried out. SDS-PAGE indicated several bands ranged between 6 and 250 kDa. Chromatogram of the venom demonstrated more than 44 large and small fractions. The amount of 10 ng of Conus crude venom and analgesic peptide showed the best anti-pain activity in formalin test. No death observed up to 100 mg/kg, which is 250,000 times higher than the effective dose.Venom characterization of Persian Gulf Conus textile may be of medical importance and potential for new pharmaceutical drugs as well.
In order to carry out Biometric studies, 75 samples were caught from 3 locations ( Tajan river, Sefidrud and Shirud) using Salic and the length (±1 mm) and weights (± 5 gr) of samples were determined. Using One-way ANOVA by SPPSS software, there wasn’t significant difference between locations in length and fecondity (P ≥0.01(, but there was significant difference between Shirud and tajan samples with sefidrud in weight ) P≤0.01(. In order to carry out genetic variation studies, 210 fish were caught from 3 different regions of the Iranian coastline (Khoshkrud, Tonekabon, Gorganrud) and 1 region in Azerbaijan (Waters of the Caspian Sea close to Kura River mouth) during 2008-2009 . Genomic DNA was extracted of fin using the phenol-chloroform. The quantity and quality of DNA from samples were assessed by spectrophptometer and 1% agarose gel electro-phoresis. PCR was carried out using 15 paired microsatellite primers. PCR products were separated on 8% polyacrylamide gels that were stained using silver nitrate. Molecular weight calculate using UVTech software. The recorded microsatellite genotypes were used as input data for the GENALEX software version 6 package in order to calculate allele and genotype frequencies, observed (Ho) and (He) expected heterozygosities and to test for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic distance between two populations was estimated from Nei standard genetic distance and genetic similarity index (Nei, 1972). Genetic differentiation between populations was also evaluated by the calculation of pairwise estimates of Fst and Rst values. From 15 SSR markers were used in this investigation, 9 of them were polymorph. Average of expected and observed heterozygosity was 0.54 and 0.49 respectively. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations were observed in all of location except Anzali lagoon- autumn in AF277576 and EF144125, Khoshkrud in EF144125 and Gorganrud and Kura in AF277576. Using Fst and Rst there was significant difference between locations ) P≤0.01(. According to Fst , the highest population differentiation (Fst= 0.217) was between Gorganrud and Khoshkrud that have the lowest Nm and the lowest (Fst= 0.086) was between Gorganrud and Tonekabon that have the highest Nm. Using Rst the highest population differentiation (Rst= 0.271) was between Tonekabon and spring Anzali lagoon and the lowest (Rst= 0.026) was between Tonekabon and Autumn Anzali 159 lagoon. Also the difference between Spring Anzali lagoon and Autumn Anzali lagoon was noticeable (Fst=0.15). AMOVA analysis with consideration of 2 sampling regions (Iran and Azerbaijan) and 7 sampling locations (Iran: Khoshkrud, Tonekabon, Gorganrud, Spring Anzali lagoon and Autumn Anzali lagoon ; Azerbaijan: the Kura mouth) revealed that almost all of the variance in data namely 83% )P≤0.01( was within locations, Genetic variances among locations was 14% )P≤0.01( and among regions was 3% )P≤0.01(. The genetic distance was the highest (0.646) between Gorganrud and Autumn Anzali lagoon populations, whereas the lowest distance (0.237) was between Gorganrud and Tonekabon River. Result obtained from the present study show that at least 2 different population of Rutilus frissi kutum are found in the Caspian sea,which are including the kura river population and the southern Caspian sea samples and it appears that there is more than one population in southern Caspian sea that should be attantioned in artifical reproduction Center and stoke rebilding.
Berea clava, new species, is described based on the specimens recovered from the gill filaments of a flounder, Pseudorhombus arsius (H.-B.), collected in Kuwait Bay of Arabian (Persian) Gulf. This is the second species of Berea.
Recordings of neuronal activity in freely moving rats are common in experiments where electrical signals are transmitted using cables. Such techniques are not common in monkeys because their prehensile abilities are thought to preclude such techniques. Ho
Three species of caligid copepods (Siphonostomatoida) belonging to genus Hermilius Heller, 1865 were recovered from the giant marine catfish, Arius thalassinus Ruppell, taken from the Persian Gulf. They are H. pyriventris Heller, 1865; H. longicaudus n. sp.; and H. longicornis Bassett-Smith, 1898. H helleri Pillai, 1963 is proposed to be relegated to the synonym of H pyriventris. A key to the eight species of Hermilius is provided.
Aims: Repeated exposure to heroin, a typical opiate, causes neuronal adaptation and may result in anatomical changes in specific brain regions, particularly the frontal and limbic cortices. The volume changes of gray matter (GM) of these brain regions, ho
采用ISSR分子标记对中国水域隶属于不同江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)亚种的两个群体即长江群体和渤海群体的遗传多样性进行分析。用19条ISSR引物及3对引物组合对两个群体共36个样品的基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,共得到115个清晰的扩增位点,其中多态性位点48个,多态位点百分率(PPL)为41.71%。POPGENE分析结果表明:两个江豚群体的总体遗传多样性水平相对较低(He=0.1643;Ho=0.2413);长江群体的遗传多样性水平(He=0.1530;Ho=0.2223)稍
利用已发表的鲤微卫星引物在草鱼中进行PCR扩增 ,结果有 5对引物 (6个座位 )能成功扩增并且有较高多态性 ,等位基因数在 3— 7个之间。这些异种扩增的草鱼微卫星符合孟德尔遗传规律。测序证明草鱼中的微卫星核心重复序列部分与鲤中的原始核心序列相似 ,也有一些变化。随后用这 6个多态微卫星座位研究了来自长江水系的四个草鱼群体的遗传结构 ,结果显示每个群体的平均等位基因数在 3 8与 4 8之间 ,平均观测杂合度 (Ho)在0 4 0 0 0与 0 5 74 1之间 ,平均期望杂合度 (HE)在 0 4 7
Results of X-ray absorption fine structure measurements in manganites (La1-xHox)2/3Ca1/3MnO3 with 0.15 < x < 0.50 are presented. When LaMnO3 is doped with a, divalent element such as Ca2+, substituting for La3+, holes are induced in the filled Mn d orbitais. This leads to a, strong ferromagnetic coupling between Mn sites. Ca ions in La1-xCa xMnO3 introduce a distortion of the crystal lattice and mixed valence Mn ions (Mn3+ and Mn4+). On the other hand, in manganites (La1-xHox)2/3Ca 1/3MnO3 the substitution of La for Ho causes a lattice distortion and induces a disorder, which reduces a magnetic interaction. The ferromagnetic transition temperature and conductivity decrease very quickly with increasing x. The magnetic and transport properties of compounds depend on the local atomic structure around Mn ions. The information on the bond lengths and Debye-Waller factor are obtained from the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) data analysis. The charge state of Mn is determined from the position of the absorption edge in X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) data. XAFS results are in good agreement with magnetic characteristics of the studied materials.
Organisms living in water are inevitably exposed to periods of hypoxia. Environmental hypoxia has been an important stressor having manifold effects on aquatic life. Many fish species have evolved behavioral, physiological, biochemical and molecular adaptations that enable them to cope with hypoxia. However, the molecular mechanisms of hypoxia tolerance in fish, remain unknown. in this study, we used suppression subtractive hybridization to examine the differential gene expression in CAB cells (Carassius auratus blastulae embryonic cells) exposed to hypoxia for 24 h. We isolated 2100 clones and identified 211 differentially expressed genes (e-value <= 5e-3; Identity > 45%). Among the genes whose expression is modified in cells, a vast majority involved in metabolism, signal transduction, cell defense, angiogenesis, cell growth and proliferation. Twelve genes encoding for ERO1-L, p53, CPO, HO-1, MKP2, PFK-2, cystatin B, GLUT1, BTG1, TGF beta 1, PGAM1, hypothetical protein F1508, were selected and identified to be hypoxia-induced using semi-quantitive RT-PCR and real-time PCR. Among the identified genes, two open reading frames (ORFs) encoding for CaBTG1 and Cacystatin B were obtained. The deduced amino acid sequence of CaBTG1 had 94.1%, 72.8%, 72.8%, 72.8%, 68.6% identity with that of DrBTG1, HsBTG1, BtBTG1, MmBTG1 and XIBTG1. Comparison of Cacystatin B with known cystatin B, the molecules exhibited 49.5 to 76.0% identity overall. These results may provide significant information for further understanding of the adaptive mechanism by which C. auratus responds to hypoxia. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Heme oxygenase-1 is the rate-limiting enzyme in the degradation of heme into biliverdin, carbon monoxide and free divalent iron. In this study, we cloned heme oxygenase isoform 1 (CaHO-1) from a hypoxia-tolerant teleost fish Carassius auratus. The full-length cDNA of CaHO-1 is 1247 bp and encodes a protein of 272 amino acids. RT-PCR and real-time PCR analysis indicated that CaHO-1 was predominantly transcribed in posterior kidney, head kidney, gill and intestine, and induction of gene transcription was observed predominantly in posterior kidney under hypoxic stress. Moreover, the hypoxia-induced transcription was confirmed in goldfish larvae and in in vitro cultured CAB cells. Fluorescence of the HO-1-GFP fusion protein revealed a cytoplasmic and plasma membrane localization, which was consistent with the putative transmembrane structure. Subsequently, we established a stably transfected CAB/pcDNA3.1-HO-1 cell line and a control CAB/pcDNA3.1 cell line, and found that the number of dead cells was obviously reduced in the pcDNA3.1-HO-1-transfected group following 4 days of hypoxic (1% O-2) treatment in comparison with numerous detached dead cells in the control pcDNA3.1-transfected cells. Furthermore, a significant cell viability difference between the two kinds of transfected cells during hypoxia-reoxygenation was revealed. Therefore, the data suggest that fish HO-1 might play a significant protective role in cells in response to hypoxic stress.