952 resultados para Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Abdominal pain is a very common complaint in a primary care consultation. The causes of abdominal pain are extremely diverse and range from conditions that require urgent surgical remedy to those without serious underlying pathology where the problem either settles spontaneously, or becomes chronic without any abnormalities on laboratory or clinical workup. While tests are helpful in confirming diagnoses, clinical judgement based on a careful history and physical examination remains extremely important in choosing from the extremely wide differential diagnoses and in the management of the condition. In this article, we will deal with chronically recurrent intermittent abdominal pain. Our aim is especially to provide guidance on the possibility that abdominal pain is a symptom of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or an identifiable functional condition and when the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome should be made.
We describe the spectrum of findings and the diagnostic value of MR defecography in patients referred with suspicion of dyssynergic defecation.
Meta-analysis: diagnostic performance of low-radiation-dose coronary computed tomography angiography
A new radiation dose-saving technique for noninvasive coronary artery imaging with computed tomography (CT) is available.
Epilepsies have a highly heterogeneous background with a strong genetic contribution. The variety of unspecific and overlapping syndromic and nonsyndromic phenotypes often hampers a clear clinical diagnosis and prevents straightforward genetic testing. Knowing the genetic basis of a patient's epilepsy can be valuable not only for diagnosis but also for guiding treatment and estimating recurrence risks.
Purpose: Acupuncture is one of the complementary medicine therapies with the greatest demand in Switzerland and many other countries in the West and in Asia. Over the past decades, the pool of scientific literature in acupuncture has markedly increased. The diagnostic methods upon which acupuncture treatment is based, have only been addressed sporadically in scientific journals. The goal of this study is to assess the use of different diagnostic methods in the acupuncture practices and to investigate similarities and differences in using these diagnostic methods between physician and non-physician acupuncturists. Methods: 44 physician acupuncturists with certificates of competence in acupuncture – traditional chinese medicine (TCM) from ASA (Assoziation Schweizer Ärztegesellschaften für Akupunktur und Chinesische Medizin: the Association of Swiss Medical Societies for Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine) and 33 non-physician acupuncturists listed in the EMR (Erfahrungsmedizinisches Register: a national register, which assigns a quality label for CAM therapists in complementary and alternative medicine) in the cantons Basel-Stadt and Basel-Land were asked to fill out a questionnaire on diagnostic methods. The responder rate was 46.8% (69.7% non-physician acupuncturists and 29, 5% physician acupuncturists). Results: The results show that both physician and non-physician acupuncturists take patients’ medical history (94%), use pulse diagnosis (89%), tongue diagnosis (83%) and palpation of body and ear acupuncture points (81%) as diagnostic methods to guide their acupuncture treatments. Between the two groups, there were significant differences in the diagnostic tools being used. Physician acupuncturists do examine their patients significantly more often with western medical methods (p<.05) than this is the case for nonphysician acupuncturists. Non-physician acupuncturists use pulse diagnosis more often than physicians (p<.05). A highly significant difference was observed in the length of time spent with collecting patients’ medical history, where nonphysician acupuncturists clearly spent more time (p<.001). Conclusion: Depending on the educational background of the acupuncturist, different diagnostic methods are used for making the diagnosis. Especially the more time consuming methods like a comprehensive anamnesis and pulse diagnosis are more frequently employed by non-physician practitioners. Further studies will clarify if these results are valid for Switzerland in general, and to what extent the differing use of diagnostic methods has an impact on the diagnosis itself and on the resulting treatment methods, as well as on the treatment success and the patients’ satisfaction.
The primary aim was to examine the utility of DSM-IV criteria in predicting treatment outcome in a sample of adolescents with eating disorders.
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is a biomarker candidate indicative of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in patients with symptoms of acute stroke. GFAP is released rapidly in the presence of expanding intracerebral bleeding, whereas a more gradual release occurs in ischemic stroke. In this study the diagnostic accuracy of plasma GFAP was determined in a prospective multicenter approach.
Diagnostics imaging is an essential component of patient selection and treatment planning in oral rehabilitation by means of osseointegrated implants. In 2002, the EAO produced and published guidelines on the use of diagnostic imaging in implant dentistry. Since that time, there have been significant developments in both the application of cone beam computed tomography as well as in the range of surgical and prosthetic applications that can potentially benefit from its use. However, medical exposure to ionizing radiation must always be justified and result in a net benefit to the patient. The as low a dose as is reasonably achievable principle must also be applied taking into account any alternative techniques that might achieve the same objectives. This paper reports on current EAO recommendations arising from a consensus meeting held at the Medical University of Warsaw (2011) to update these guidelines. Radiological considerations are detailed, including justification and optimization, with a special emphasis on the obligations that arise for those who prescribe or undertake such investigations. The paper pays special attention to clinical indications and radiographic diagnostic considerations as well as to future developments and trends.
Objective:The most difficult thyroid tumors to be diagnosed by cytology and histology are conventional follicular carcinomas (cFTCs) and oncocytic follicular carcinomas (oFTCs). Several microRNAs (miRNAs) have been previously found to be consistently deregulated in papillary thyroid carcinomas; however, very limited information is available for cFTC and oFTC. The aim of this study was to explore miRNA deregulation and find candidate miRNA markers for follicular carcinomas that can be used diagnostically.Design:Thirty-eight follicular thyroid carcinomas (21 cFTCs, 17 oFTCs) and 10 normal thyroid tissue samples were studied for expression of 381 miRNAs using human microarray assays. Expression of deregulated miRNAs was confirmed by individual RT-PCR assays in all samples. In addition, 11 follicular adenomas, two hyperplastic nodules (HNs), and 19 fine-needle aspiration samples were studied for expression of novel miRNA markers detected in this study.Results:The unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis demonstrated individual clusters for cFTC and oFTC, indicating the difference in miRNA expression between these tumor types. Both cFTCs and oFTCs showed an up-regulation of miR-182/-183/-221/-222/-125a-3p and a down-regulation of miR-542-5p/-574-3p/-455/-199a. Novel miRNA (miR-885-5p) was found to be strongly up-regulated (>40-fold) in oFTCs but not in cFTCs, follicular adenomas, and HNs. The classification and regression tree algorithm applied to fine-needle aspiration samples demonstrated that three dysregulated miRNAs (miR-885-5p/-221/-574-3p) allowed distinguishing follicular thyroid carcinomas from benign HNs with high accuracy.Conclusions:In this study we demonstrate that different histopathological types of follicular thyroid carcinomas have distinct miRNA expression profiles. MiR-885-5p is highly up-regulated in oncocytic follicular carcinomas and may serve as a diagnostic marker for these tumors. A small set of deregulated miRNAs allows for an accurate discrimination between follicular carcinomas and hyperplastic nodules and can be used diagnostically in fine-needle aspiration biopsies.
Tuberculosis (TB) in South American camelids (SAC) is caused by Mycobacterium bovis or Mycobacterium microti. Two serological methods, rapid testing (RT) and the dual-path platform (DPP) assay, were evaluated using naturally infected SAC. The study population included 156 alpacas and 175 llamas in Great Britain, Switzerland, and the United States. TB due to M. bovis (n = 44) or M. microti (n = 8) in 35 alpacas and 17 llamas was diagnosed by gross pathology examination and culture. Control animals were from herds with no TB history. The RT and the DPP assay showed sensitivities of 71% and 74%, respectively, for alpacas, while the sensitivity for llamas was 77% for both assays. The specificity of the DPP assay (98%) was higher than that of RT (94%) for llamas; the specificities of the two assays were identical (98%) for alpacas. When the two antibody tests were combined, the parallel-testing interpretation (applied when either assay produced a positive result) enhanced the sensitivities of antibody detection to 89% for alpacas and 88% for llamas but at the cost of lower specificities (97% and 93%, respectively), whereas the serial-testing interpretation (applied when both assays produced a positive result) maximized the specificity to 100% for both SAC species, although the sensitivities were 57% for alpacas and 65% for llamas. Over 95% of the animals with evidence of TB failed to produce skin test reactions, thus confirming concerns about the validity of this method for testing SAC. The findings suggest that serological assays may offer a more accurate and practical alternative for antemortem detection of camelid TB.