955 resultados para Diafragma (Engenharia estrutural)
There are regulations that establish conditions and enable the design of armor columns. The NBR 6118 features statements relating to the transverse reinforcement as spacing, reinforcement diameters provision in structural elements and others. However, the norm in force does not provide an explicit methodology for the design of stirrups in different situations. We do not propose even a calculation model for this equipment and provides normative considerations for maximum or minimum values of spacings and armor in diameter. It is noteworthy that the classical references also do not provide a calculation routine sizing of transverse reinforcement and only makes the checks as the normative conditions for the given data. Based on this assumption and the problems that may occur in sizing error, both for spacing and for the proposal of the stirrup diameter, this study demonstrates that armor calculation method already established in the literature and then through an intuitive tool and available develops a spreadsheet based on this calculation routine. It takes as reference the one developed by Emil Moersch (1902) and the calculation model proposed by BUFFONI E SILVA (2006). Finally the paper presents a rational design of shear reinforcement and confronts these values with some numerical examples to show its truth
This study aims to demonstrate the importance of computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) software for mechanical engineers. In addition, evaluate the software: Inventor 2015, Creo 3.0 and Solid Edge ST8, developed by consolidate companies in the market. In order to accomplish those goals, software application and its advantages will be demonstrated for the industry and for the academia. The evaluation process consists in modeling two mechanical assemblies, in order to compare functional aspects among the software. At the end, it is concluded that the learning of CADD software is of great importance also is the basis for using Computer-aided Engineering (CAE) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) tools. Furthermore, it is suggested that Inventor and Solid Edge are more likely to be used in the academia
This work includes a study on the stretch zone and the influence of the toughness conditions at fracture in size and appearance. It was done a literature review about material properties, fracture mechanics concepts, definitions and formation of stretch zone, importance of tenacity for structural calculation, methods and standards to measure the toughness of metallic material fracture and presents the method used in microscopy. After the literature review were carried out identification and measurements of stretch zones of proof bodies were made through confocal optical microscopy and then analyzed the results in order to find relationships between the values obtained with the theory
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
The need for affordable housing and the high cost of today's building materials make necessary to look for useful and affordable technologies for these house buildings. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of construction technology called Earthbag for use in public housing. Technical assessments were based on Kiffmeyer and Hunter's book (2004), academics dissertations and construction standards for the technology. The result allowed a positive evaluation towards the feasibility proposal and showing the possibility of replace the use of structural concrete blocks in public housing. The economic viability was performed an economical compared to a project Housing Project Bom Retiro 2 with one of Earthbag which have been shown considerable savings between the techniques. For the construction of masonry, build with purchased sand, 13% lower budget was found in comparison of a concrete masonry block. With the use of sand from the work site itself, there is a saving of 18%. Although earthbag has proven to be a technically and economically feasible for application in the construction of affordable housing, the shortage of technical and scientific studies and Brazilian regulations on this technology has limited its large-scale use
This work talks about the importance of the steel adhesion to concrete, reinforced concrete structures, their testing and forms of measurement used and how the results are used in the structural design, which uses as a reference the NBR 6118 and NBR 7480. It also deals with the importance of a reliable assessment, discussing failures that the test used, NBR 7477, features in specific circumstances, as discussed under the EC-094. It also presents an initial proposal for simplified pullout test, which aims to analyze the grip on steel bars with diameter less than 10 mm, which results when used standardized testing by ABNT NBT 7477, has shown excessive variability, the main criticism of the trial today used without distinction to be established thick or thin bars. The proposal also presented methodology is in the consolidation phase, given the time and the volume of necessary tests. For this reason it is not possible to make a comparison between the values obtained and the results of the test used on the basis of the standard in force, this can only be done once the front with a continuation of this work
This work is consideration of an analysis of second-order (nonlinear analysis) applied to e metal towers and flares. The analysis is mainly done using the wind efforts and the weight of the structure. The analysis itself is carried out with the aid of a structural analysis software, SAP2000 where two proposes modeling. The first for the linear effects and the second for the nonlinear effects
There are regulations that establish conditions and enable the design of armor columns. The NBR 6118 features statements relating to the transverse reinforcement as spacing, reinforcement diameters provision in structural elements and others. However, the norm in force does not provide an explicit methodology for the design of stirrups in different situations. We do not propose even a calculation model for this equipment and provides normative considerations for maximum or minimum values of spacings and armor in diameter. It is noteworthy that the classical references also do not provide a calculation routine sizing of transverse reinforcement and only makes the checks as the normative conditions for the given data. Based on this assumption and the problems that may occur in sizing error, both for spacing and for the proposal of the stirrup diameter, this study demonstrates that armor calculation method already established in the literature and then through an intuitive tool and available develops a spreadsheet based on this calculation routine. It takes as reference the one developed by Emil Moersch (1902) and the calculation model proposed by BUFFONI E SILVA (2006). Finally the paper presents a rational design of shear reinforcement and confronts these values with some numerical examples to show its truth
This study aims to demonstrate the importance of computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) software for mechanical engineers. In addition, evaluate the software: Inventor 2015, Creo 3.0 and Solid Edge ST8, developed by consolidate companies in the market. In order to accomplish those goals, software application and its advantages will be demonstrated for the industry and for the academia. The evaluation process consists in modeling two mechanical assemblies, in order to compare functional aspects among the software. At the end, it is concluded that the learning of CADD software is of great importance also is the basis for using Computer-aided Engineering (CAE) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) tools. Furthermore, it is suggested that Inventor and Solid Edge are more likely to be used in the academia
This work includes a study on the stretch zone and the influence of the toughness conditions at fracture in size and appearance. It was done a literature review about material properties, fracture mechanics concepts, definitions and formation of stretch zone, importance of tenacity for structural calculation, methods and standards to measure the toughness of metallic material fracture and presents the method used in microscopy. After the literature review were carried out identification and measurements of stretch zones of proof bodies were made through confocal optical microscopy and then analyzed the results in order to find relationships between the values obtained with the theory
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O músculo diafragma, encontrado apenas nos mamíferos, é o principal músculo no processo respiratório, servindo de fronteira entre as cavidades torácica e abdominal. Sua importância também ganha destaque em pesquisas realizadas no âmbito dos enxertos, empregando-se diversos tipos de membranas biológicas para o reparo de defeitos diafragmáticos, os quais podem gerar hérnias diafragmáticas. Apesar de muitos estudos já conduzidos para com os primatas não humanos, especialmente no que tange a espécie do novo mundo Callithrix jacchus (Sagui-de-tufo-branco), oriundo do nordeste brasileiro, as pesquisas envolvendo o uso do diafragma em tal espécie é inexistente. Deste modo objetivou-se caracterizar a morfologia e a biometria do diafragma na espécie Callithrix jacchus de ambos os sexos, analisando possíveis divergências estruturais entre machos e fêmeas. Para tal foram utilizados quatros animais, 2 machos e 2 fêmeas, adultos, que vieram a óbito por causas naturais, provenientes de um criadouro comercial. Após fixação em solução de formaldeído 10% os animais foram devidamente dissecados para fotodocumentação e em seguida o diafragma coletado para efetuação da biometria (comprimento e largura) com o uso de um paquímetro e para o processamento histológico por meio da coloração de hematoxilina-eosina e tricrômio de masson, da porção muscular. As mensurações feitas permitiram concluir que não houve diferenças signifcativas entre machos e femeas. A topografia e a presença de três aberturas (forame da veia cava caudal, hiato aórtico e esofágico) na extensão do diafragma corroboram com descrições na literatura classica para outros mamíferos. A presença de um centro tendíneo em "V" difere do encontrado para animais como o peixe-boi e porquinho-da-india, mas é similar ao encontrado para o gambá-de-orelhas-brancas e rato albino. No que diz respeito aos achados histológicos conclui-se que as fibras musculares estão dispostas de forma organizada, apresentam diâmetro grande e núcleos basais, tendo, portanto, características similares do músculo estriado esquelético tanto nos animais machos como nas fêmeas.
Structural changes and labor market in Brazil. In the present article, we attempt to identify the sources of the changes in the labor schooling level in the three main sectors of the Brazilian economy: manufacturing, services and agriculture. It was verified that, despite the changes in the product and employment among sectors, mainly in the 1990s, the relative demands for qualified workers has not experimented significant changes. Moreover, in the periods in which schooling has increased more, the workers' wage has decreased more. This fact suggests that the increase in labor qualification was mainly due to the increase of this factor supply. The structural changes had contributed, in general, in a marginal and negative way to labor force level of qualification demand in all the three sectors.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo dar luz ao debate sobre a criação dos novos entes federativos, trazendo elementos objetivos sobre a caracterização socioeconômica dos novos espaços geopolíticos e seus respectivos papéis no novo contexto espacial do sistema inter-regional brasileiro. O artigo traz resultados inéditos para a discussão, buscando, inicialmente, identificar padrões hierárquicos e de dependência espacial e produtiva neste novo contexto federativo. Tais resultados subsidiama analise subsequente dos impactos da nova configuração das transferências constitucionais, que identifica pormeio de simulações comummodelo inter-regional de insumo-produto especialmente calibrado para as 33 regiões consideradas no estudo, não apenas os potenciais ganhadores e perdedores, mas também os mecanismos de interação espacial subjacentes a estes processos.